Rock Band Stage Kit $59.99 @

Mine broke, which is good since if I return it I can re-buy it for 20 dollars less.

Is there anyway to use this in a full band and not have the laser light show act as the controller? I really want to use a wireless controller for the singer and not have to walk over to the light show to press A to select difficulty?
[quote name='MarkHawk']Is there anyway to use this in a full band and not have the laser light show act as the controller? I really want to use a wireless controller for the singer and not have to walk over to the light show to press A to select difficulty?[/quote]

I'm not sure, but one way would be to buy the Mad Catz wireless mic, which has buttons included on it. I mean if you're hardcore enough for this, you're probably good for the wireless mic. Only problem is reviews have been less than stellar.
[quote name='turls']I'm not sure, but one way would be to buy the Mad Catz wireless mic, which has buttons included on it. I mean if you're hardcore enough for this, you're probably good for the wireless mic. Only problem is reviews have been less than stellar.[/QUOTE]I'm assuming that the Mad Catz mic counts as a controller though, since it has buttons?? Unfortunately I doubt you could do it that way, since it would still be be like trying to hook up 5 controllers at once.
[quote name='turls']I'm not sure, but one way would be to buy the Mad Catz wireless mic, which has buttons included on it. I mean if you're hardcore enough for this, you're probably good for the wireless mic. Only problem is reviews have been less than stellar.[/quote]

I acutally invested in the LIPS mics. Waiting for support to be added. I'd really like a way to just use my 360 controler for now while already having the stage kit, drums, and 2 Guitars hooked up.
Is the smoke as bad as everyone says? I want to pick this up for my LAN Party in a couple of weeks. We rented out a banquet room at a hotel.. From what I am reading it sounds like we might set off the smoke/fire alarms if we do though.. I doubt they would disable them for us.
[quote name='turls']I'm not sure, but one way would be to buy the Mad Catz wireless mic, which has buttons included on it. I mean if you're hardcore enough for this, you're probably good for the wireless mic. Only problem is reviews have been less than stellar.[/quote]
I might be wrong but I am under the impression the Mad Catz mic w/ buttons is not wireless. Is there a different model?
[quote name='Coyotezeye']Is the smoke as bad as everyone says? I want to pick this up for my LAN Party in a couple of weeks. We rented out a banquet room at a hotel.. From what I am reading it sounds like we might set off the smoke/fire alarms if we do though.. I doubt they would disable them for us.[/quote]

I wouldn't risk it. BUT you dont need the smoke to be turned on for the strobes and lasers to work. The smoke just makes the lasers better.

I Do wish the smoke only sprayed Once every 3 songs. The smoke is way to much. I pointed it towards a wall so it would bounce of the wall rather then shot at people every minute.

A common joke in the house is "You know what would make this song better? More Smoke!"
[quote name='Coyotezeye']Is the smoke as bad as everyone says? I want to pick this up for my LAN Party in a couple of weeks. We rented out a banquet room at a hotel.. From what I am reading it sounds like we might set off the smoke/fire alarms if we do though.. I doubt they would disable them for us.[/QUOTE]

You can try this "Fast Dissipating" fog juice:$$$/Froggys_Fast_Dissipating_Fog_Juice__Gallon_Juice.html

Also available via Amazon, but shipping is slightly more on Amazon.

I ordered some, but haven't received it yet so can't attest to how quickly it dissipates or if it sets off smoke alarms. The standard juice sets off my smoke alarm. I also tried some "Premium Atmosphere" juice which was lighter, but still set off my smoke alarm.

UPDATE: Tried out the fast dissipating juice and it works much better. The fog still comes out just as thick and often as normal, but now it does not linger as long. So the end result is the fog stays pretty much just in the living room area where I'm playing and does not fill up the entire condo like the standard juice did. I can now keep the fog machine on the entire time when previously I'd have to shut it off after a couple of songs.
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What MarkHawk said.

The smoke just comes out way too often. During one 4-5 minute song, the thing probably triggers 8 times. It really only needs to go off like 3-4 times an hour in my little house.

I think the smoke machine is probably made for a real stage. I don't mean like a stadium or something, but a big room.

Also, the thing set off two alarms in my house, but only after the thing spit out fog like 10 times. My entire house was literally filled in fog. I'm pretty sure the alarms wouldn't go off if it only fogged once every other song or so. Plus, you may just want to crack a window open for ventilation. You should have seen the smoke billow out my front door when I opened it. :D
Is this how you guys impress girls? When they are already turned off from having the whole band set do you just say "WAIT 'TIL YOU SEE THIS!!!" Also this just doesn't seem like that much of a deal.
And yes, this is coming from a guy with Admiral Ackbar as his avatar.
I picked one of these at Amazon... Used the fogger once because it set off my smoke alarm.. I picked up a shower cap to throw over my smoke detector--- I'm hoping it works!
I used a $25 gc from erewards to knock this puppy down to $35. I don't regret the purchase at all. It's great fun to see this light show going off in sync to the music. Like others have said, if you really enjoy RB, you'll enjoy this stage kit.
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']'s a fog machine and strobe light that goes to the beat of the music.....[/quote]

There are two parts to it. A bigger box that spits out the fog and also has a strobe light built into it. There is a smaller unit that has colored LEDs on it. There is a lense on it that will shine the colored lights in different directions. Rock Band songs are coded to set off the lights at specific times. This LED unit also has Xbox 360 controls on it for the singer to use.

The colored lights really only work well with the fog machine. Without the fog, you'll only see the lights on the ceiling or wall that you have it aimed at. When there is fog, you can see the colored lights in the fog.

Also, the two units have to be pretty close to each other. They plug into each other and the cable that comes with it is maybe 6 feet long.
This thing is way too much fun.. how long does the full bottle of liquid fog last? It's not a very big bottle and it dispenses a lot of fog..
Today I got $86 in best buy store credit. Showed them this ad, and they beat gamestop's price for me! Thanks for the info!

Also, anyone know how to activate the strobe light without using the fog machine? Not fun having my basement fill up with fog (it's a small space, lol). Also, does anyone know how sensitive the smoke is for smoke detectors? Planning on bringing it to my church, and don't want to trip the alarms.
[quote name='Vader582']I might be wrong but I am under the impression the Mad Catz mic w/ buttons is not wireless. Is there a different model?[/quote]

My bad, it isn't wireless.
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']'s a fog machine and strobe light that goes to the beat of the music.....[/quote]

When will you people learn, this is Harmonix we're talking about. No it isn't that simple (as already corrected).
[quote name='Kevhouse0308']Today I got $86 in best buy store credit. Showed them this ad, and they beat gamestop's price for me! Thanks for the info!

Also, anyone know how to activate the strobe light without using the fog machine? Not fun having my basement fill up with fog (it's a small space, lol). Also, does anyone know how sensitive the smoke is for smoke detectors? Planning on bringing it to my church, and don't want to trip the alarms.[/QUOTE]The main unit has two separate power switches on the back - one for the fog and one for the strobe light. Just leave off the "fog" switch and you're good (this is how I've always used it in my own apartment)!
It's fog and lights for a game with plastic instruments.

I still don't see how this is exactly a bargain. This just further fuels people's ideas that they're "in a band", when all they're doing is playing a video game with plastic instruments.
[quote name='Tsukento']It's fog and lights for a game with plastic instruments.

I still don't see how this is exactly a bargain. This just further fuels people's ideas that they're "in a band", when all they're doing is playing a video game with plastic instruments.[/quote]

Who said it is a bargain? Its a large price drop on an item that many Rock Band fans have their eyes on. This isn't that hard to grasp. . .
[quote name='Tsukento']It's fog and lights for a game with plastic instruments.

I still don't see how this is exactly a bargain. This just further fuels people's ideas that they're "in a band", when all they're doing is playing a video game with plastic instruments.[/quote]

Yes, how dare those people have fun pretending they're doing something. We need to hit them with the cold hard fist of reality.
[quote name='Tsukento']It's fog and lights for a game with plastic instruments.

I still don't see how this is exactly a bargain. This just further fuels people's ideas that they're "in a band", when all they're doing is playing a video game with plastic instruments.[/QUOTE]

With logic like this, why play any videogame--at all, ever.

You can use the same logic for EVERY game. Halo...that's not real, it's just fueling people's idea that they're on an "alien planet" and "saving the world."

GTA...that's not real, it just fuels the idea that they're living a "life of crime"...when all they're doing is playing a videogame with a plastic controller.

You get the idea. By your logic, all games that cost any money at all aren't really "bargains" because they're not "real."
This is the awesomest thing that I'll never be able to own. My wife already tolerates the full RB1 kit, full RB2 kit, Fender P-bass controller, two extra PS2 guitars and four GameCube bongos that clog our house, but I mentioned this to her once and she threatened to kill me. :lol:

If I ever find it for $40 or less, though ... I might have to test that theory.
It looks fun, although I don't have rock band. This thing could be cool if it worked for other games too, imagine dead space with the strobe and fog, maybe some red lights shoot out when a monster comes at you. Now that would be fun.
[quote name='Tsukento']It's fog and lights for a game with plastic instruments.

I still don't see how this is exactly a bargain. This just further fuels people's ideas that they're "in a band", when all they're doing is playing a video game with plastic instruments.[/quote]
People could just as easily criticize your Pokemon fetish, but they don't.
It's funny how one person's foolish hobby is another person's good time.
It's called perspective; have some. :roll:
To each, his own.
If this thing ever dropped to $40...I might have to get a second one!:bouncy::bomb:
[quote name='Kevhouse0308']Today I got $86 in best buy store credit. Showed them this ad, and they beat gamestop's price for me! Thanks for the info![/quote]

By "ad" do you mean you printed out the webpage and they matched it? If so, I'm out to spend some Best Buy credit I've been sitting on.

Or am I missing an actual ad?
So after hearing that this was $60 I've had a cursory look around; did this thing get bumped back up to $80 across the entire board? I can't find it for less except in forum posts from a week or two ago. I'm afraid I've only convinced my lovely wife that it's worth having at $60; she definitely didn't buy my story at $100 and I doubt I'd be able to convince her to settle for middle-ground now that I've sold her the smaller price tag.

Anyone know if it's still $60 out there somewhere specific?
The only places that have it locally in my area, Best Buy and Gamestop, show $79.99 (same with Amazon).
Shame, I would buy it for $59 in second.
If anyone is still interested in these, found a couple at Best Buy for 40$. It was marked down 50% from the 80$ price tag. Possible YMMV, was in Columbus, OH.
[quote name='Plaguefox']So after hearing that this was $60 I've had a cursory look around; did this thing get bumped back up to $80 across the entire board? I can't find it for less except in forum posts from a week or two ago. I'm afraid I've only convinced my lovely wife that it's worth having at $60; she definitely didn't buy my story at $100 and I doubt I'd be able to convince her to settle for middle-ground now that I've sold her the smaller price tag.

Anyone know if it's still $60 out there somewhere specific?[/quote]

I'm not sure how long it been back at this price, but Gamestop had it for 59.99 again as of 5/8/09. I almost bought it. I still might go back and pick it up.
For anyone interested in using the stage kit in a non-game environtment: check THIS out... apparently you can hook the Stage Kit up to a PC and control it with this program! Looks pretty complex but I will definitely wanna look into this.
Man, I wish I lived by these magic Best Buy's and Wal-Marts.
Not only does my Best Buy still sell them for $79, I think they have an open box with that price on it.
It's like they got a memo, "I don't care if it sits there when they tear down this building, never ever sell this for a penny less!"
bread's done