Rock Band now 199.99


5 (100%)
Well it seems that Canadians are getting screwed on the price of Rock Band. Both Futureshop and Best Buy have jacked up their prices to 199.99, I've also heard EB Games has done the same. I'm hoping Wal-Mart sticks to their guns and offers American prices, if not I guess I'm waiting out.
i'm not sure if it's accurate or not, but the Futureshop and BestBuy sites both have the release date listed as Dec 28/07, and the PS2 version not coming out till 08.

hopefully this isn't the case (would EA/Harmonix really shaft Canadians like that a second time, and right before Xmas?), but if it is, i'm cancelling my preorder at EB and driving down to North Dakota
I just pre-ordered mine at Blockbuster and they are saying it's only $170 in there computer. Might be a good idea to go and check it out before driving to North Dakota.
[quote name='ikariwarriors']i'll do it, i'm crazy like that[/quote]
It's $169.99 in US... So for $30 you gonna drive to North Dakota? You gonna spend more on gas.
I think he also wants it for Christmas, not after (in case the dates on Futureshop and Bestbuy websites are true for Canada).
[quote name='King']Well it seems that Canadians are getting screwed on the price of Rock Band. Both Futureshop and Best Buy have jacked up their prices to 199.99, I've also heard EB Games has done the same. I'm hoping Wal-Mart sticks to their guns and offers American prices, if not I guess I'm waiting out.[/quote]
If there's any sort of confirmation on this, here I come, Wal-Mart on the 20th. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but if this actually is the price, EA can expect a strongly-worded letter!!!!! ;)

But seriously, I'll be pretty pissed off. The delay was enough of a kick in the pants for me...

I've got it preordered, but I'm willing to stalk one of the Wal-Mart's that's open late for the Christmas holidays to see if they'll sell it after midnight if it means saving $30 (hopefully they do sell at par...)
[quote name='Kekumba']For christ's sake, there goes waking up to Rock Band Christmas morning. Bunch of fucking bullshit.[/quote]

Yup it sucks, I passed up doing a road trip to Seattle for launch too figuring waiting a month aint too bad...

[quote name='Variation']Sadly is HAS been delayed in Canada officially until the 28th :([/quote]

sorry to be skeptical, but could you provide a link?
That really sucks. In America you can't walk into a store without running into a huge fortress of Rock Bands. Game companies' hatred of places that aren't America or Japan continues to surprise me.
[quote name='GuardianFlash']why the Canadian Dollar have to drop :([/quote]

Blockbuster and EB will sell it for 169.99

Props to EB, my fave store!

FS and BB can PM them then....
Do you know if BlockBuster will start to do pre-orders now then? When I went in a few days ago, the guy said they were told the game was delayed until Jan. So when I asked to pre-order, he said, well, because the release date was still in flux they couldn't take any preoders.
Don't know if people know the situation, so I'll sound off here. Note that I'm based in Calgary.

Best Buy & Futureshop: Completely unaware of the new release date. Nobody knows how many copies they'll get.

EB Games: Took in too many preorders, so won't have any shelf copies until February.

Anybody else know the situation in their area or other stores?
There's 3 dates floating around all "official" too.

Dec 20 (last I heard it mumped up to this day)
Dec 28th and Dec 27th which were also confirmed awhile ago too... It better not miss December :/
I don't know what to believe, it's all absolutely ridiculous. If it's released on the 20th, I'll get it here, if not, I'll be in Maine after christmas and will be getting it there. God damned EA.
[quote name='chrisryans']I don't know what to believe, it's all absolutely ridiculous. If it's released on the 20th, I'll get it here, if not, I'll be in Maine after christmas and will be getting it there. God damned EA.[/quote]

Maybe Ranzo will know...

Any updates from EB HQ in ontario?
360 will be 20/21st (bad weather will make it longer for west coast) This may change but doubtful.
ps3 - Jan. (95% sure) I see a new date for tracking as Jan 15th, The NR in the POS still says 20th.
I called the EBGames that I have my 360 version preordered and they said as of this morning its been changed in their computers to the 24th for release date. Apparently I preordered within the top 10 orders so I *should* get one, but they have no idea how many copies they will actually get right now.
[quote name='King']Well it seems that Canadians are getting screwed on the price of Rock Band. Both Futureshop and Best Buy have jacked up their prices to 199.99, I've also heard EB Games has done the same. I'm hoping Wal-Mart sticks to their guns and offers American prices, if not I guess I'm waiting out.[/quote]

why dont you get a pricematch from Futureshop from the Bestbuy price in US? they do US pricematches I could have sworn.
That sucks if true.. I have a get-together at my place on the 23rd... Rock Band would've been great for that (then again, I may be just beyond the cutoff on the list at my EB).

But I'd rather have the game before Christmas than after, so if it does get in on the 24th, it's better than nothing.

As for "The7gamers," I think their news is pretty questionable:

1) No source at EA
2) PR from EA saying that it is shipping on the 20th.

I hope somehow that translates into "in stores on the 21st", but I think the 24th sounds more realistic. I imagine even that could be a stretch for some parts of the country if they don't ship it fast....

(Wonder what the price will be when they do get it in)
I have been told after christmas but before Jan for the 169.99
The game buy its self will be in stock for christmas.....
Alright, this is ridiculous.. so Best Buy and Future Shop are the 28th for the bundles? Or the end of this week? Which fucking is it?
Who knows, the BBV I preordered with were shocked that it didn't come in their shipment today... (I was expecting it not too but for some reason they thought it would)
Anything can happen...they say the 20th but game releases usually come out on a tuesday.

28th at futureshop and bestbuy could be possible, considering it's after boxing day.
Got an official response from Harmonix:

Rock Band is slated to ship December 20, which means some stores could have it available as early as the 21st. From there, speed of delivery and the discretion of retailers will play a big role in the Canadian launch. The bulk of the Canadian shipments should continue to trickle in throughout the rest of the holiday season.

John Veneron

John Veneron
Production Assistant - Community
Harmonix Music Systems
Well, that better be somewhat true. Maybe I'll start to call around tomorrow night or Friday. I seriously need this for the holidays, man.
I just got off the phone with the EBGames I preordered at and they said it's not going to be availible until the 28th. :cry: They also said they can't fill all the preorders day 1 so they're going to be phoning people as it comes in. I supposed it could change or be different elsewhere. But there's some anecdotal evidence for you lol. ;)
just spoke to my local EB. isn't getting them this week, said MAYBE next week. pretty disappointing.

as a side note, all the DLC songs are up for Canadian accounts now. whoopee.
Called EBGames near Montreal.. They're saying they're going to get it this coming Saturday BUT they won't have enough for all the pre-orders so don't bother if you haven't pre-ordered it. asked and really $169

BestBuy/FutureShop near Montreal (Greenfield Park) says they dont hold pre-orders cuz it's nuts! and won't get them until 28th for sure. asked for the price and wouldn't confirm it on the phone :)
Went all around town today in the hopes of finding one or alteast getting some information. Didn't get either. This is too ridiculous, no game release should ever be like this, ESPECIALLY when it's a month delayed in a neighbouring country. I give up, I'm not wasting my holidays looking for this. I'll get it when I take my trip to the states.
Called Blockbuster...They just got a memo from their HQ that says due to the shortages of Rock Band in Canada, they won't be getting any copies until well into the new year.
bread's done