Rock Band 2 vs. Guitar Hero WT Buying Advice


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I hate to start a thread like this, especially since it is the kind of debate that may devolve quickly, but I'm completely torn as to which one I would pick up. I really enjoyed playing the original RB with my roommates in college but now that I'm a grad student, I would be playing either game primarily in single player or online (we graduate students are nomadic peoples). From your guys' personal experiences, which would fit this playing style better?

As an aside, I was also terrible at GH3 on Hard.
RockBAnd supports EA = BAD

Guitar Hero supports NOT EA - good

also on a more serious note look what EA Harmonix did with their Warranty on their crappy cheap plastic instruments a 60 day warranty nothing says quality and confidence in your product like standing behind it for only 60 days.

the disaster the had with RB1 I will never buy anything Rockabnd or associated with EA.
[quote name='Ice Cold']RockBAnd supports EA = BAD

Guitar Hero supports NOT EA - good

also on a more serious note look what EA Harmonix did with their Warranty on their crappy cheap plastic instruments a 60 day warranty nothing says quality and confidence in your product like standing behind it for only 60 days.

the disaster the had with RB1 I will never buy anything Rockabnd or associated with EA.[/quote]

I think the warranty and the return policy were better with RB. When my RB guitar broke, they sent me a new one then I sent the broke one back. With GH, I gotta send back this defective guitar first and pay shipping.

wt drums and guitars are failing at a similar rate as the RB ones did.
Get the good one. I have both and GHWT is just a mess. Or you can buy it from me! Gotta sell this turd asap :lol:

Just look at the two threads here for each game. The Rock Band one is bumped and discussed in daily thanks to the constant DLC and the community being behind it. The GH thread has been buried just a couple weeks after release. Get on the Rock Bandwagon, you don't regret it.
[quote name='Ice Cold']RockBAnd supports EA = BAD

Guitar Hero supports NOT EA - good

also on a more serious note look what EA Harmonix did with their Warranty on their crappy cheap plastic instruments a 60 day warranty nothing says quality and confidence in your product like standing behind it for only 60 days.

the disaster the had with RB1 I will never buy anything Rockabnd or associated with EA.[/QUOTE]

Is this post serious? I can't tell.
I think overall RB is the better choice right now. They already have a ton of DLC and RB1 songs are transferable to 2 for 5 bucks.

That being said, I picked up GHWT already from Redoctane (I wanted some new guitars) when it 99 bucks for the 2 wireless guitars and GHWT. I'm debating whether or not to open it.
Rock Band all the way. To say I am dissapointed with World Tour would be an understatement, its just not very good at all compared to Rock Band 2 in my opinion.
We just had a post like this a week or so ago. Try searching the first two or three pages. The consensus was that Rock Band 2 was the way to go.
Look at the songs available on both discs and see how many songs you like on the discs. Then look at the DLC and see how many DLC songs you like from each one. Purchase the game that has the most songs you like.
[quote name='Ice Cold']RockBAnd supports EA = BAD

Guitar Hero supports NOT EA - good

also on a more serious note look what EA Harmonix did with their Warranty on their crappy cheap plastic instruments a 60 day warranty nothing says quality and confidence in your product like standing behind it for only 60 days.

the disaster the had with RB1 I will never buy anything Rockabnd or associated with EA.[/quote]
You're a fucking idiot.

Besides that, Rock Band 2 all the way. DLC is more frequent and just the overall interface and feel is so much better then GH:WT. Only thing I will give GH:WT is the guitar is damn nice if you liked the Les Paul (meaning when it worked). Though other then that, Rock Band 2.
I had Rock Band 1 and then sold it on craigslist, and before that I ended up spending 400 points to get the 50+ Songs transferred off the Rock Band Disc. I then purchased Rock Band 2 and now I just have 1 set of drums and 1 guitar, instead of tons of plastic toys everywhere.

I've played my friend's World Tour and I believe the quality of the game is not up to par with where Rock Band 2 is now. And I felt that Medium, and Hard on World Tour was not that different in difficulty but in Rock Band 2 - it's clearly a huge step from Medium to Hard to Extreme.

The drums on Rock Band 2 are a lot quieter with the new pads over them. World Tour Drums are about the same quality of the drums in Rock Band 1. Now in World Tour, we tried hitting the symbols and it's a hit or miss to get a hit registered when playing. We found out the best way was just to hit them pretty hard to get a hit every time. That's not like real life drums....

The downside of Rock Band 2 - the microphone is not wireless, and my wife hates that, but we use the headset that hooks into the controller.
bread's done