Road to Wrestlemania that points at the Wrestlemania sign Wrestlemania XXVIII thread

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[quote name='Mr. Beef']

Having not watched a show in some time, it took me a second to realize it was looping the same five signs and wasn't a super wall of "YES!", which on an aside, would be ab fab. Kinda like Speed where the big bad realizes he's been had when the one hostage loops the same motion.
[quote name='mitch079']I hope that's an older picture from the past year because I can't see him going 20 minutes or so in Hell in a Cell if he's in that kind of shape. McCool looks good though.[/QUOTE]

Well, this one came out last week. You cant see much, but at least he doesn't look as cancer-y.

[quote name='neocisco']I get the appeal of a lower price point but who would want to sit in a theater chair for 4.5-5 hours? I once sat through Gods and Generals at a theater which was almost 4 hours but that included an intermission and I was still ready to get out of there going into the fourth hour.[/QUOTE]
With the way some theaters are set up nowadays, the seats are so comfortable that it's no problem to sit through a 2-3 hour movie without being uncomfortable. Most theaters around here have the high back seats that recline back now. All they're missing is a foot rest and you could practically fall asleep in them.;)
[quote name='mitch079']

I hope that's an older picture from the past year because I can't see him going 20 minutes or so in Hell in a Cell if he's in that kind of shape. McCool looks good though.[/QUOTE]

This is the image that always popped into my head when people said "Never get tattoos because they'll look awful when you get old".
Road Dogg confirmed on twitter that the New Age Outlaws will be in WWE13 :whee:

With X-Pac's rumored inclusion, that'll be the full DX roster. Wonder if Nation of Domination and Ministry of Darkness will make it in?

Also, Evan Bourne's suspension was up Saturday. On Monday, he broke his foot in four places.. So.. He'll be out for quite a bit longer.
[quote name='mitch079']

I hope that's an older picture from the past year because I can't see him going 20 minutes or so in Hell in a Cell if he's in that kind of shape. McCool looks good though.[/QUOTE]

With all the money you know Taker has made, couldn't he at least buy someone a decent camera to take pictures with?
Man, there's no pleasing some people. Y'all are catty.

Interesting news re: WWE '13. I tried to like WWE '12, but I thought it was a really poor game in hindsight. It was not a very good game. Too glitchy, and simple not fun to play at all. I'm back off buying WWE games new and/or above $20 for a while.
[quote name='mykevermin']Interesting news re: WWE '13. I tried to like WWE '12, but I thought it was a really poor game in hindsight. It was not a very good game. Too glitchy, and simple not fun to play at all. I'm back off buying WWE games new and/or above $20 for a while.[/QUOTE]

It was, by far, the glitchiest game in the SmackDown series (I'm still counting it, don't care). I thought that it was kind of fun to play, but only on the hardest difficulty. Loved the reversal system once I got the hang of it. The best part of the game, to me, was the CAW's and the ability to customize shows and everything. If we could customize stages, I'd be set.

I love that someone has figured out how to add real pictures for CAW's. It makes it so much more fun.

It also doesn't hurt that I PM'ed it on day one for $47, and on the last day of Best Buy's price adjustment policy, it was the DOTD for $29.99 and I was able to adjust it. $29.99 for the game on launch day helped ease a lot of the anger I had towards it due to the glitches and non-functioning online mode (which has since improved - finally).
WWE12 was a disappointment to me. I wanted to like it, but I ended up getting rid of it shortly after the third DLC pack. I don't think I'll buy another WWE game so close to launch or at full price. I got in on the PM at BB too, but I'm still disappointed with it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, there's no pleasing some people. Y'all are catty.

Interesting news re: WWE '13. I tried to like WWE '12, but I thought it was a really poor game in hindsight. It was not a very good game. Too glitchy, and simple not fun to play at all. I'm back off buying WWE games new and/or above $20 for a while.[/QUOTE]

I wish the reversal system wasn't so terrible. I think my RT button is broken because of WWE 12.

It looks like I'll be attending Wrestlemania. I've been to World Wrestling Federation shows (Raws, In Your House: It's Time and IYH: Armageddon) but never a "WWE" event. And this will be my first trip to Joe Robbie/Sunlife Stadium in over 15 years.
I didn't get in on a price match, imagine how *I* feel.


When they start to promote the game, they really need to discuss the gameplay improvements they made. Adding talent at this point doesn't impress me as much if the underlying game is not enjoyable. Also, I want to see that they've revamped the entire menu system - both ingame and in the online 'creation center' or whatever they call it. One of the main reasons I don't like WWE games is because the menu system is such an arduous chore that by the time I get into a match, I'm ready to take the disc out.
[quote name='advanced']WWE12 was a disappointment to me. I wanted to like it, but I ended up getting rid of it shortly after the third DLC pack. I don't think I'll buy another WWE game so close to launch or at full price. I got in on the PM at BB too, but I'm still disappointed with it.[/QUOTE]

I find the varying opinions in the thread interesting.....I picked it up for $47 plus $10 Amazon GC so $37 net. I thought it was worth $37. Fun little game. Not perfect, but fun.

I remember in the Raw chat the other week, some people alerted me to WWE all Stars and that it's a pretty decent game. Some of you may want to check that out.
I enjoyed the story mode in 12 well enough but had no reason to stick around playing afterwards.

JR hinted in his blog about something Attitude related with THQ so between that and Road Dogg it seems that's where they are going for 13.

I'm guessing we will definitely see..

Foley (shirt/tie Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack hopefully)

plus era appropriate versions of HBK, Triple H, Kane and Taker.

I hope they go at least a little deeper into it and we can get the 97 Hart Foundation, Shamrock, Bossman etc.
[quote name='bhk']I find the varying opinions in the thread interesting.....I picked it up for $47 plus $10 Amazon GC so $37 net. I thought it was worth $37. Fun little game. Not perfect, but fun.

I remember in the Raw chat the other week, some people alerted me to WWE all Stars and that it's a pretty decent game. Some of you may want to check that out.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't as fun to me now as HCTP and a few other games where to me then. I don't know if its me, but I was ready to get rid of it after the second DLC pack but held on to it due to forgetfulness.

I couldn't get into All Stars either. Maybe my time with wrestling games is behind me.
[quote name='advanced']It wasn't as fun to me now as HCTP and a few other games where to me then. I don't know if its me, but I was ready to get rid of it after the second DLC pack but held on to it due to forgetfulness.

I couldn't get into All Stars either. Maybe my time with wrestling games is behind me.[/QUOTE]

Anyone to play with that can actually come over?
Bourne apparently broke his foot in four places and fractured it in five more. Welcome to your future endeavors, Matt.
[quote name='Cage017']I wish the reversal system wasn't so terrible. I think my RT button is broken because of WWE 12.[/QUOTE]

Once I figured out you have to hit RT by itself, only once, and right before the moment of impact, I was much better off. I love going into punch reversals into an RKO as Orton.

[quote name='mykevermin']When they start to promote the game, they really need to discuss the gameplay improvements they made.[/quote]

(From an interview that didn't happen, but should've)

IGN: So, Cory, can you discuss the ch --


IGN: ..what exactly does that m --

Ledesma: The Predator Technology is SO AWESOME!

IGN: But what exactly changed in this insta--

Ledesma: #BOOM!!!! (in this interview, he would say "hashtag boom", flip a table, and run out of the room)

[quote name='mykevermin']Also, I want to see that they've revamped the entire menu system - both ingame and in the online 'creation center' or whatever they call it. One of the main reasons I don't like WWE games is because the menu system is such an arduous chore that by the time I get into a match, I'm ready to take the disc out. [/quote]

Scumbag THQ.. hypes new engine and completely revamps gameplay .. completely screws up the menus and removes the training mode altogether. The new menu is awful. I don't even play singles matches outside of Universe mode just because it's such a chore to go through everything.

Foley (shirt/tie Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack hopefully)

plus era appropriate versions of HBK, Triple H, Kane and Taker.

These are almost all a given. Rock would have both his modern look and an attitude-era unlockable version. Austin will be in pretty much every WWE game from here to eternity. Foley's on good terms, so he'll probably be in - Cactus Jack would be amazing. There's already been reports of THQ talking with Waltman, so X-Pac is all but confirmed, and NAO is definitely confirmed. With NAO and X-Pac in, I'm sure we'll get HBK (Pllleeeease green and black tights) and Triple H, both DX versions. With Taker, I'd actually like to see the old school Taker, Ministry Taker, ABA Taker, and modern Taker.

Yokozuna is a good possibility since he's going into the HOF this year. Edge and Christian's attitude-era costumes were in WWE 12, so that's also a good possibility. I'd love to see Al Snow, Raven, and an attitude-era Big Show in. Hogan has able to be in WWE games, Nash was in WWE 12.. I wonder how difficult it'd be for them to include Hall and have an nWo reunion?
[quote name='Golden Idol']Anyone to play with that can actually come over?[/QUOTE]

I thought that was it too, but I haven't had a real buddy to play wrestling games with since Smackdown 2 on the PS1. I played the majority of my PS2 WWE games solo, like I played 12 this past year. I enjoyed it for a bit, but it got stale for me.

No biggie though, stuff comes and goes.
I laid off the Smackdown games for awhile after SDvR06 I think it was. I picked up SDvR11 and '12 and just didn't really get into either for longer than the initial week of purchase. The gameplay and the career mode just don't suck me in like they did with KYR and HCTP.
[quote name='JJSP']Bourne apparently broke his foot in four places and fractured it in five more. Welcome to your future endeavors, Matt.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. Two wellness violations and now another injury in about four month's time? His shit is probably being put out on the sidewalk as we speak.
[quote name='Scorch']

I wonder how difficult it'd be for them to include Hall and have an nWo reunion?[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for THQ but WWE isn't letting Mattel make figures of Scott Hall at the moment.
Someone on another forum posted youtube links to some channels that upload indy wrestling matches and shows. All the promotions are cool with this, no none of it is pirated:

I'll only post youtube pages who have permission to post said videos so no pirated stuff.
Lucha Libre

WXW Germany

AWF Wrestling (Australia)

WSW Portugal

Fight Club Finland

PWO Ohio

All pro Wrestling (California)
[quote name='JJSP']I want Yokozuna in a wrestling game.[/QUOTE]

You could seek out a copy of Wrestlemania the Arcade Game....I know that only kind of counts, but he's in there. I think he may be in Rage in the Cage for Sega CD as well....can't remember.

Also, that YouTube comment about Rey is making me laugh pretty hard.
[quote name='Survivalism']God damn it, YouTube.[/QUOTE]

^ I lol'd.

[quote name='bhk']You could seek out a copy of Wrestlemania the Arcade Game....I know that only kind of counbts, but he's in there. I think he may be in Rage in the Cage for Sega CD as well....can't remember.[/QUOTE]

YOU HAVE TO GIVE CREDIT TO.... YOKOZUNA! Also, Yoko wasn't on all of the versions of that game. Yoko and I want to say Bam Bam were both missing on the SNES version.
Yokozuna was in WWF RAW for Super Nintendo, I believe. That or Royal Rumble. I played those games religiously for years.
[quote name='advanced']I thought that was it too, but I haven't had a real buddy to play wrestling games with since Smackdown 2 on the PS1. I played the majority of my PS2 WWE games solo, like I played 12 this past year. I enjoyed it for a bit, but it got stale for me.

No biggie though, stuff comes and goes.[/QUOTE]

HCTP still holds up with a friend.
[quote name='HydroX']Yokozuna was in WWF RAW for Super Nintendo, I believe. That or Royal Rumble. I played those games religiously for years.[/QUOTE]

He was definitely in Raw for the Genesis as I played the crap out of that one for years and had the Bansai Drop as his finisher.

Here's a list of the $10 2 packs of WWE DVDs at Walmarts B&M:

Combo packs – $10 each:

- Wrestlemania 27/Over The Limit 2011
- Wrestlemania 26/Over The Limit 2010
- Wrestlemania 25/Backlash 2009
- Wrestlemania 23/No Way Out 2007
- Wrestlemania 22/Backlash 2006
- Wrestlemania 21/John Cena Word Life
- Wrestlemania 20/Triple H King of Kings
- Wrestlemania 19/Brock Lesnar HCTP
- Saturday Night’s Main Event/Shawn Michaels My Journey
- Raw 15th Anniversary/Royal Rumble 2011
- Smackdown 10th Anniversary/Judgment Day 2009
- Highest Flyers/The Bash 2009
- Hell in a Cell 2009/Hell in a Cell 2010
- Rise and Fall of WCW/Ricky Steamboat
- Randy Savage Macho Madness/Wrestlemania 3
- New & Improved DX/Survivor Series 2009

I picked up the WCW/Steamboat one earlier. I think the most bang for your buck is that one, Macho/Wrestlemania 3, and SNME/HBK. Wrestlemania 3 is the two disc one, one with the event in full, and the other one also being in full but with pop up videoesque facts.

They also have some pretty good $5.00 ones online - free shipping to store -

Piper, Both Flair collections, Jake Roberts, Mr. Perfect, Road Warriors, Monday Night Wars, Macho Man, Eddie Guerrero Viva La Raza, and ECW 2 pack (Rise/Fall & ONS) to name some.
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[quote name='mitch079']Who's the commentator who looks like he is wearing suspenders? Pettengill?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be Vince.

Thanks for the video. I didn't do most of those crazy-ass super moves. Sorta wish the Internet had boomed in 1990 instead of late-1990s.
I have no idea about the person in suspenders. Frankly, I just now realized the 32x version has Gorilla Monsoon. Maybe it's Sean Mooney.
[quote name='Survivalism']Speaking of Raw, I laughed so hard at the noise the referee makes at 1:57:

I initially wanted to point out Yokozuna's awesome cannonball splash.[/QUOTE]

Oh man I abused Owen's cyclone when I was a kid because it was the only secret move I knew. Back in the day where you had to go through monthlies to figure out secrets like that.
Monsoon is to the left of the guy with suspenders. On a Youtube video, someone said it was Stephanie Wyant. I have to agree with that because you see lipstick and her big teeth.

I'm not sure but I think it might be JR on the 32x version with the King instead of Vince.
[quote name='ced']Oh man I abused Owen's cyclone when I was a kid because it was the only secret move I knew. Back in the day where you had to go through monthlies to figure out secrets like that.[/QUOTE]

Or rent a Coliseum Video that had some hidden tips and secrets at the end.
[quote name='mitch079']Monsoon is to the left of the guy with suspenders. On a Youtube video, someone said it was Stephanie Wyant. I have to agree with that because you see lipstick and her big teeth.[/QUOTE]

That makes a lot of sense. Also, holy shit, what a reference. "Every woman has a bobby pin, don't you watch Lucy?!"

God I'm old.
Those WWE 2 packs at Walmart also come with a Vudu code good for a WWE digital download. The one I got let me choose from Wrestlemanias 1-10. I chose WM 5.
[quote name='bhk']Also, if I recall correctly, it was either Raw or Royal Rumble for SNES that was $69.99. Dear god.[/QUOTE]

Always cracks me up when people gripe about how expensive video games have become when the price point for current gen really hasn't changed at all.
And considering how fast some titles drop in price, along with the abundant used game market, video games today might be cheaper than they ever have been, comparatively.

Whether or not you're actually getting your $59.99 or whatever in terms of quality is another discussion though.
[quote name='bhk']My head just exploded from nostalgia. So awesome.[/QUOTE]

I remember getting that game on one awesome day. It started with my late mother and I going to a pet store and getting a gorgeous white cat we named Zenith after a TV she won at bingo that night. Between those things, we got that game, and my friend Ryan and I found my copy of the Genesis Ren and Stimpy game in my couch. I checked out Wal-Mart today for some WWE deals and they didn't have any - but I did snag Extreme Rules 2011 and the Kane set for a bit under $15 total.
And it's entirely too short. IIRC, it goes about an hour and a half and covers about 30 years of history. Shockingly, it does a poor job of that. It really is mind-boggling that ECW's story was given THREE HOURS, but WCW's was given half that despite being the number 1 wrestling company for a while and having far more history behind it. Still a great assortment of matches though.
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