Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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Boston DLC "PACK?" The fuck? Why not release it as the first album? It has all the songs from the first album, except for two which are already on the disc. They will have to do the same with Never mind, since "In Bloom" is on the disc already.

Oh well, no big deal, the pack is still full of win. I might take "Smokin" and "More than a feeling." I always wait for the charts anyway.

If you got all six songs, each would come out to $1.67, which isn't a bad deal.
[quote name='xl_prankster_lx']Boston DLC "PACK?" The fuck? Why not release it as the first album? It has all the songs from the first album, except for two which are already on the disc. They will have to do the same with Never mind, since "In Bloom" is on the disc already.

Oh well, no big deal, the pack is still full of win. I might take "Smokin" and "More than a feeling." I always wait for the charts anyway.

If you got all six songs, each would come out to $1.67, which isn't a bad deal.[/QUOTE]

you would be doing yourself a disservice not picking up Rock and Roll Band.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Pshhh, I am stuck on fall out boy.[/quote]

Same here. I cannot believe how hard that song is.

I am down with a CAG Rock Band group. That would be most excellent.
Anther awesome DLC week! And this update is great, the music store is so damn slick it almost brought a tear to my eye.

Count me in on the CAG friends list. I have pretty much all the DLC and play Hard/Expert on all instruments.
Definitely picking up the Boston pack! I was hoping they'd put one out and requested More Than A Feeling and Peace Of Mind a few weeks ago. I'm also down for a CAG Rock Band Friend List, have a bunch of DLC, Expert on Guitar/Bass, and most of the Vocals/Drums on Expert. Stuck on the last section of Don't Fear The Reaper on Expert Drums, hope to get it down soon.
You can count me in a CAG Rock Band List.

I can play Hard/Expert Guitar/Bass. I can't yet beat Highway Star or Green Grass on expert but I can usually pass everything else without a problem. I can also play a Medium drum level skill. I am working on hard but my pedal broke. New one is coming and a medal pedal!

I have most of the DLC songs about 123 total tracks. Boston pack is sweet!
An official tag-based group is getting started. Thread's here. Feel free to just copy-paste your post there if you wanted in. Just remember to friend request with the tag to be in officially.
I wonder why they didn't include 'Let Me Take You Home Tonight'? To me that song would be better than 'Hitch a Ride' or 'Something About You', seems like it is more well known too but what do I know.
I didnt know you could play a group across XBL. I thought you all had to be local. I have had the game a few weeks now and always have friends over with their equipment. Anyway can someone tell me where this is done at?
I'm clearly in the minority but I give the Boston content a big 'meh', pass. Just not my thing, but it's really good that they're trying to cater to everyones musical tastes.
[quote name='BREVITY']I didnt know you could play a group across XBL. I thought you all had to be local. I have had the game a few weeks now and always have friends over with their equipment. Anyway can someone tell me where this is done at?[/quote]

Band Quickplay has an XBL option. You can't play Band World Tour online though.
I recommend you start writing some emails. Lets put it this way. I have had 4 pairs of drums. The first two i used ghetto shipping, on the last one I used CC shipping. The first two took forever because they F'ed up.
Then with my CC one they recieved my drums on the 29th and I didnt get the drums back until last week. They sucked. So I wanted to rma again, but they didnt take my Rma out of the system. I complained and emailed a lot. I ended up getting a pair of drums sent to me and I didnt have to send my other drums back but they still charged me $125. I complained again and they took the charge off.
In the end I have two pairs of drums(one of which I will sell cheap) and no cc charge
[quote name='Staind204']How long did it take you guys to get your drums fixed? They received mine 02/27 and I still haven't heard anything..[/quote]

This is what happened with the broken guitar they sent me and I had to send back. Almost a month went by so I called and they said they never shipped another guitar so they would now. A few days later an empty box arrives, so I call again and explain my situation yet again. The guy says he sees what the other guy did wrong and he would be shipping me my guitar. The box arrived today...empty again.
[quote name='funkydunkleman']Love the new store feature. The previews actually got me to buy a few songs.[/quote]

Same I bought two new songs that I would have never touched.
Hmmm...I used the express shipping for the drum pads and did it online. Lets hope they don't eff it up....

Yeah, apparently I missed out on buying ''Bang a Gong" and "Fortunate Song" so the preview option was great.
Yeah, it's great to find songs that you've heard plenty of times and liked, but didn't know who made it, or what the song was called...the preview feature is brilliant on both sides. Mad props to Harmonix for putting so much work into this game.
[quote name='SimplyBlue']Hmmm...I used the express shipping for the drum pads and did it online. Lets hope they don't eff it up....

Yeah, apparently I missed out on buying ''Bang a Gong" and "Fortunate Song" so the preview option was great.[/quote]

You weren't missing much with Bang a Gong. I love the song but it's not very well charted. Fortunate Son, though, that's a great cover and chart.
Are you kidding me with that Boston pack?!?!??! I don't even want to wait until Tuesday - I want that NOW!!! Best DLC ever and could only be topped by a Def Leppard "Hysteria Mega Pack"..... or Journey.
[quote name='javeryh']Are you kidding me with that Boston pack?!?!??! I don't even want to wait until Tuesday - I want that NOW!!! Best DLC ever and could only be topped by a Def Leppard "Hysteria Mega Pack"..... or Journey.[/quote]

I agree! There's a lot of hating going on, but a Def Leppard pack, or Journey pack (OR BOTH) would be sweet!
Whats the drum model that is the bad one? I was going to put my drums away for a couple weeks but I was thinking if I don't have a good set I could RMA it haha. I haven't really had any problems with it but if I don't have a good set then might as well get the better one.
X, if you like 5 songs out of the 6 you might as well buy the pack since it'll cost the same as buying just those 5.

5 songs @ $2 each = $10 = 800 points = Boston 6 song Pack
[quote name='Mojimbo']X, if you like 5 songs out of the 6 you might as well buy the pack since it'll cost the same as buying just those 5.

5 songs @ $2 each = $10 = 800 points = Boston 6 song Pack[/quote]

Thanks for point this out
I know it's soon, but anyone figure out the new fan caps yet? I've been dying to know how much they have moved. Old ones were

49k easy, 260k medium, 600 thousand hard.

My band has some where between 700-750k. Just wanted to see if this would change anything.
so i was just packing up my rock band gear right now [ for a party ] and noticed that my bass pedal is cracked. but it didn't crack/break where it usually does for everyone [ in the center ], mine's cracked at the hinge.

i doubt it won't last that long tonight {=[
mine snapped at the hinge too, almost right after I noticed it had a crack in it. I recommend ordering a replacement now, it won't be long....
[quote name='xl_prankster_lx']I know it's soon, but anyone figure out the new fan caps yet? I've been dying to know how much they have moved. Old ones were

49k easy, 260k medium, 600 thousand hard.

My band has some where between 700-750k. Just wanted to see if this would change anything.[/QUOTE]

my band is at 7 million and I don't get any fans on hard still, I know that doesn't clear it up much but just a start
I'm just looking at getting a million fans still. Does anyone have any recommendations? We just moved up to hard and can prolly do 95% of the songs (sandman & run to the hills still give us trouble). Is there a way to generate the random "no money but triple the fans" thing? I'm sure that would help...
This thought randomly hit me. The actual game song list layout should have been also updated to look like the store. I like it quite a lot. Especially for band quick play with the instrument ratings. And if they can't have album art, at least with some sort of art on the side. Harmonix put song art back in Frequency/Amplitude, excluded it in GH, and now needs to bring it back!
[quote name='CouRageouS']This thought randomly hit me. The actual game song list layout should have been also updated to look like the store. I like it quite a lot. Especially for band quick play with the instrument ratings. And if they can't have album art, at least with some sort of art on the side. Harmonix put song art back in Frequency/Amplitude, excluded it in GH, and now needs to bring it back![/QUOTE]

This. The UI in the store is phenomenal. It'd be awesome if you could "Build a Setlist", too, so you can just select 5 songs to play and let it ride.
Anyone else having trouble with the game after the update? My guitar and drums are semi-responsive now. They will be completely dead at random points during songs. I'm not sure if this was a one-time thing or a larger problem...

Also when you are previewing tracks from the store is the audio not fluid? It's spotty for me (goes in and out of mute).
[quote name='javeryh']Anyone else having trouble with the game after the update? My guitar and drums are semi-responsive now. They will be completely dead at random points during songs. I'm not sure if this was a one-time thing or a larger problem...

Also when you are previewing tracks from the store is the audio not fluid? It's spotty for me (goes in and out of mute).[/quote]

Works fine for me, and had a 6hour Jam Session last night
[quote name='javeryh']Anyone else having trouble with the game after the update? My guitar and drums are semi-responsive now. They will be completely dead at random points during songs. I'm not sure if this was a one-time thing or a larger problem...

Also when you are previewing tracks from the store is the audio not fluid? It's spotty for me (goes in and out of mute).[/quote]

after the update, our copy seems to freeze randomly at the "Now Loading" screen when we try to play several DLC songs. Bang A Gong seems to be a constant freezer. anyone else having this problem?
[quote name='ikariwarriors']after the update, our copy seems to freeze randomly at the "Now Loading" screen when we try to play several DLC songs. Bang A Gong seems to be a constant freezer. anyone else having this problem?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it froze twice for us yesterday... I've never had problems with my 360 freezing before. It has to be the update :bomb:
my 360 has problems with DLC because it causes the disc to stop spinning and often times will give me a 'disc unreadable' error and kick me to the dashboard. Usually happens once when we first start playing and won't happen again until I turn off the 360.

Nothing to do with the patch though, just thought I'd share. ;-)
I wish DLC would have more weight in the World Tour. Only one song has made it into the mystery setlist, but I've gotten most of the earlier tier songs 5+ times. If I spent money on songs, I'd want to be able to play them more often don't you think?
True Story:

My family was in town this week visiting. My sister wanted to try Rock Band so I got it and all the instruments out so she could choose what she wanted to play. My dad watched us play for a few minutes and thought he could do a better job than my sister at the drums. She gets up and my dad sits down at the drums and I shit you not he looks down and says "What's the brake for?"

[quote name='Malik112099']"What's the brake for?"[/quote]

People who are having problems try clearing your xbox cache otherwise known as 'hard drive maintenance'

Clear the Cache on the Xbox 360

To clear the cache on the Xbox 360 do the following:

Go to the Xbox Dashboard, select the System Blade, and select Memory.
Highlight the HD symbol and press Y.
Press X, X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X, X.
You will see a confirmation message to confirm system maintenance, proceed.

All game updates are cleared out and will need to be re-downloaded. Saves and other data will not be touched.
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