Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

Sent invites, looks like people are away or something. I'll just wait. By the way, I know it's annoying but I don't have party chat since I'm in the beta, so it'll need to be in-game chat.
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[quote name='KaneRobot']Oh man, Devin Townsend overload. SO excited right now.

Not only is Ziltoid The Omnicient coming to RBN in full, but ALSO they're releasing Addicted in full as well. That is one of my favorite albums of all time. PLUS, he redid some of the interlude/skit parts on Ziltoid to be more Rock Band appropriate:

-via Twitter-

He also wanted to do custom graphics/dreamscapes but they can't do that yet, but apparently that may be coming in the future for RBN stuff.

This is going to be the best use of RBN to date. Pissin' myself. Fo' rizzle.[/QUOTE]

Oh my god, that is FANTASTIC news!!!
You can actually get the 90 second overdrive achievement with only a bassist and guitarist on "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" and "Cherub Rock". I did it with my girlfriend and she wasn't even trying to get it. Those songs have mad amounts of overdrive.

This game gets played tons at my house parties, and yet all those 4-player sessions never resulted in any 1,000,000 points songs!

You can shortcut the "Beat the Impossible X Challenge" with someone who already has it. For instance, I beat the Impossible Guitar and Bass Challenges, so can you join my game on the last stage and you'll get them too.
Yeah, Dani California is apparently pretty good to use for it, and the GNR "Sorry" DLC is probably the best I've seen, I've nearly gotten the 90 second achievement just by myself on guitar, I actually timed it. Only problem is no one bought any of the Chinese Democracy stuff.

Edit - Stillllll neeeeed third person to work on these achievements. Quitting for the night but I'll be around most of the weekend.
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I just checked out the achievements for RB3, kind of a bummer. I wish there were some achievements that would act as a sort of testament to how often I will play. Like an achievement for hitting 5 million drum notes or something.
[quote name='KaneRobot']

Not only is Ziltoid The Omnicient coming to RBN in full, but ALSO they're releasing Addicted in full as well. That is one of my favorite albums of all time. PLUS, he redid some of the interlude/skit parts on Ziltoid to be more Rock Band appropriate:

He also wanted to do custom graphics/dreamscapes but they can't do that yet, but apparently that may be coming in the future for RBN stuff.

This is going to be the best use of RBN to date. Pissin' myself. Fo' rizzle.[/QUOTE]
Further proof that Devin Townsend is fucking awesome. Eventhough I KNOW I will fuck it up on guitar, I will gladly buy this.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']I just checked out the achievements for RB3, kind of a bummer. I wish there were some achievements that would act as a sort of testament to how often I will play. Like an achievement for hitting 5 million drum notes or something.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure there will be some kinda in game goal for that, that will net you some kinda instrument or piece of clothing. Not really an achievement, but next best thing.
Artwork that will be used for the RBN version of Ziltoid. Pretty cool.

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For your 1,000,000 pt achievement, it is pretty easy even doing with randoms. Most people I seem to encounter play Expert/Hard Guitar/Bass. I normally play Hard Drums online and I have million'd a bunch of tracks. The easiest hands down is from RB1... Outlaws' Green Gras and High Tides. With 3 people, my highest total has been around 2.25 million. Again, any time I am on I would love to play with CAGs as it seems most of you guys have DLC, which it seems most randoms do not have.

Like what was said above by GunstarRed, I got my 90 second overdrive achievement just playing with my fiance. You build up your special all the way up for both players. Once one is filled all the way up, they go. Their star power should hit another star phrase, extending their special. When theirs gets close to the bottom, you go. Depending on the song, player 1 can hit special again by the time player 2 ends theirs. Note whammy any long notes... it helps slow the special meter. You should be able to get it this route.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Yeah, Dani California is apparently pretty good to use for it, and the GNR "Sorry" DLC is probably the best I've seen, I've nearly gotten the 90 second achievement just by myself on guitar, I actually timed it. Only problem is no one bought any of the Chinese Democracy stuff.

Edit - Stillllll neeeeed third person to work on these achievements. Quitting for the night but I'll be around most of the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Trak and I are in the minority, but the GNR DLC is some of the most fun in the game. I still love playing songs like Catcher, TWAT, Better, and IRS.
Official announcement for next week's Doors DLC:

Hey gang,

We announced the epic Rock Band 3 launch DLC from The Doors last week, but here's the rest of the juicy details! The full track list, pack info, pricing and the rundown on how to get 3 FREE SONGS (with Pro upgrades!) from one of the most legendary rock bands of all time. The free songs will only be available for the first week, and only through the in game store, so don't forget to pick up RB3 on launch day... that's next Tuesday, 10/26! We're almost there!

Available on Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 3 system (Oct. 26):

“Light My Fire” X (Free from Oct. 26 – Nov. 1 in game, features Pro Guitar and Pro Bass)
“Riders on the Storm” X (Free from Oct. 26 – Nov. 1 in game, features Pro Guitar and Pro Bass)
“Touch Me” X (Free from Oct. 26 – Nov. 1 in game, features Pro Guitar and Pro Bass)
“Hello, I Love You”
“L.A. Woman”
“Love Her Madly”
“Love Me Two Times”
“Peace Frog”
“People Are Strange”
“Roadhouse Blues”
“Soul Kitchen”
“The Crystal Ship”

(All tracks are original master recordings)

(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation 3 system Oct. 27)

These tracks will be available as “The Doors RB3 FREE Launch Pack” and “The Doors Greatest Hits: Special Edition” on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system and as “The Doors Greatest Hits: Special Edition,” which will include the three free tracks, or as individual, free singles (“Light My Fire,” “Riders on the Storm” and “Touch Me” only) on Wii. Tracks marked with “X” will include Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions. Beginning Nov. 2, these tracks will be available as “The Doors Greatest Hits: Special Edition” on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system and Wii, or as individual downloads.

FREE! – The Doors RB3 FREE Launch Pack – PS3/Xbox

$14.99 USD, £7.49 UK, €10.99 EU for The Doors Greatest Hits: Special Edition – PS3/XBox

Basically, it sounds like if you plan on buying the entire pack, it doesn't matter whether you get the game week 1 and download the 3 free songs or not.
Goddammit I wish they'd give us the RB2 export info already - even if there are like 10 songs getting dropped I don't care, I just want to know what's happening. There is no reason to still hold it back, by now whatever they have in place has already been submitted and (hopefully) approved by Microsoft for release.
[quote name='KaneRobot'] There is no reason to still hold it back, by now whatever they have in place has already been submitted and (hopefully) approved by Microsoft for release.[/QUOTE]

Maybe not. This is from an interview with IGN:

IGN: Do you have a final price set for that yet?

DeGooyer: We're able to go right down to the wire (with discussions with content owners. We're still working on getting them all, but we've got most of them locked up, and we may be able to get all of them. With Rock Band, we weren't able to get all of them because of some licensing issues that arose.

It sounds like they very well may wait until the last minute before making an announcement. Personally, if they want to wait an extra couple weeks after RB3 comes out to make the RB2 export available, I'm fine with it if it helps get more of them. I've had over two years to play these songs and can wait a little while before I get to play them again.
Sorry if I missed it but has there been a price announcement on the string-based Fender Squier Stratocaster (the real real guitar - not the 102 button one)??
They keep on saying that it's built on a $250 Fender guitar body so I'm guessing that after tax and MIDI box it'll end up slightly under $400. Seems kind of weird to me considering that I'm pretty sure I've seen brand new Squiers in Musician's Friend(or maybe Guitar Center) catalogs for half that $250 price, but whatever.

I'm more concerned about how fun it'll be to play. I've seen at least 3 different "live" demos of the guitar with 3 different semi experienced guitarists(including the Harmonix live demos at E3) and they seemed to be missing a shitload of notes even on beginner songs. I really hope it's just that they're doing these live demos in less than optimal conditions or that they're not used to the way that pro guitar is charted, which is completely possible. I'm not expecting people to be able to sight read songs or anything, but it's kind of concerning when the guy that Harmonix hand picked to demo the guitar can't keep a streak on Hardest Button to Button.
[quote name='Nohbdy']$250 straight from Fender in limited quantities.

Rock Band 2 exporting costs $10:[/QUOTE]
Where did you get this? Last I saw was the European price, but Harmonix has clarified that, that DOES NOT reflect the US price.

Unless you want to wait until November, MadCatz right now is only place that has Mustang in stock

Clusterfuck in shipping everything becoming more and more confirmed...
What would be the best export procedure for RB1 & 2 to RB3 if you haven't done the first one yet? Pay the 5 space bucks to export 1 to 2 and then pay the 10 space bucks for 2 to 3?
The RB1 export will also allow them to be played in's more of an "export to hard drive" than "export to RB2" specifically. Shouldn't matter what order you do it in.
It might sound stupid, but I hope the exported RB2 songs work in RB1 because every once in a while I like to go back and knock out one of the 'finish all gigs in one city' achievements in RB1. With the new DLC not working in RB1 or 2 at least having the RB2 songs available would give me some other options as opposed to playing Maps for the 2,000th time! :lol:

I'd like to think the RB2 export will be the same as the RB1 export was, but with RB2 songs having pro-mode drums I'm not sure it will be exactly the same.
Sorry if slightly OT, but does anyone have the guitar hero world tour drum tuner pc software they could send me please? I use those drums for RB (since at least the yellow is a raised cymbal) but the calibration is slipping again, and I don't have the software for some reason. Can't find the damned thing online either :(

On a slightly related note, what's the best deal on a new set of drums? The RB3 ones are the same as RB2 and Beatle's, right? I'm thinking of picking up one of those on the cheap and getting the cymbal expansion.
Played a few hours of it today at my friend's who was able to score an early copy. BIGGEST complaint is Overdrive on vocals now is a BITCH. Jesus Christ, we screamed and sang into it and it wouldn't go off until literally end of the song. Otherwise keys are fun as hell, but pretty big learning curve, even on non-Pro mode. Just wish there were more keys specific songs in the game. Otherwise awesome and the interface is so much simpler now.
[quote name='bardockkun']Played a few hours of it today at my friend's who was able to score an early copy. BIGGEST complaint is Overdrive on vocals now is a BITCH. Jesus Christ, we screamed and sang into it and it wouldn't go off until literally end of the song. Otherwise keys are fun as hell, but pretty big learning curve, even on non-Pro mode. Just wish there were more keys specific songs in the game. Otherwise awesome and the interface is so much simpler now.[/QUOTE]

Nice. Does Du Hast have keys?

Everybody thinks keys are gonna be so easy but I think they'll be in for a shock.
How much was the RB1 export? Wasn't only like 4-500 points? Really hope we don't have to pay $10 for RB2's, and if so, I'd want all the songs to be on there.

I'm worried about Pro Guitar like someone said earlier, because from what I've seen of others playing it, it doesn't look like it's working very well, and when I saw Crazy Train being played (by the computer I assume; every note was hit) on Pro Guitar, it just looked like a clusterfuck of info and I have no idea how I would learn to play that stuff. That combined with a $250+ guitar makes me think I'll never even step foot into Pro mode.

What I want to know is has Rock Band added the count-in after pausing? That was my only gripe with the game, and the only thing I liked better about playing Guitar Hero.
[quote name='lolwut?']

I'm worried about Pro Guitar like someone said earlier, because from what I've seen of others playing it, it doesn't look like it's working very well, and when I saw Crazy Train being played (by the computer I assume; every note was hit) on Pro Guitar, it just looked like a clusterfuck of info and I have no idea how I would learn to play that stuff. That combined with a $250+ guitar makes me think I'll never even step foot into Pro mode.

What I want to know is has Rock Band added the count-in after pausing? That was my only gripe with the game, and the only thing I liked better about playing Guitar Hero.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Pro mode sounds too complicated, for guitars anyway. I have a feeling that stringed real guitar will be very hard to find like the Ion drums; you'll have to special order it to get it. You won't be able to just walk into a store and buy it. I'll probably play some pro mode on drums and keys when I get the hang of keys.

Some descriptions and videos have shown that when you pause the game, it rewinds the song a few seconds so you can get your bearings.
[quote name='lolwut?']How much was the RB1 export? [/QUOTE]


[quote name='lolwut?']Really hope we don't have to pay $10 for RB2's, and if so, I'd want all the songs to be on there.[/quote]

$10. Announced on GTTV last night. "Vast Majority" of RB2 will export. Take that for what you will....

[quote name='lolwut?']What I want to know is has Rock Band added the count-in after pausing?[/quote]
Well, I was seriously just going to wait for this game since no one in my family has touched a music game since Beatles last year. But with all the rave reviews I might get it next week at Kmart because of the coupon train. Then maybe I'll get the keyboard at GS using my credit. Still not sure though. I guess I've taken a big enough break that I could get back into the music game thing again.
[quote name='2DMention']Nice. Does Du Hast have keys?

Everybody thinks keys are gonna be so easy but I think they'll be in for a shock.[/QUOTE]
Yup. Basically the synth noises are all charted on it.

Plus keys are NOT easy if you have no prior experience. As in even on normal it's a pain since the 5 corresponding colors are RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the keyboard. So easy as hell to get hands lost. So it'll be a challenge, but still fun.

Also there's NO count down in the game when you unpause it like Guitar Hero. Instead it rewinds the track back by about 3 seconds.
Anyone know if you can transfer your Tour Mode band's name from RB2 to RB3? RB 1 and 2 didn't let you share band names, but I have a really cool band name in RB2 that I want in 3.
[quote name='GunstarRed']Anyone know if you can transfer your Tour Mode band's name from RB2 to RB3? RB 1 and 2 didn't let you share band names, but I have a really cool band name in RB2 that I want in 3.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the info on the Doors pack. Since my bundle might not arrive by 11/1, that's good to know since I was planning to buy all the tracks anyway.
[quote name='eastx']To get the free Doors pack, do you actually need to own the game? or is it just marketplace content?[/QUOTE]

It's only accessible through the RB3 disc menus. It won't be on the marketplace.
[quote name='Corvin']It's only accessible through the RB3 disc menus. It won't be on the marketplace.[/QUOTE]

Nuts. Thanks man.
[quote name='Blade3D']Maybe someone already answered this, but are the 800 Microsoft points for export count towards the 2400 to get 800 back?[/QUOTE]

Nope. It specifically says its doesn't.
[quote name='bardockkun']Yup. Basically the synth noises are all charted on it.

Plus keys are NOT easy if you have no prior experience. As in even on normal it's a pain since the 5 corresponding colors are RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the keyboard. So easy as hell to get hands lost. So it'll be a challenge, but still fun.

Also there's NO count down in the game when you unpause it like Guitar Hero. Instead it rewinds the track back by about 3 seconds.

Wow that sounds really nifty, better than the count down for sure.
[quote name='GhostShark']Du Hast does have keys, but its fucking boring on guitar. They should of charted the synth on guitar like it was in GHWT.[/QUOTE]
That's where the guitarist needs to learn to do some back ups!

Spent a few more hours with it today and man with a full band set up (keys, guitarists, bassists, lead singer with harmonies and drummer) it is insane fun with a group of people. That and the variety in the RB3 setlist it's REALLY easy to see why Harmonix picked the songs they did since for parties it's great. As in I'm REALLY eager to pick up whatever DLC now that supports all the new features.

For some reason tried using the new official Rock Band microphone and it got when I was trying to go overdrive ALOT more easier then the older mics. Besides that, only complaint with playing around with it more is that once you do full band set up there's NO WAY of changing difficulty or mic. volume. Instead it goes based on how the vocalist last played (meaning if before you did full band set up and you played hard with all their vocals you can't adjust it on the fly if someone wants otherwise). That's really only big complaint I can muster now. I'll get hands on the Mustang guitar on Monday or Tuesday. Plus seeing your band you create in between cut scenes of accomplishing goals (getting the van, getting paid for first gig) is pretty damn awesome. As in something so simple, but good to FINALLY see it used.
Still need some people to get the overdrive/90 seconds & savior achievements for RB2. Probably shouting at a wall at this point but...I'll be on and off all today. Send me a message.

Edit - got the 90 seconds one w/ Pure Apathy (thanks!)...if anyone needs to team up to get the savior one let me know. Will need two other people for that one.
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So how many songs do people here have spanning DLC and all games?

I added mine up and I have just over 500 songs. Plus I can export Green Day whenever I feel like doing that.
Once I finally get around to exporting Lego, Green Day, Track Pack 2, Classic Rock, and AC/DC I'll have 409 songs. I'll have to sit down soon and get them all in. I really wish the export costs counted to the 2400/800 point deal.

For anyone that doesn't know how many songs they have I use I think it does the job.
bread's done