Roeper and Phillips 10 Worst Movies of 2007

why isnt transformers or spiderman 3 on this list? those movies were oppressively horrible so much so i felt emotionally and sprirtually assulted after watching them. but i guess as far as the list goes if they made alot of money they cant be that bad...........but they were. and how the fuck didnt the alvin and the chipmunks movie make their list? that had to be bad.
[quote name='whoknows']License to Wed is another movie I never watched all was just boring, stupid, whatever you want to call it. Glad I didn't actually pay to rent it.

Also (flameshield on)

Robin Williams wasn't all that either
Yea, that movie made everyone look like shit actors. Mandy Moore was shit to. Every actor that movie touched turned to shit/made them shittier.

But really EVERYONE from the Office needs to stay on the Office (ex. dwight in The Last Mimzy...). Except for [SIZE=-1]Steve Carell he's the best.
[quote name='prmononoke']Did you like Hostel? If you didn't like it, you're going to hate Hostel II. If you were disappointed (I was), however, then Hostel II totally makes up for the lack of gore in the first. Honestly, the main attraction to the movies is the gore, and the second film totally delivered on that front. It had one of the most graphic castrations I've ever seen, if not the most graphic. I actually cringed, which is rare.

And a lot of films are universally panned. Critics can be (and so often are) wrong.[/quote]

I liked the first Hostel.

Hostel 2... not so much.
[quote name='Mojimbo']These lists are as much bullshit as their top 10. Oceans 13? Really? Love how they always put some shit on there that doesn't belong to knock the establishment down a peg or two. That'll show 'em. :roll:[/quote]

Exactly what I was thinking Mojimbo.

Clooney and Pitt were as annoying as ever as the cool-guy Oceans thieves, but Pacino put in a solid performance like the pro he is and Affleck Jr. in Mexico was pretty funny.

Putting Oceans13 on your "Worst-of" movie list is like putting Halo 3 on your "Worst-of" games list - it just makes you another media snob attention whore.
[quote name='whoknows']License to Wed is another movie I never watched all was just boring, stupid, whatever you want to call it. Glad I didn't actually pay to rent it.

Also (flameshield on)

Robin Williams wasn't all that either

It's getting to the point where you watch an old movie like "Good Morning, Vietnam" and you're like 'wow - Robin Williams used to be passably funny!'

Of course I've been spoiled by Jim Carrey. That guy is so funny that he raised the bar for goofy comedians everywhere.
[quote name='pittpizza']Shoot Em' Up seems to me to be alot like the Grindhouse movies (planet terror and deathproof): There is a tangible sense that the directors/writers/producers didnt give a fuck about traditional "rules" and just went totally overboard with the cheap cheesy violence/gore fest that can be so fun to watch once you get past the point that they aren't trying to follow conventional cinema rules (like reality, or a cohesive plot).

I also liked Ocean's 13 (and all the other ones, I like "heist movies")[/QUOTE]

dont compare Shoot Em' Up to either of the Grindhouse movies. The Grindhouse was campy garbage that tried to be more than it was. The hype trained killed the two movies for me, and from talking to others as well.

Shoot Em' Up on the other hand was a great non stop action movie where you can just turn the brain off and enjoy
[quote name='camoor']It's getting to the point where you watch an old movie like "Good Morning, Vietnam" and you're like 'wow - Robin Williams used to be passably funny!'

Of course I've been spoiled by Jim Carrey. That guy is so funny that he raised the bar for goofy comedians everywhere.[/quote]

I still want Robin Williams as my teacher... I want to stand on my desk and say, "Oh captain my captain."

I've always wanted robin williams or Conan Obrien as my teacher.
[quote name='Maklershed']x 2. If it werent for the fact that I went with friends who drove I would've walked out during the emo dance scene if not sooner (the applie pie face).[/QUOTE]
I can't believe how many people didn't like Spider Man 3. I thought 3 was great while 2 was horrible. Granted that emo dance scene was (very) hard to watch but I think they made it that way on purpose. Other than that, I think the actors stepped up their performances and the action scenes were great.
Ony thing i hated about SM3 was that venom got all of 15 mintues screen time. The coolest villian in the books and he gets nearly no time in the movie.
They are critics, and go off of what they learned in film school. I don't agree with everything they think, or care usually,... but sometimes they get a point that you couldn't put your finger on.

Like, Oceans.... I enjoyed it,... but then thinking about the huge drill, and the total lack of pretty much all the hard stuff shown to get to the reward in the first 2 makes me see their points of view.
Will that stop me from buying it? No.

My friend actually called me long distance to tell me how awesome Shootemup was. I hope it's just like the clips I keep seeing.

I thought SM3 was rushed way too much. That should have spanned 2 movies. Shit's happening so fast, you have to force yourself to care, and only wanna see cool new events instead of getting into the story. Spidey is a character I care to think about when I watch him, as I did reading him. I felt a disservice watching the rush job. Not as bad as any of the RE movies or the AVP failures though, both perfect examples of how to ruin franchises, and leave fans accepting any garbage rather than nothing at all. imo :)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']dont compare Shoot Em' Up to either of the Grindhouse movies. The Grindhouse was campy garbage that tried to be more than it was. The hype trained killed the two movies for me, and from talking to others as well.

Shoot Em' Up on the other hand was a great non stop action movie where you can just turn the brain off and enjoy[/quote]

agreed those 2 grindhouse movies were basically a pile of hot turds with a few bucks stuck inside of it. im still scratching my head on how the fuck tarantino really thought all those bitches yammering through the whole damn movie would be entertaining unless that was the joke.

" hey wouldnt it be funny to hype up these movies, show all the really good parts in the commercials and trailers and have peopel pay good money to see jack shit?"

aside from the deaths in the car and the way that guy got his ass kicked that movie was garbage. ive noticed a big trend in alot fo films these days that theres maybe 15 or 20 minutes worth of watchable stuff surrounded by over an hour of garbage filled fluff.
Roeper's list looks fair, Phillips' a bit harsh.

But that's not to say he's wrong, he clearly doesn't have a tolerance for violence being the crutch of a movie. I though Shoot 'em Up was one of the worst movies I'd seen all year too. But to be fair, I haven't seen all of the other bad movies released last year.
[quote name='dcfox']I can't believe how many people didn't like Spider Man 3. I thought 3 was great while 2 was horrible. Granted that emo dance scene was (very) hard to watch but I think they made it that way on purpose. Other than that, I think the actors stepped up their performances and the action scenes were great.[/QUOTE]

Heh. I don't mean to pick on you again, but between this and your No Country For Old Men comment, it's like you're watching the movies they make in Bizarro World.
[quote name='dcfox']I can't believe how many people didn't like Spider Man 3. I thought 3 was great while 2 was horrible. Granted that emo dance scene was (very) hard to watch but I think they made it that way on purpose. Other than that, I think the actors stepped up their performances and the action scenes were great.[/quote]

I enjoyed 3 the best - I was so surpised!

Finally we had villans I could understand - a crook with bad luck and a selfish loser who blames his personal failings on others.

Finally they learned to tear the mask off so we can see the superhero actors... act.

Finally his whiny friends got their come-uppance (that guy totally deserved a bomb to the face)

Strip out the dance numbers, MJ chewing up the scenery, and the awkward one-on-one talks with Aunt May, and this was the best Spiderman of the lot.
[quote name='mforge']Heh. I don't mean to pick on you again, but between this and your No Country For Old Men comment, it's like you're watching the movies they make in Bizarro World.[/quote]

Nevermind about NCFOM, what didn't you agree with in regards to SM3
[quote name='mykevermin']If you took Shoot 'Em Up seriously, you missed the point. I don't think that this point flew over the critics' heads, but it certainly is possible. My best guess is that they interpreted the cliche and unrealistic elements of the movie - which, while an "action" movie, also pays homage to Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd cartoons - without considering that it's done both with action and a sardonic sense of humor at the same time.

That's the only movie on the list I saw. Ultimately, I don't care what movie critics have to say, and I like what I like, whether they endorse it or pan it.[/QUOTE]

I can see what you mean. There was a movie that came out awhile ago, made by someone who helped in the creation of The Cooler, and it was so rife with cliches that I think the movies whole intent was to just incorporate every action movie standard as possible.

I forget the name. All I remember was a pimp hitting his prostitute because she wanted to take her GEDs, a gangster with hockey team enforcers, and a suburban New Jersey couple who kidnapped, presumably molested, and killd children. Thats going to annoy me, anyone remember the title of this movie?
[quote name='camoor']I enjoyed 3 the best - I was so surpised!

Finally we had villans I could understand - a crook with bad luck and a selfish loser who blames his personal failings on others.

Finally they learned to tear the mask off so we can see the superhero actors... act.

Finally his whiny friends got their come-uppance (that guy totally deserved a bomb to the face)

Strip out the dance numbers, MJ chewing up the scenery, and the awkward one-on-one talks with Aunt May, and this was the best Spiderman of the lot.[/QUOTE]

Spiderman 3 has to be slightly better than 1, but much worse than 3. It was a jumbled mess, horrible character development, and poor usage of a characters as a whole. SM2 is the superior movie. One villain to focus on who was developed throughout the movie. Parker also made the decision to be Spiderman again after losing his powers. I am pretty most people feel it is the superior of the three.

edit on rotten tomatoes SM2 got a 93% while SM3 got a 62%. Though if you like 3 more than 2 so be it.
[quote name='mforge']Heh. I don't mean to pick on you again, but between this and your No Country For Old Men comment, it's like you're watching the movies they make in Bizarro World.[/QUOTE]
Once in a blue moon my opinions on a movie will line up with everybody elses :lol:
Critics not liking mindless action cluster-messes? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

They're definitely not attention starved or trying to be controversial. Having to turn your brain off to enjoy something isn't a characteristic of a good movie by any stretch.
Rush Hour 3 wasn't as good as the previous two, but it was still pretty good, and was in no way one of the 10 WORST films last year.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Spiderman 3 has to be slightly better than 1, but much worse than 3. It was a jumbled mess, horrible character development, and poor usage of a characters as a whole. SM2 is the superior movie. One villain to focus on who was developed throughout the movie. Parker also made the decision to be Spiderman again after losing his powers. I am pretty most people feel it is the superior of the three.

edit on rotten tomatoes SM2 got a 93% while SM3 got a 62%. Though if you like 3 more than 2 so be it.[/quote]

Yeah, there's not much arguing about taste.

I just thought Doc Oc's movie adaptation was pretty weak, I mean, why would robotic arms care about killing everyone in sight? Why would a rational, emotionally-balanced scientist flake out and blame Spiderman for a disaster of his own making.

It makes no sense.

At least in the comics his transformation into a monster was explained by his previous life as an egotistical asshole scientist with an abusive childhood.

I will admit - I saw SM2.5 on FX a while ago and was impressed at how much better the movie was. I think the theatrical edits killed it for me in the theater.
I really enjoyed Hostel: Part II.

I went in wanting to like Shoot 'em Up, but it fuckin' stunk.

8. I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry


10. Oceans 13
9. The Number 23
2. Shoot 'em Up

I only saw the ones I left on there and with the exception of #23 (which my sister made me see while I knew all along it would be complete crap) I'd have to disagree with all of them. They're not my favorite movies of all time, but everyone has guilty pleasures.
[quote name='camoor']Someone needs to explain the difference between "worst" and "most overhyped" to the two critics.[/quote]

[quote name='dcfox']

You're not giving Extinction enough credit. And it's not only in comparison to the first two RE's either. Up against the other big "zombie" movie last year, 28 Weeks Later, Extinction still comes out on top.



I am trying to find some way to actually defend your liking of this movie. The special effects were good (the crows), but the whole Mad Max, the T-Virus has turned the world into a desert wasteland and Umbrella is the only form of a functional organization left in the world (what no one else has underground bunkers?) and there was no one really around except them and Alice has been driving around the country for years until the convoy decides to go to Alaska because a diary found by a dead guy in a closet says it's "safe".

I even listen to Paul "fuck up a franchise" Anderson's commentary to try to find the logic behind the story, but I couldn't. RE2 was better, but RE1 was scarier :)

As for Spiderman 3, it was "OK". However the midnight crowd I was with were all drunk and they hated this film.
Take Alice and her stupid powers out of Extinction and it's a pretty decent movie. That's the main reason that out of the three Resident Evil movies I liked the first one the best. It was just a group of normal people shooting and getting killed by zombies. They were using stupid psychic powers nor did any of them have superhuman strength.
[quote name='whoknows']Take Alice and her stupid powers out of Extinction and it's a pretty decent movie. That's the main reason that out of the three Resident Evil movies I liked the first one the best. It was just a group of normal people shooting and getting killed by zombies. They were using stupid psychic powers nor did any of them have superhuman strength.[/QUOTE]

You can't take Alice out because she's in 90% of the movie :(

I really couldn't understand why they needed to "Test" the Alice Clones. They have her blood sample since they had her for like 3 weeks in the last movie. So basically they had the cure already and no need for the original.

I laughed so hard when that one scene where the Alice Clone got strangled by a zombie in the hallway. It just came out of nowhere and started strangling her. :rofl:
[quote name='ITDEFX']You can't take Alice out because she's in 90% of the movie :(

I really couldn't understand why they needed to "Test" the Alice Clones. They have her blood sample since they had her for like 3 weeks in the last movie. So basically they had the cure already and no need for the original.

I laughed so hard when that one scene where the Alice Clone got strangled by a zombie in the hallway. It just came out of nowhere and started strangling her. :rofl:[/QUOTE]
They were probably bored. What else are they going to do with everyone else outside dead?

And that whole clone thing was very very stupid. I'm scared to think of what the next movie (if there's another) will be like with a gazillion alice's running around using their psychic powers on Umbrella employees. It really won't be a Resident Evil movie at all.
None of the resident evil movies are like they should be. The coolest character from the games, Chris, isn't even mentioned in the damn movies. I also don't remember any sort of psychic powers being in the games.
I still claim Spider-Man 2's power loss issues are a rip off of Super-man 2 and thus is a crappy movie. Plus the Doc wasn't that great.
[quote name='whoknows']They were probably bored. What else are they going to do with everyone else outside dead?

And that whole clone thing was very very stupid. I'm scared to think of what the next movie (if there's another) will be like with a gazillion alice's running around using their psychic powers on Umbrella employees. It really won't be a Resident Evil movie at all.[/QUOTE]

Oh lets see finding a cure to the virus that turned almost everyone into zombies and the earth into a wasteland is too boring for them. :whistle2:\

Apparently there are no women in the hive.........except the Alice clones.... That's it!! That's why they made so many, to repopulate the human race!!!!
[quote name='JolietJake']None of the resident evil movies are like they should be. The coolest character from the games, Chris, isn't even mentioned in the damn movies. I also don't remember any sort of psychic powers being in the games.[/QUOTE]

The Alexis Character in RE: Code Veronica had Psychic powers....Apparently that was good enough for Paul Anderson so he gave his Alice powers too because, well Mila can't fight without them?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, that movie made everyone look like shit actors. Mandy Moore was shit to. Every actor that movie touched turned to shit/made them shittier.

But really EVERYONE from the Office needs to stay on the Office (ex. dwight in The Last Mimzy...). Except for [SIZE=-1]Steve Carell he's the best.

Go see Juno. Dwight is money in his cameo.
[quote name='homeland']How is Ghost Rider not on this list?[/QUOTE]

Ghost Rider was ok. Good Special Effects. I thought The Astronaut Farmer was kinda weak though. For a guy to do all that in the movie, nearly kills himself and gets threats by the government if he launches with an ending that seemed so tacked on at the last minute.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Oh lets see finding a cure to the virus that turned almost everyone into zombies and the earth into a wasteland is too boring for them. :whistle2:\

Apparently there are no women in the hive.........except the Alice clones.... That's it!! That's why they made so many, to repopulate the human race!!!![/QUOTE]
Quit thinking so hard about the movie. It's there for entertainment, not something to dwell on and try to figure out :p
[quote name='ITDEFX']Ghost Rider was ok. Good Special Effects. I thought The Astronaut Farmer was kinda weak though. For a guy to do all that in the movie, nearly kills himself and gets threats by the government if he launches with an ending that seemed so tacked on at the last minute.[/QUOTE]
:rofl: You liked Ghost Rider but don't like Extinction? Sadly Ghost Rider is not even the worst Nic Cage movie of last year. That honor goes to Next.
[quote name='dcfox']:rofl: You liked Ghost Rider but don't like Extinction? Sadly Ghost Rider is not even the worst Nic Cage movie of last year. That honor goes to Next.[/QUOTE]

I said Ghost Rider was ok... Next was a step below Ghost Rider.

Maybe I should mention Fantastic Four:ROTSS as bad... I fell asleep I think 7 times during the movie?
[quote name='ITDEFX']I said Ghost Rider was ok... Next was a step below Ghost Rider.

Maybe I should mention Fantastic Four:ROTSS as bad... I fell asleep I think 7 times during the movie?[/QUOTE]
Most boring movie of 2007 goes to Zodiac. I completey forgot that movie came out last year.
[quote name='whoknows']Extinction was a masterpiece compared to Ghost Rider, Next and FF4 2.[/QUOTE]


if I had make an order it would be

Ghost Rider
Astronaut Farmer
FF:ROTSS (not Fantastic Four 4 2 :p)
[quote name='dcfox']Most boring movie of 2007 goes to Zodiac. I completey forgot that movie came out last year.[/QUOTE]
That was one of the best films of the year. You clearly need to stay far away from this thread.
bread's done