Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='Trakan']You guy spouting "glorified track pack" aren't seeing the big picture. Eight music games a year isn't helping the genre. What we're seeing is the beginning of the end. Activision was the sole contributor to the downfall, and now Harmonix is helping.

Whatever, let Harmonix fuck themselves over.[/QUOTE]

Not really new, the AC/DC game is the most awful of any of the 'band games' that have been released to date. The track pack 'games' are pure shovelware as well.

Not defending Activision but Harmonix has been an active participant in shoveling it out for a while now. Even Lego Rock Band is based on the year old RB2 engine, whereas at least Band Hero uses the GH5 engine...
[quote name='porieux']Not really new, the AC/DC game is the most awful of any of the 'band games' that have been released to date. The track pack 'games' are pure shovelware as well.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. That said, I don't know anyone who's played a standalone track pack for any reason other than achievements.

[quote name='porieux']Not defending Activision but Harmonix has been an active participant in shoveling it out for a while now. Even Lego Rock Band is based on the year old RB2 engine, whereas at least Band Hero uses the GH5 engine...[/QUOTE]

That's not really a fair comparison. Band Hero and Guitar Hero 5 were developed simultaneously and by the same developers, so the work on the new engine went towards both games. On the other hand, Harmonix did The Beatles, but not Lego. Traveler's Tales was responsible for Lego Rock Band, and it's probably a safe assumption to make that they were given access to the Rock Band 2 engine but not the upgraded Beatles one, if the Beatles engine even existed in anything resembling a final form when work on the Lego game began.
I was so proud of harmonix for the longest time. They were not pulling any of the BS that activion does with the Hero name. Having only gone to RB2, then releasing everything as DLC. Track packs were nice, cause they were cheap, and you could use em to export your songs to be played in RB2 (at no extra cost) - or you could play them standalone if you wished.

The Beatles rock band - totally understandable, completely different genre of music, and style of play. A catalog huge enough to support DLC. but only 45 songs and expensive DLC were a bad move.

Then came lego rock band. Okay idea I guess, something for the kids, but overall a bad move. Something slightly different. and songs once again could be exported, for a more increased fee though.

Now Rock Band Greenday. WTF. I understand Greenday is huge among teenages, but they are not the band AT ALl that they were in the 90s. There is no point in releasing this title. Not enough GOOD music to support an entire IP. Yes I am glad to have songs exportable once again, but I can see it coming next "Rock Band: Elevator Music". I have no plan to buy any of these games, RB2 is where is needs to stop. Its not like any features can really be added, and the game has no need for a new engine.
[quote name='Nico0020']The Beatles rock band - totally understandable, completely different genre of music, and style of play. A catalog huge enough to support DLC. but only 45 songs and expensive DLC were a bad move.[/quote]
Only 45 (incredible songs; seriously, I can't think of any other American music games with 45 songs that I liked, on disc), and expensive DLC? You know that if they had any more songs on the disc, it would have been more than $60, right (it's called "licensing fees"), and that the DLC couldn't exist if it was that much cheaper?

I have no plan to buy any of these games, RB2 is where is needs to stop.
Okay yeah fuck Green Day, I'm with you there, but if you seriously thought they were never going to do another full-blown entry in the series, or don't need to (for our and their benefit), yeah that's sort of dumb.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']That's not really a fair comparison. Band Hero and Guitar Hero 5 were developed simultaneously and by the same developers, so the work on the new engine went towards both games. On the other hand, Harmonix did The Beatles, but not Lego. Traveler's Tales was responsible for Lego Rock Band, and it's probably a safe assumption to make that they were given access to the Rock Band 2 engine but not the upgraded Beatles one, if the Beatles engine even existed in anything resembling a final form when work on the Lego game began.[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you said except I think the comparison is fair. It's not really our problem what happens behind the scenes, bottom line is one is based on an old engine and one is based on the latest. If the Rock Band 2 platform had been kept up to date (as it should have been IMO) then this wouldn't be such a problem. Personally I am not interested in the kids games anyway (I was given Band Hero for free).
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Agreed. That said, I don't know anyone who's played a standalone track pack for any reason other than achievements.[/QUOTE]

Maybe people that like the songs play it?
to be honest, I think we'd all rather have a Pink Floyd Rock Band... but that's just not going to happen.

As for people shitting all over Green Day, everyone has musical tastes, you might not "like" them, but you can't argue they are a band with huge staying power, and released their best album way after people thought they were washed up (I'm not going to go into why I think American Idiot is their best album and better than Dookie, other than to just say an album is all about cohesion)

As for using their resources for this over Rock Band 3... what's the difference really? RB2 was a slight improvement over RB1, but at the point where RB2 is at, don't you just want more kick-ass songs to play? How much greater is RB3 gonna be?
You guys are all ridiculous. The sense of entitlement is sad.

First off, the whole track list and price has not even been announced.

Second, Green Day not being famous enough is an understatement.
Dookie - won a Grammy (Rock Album), went Diamond
Insomniac - went double platinum
Nimrod - went double platinum
American Idiot - won 2 Grammy (Rock Album + Record of Year for Boulevard of Broken Dreams), 5xPlatinum
Their songs have been in movies, tv shows, and commercials.
Their tours have sold out.
As much as I like Offspring, they have not even come close to the success of Green Day and they arrived with Smash about the same time Dookie was released.

Third... understand it is a business for Harmonix. They need to have shelf space at stores so people can get into buying Harmonix products. Rock Band 2 is most likely "bookshelf" at your local/national chains at this point. Faced out they might have Lego Rock Band and The Beatles. After Christmas, the Beatles will probably get the same "bookshelf" treatment at that point. Now look at their competitor, Activision on the shelf will still have Band Hero, GH:Van Halen, Guitar Hero 5, and DJ Hero; not to mentioned what else Activision will most likely drop by the time RB: Green Day will be released (date has yet to be revealed). We can add in all their bookshelf titles... GH:A, GH:M, GH2, GH3, GH:WT, GH:SH.

Fourth, remember you do not have to buy it. If the price ends up being the same as Lego Rock Band... Lego Rock Band gave us 45 songs at $60 (includes export) which comes out to about $1.30/song unlike $2/song on DLC.

Lastly, the RB3 vs RB:GD discussion... who says they aren't working on RB3... my guess is they have been working on it. Harmonix worked on the Beatles at the same time when they were releasing Rock Band 2, Rock Band: AC/DC live, Track Vol 1, 2, Classic Rock, Country, and Metal in addition to their PSP release. You get the picture... they worked on multiple projects at the same time. Again, I wouldn't be surpised if they haven't been working on Rock Band 3 for a couple months now.

To sum it all up... There will be plenty of fans that will end up purchasing it whether it is to just to export it or to just enjoy one of their favorite bands. It might not be for every one but you have a CHOICE to purchase/play it or not. The band is still relevant with a good following unlike Activision's choice in Van Halen. If I recall correctly, people were up in arms about Lego Rock Band and look how many of you are playing it now :roll:... And more if I recall correctly, I remember seeing multiple posts here and in other places about how much they would want certain Dookie or American Idiot songs... well here is your chance.
[quote name='tcrash247']Maybe people that like the songs play it?[/QUOTE]Or people don't have access to LIVE/PSN? That's the main reason the Track Packs even exist. They're intended to fill the void between main releases for those without the ability to download songs.

The AC/DC Track Pack wasn't anything more than another TP--that much is true--but the actual songs themselves were a lot of fun to play and still aren't on the Rock Band Store yet(I believe). Hate on the AC/DC TP for not being like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith or The Beatles: Rock Band if you will, but the actual playable content was solid. It was just lacking a fully-featured experience based around the band itself, that's it.
[quote name='DestroVega']to be honest, I think we'd all rather have a Pink Floyd Rock Band... but that's just not going to happen.
Pink Floyd is one of those bands that are amazing to listen to, but Jesus that would be one boring ass game.
[quote name='tcrash247']Maybe people that like the songs play it?[/QUOTE]

If you like the songs, why not just play them in Rock Band 1 or 2?

[quote name='BlueSwim']Or people don't have access to LIVE/PSN? That's the main reason the Track Packs even exist. They're intended to fill the void between main releases for those without the ability to download songs.[/QUOTE]

That may be the intent, but most of the people I know that have bought track packs did so to dump the tracks to their hard drive.

Like I said, I don't know anyone who's actually played a track pack other than for achievements. That doesn't mean people don't, but I'd imagine that they're heavily outnumbered.

[quote name='BlueSwim']The AC/DC Track Pack wasn't anything more than another TP--that much is true--but the actual songs themselves were a lot of fun to play and still aren't on the Rock Band Store yet(I believe). Hate on the AC/DC TP for not being like Guitar Hero: Aerosmith or The Beatles: Rock Band if you will, but the actual playable content was solid. It was just lacking a fully-featured experience based around the band itself, that's it.[/QUOTE]

Depending on the agreement, AC/DC might never show up in the online store.

I can't find a source to back this up but I remember reading that the game was released on disc and via Wal-Mart only to fulfill an exclusivity agreement with Wal-Mart. Given that their last album is still a Wal-Mart exclusive, it makes some sense.

The other theory I've heard is that the same "album only" obsession that's kept the band from ever releasing a greatest hits album or selling their music on iTunes or Amazon applies here - that they don't want people to just buy "Highway to Hell" because it somehow ruins the experience to not have the entire release.

[quote name='bardockkun']Pink Floyd is one of those bands that are amazing to listen to, but Jesus that would be one boring ass game.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. Imagine the "thrill" of playing Dark Side of the Moon.
[quote name='porieux']Not really new, the AC/DC game is the most awful of any of the 'band games' that have been released to date. The track pack 'games' are pure shovelware as well.[/QUOTE]
You can't compare AC/DC or the track packs to any of Activision's standalone band games, or RB Beatles/Greenday. AC/DC was essentially DLC, and the track packs are DLC, if you don't have a hard drive or an internet connection.
Wow, did people raise this much of a fuss over the AC/DC pack? From an end-user perspective, this is the exact same scenario. Fully exportable, all-or-nothing - it's just a more polished product in this case, which will get the attention of bands that may have been holding out on the usual DLC distribution model. Sure some "less deserving" bands will end up wanting a similar package, but as long as they establish a precedent of full exportability this could actually be a very good thing.

To put it in perspective: you could argue all day whether or not U2 deserves the "Beatles treatment," but it's safe to say that they are more than worthy of the "Green Day treatment" now. And if it was a matter of having "U2: Rockband" or no U2 in the game at all, I daresay I'd prefer the former.

And yeah I guess it sucks that we can't cherry pick songs, but I can live with that if I'm not a big fan of the band, and I could easily just pick up a cheap copy somewhere down the line.
[quote name='bardockkun']Pink Floyd is one of those bands that are amazing to listen to, but Jesus that would be one boring ass game.[/QUOTE]

No way man! That's one of those memes that gets repeated but is not true.
Pink Floyd would be amazing and definitely would not be boring or too easy.
Wasn't true about The Beatles, would be even less true about Pink Floyd.

I still don't want any more band-specific games though, period.
I Love Pink Floyd and all, but only way I can get the full experience of it (like many other projects of theirs) is with heavy drug use. I Say that not as an insult, but Jesus have you watched The Wall?

In anycase, before I go more off subject I just can't imagine playing Dark Side of the Moon (as stated earlier) and not feel like I'm falling asleep trying to play along. Pink Floyd to me is meant to be listened to while sitting down and getting taken back by the music. I Just don't think I'd get the same feeling or anywhere close holding a plastic guitar or holding a mic. trying to replicate that.
i think there would be many pink floyd songs (and parts of songs) that would be really fun. I doubt they'll ever make a PF game, but if they did, they'd have to go balls out on the dream sequencing and animations to make it worthwhile during the less interesting parts. I can't imagine sitting through that middle section of Dogs, but I'd love to play the rest of the song.
Hey gang,

Here's the DLC announcement for the week of 12/22! PS3 content should be hitting a little early because of the holiday this week, so enjoy your early presents! There's some great family friendly tracks coming out so be sure to check them out in LEGO Rock Band if you log in any play time with the family this week.

Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 3 system (Dec. 22):

Weezer – “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To” +
Weezer – “Beverly Hills”
Weezer – “Let It All Hang Out”
Limp Bizkit – “Build a Bridge” +
The Offspring – “A Lot Like Me” +
Yellowcard – “Ocean Avenue” +

(All tracks are original master recordings)

These tracks will be available for purchase as “Weezer Pack 03” as well as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks on Wii. Tracks marked with a “+” are also available in the family-friendly LEGO Rock Band Music Store on Xbox 360 and PlayStation3.

$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track

$5.49, £2.49 UK, €3.99 EU (440 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for “Weezer Pack 03”

$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per track

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **

To discuss this DLC please visit the official thread in Community's Greatest Hits.

For all DLC song credits and other juicy details you can check out The Music page.

And for awesome background information on this content you can head on over to the Rock Band 'Zine for brand new articles!
[quote name='shieryda']Limp Bizkit: where's the shit from "Significant Other"?!

Pass this week.[/QUOTE]"Build A Bridge" won't be a party favorite like those would've been but dammit... I do like that song :oops:
[quote name='BustaUppa']"Build A Bridge" won't be a party favorite like those would've been but dammit... I do like that song :oops:[/QUOTE]

Not sure if I've heard anything from the album after "Chocolate Starfish". I'll give this one a listen. My wife may actually have "Results May Vary" at home, but I think we both stopped listening to them right around the same time.
[quote name='shieryda']Not sure if I've heard anything from the album after "Chocolate Starfish". I'll give this one a listen. My wife may actually have "Results May Vary" at home, but I think we both stopped listening to them right around the same time.[/QUOTE]Well "Results May Vary" pretty much lives up to its title, but I had a soft spot for Build A Bridge ever since it was used as the theme song for a WWE pay-per-view, lol
YAY! Limp to the fucking Bizkit is coming to Rock Band! Who else is ready to rhyme using the same word twice?

I wish it was "My Way" instead. It's the only Limp Bizkit song I really have any attachment to.
The Rock Band podcast has newly confirmed RBN will have...

-All That Remains (three song pack)
-The Stills
-Ministry (first half of The Last Sucker)
-The Shins

Plus Flight of the Conchords has been reconfirmed or whatever. Next week's DLC is a big pass.
If they are going to put so many Weezer songs on, why not Only in Dreams, the best Weezer song made? The drums at the end would be so sick.
[quote name='bardockkun']The Rock Band podcast has newly confirmed RBN will have...

-All That Remains (three song pack)
-The Stills
-Ministry (first half of The Last Sucker)
-The Shins

Plus Flight of the Conchords has been reconfirmed or whatever. Next week's DLC is a big pass.[/QUOTE]

Do we have any idea when the RBN is finally going to have songs? I would love to use RB to discover and support new artists.

Also I wonder how long we have to wait till there is a full album compatable with Lego RB. Right now the Lego RB store just says "coming soon".
[quote name='bardockkun']The Rock Band podcast has newly confirmed RBN will have...

-All That Remains (three song pack)
-The Stills
-Ministry (first half of The Last Sucker)
-The Shins

Plus Flight of the Conchords has been reconfirmed or whatever. Next week's DLC is a big pass.[/QUOTE]
WOOO! Flight of the Conchords has me excited. I'm hoping for some Hurt Feelings
I'm still waiting for "All You Need Is Love" for the PS3. The 3 month exclusive window is now over and we still don't have it yet.
[quote name='KingDox']Do we have any idea when the RBN is finally going to have songs? I would love to use RB to discover and support new artists.
Those are just the "well known" artists that they've announced on their podcast. So there's more to come.
[quote name='bardockkun']Pink Floyd is one of those bands that are amazing to listen to, but Jesus that would be one boring ass game.[/QUOTE]

One of the truest things I've heard on this forum in a long time, haha...
Also the idea of a Green Day Rock Band is pretty appalling, but someone suggesting they aren't famous enough is one of the more ignorant things I've heard in a long time.
[quote name='goatindaruffness']One of the truest things I've heard on this forum in a long time, haha...
Also the idea of a Green Day Rock Band is pretty appalling, but someone suggesting they aren't famous enough is one of the more ignorant things I've heard in a long time.

I think I might buy Green Day Rock Band, as their music is really easy to like and want to sing. I just wish I was a fan so I could be EFFING stoked like I imagine someone out there is...I'm still waiting for Rock Band Offspring. I just hope Harmonix gets to it before Activision...

If Guitar Hero gets to the offspring first I'll hang my plastic guitar and fisherprice drum kit up for good!
Next week's DLC:

Available on Xbox 360 and Wii (Dec. 29) and PlayStation 3 system (Jan. 7):

Alan Jackson – “Good Time”
Cross Canadian Ragweed – “Cry Lonely”
Jason Aldean – “She’s Country”
Keith Urban – “I Told You So”
Kenny Rogers – “The Gambler”
Martina McBride – “This One’s For the Girls”
Shania Twain – “Any Man of Mine”

(All tracks are original master recordings)

These tracks will be available for purchase as “Going Country Pack 02” as well as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks on Wii.

$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track
$10.99, £4.99 UK, €7.99 EU (880 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for “Going Country Pack 02”
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per track

Looks like these are a bunch of the songs from the Country Track Pack they released a while back. Maybe in for "The Gambler". If they're going with a Kenny Rogers song, though, "Just Dropped In" would have been pretty sick. Maybe they're saving that for the Big Lebowski track pack. ;)
Back to country...:whistle2:(

Another year with no X-Mas songs. Would have liked to have gotten 'Oi To The World' by No Doubt, 'Last Christmas' by Jimmy Eat World...ah well.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']They should just make Weezer: Rock Band and get it over with.

Probably get "I Want You To" and maybe "Ocean Ave"[/QUOTE]

In for Rock Band: Weezer

*opens wallet* Just take what you need.
[quote name='ZForce915']In for Rock Band: Weezer

*opens wallet* Just take what you need.[/QUOTE]
Really...I'd kill for just Pinkerton...

In for the Gambler on Tuesday!

And can we please, for the love of all that is sane, get a Deftones Track Pack or a Helmet Track Pack?
i just bought a lego rb code, i entered it on the website and got the psn code. i successfully downloaded the 100kb key. what do i do next ? i dont have the lego game do i need it? also, this is for the ps3.
[quote name='D_Icon']i just bought a lego rb code, i entered it on the website and got the psn code. i successfully downloaded the 100kb key. what do i do next ? i dont have the lego game do i need it? also, this is for the ps3.[/QUOTE]

You'll just have to rent or borrow it from somebody now. You do it from the options menu (I belive, one of the menus in L:RB).
bread's done