Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='bardockkun']We already got "Bleed" on there incase you haven't seen it.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I never noticed that one, I'll have to download it. Thanks!
I hate to be "that guy," especially since most people don't care about stuff like this but fuuuuuccccckkkk Harmonix for putting a 4 point achievement in there (for calibrating your system). I'm sure it'll even out as I come across more achievements, but for now...annoying.

Was impressed to see how far back some content had vocal harmonies in it. This thread was started when "Ten" came out and that has several songs with harmonies included.

Played two setlists that had The Power of Love in it, then fell asleep watching the first 30 minutes of the Back to the Future Blu-Ray last night. So yeah, I had Huey Lewis nightmares last night.
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[quote name='KaneRobot']I hate to be "that guy," especially since most people don't care about stuff like this but fuuuuuccccckkkk Harmonix for putting a 4 point achievement in there (for calibrating your system). I'm sure it'll even out as I come across more achievements, but for now...annoying.[/QUOTE]

It was annoying and the first thing I did was check to see what other uneven achievements there were. There is one for
linking your game to for 6G
. But yeah, it is retarded that they did that.
[quote name='JStryke']It was annoying and the first thing I did was check to see what other uneven achievements there were. There is one for
linking your game to for 6G
. But yeah, it is retarded that they did that.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I can't even read the code on my screen. I'll probably have to go to a friend's house who has an HD.
I thought I'd pop in here and say that if anyone wants to trade a 360 classic rock track pack code for a volume 2 code, I've got one to spare. Possibly a Metal Track pack too, but I can't decide of I'm going to use that.
I am having some real problems with exporting. Any help at all would be appreciated:

1. I exported songs from ACDC to RB2 already. I try to use the code to export them to RB3, but it says the code isn't valid. Am I screwed on the songs? I don't have the disc anymore.

2. Is there any way at all to get the RB1 songs without the RB1 disc? I traded RB1 in for RB2 when that came out... I know there isn't, but I'm hoping.

Thanks for any help.
[quote name='masked lemon']I am having some real problems with exporting. Any help at all would be appreciated:

1. I exported songs from ACDC to RB2 already. I try to use the code to export them to RB3, but it says the code isn't valid. Am I screwed on the songs? I don't have the disc anymore.[/QUOTE]

My AC/DC songs showed up in Rock Band 3 when it was importing my dlc..
[quote name='JStryke']It was annoying and the first thing I did was check to see what other uneven achievements there were. There is one for
linking your game to for 6G
. But yeah, it is retarded that they did that.[/QUOTE]
It kind of makes sense that they did it that way to motivate more people to link their accounts.
[quote name='masked lemon']I am having some real problems with exporting. Any help at all would be appreciated:

1. I exported songs from ACDC to RB2 already. I try to use the code to export them to RB3, but it says the code isn't valid. Am I screwed on the songs? I don't have the disc anymore.[/quote]
If you already exported AC/DC in the past you shouldn't need to do anything. They're on your hard drive, or at least they should be. Do you still see them on RB2 and you're not seeing them in RB3?

Isn't the AC/DC thing a download and not an export anyway? I bought a code on Ebay to get them, and I certainly never owned the disc.

2. Is there any way at all to get the RB1 songs without the RB1 disc? I traded RB1 in for RB2 when that came out... I know there isn't, but I'm hoping.
Nope, you need the disc. RB1 was an actual export and not a download so the disc needs to be there.
[quote name='KaneRobot']If you already exported AC/DC in the past you shouldn't need to do anything. They're on your hard drive, or at least they should be. Do you still see them on RB2 and you're not seeing them in RB3?

Isn't the AC/DC thing a download and not an export anyway? I bought a code on Ebay to get them, and I certainly never owned the disc.[/QUOTE]


They would also be in your download history even if you had the disc. If your tracks aren't showing up in RB3 then try and redownload them.
[quote name='masked lemon']I found the AC DC tracks, thanks.

Does harmonix really think people still have their RB1 discs?[/QUOTE]

If you exported the Rock Band 1 tracks into Rock Band 2, you'll find (most of) them available in RB3.
Well considering RB1 was exportable into RB2 most people did it then. I have to say Pro Keys is a blast. Playing on medium so far and loving the challenge.
A friend of mine found the EU guitar unlock code:
Here's the European "Stop" guitar, which is the only one that I think was worth it: Orange, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange
Thanks NoThru22, where ever you are...
[quote name='masked lemon']I found the AC DC tracks, thanks.

Does harmonix really think people still have their RB1 discs?[/QUOTE]

What do you need your RB1 disk for? The tracks should already be exported when you started playing RB2.
One more thing: do they have narrated tutorials for standard modes? All other games did. All I see in the practice menus are pro training. I figured out the touch strip and overdrive button on the keyboard, but it would be nice for some kind of tutorial on technique and placing your hands. I noticed on start->extras or modify game you can tick a box for tutorials, but nothing comes up.

Re-quoting part of my original post since no one's answered it.

I posted a thread on the rock band forums, but search doesn't bring it up and no1 else has posted a thread about it.
[quote name='2DMention']Re-quoting part of my original post since no one's answered it.

I posted a thread on the rock band forums, but search doesn't bring it up and no1 else has posted a thread about it.[/QUOTE]
I Thought there was something when you press the start menu on the main screen there's an option to have tutorials on. Don't know how in depth they are, but should be something there.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Thought there was something when you press the start menu on the main screen there's an option to have tutorials on. Don't know how in depth they are, but should be something there.[/QUOTE]

I have it checked, but the tutorials never come up and they're not in the practice menu.
So I have now decided to throw out the rankings on songs... I am playing expert drums and find the Big Country song (1 star) way harder than One Armed Scissor (4 star).

Looks like Harmonix finally hit me with a song that I am forced to use double bass in order to complete (Primus' Jerry was a Race Driver).
Anyone else having a weird (what I'm guessing is a) glitch where the solo percentage doesn't appear when playing a solo? Sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't show up at all.
[quote name='Trakan']Anyone else having a weird (what I'm guessing is a) glitch where the solo percentage doesn't appear when playing a solo? Sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't show up at all.[/QUOTE]

I just noticed this happens to me during the road challenges, where you're trying to get a streak or overdrive. I haven't noticed it during quickplay.
[quote name='Trakan']Anyone else having a weird (what I'm guessing is a) glitch where the solo percentage doesn't appear when playing a solo? Sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't show up at all.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't think it's a glitch, it just only shows up in Quickplay.

I have to say I'm not a fan of how they handle solo's now, and failing out; it's pretty hard to tell you're failing until it's too late a lot of the time. Also didn't notice it until my friend mentioned it, but the crowd doesn't sing along to the song anymore.
[quote name='lolwut?']Also didn't notice it until my friend mentioned it, but the crowd doesn't sing along to the song anymore.[/QUOTE]LAME.:bomb: I actually liked that feature quite a bit when everyone in your band was on a roll.
Also when they say something like 'You are ranked in the top 90%' apparently what they really mean is 'you are ranked in the top 10%'.

Great game in a lot of ways, but amazing how unpolished it is. I mean, they have had three years...
[quote name='eastx']GameDealDaily is selling the Rock band Country export code for $8 today. You'll receive the code by email. Not a bad deal for 21 songs of shall we say, mostly dubious quality.[/QUOTE]

I'm considering maybe jumping on this, but one question first. Can you delete songs from these track packs or no? That Alan Jackson song may be a deal breaker for me (I can't stand him).
[quote name='lolwut?']Also didn't notice it until my friend mentioned it, but the crowd doesn't sing along to the song anymore.[/QUOTE]

Harmonix only puts crowd chants in certain songs.
[quote name='JStryke']I'm considering maybe jumping on this, but one question first. Can you delete songs from these track packs or no? That Alan Jackson song may be a deal breaker for me (I can't stand him).[/QUOTE]

No, it's one large downloadable file. But you could just not select to play his song.
[quote name='lordopus99']It is almost as bad as not have a sort in game by location. That is the sort I used the most in RB2. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Not sure if this was ever figured out, so forgive me if I'm stating the obvious by now. But to do this, you just need to sort by "date acquired". Then if you hold the right bumper you can jump from game to game. It's a little less intuitive, but it's still there.

[quote name='porieux']Also when they say something like 'You are ranked in the top 90%' apparently what they really mean is 'you are ranked in the top 10%'.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't it say "percentile" or did I just automatically interpret it that way in my head? Because that would be correct.

EDIT - Nevermind. It doesn't say "percentile". Just "in the XX%". I'm just going to assume percentile is what they mean.

Also, for people wondering about using two hands on pro keys, since I know how to play Imagine in real life, I thought I'd jump straight into it on hard difficulty. There's pretty much no question that your left hand should be handling those off beat bass notes that appear between each chord. I'm not a great pianist by any means, but doing that all with your right hand would be way more work than it needs to be...although I suppose it would allow you to wave your lighter while playing. ;)
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Anyone know if they're going to go back and add harmonies to songs that should but don't have them?

Bring me to Life by Evenescence and Fascination by Alphabeat don't have harmonies, but they practically freakin' duets! Totally lame!
[quote name='porieux']Also when they say something like 'You are ranked in the top 90%' apparently what they really mean is 'you are ranked in the top 10%'.

Great game in a lot of ways, but amazing how unpolished it is. I mean, they have had three years...[/QUOTE]
I wondered about this the other night.
My wife and I were playing and she was in the top 40% for guitar or something but then it listed me in the top 90% of vocalists. We were both like, that's really not that good. Why would you brag about that?:lol:
No. When it says you are in the top 90% it is saying you are better than 10% of everyone else with scores. It pretty much is saying you suck, but the game is going to shut you down and say you blow though. I think it just should have stopped at the 50% mark though, once you start to get into the top 60%; who cares?

What I really like is how star power phrases exist inside group play and outside too, and so since the individual scores are kept track of in game play my kick assery on the drums can register a single score in band play too!

I can consistently rank in the top 10-20% and have quite a few ranked songs, but I am the kind of person that doesn't get a lot of 100% because I mess up dumb shit. Like, I'll hit the tough part and then mess up something I always hit.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not sure if this was ever figured out, so forgive me if I'm stating the obvious by now. But to do this, you just need to sort by "date acquired". Then if you hold the right bumper you can jump from game to game. It's a little less intuitive, but it's still there.[/QUOTE]

I ended up figuring it out later that day after playing with all the sorts.

Maybe I am incorrect, but isn't the part "Galileo, Galileo, ..." in Bohemian Rhapsody done by two members alternating... You would think with the game having harmonies this would have been avoided. It feels insanely awkward when singing this part of the song.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Anyone know if they're going to go back and add harmonies to songs that should but don't have them?

Bring me to Life by Evenescence and Fascination by Alphabeat don't have harmonies, but they practically freakin' duets! Totally lame![/QUOTE]

Also most songs by System of a Down, amongst others... but unfortunately no, it doesn't look like they plan to re-code any old songs.
DLC for next week is...The Doors stuff from this week, just packaged differently (ie no more 3 free tracks, now it's a 12 pack for the full thing, and you can buy them individually).

Okay then. Zzzzzz.

Plus Rush's "Subdivisions" with pro mode. Whoop-de-doo.
[quote name='bardockkun']So far all it's been is just a Twitter announcement so I hope it's not just ONE damn song (as much as I enjoy Rush).[/QUOTE]

I got the info from the announcements forum area on the site.
C'mon now, we have more than enough Rush as DLC.

As you can guess, I'm not a real big Rush fan.

One thing about the sorting bothers me. In 2, you could sort your songs by band, song, difficulty by hitting select. Now that button takes you to the filters. Kind of annoying.
bread's done