Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

So what song could be the finale...

You would think it will Rock and contain something about an ending...

Though based on weeks like this you would think they might go with something like Boys II Men - End of the Road.
The only way the last piece of DLC can come close to meeting expectations is if they finally get more Muse or if it's Beatles being transferable.
[quote name='bardockkun']The only way the last piece of DLC can come close to meeting expectations is if they finally get more Muse or if it's Beatles being transferable.[/QUOTE]
Regarding the final DLC, the Harmonix guys have said:

1) It's a "fitting" song
2) It's an artist who hasn't been in Rock Band before
3) There are no "big surprises" in the remaining lifespan of DLC -- I forget the exact wording, but the subtext was basically "no, the last song isn't Zeppelin/Prince/U2/etc."

My money is on "Closing Time." It meets all the above criteria and was apparently licensed for the aborted Guitar Hero 7.

Continuing the sad times for Rock Band, I just snapped the inside plastic on one of the fret buttons on my RB2 guitar. :whistle2:( Shopping for a replacement online is a joke, but I see that the wireless Precision Bass controllers are fairly easy to come by. Anyone have experience with those? Would the split strum bar confuse the hell out of casual players at a party, or could someone easily ignore that and play it like a regular guitar?
[quote name='BustaUppa']Regarding the final DLC, the Harmonix guys have said:

1) It's a "fitting" song
2) It's an artist who hasn't been in Rock Band before
3) There are no "big surprises" in the remaining lifespan of DLC -- I forget the exact wording, but the subtext was basically "no, the last song isn't Zeppelin/Prince/U2/etc."

My money is on "Closing Time." It meets all the above criteria and was apparently licensed for the aborted Guitar Hero 7.

Continuing the sad times for Rock Band, I just snapped the inside plastic on one of the fret buttons on my RB2 guitar. :whistle2:( Shopping for a replacement online is a joke, but I see that the wireless Precision Bass controllers are fairly easy to come by. Anyone have experience with those? Would the split strum bar confuse the hell out of casual players at a party, or could someone easily ignore that and play it like a regular guitar?[/QUOTE]
The bass wireless isn't bad, but just a few things of note about them...

-The wireless version of the bass DRAIN batteries quick. I Don't know how, but basically it has like 6-8 hour battery life.
-The duel strum isn't too bad, but one thing of note is one of the strum bars is inverted meaning if you strum up it'll go down and down is up kinda thing. Otherwise once they give "fingerwalking" on the duel strums a try then it isn't that bad.
-The "whammy bar" is instead a "whammy knob" meaning you got to twist it around to get the whammy effect.

Otherwise it's a good fake guitar, the biggest downside to it though is just the battery life on it. There is a good solid click with the strum bars though. which is pretty satisfying.
[quote name='bardockkun']The bass wireless isn't bad, but just a few things of note about them...

-The wireless version of the bass DRAIN batteries quick. I Don't know how, but basically it has like 6-8 hour battery life.
-The duel strum isn't too bad, but one thing of note is one of the strum bars is inverted meaning if you strum up it'll go down and down is up kinda thing. Otherwise once they give "fingerwalking" on the duel strums a try then it isn't that bad.
-The "whammy bar" is instead a "whammy knob" meaning you got to twist it around to get the whammy effect.

Otherwise it's a good fake guitar, the biggest downside to it though is just the battery life on it. There is a good solid click with the strum bars though. which is pretty satisfying.[/QUOTE]Thanks for the feedback. I'm actually about to order some fresh batteries too (Sanyo eneloops, I've heard good things about them) so hopefully that offsets the power draining issues a bit.

Unless there's something I'm missing, the down/up strum issue should only affect menu navigation, correct?
[quote name='BustaUppa']Thanks for the feedback. I'm actually about to order some fresh batteries too (Sanyo eneloops, I've heard good things about them) so hopefully that offsets the power draining issues a bit.

Unless there's something I'm missing, the down/up strum issue should only affect menu navigation, correct?[/QUOTE]
Unless someone takes pride in just doing all upstrums in a bass song, then should be fine. Though even then it's only one of the strum bars that has that, the other one should be fine. So yeah you should be good eitherway.
[quote name='tgk2044']If the final DLC song is "American Pie"... I'm going to be pissed.[/QUOTE]

Why? It's fitting because it will be "the day the music died," it's an artist that's never been in Rock Band; and it was in Guitar Hero 5, so I don't think it would be that difficult to convert it.

They could always do Scandal's "Goodbye to You"
[quote name='grundy']Why? It's fitting because it will be "the day the music died," it's an artist that's never been in Rock Band; and it was in Guitar Hero 5, so I don't think it would be that difficult to convert it.

They could always do Scandal's "Goodbye to You"[/QUOTE]

I think it was Band Hero, but same thing regardless. I think it'd just be way too corny for what RB has done over the years. It's just my opinion though, and if other people are happy with it, then that's all good too.
The only way Harmonix can redeem the way they have ended DLC (Blitz weeks, Chevelle, etc) is to give the same sale (they have on all pre-RB3 DLC) on all the post-RB3 DLC.
[quote name='2DMention']Any word on if the music store will continue to be up? Or the servers? What about Rock Band Network?[/QUOTE]
Music store. Yes. Servers. Not sure. RBN. That will continue on 360 since they built that system around the 360 network, RBN on PSN will be dead after April 2nd.
[quote name='2DMention']Any word on if the music store will continue to be up? Or the servers? What about Rock Band Network?[/QUOTE]

Yes every thing stays up. The only thing ending is new Harmonix DLC.
I Feel like buying American Pie not because I'm a fan of the song (I'm not), but kinda as a thanks to Harmonix and I almost feel obligated to after they've continued to support Rock Band as a platform for basically over 4 years now. So it'll be bought out of principle.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Feel like buying American Pie not because I'm a fan of the song (I'm not), but kinda as a thanks to Harmonix and I almost feel obligated to after they've continued to support Rock Band as a platform for basically over 4 years now. So it'll be bought out of principle.[/QUOTE]

I was coming here to say the same thing. After all the songs I've enjoyed, feels fitting to send them off with a final show of support.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Feel like buying American Pie not because I'm a fan of the song (I'm not), but kinda as a thanks to Harmonix and I almost feel obligated to after they've continued to support Rock Band as a platform for basically over 4 years now. So it'll be bought out of principle.[/QUOTE]
My thoughts exactly.
Yeah. Don't have strong feelings one way or the other, but I'll buy it. Also went through yesterday and bought most of the remaining few half-price songs I had been on the fence about in the past.

Look at the second post on the first page. Holy ahit. It's hard to even fathom a time when we were getting like 10 or more songs a week.

Guess I'll finally give in and buy a cheap new copy of Lego RB to export it. Was holding out since I always kind of thought they'd release that stuff with added keys support.

EDIT - Wow, didn't know new copies of Lego Rock Band were so expensive on Amazon/Ebay (30 bucks or more), Assuming it's due to the export code since used copies are next to worthless. After seeing the prices I went up to K-Mart where I knew they had one copy still sitting on the shelf for 20 bucks. With the B1G1 50% sale going on now I essentially got it for 15 bucks. Still annoyed you have to pay an additional 10 bucks to export the stuff, but it looks like I came out about as good as possible right now.
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[quote name='KaneRobot']Yeah. Don't have strong feelings one way or the other, but I'll buy it. Also went through yesterday and bought most of the remaining few half-price songs I had been on the fence about in the past.

Look at the second post on the first page. Holy ahit. It's hard to even fathom a time when we were getting like 10 or more songs a week.

Guess I'll finally give in and buy a cheap new copy of Lego RB to export it. Was holding out since I always kind of thought they'd release that stuff with added keys support.

EDIT - Wow, didn't know new copies of Lego Rock Band were so expensive on Amazon/Ebay (30 bucks or more), Assuming it's due to the export code since used copies are next to worthless. After seeing the prices I went up to K-Mart where I knew they had one copy still sitting on the shelf for 20 bucks. With the B1G1 50% sale going on now I essentially got it for 15 bucks. Still annoyed you have to pay an additional 10 bucks to export the stuff, but it looks like I came out about as good as possible right now.[/QUOTE]

I may do the same and support Harmonix for supporting the game all these years.

I was lucky and got a cheap copy of Lego Rock Band when a Movie Gallery near me closed, and the code still worked!
[quote name='bardockkun']I Feel like buying American Pie not because I'm a fan of the song (I'm not), but kinda as a thanks to Harmonix and I almost feel obligated to after they've continued to support Rock Band as a platform for basically over 4 years now. So it'll be bought out of principle.[/QUOTE]

Count me in. I haven't played for 6+ months, but I've had countless hours of fun. Nice run Harmonix.
I'm a total sissy but by the end of this video I was honestly kind of sad. Will put this in the OP as well.

Also, really fantastic article by Alex Navarro (ex-Gamespot, ex-Harmonix, now at Giant Bomb) about stuff that happened along the way from RB1-3. I was going to write some big retrospective thing myself but I think this does just fine for now. It's a bit lengthy but worth it:
Yeah, was just coming to post that I got a "may want to change your passwords if you share them between sites!" email from Harmonix.

Weird, the other day I looked and saw AJFA by itself wasn't up on the store, but the pack itself was. Guess they "fixed" that.

Anyone still have Beatles RB and need any of the more basic online achievements? I looked today and saw I still need the million points on a song & overdrive for 60 seconds ones. Figured I'd need at least two people, ideally three. Lemme know if anyone is interested.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Got to admit, I miss updates on what's coming up next week for DLC.[/QUOTE]

I hear ya there. I always loved Friday before lunch time checking the RB forum and seeing what they were releasing. Now I'm empty & sad and have to actually work :(
Plus there weren't any RBN releases this week that I noticed. Ugh.

Got one guy for that Beatles achievement run, if anyone else wants in let me know.
I forgot that the RBN Creators site has been down alongside the main site, so it is taking a while to resume RBN releases. Should see some new stuff in another week or two. Total crapshoot like RBN always is, but it's better than nothing I suppose.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I forgot that the RBN Creators site has been down alongside the main site, so it is taking a while to resume RBN releases. Should see some new stuff in another week or two. Total crapshoot like RBN always is, but it's better than nothing I suppose.[/QUOTE]
RBN gets me Dillinger Escape Plan. So I eagerly wait for more releases, especially now.
I am looking to buy a new rock band wireless guitar. It seems crazy that these things have gone up in price so much on Amazon/eBay. Anyone have any advice where I could buy one? I am requesting specifically a Rock Band guitar for the automatic calibration it has on it. I can find the pro guitars pretty cheap everywhere, but the normal 5 button guitars seem to have skyrocketed in price recently. Any suggestions?
Game Informer (May 2013) quotes from Alex Rigopoulos:

"While we don't have any active title releases in development right now, it's never far from our thoughts, and you can be sure that this franchise will be back, guns blazing, at some point in the future when the time is right."

About DLC:

"Certainly, it would be our ambition if and when we migrate Rock Band to the eighth-generation consoles, it would be our ambition to carry forward players' entitlements and their music libraries to the next generation. That investment that players have made over the years in those libraries is something that we would want to take great pains to protect as we carry Rock Band into the future."
Does he just mean that they don't have anything in development that they can talk about yet? If they literally don't have any games in development, what are the employees of Harmonix doing all day? :lol:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Does he just mean that they don't have anything in development that they can talk about yet? If they literally don't have any games in development, what are the employees of Harmonix doing all day? :lol:[/QUOTE]

He means RB titles
Yeah, as usual, I'm liking what Harmonix has to say. Taking a break before the new systems launch is a smart move on their part. Gives them time to recharge their batteries and figure out where to take the series in the future. I also like that they're being upfront about trying to make our DLC catalogues carry forward to the new systems. I gotta say, I still believe Harmonix is more grounded and in touch with their customers than most developers out there. They might make a goof here and there, but they really do seem to try to give you the best experience they can.
I'll be interested to see if/how they do a new RockBand in the future. With new consoles likely not being BC with DLC, they'd have to generate all new files, then somehow have a way to link your old account/transaction history to them, which may or may not be possible on the console OS side of things.

Also, if they do bring a new one out, we'd have to buy all new plastic instruments (as I doubt current controllers will work on the new consoles). Interesting that they're considering it though.
Heads up on some delistings. Get them now if you want them. I'd feel bad if you missed out on those ripping Naked Brothers tracks.

 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — Crooked X - Gone
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — Naked Brothers Band - Body I Occupy
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — Naked Brothers Band - I Don't Want To Go To School
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — Scars on Broadway - They Say
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — System of a Down - B.Y.O.B.
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — System of a Down - Toxicity
 • Dec/30/2013  DLC  Rock Band — Tokio Hotel - Ready, Set, Go!


Picked up Rocksmith 2014. Never got the first one but looking forward to getting into it, probably next week. Sort of fills that empty "I miss music DLC" feeling.
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I don't play my 360 much anymore, but RB3 is in the rotation of games when I do play...

Also, RB customs? Please elaborate.
Wow...I took a look at the RB Customs website, and holy crap, I can't believe that was even possible without a modded Xbox. It was very easy to get up and running, and now it almost feels like the DLC never stopped (and is now free, haha). They even did a Valentine's pack like usual Rock Band. As somebody who was hoping for a next gen Rock Band, this will definitely get me playing again.

bread's done