RockBand 1 & 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 3/15/09 - Funk Pack + More!

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i have a question about transfering songs. i just bought rockband 1 used, so id like to return it if possible. do i have to unlock all the songs to transfer them? what songs wont transfer? and after i do transfer, is there any reason not to return the game? also, i read all dlc will transfer, so i wont have to worry about that.... right?
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i have a question about transfering songs. i just bought rockband 1 used, so id like to return it if possible. do i have to unlock all the songs to transfer them? what songs wont transfer? and after i do transfer, is there any reason not to return the game? also, i read all dlc will transfer, so i wont have to worry about that.... right?[/QUOTE]There are 3 songs that won't transfer - "Enter Sandman," the Iron Maiden cover, and the Black Sabbath cover. Once the songs are copied to the HDD, you won't need the RB1 disc. I am like 99% sure that unlocking the songs has nothing to do with your ability to transfer them.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i have a question about transfering songs. i just bought rockband 1 used, so id like to return it if possible. do i have to unlock all the songs to transfer them? what songs wont transfer? and after i do transfer, is there any reason not to return the game? also, i read all dlc will transfer, so i wont have to worry about that.... right?[/QUOTE]
Where did you buy the game used that they are going to let you return it?

The three songs are
"Enter Sandman" by Metallica
"Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden
"Paranoid" by Black Sabbath

and yes all DLC transfers automatically.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Here is the thing though. Even though I am utterly outnumbered on Cheap Ass Gamer but let me tell you something. 90% of the world, doesnt want their musical awareness heighten or expanded.

I know on CAG its "cool" to know the most obscure crazy ass band and post videos on them but I am telling you most of the world doesnt give 2 shits about your super thrash metal emo pop J-punk rock group.

They simply dont. They want to play the songs that are popular and that they grew up with and can dance or have fun to.

And I am not saying either one is bad, with music everything is very subjective all I am saying is that there is a lot of middle groud. A lot of people like music but dont care enough to find any joyment in random band # 75 because they want to listen to a song that everyone knows and can have fun to.

But we have already stated this is par for the course as every one of their games had a list of crazy ass bands no one cared about. They should have really just posted the list so that casual music fans can insantly ignore a list of no bodies while the hardcore fans can gloat to their friends about how they had this unknown band in their mp3 player before it was in rock band.[/QUOTE]

Here are the things that you need to remember:

- It costs Harmonix a lot more and takes a lot more legal work to only go out and find the popular songs of modern and olden times to put in the game.

- Radio hits tend to be very similar. They are all 3-5 minute songs with repetitve chorus's and hooks. So given that in RB you are actually PLAYING the songs, not just listening like at a dance party, if all songs were radio hits you'd recognize playing the game would get boring quickly.

- Top 40 music, to play, is just downright boring. Because the genres have stayed mostly the same for decades. If RB just focused on top 40, it would have almost no progressive rock or metal, it would all be pop rock, glam rock, and emo. Much of the other genres wouldn't exist, leaving a very narrow experience.

- You have the ability to create your own song lists, so you can avoid the scary songs you have never heard of.

- Yes, you actually are in a minority. I think most people enjoy hearing new music and trying to decide if they like it. Most people don't like that they only hear the same 10 songs on each radio station at any given time. Most people like to PLAY new stuff, not just hear the same stuff.

- You need to come to grips with the fact that sometimes Harmonix will include popular well known stuff. But not always. I've been very happy with the mix they've put out. I happen to hate a lot of popular stuff like nirvana and offspring, but I can appreciate it's popularity and they put out a lot of obscure stuff I listen to as well. I've also discovered some awesome bands through Rock Band and bought their CD, like Black Tide.

- Just don't buy that scary obscure stuff you have never heard of that makes you uncomfortable. Rock Band is not for that. Go have your friends over and listen to the 2 popular tracks played on the radio on each of your favorite cd's if that's what you want.
[quote name='mykevermin']I agreed with you until the last point. The enjoyment of a song is found in playing it and hearing it. "Pretend We're Dead" is a classic song, but an absolute goddamned bore to play on the drums.

The jury's out on how fun these songs are, but I'll side with y'all Milton Friedman "there's no such thing as a free lunch" cats.

As for country, I'll wait to see it. "Boot Up Yer Ass" Toby Keith? No thanks. "Cocaine Blues," OTOH? (Yeah, right!) Awesome. Throw some traditional country in there and I'm on it like neckbone. Hell, put some good fuckin' classic rockabilly in there, too. At least that satisfies the "rock" part, right?[/QUOTE]

I'm simply of the opinion that if it's music that contains real music instruments and not synthesizers, computers, and samples - then it's free game for rock band. I welcome new genres. As long as I'm not playing a keyboard or synthesized sample on guitar.
I think there's really just been a misunderstanding between Harmonix and consumers. When people first heard "20 FREE bonus songs!", they started getting these ideas of what would be included. Of course Harmonix knew all along it was basically going to consist of the "bonus tier", but they weren't exactly forthcoming with that information.

It's a little shady on their part, but the way I look at it is this: I bought RB2 because of the 80 songs on the disc. I paid $60 for 80 great songs. Then, a month later, Harmonix is giving me 20 bonus songs as a "thank you".

Yes, you can claim that you "paid" for these extra songs, but your argument only holds water if you wouldn't have bought the game without the promise of 20 more songs (which in my opinion is stupid...not to mention highly unlikely).

And as far as CAGs complaining about free stuff, I've found that CAGs generally try to squeeze every penny they can out of a purchase, so this kind of reaction is not too hard to believe. Sure, I would have liked better songs, but I got what I paid for on the disc. This is just extra.
[quote name='thrustbucket']points[/quote]

Come on now put aside your pot shots. I havent said I liked or disliked the songs at all yet. My points where not about the songs themselves which you are trying to turn it into it was the way in which they came about.

The middle ground as I spoke of is not running away from all new music. Nor is it listening to the same 10 songs over and over again. I would think of a better word to use but middle seems to work just find when its taken in context.

Music is very subjective and the most people you are referring to I am guessing is yourself, the people of CAG, and your like minded friends. If I asked one of your friends I am sure they will be very happy to discuss all the latest new and obscure stuff.

But in that same light if you asked my friends they really couldnt care less about some random band. Not that they run screaming into the night at the very first note of a song they havent heard as you so thoughtfully implied. But they dont go out of their way to listen to any new or old bands. If a song comes on they like, they listen to it, if they dont they simply turn it and look for a song they do like most of which is something they already heard before. But the point is whether its new,old, obscure, pop I and my like minded friends view all music about the same.

- You need to come to grips with the fact that sometimes Harmonix will include popular well known stuff.
I find this statement funny because as a guy who is in the middle ground thats what I would want. A mix of popular and obscure stuff. But thats not what we got did we? Even though I have actually heard and listened to a couple of bands before.

But your post is very common. Musical taste much like religion and politics cant really be discussed without some sort of biased. You clearly are a part of the group that for some reason really dislikes popular music. In the same light (even though there is none on CAG) who really loves popular music and because of that you see everyone else who doesnt share your love for finding obscure bands as a "pop music love child."

Me on the other hand and I have said this before, I dont give a damn about popular or obscure music my post where not even about the songs themselves but for they way they came about in such a shady way and the fact that even if they are free they still are not above criticism.But of course you glossed over that for a very broad generalization and random personal attacks. No wonder you are such a good fit on the political boards. Thanks for that and keep fighting the good fight.

I think you need to come to grips that not everyone cares about music as much as you do. And before you mention it, yes you can play a musical game without actually caring about music. Its about the same has playing COD4 without actually caring to go into the army.
Here is a playlist I created with most of the tracks I could find. I thought I'd share a link so people could actually listen to them at least once before deciding they are all crap. This also includes two of the three Presidents of the USA tracks that were announced. The songs aren't bad. Of course, I wouldn't say any of them are truly great either, but they are far from the 'garbage' label that people are implying.

Between the Buried and Me ARE THE SHIT!
the only other thing i'd get on there is Underoath
the rest 18 tracks is blah...
I just found out last night that my brand new RB2 wireless guitar has a jacked blue fret button so it is getting RMA'd. I have been playing the drums primarily but decided to break out the guitar for some late night (i.e. quiet) jamming and noticed I was sucking pretty bad.

I finally realized that the blue button was being recognized around half of the time I pressed it, resulting in breaking my combos about every 5 seconds or so.

I went through the RMA process online and within 10 minutes I had a UPS tracking number. Pretty impressive. At least I can still semi-play with my current guitar until the new one gets here.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
I find this statement funny because as a guy who is in the middle ground thats what I would want. A mix of popular and obscure stuff. But thats not what we got did we? Even though I have actually heard and listened to a couple of bands before.[/quote]
That's exactly what we get as DLC. And that's cool.

As for this "free 20 song's" not having any madona, REM, or U2 on it..... You need to realize that Harmonix can only secure the rights for popular music by a combination of paying large sums of money, or giving most of the royalties from their sales to them.

So explain to us why Harmonix should fork out several hundred thousand dollars to make the most kick ass 20 song list of music known to man that everyone has heard of, and give it out free?

But your post is very common. Musical taste much like religion and politics cant really be discussed without some sort of biased. You clearly are a part of the group that for some reason really dislikes popular music. In the same light (even though there is none on CAG) who really loves popular music and because of that you see everyone else who doesnt share your love for finding obscure bands as a "pop music love child."
I bought the entire albums of Dr Feelgood and Peace Sells. I am very happy with the mix of music coming to DLC. I spend a ton on it. I buy songs mostly based on making sure I have a variety of genres, not based on only getting songs I love.

Me on the other hand and I have said this before, I dont give a damn about popular or obscure music my post where not even about the songs themselves but for they way they came about in such a shady way and the fact that even if they are free they still are not above criticism.But of course you glossed over that for a very broad generalization and random personal attacks. No wonder you are such a good fit on the political boards. Thanks for that and keep fighting the good fight.
Shady way? That's what I take issue with. There was nothing shady about it. They said we would get 20 songs, and they gave us 20 songs. If you are sore that they aren't 20 songs you grew up loving, that's your problem, not theirs.

I didn't attack you personally, I just wanted to help you see this from Harmonix point of view is all. You seem to think they are running around in circles stuffing money in their underwear laughing about how they duped you somehow.
WOOOO Harmonix is coming to my state in two weeks for my friend's Rock Band nights! Any of you guys and/or gals want me to bitch at them over anything BESIDES Visions and the 20 free DLC?
[quote name='bardockkun']WOOOO Harmonix is coming to my state in two weeks for my friend's Rock Band nights! Any of you guys and/or gals want me to bitch at them over anything BESIDES Visions and the 20 free DLC?[/quote]

You don't have to bitch to them about that stuff, but please bitch to them about taking away the blacklist feature. I am in fear of getting a Megadeth song during a mystery setlist and failing :whistle2:#

And tell them they need to listen to my damn suggestions. If I don't get some The Devil Wears Prada or anything off The Poison by BFMV by Rock Band 3, I will fucking flip.

(Yes, I realize I will probably end up having to fucking flip)

EDIT: And after you do all that, congratulate them for making such an awesome franchise. :D
Well if anything I was going to toot their horn for the 20 free DLC since majority of those bands are obscure and I like the risk in that. Especially since some of those bands I never would've imagined making it to Rock Band and I just like how they're not afraid of any cultural or language barrier it may have.

Besides that I'll bring up the black list thing though and try and get as much info on any bands or hopefully coming bands to Rock Band. Man, amazing how plastic instruments have made my life so fulfilling.
[quote name='bardockkun']Well if anything I was going to toot their horn for the 20 free DLC since majority of those bands are obscure and I like the risk in that. Especially since some of those bands I never would've imagined making it to Rock Band and I just like how they're not afraid of any cultural or language barrier it may have.

Besides that I'll bring up the black list thing though and try and get as much info on any bands or hopefully coming bands to Rock Band. Man, amazing how plastic instruments have made my life so fulfilling.[/quote]

Yeah, give them a high five for Between the Buried and Me.

You should also ask them if they play Guitar Hero, and if they laugh at how bad it is in comparison.
[quote name='Corvin']Here is a playlist I created with most of the tracks I could find. I thought I'd share a link so people could actually listen to them at least once before deciding they are all crap. This also includes two of the three Presidents of the USA tracks that were announced. The songs aren't bad. Of course, I wouldn't say any of them are truly great either, but they are far from the 'garbage' label that people are implying.[/quote]

Whoa...pleasantly surprised, sounds like a pretty good track list.
I'm kinda down on the 20 free songs because Harmonix said they were songs they couldn't have ready for the game in time of pressing the discs... and that just clearly isn't the case.

I don't care, I just won't download them... no biggie.

And let me say this, not that the songs aren't good... but I don't know any of them... which means my girlfriend who I play with whenever I play the game doesn't know any of them, and she hates playing songs she doesn't know...

It's bad enough I hear her say "Great... another song I don't know" when "Who Are You" starts..... ugh... and I say, "You know the song, let it start and chill out"

I'm not rolling these songs out on her. fuck that.
[quote name='DestroVega']I don't know any of them... which means my girlfriend who I play with whenever I play the game doesn't know any of them, and she hates playing songs she doesn't know...

It's bad enough I hear her say "Great... another song I don't know" when "Who Are You" starts..... ugh... and I say, "You know the song, let it start and chill out"

I'm not rolling these songs out on her. fuck that.[/QUOTE]

Thats pretty much my situation too. I'll bee downloading the songs to try them anyway.

On a side note. Is there some sort of calibration or default setting when you play vocals? My wife and I have noticed that when I do the vocals its pretty much spot on as far as approximating/matching the tone of the original, but when she does vocals she has to go all graveling and try to sing as low as she possibly can to hit the notes, even on the female vocal songs.
[quote name='bardockkun']WOOOO Harmonix is coming to my state in two weeks for my friend's Rock Band nights! Any of you guys and/or gals want me to bitch at them over anything BESIDES Visions and the 20 free DLC?[/quote]

Journey's whole GH album as DLC.
[quote name='bardockkun']WOOOO Harmonix is coming to my state in two weeks for my friend's Rock Band nights! Any of you guys and/or gals want me to bitch at them over anything BESIDES Visions and the 20 free DLC?[/quote]

Tell them to bring back the star rating that appears with the scores, and if anything they should have kept them and included the percent and highest combo.

[quote name='Trakan']Journey's whole GH album as DLC.[/quote]

...this too :D

I got my drum pads replacement today and after taking them for a test run in the freestyle mode all seems good! I couldn't find the serial number to see if it is one of the problematic "SL" kits, but whatever, it works! Now all I need is some symbol action! Which hit the 30th, just so you know.

I know there has been a lot of complaining about the customer service on this thread, but from my experiences EA has great customer service, at least when it comes to Rock Band. I filed for a new set, and got them in less than a week.
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[quote name='LinkinPrime']Whoa...pleasantly surprised, sounds like a pretty good track list.[/quote]

I think so too!

I never really had bad feeling about it though. I have always been pleasantly surprised with the obscure bands that Harmonix has offered up at a discounted, or in this case free, price.

That cab song sounds pretty cool on drums. Hopefully it'll also translate into a fun song on drums.
[quote name='javeryh']I just listened to the Between the Buried and Me song. What a shame. The music is fucking awesome but the screaming death metal voice just sucks.

Totally. Musically, it is leaps and bounds better than anything else in the HMX20, then the vocalist shows up and it's downhill from there.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']That cab song sounds pretty cool on drums. Hopefully it'll also translate into a fun song on drums.[/quote]

The Cab sounds like a cross between Maroon 5 and New Kids on the Block. I kind of enjoy the song, but feel a little gay at the same time, haha. It's one of those songs you claim to not like, but after a few drinks, you're belting it out and not missing a lyric. That's just a recipe for awesome at a party.

"And when you use your lips, they better be on meee"

classic :applause:

Oh, and I also second the motion to have a Weird Al track pack. I just don't even know how the licensing would work for something like that, but it would be awesome!
I'm excited about the 88. I've listened to a few songs of theirs before, so this will be a good chance to see if I like more of their stuff.

I liked the other Cab song too they had as paid DLC before so I imagine this one can be in my liking too.

There were a handful of other bands I knew the name but no songs I knew offhand. Since I like doing vocals most that's a bit of a downer because it means I actually have to *learn* the song which means failing it on medium sometimes and sounding like a moron trying to find the notes without knowing where the song is going, let alone the lyrics, but there's been a handful on RB2 that I never heard before but have since become my favorites, so I'm totally open to it for the low low price of free.

Also, super duper yay to the PotSA songs! And also yay to the pun of releasing it on election day.
The Endeverafter, Kutless, and Tickle Me Pink songs are tolerable. My idiot friends'll like Lesley Roy too, so I'll have to get that. Not much else is interesting me out of that list.
They would have to issue everyone 20 different codes(one for each song) to do them individually. I think that is very unlikely.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The Cab sounds like a cross between Maroon 5 and New Kids on the Block. I kind of enjoy the song, but feel a little gay at the same time, haha. It's one of those songs you claim to not like, but after a few drinks, you're belting it out and not missing a lyric. That's just a recipe for awesome at a party.

"And when you use your lips, they better be on meee"

classic :applause:

Heh heh, I can totally agree. The song they already have out on Rock Band via the harmonix Tour pack or whatever, is good, but it does have a very pop rock/boy band sound.

Definitely one of those jams you play in your car or at home when no one else is there.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The Cab sounds like a cross between Maroon 5 and New Kids on the Block. [/QUOTE]

:lol: First thing that came to mind for me was N*Sync and Bye, Bye, Bye listening to that tune.
No you can't. If you check out any of the packs(Boston, the Who, any album) in your system memory that's exactly what they are, packs. It does not separate the pack into individual songs when you download it.
[quote name='Corvin']No you can't. If you check out any of the packs(Boston, the Who, any album) in your system memory that's exactly what they are, packs. It does not separate the pack into individual songs when you download it.[/quote]

you are right... i totally forgot about that.
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