RPG Thread XVII - Talk of RPGs past.

Reddit AMAs are painful because no one knows how to ask a question without an extremely long and irrelevant preface detailing things about their personal life.

"Wow. First of all, can I just thank you for everything you've done? Planescape Torment literally changed my life and got me through some really rough times as a kid. The writing, the atmosphere, ugh. Just beautiful. It changed my personal outlook on the world and it was what got me into game design, which I currently attend Devry University for. My brother and I are already making plans for a little Kickstarter of our own, you should check it out. Any feedback would be wonderful. But actually, what I was going to ask is how you got into the field? How and when did the ideas for Torment take root, and what were the biggest challenges early on?"
Comments immediately below would then read something like:
"This. A thousand times this. Thank you for making such wonderful games, I think I speak for everyone when I say that your work has affected us all in a very powerful and positive way."

These aren't actual quotes but I'm just that familiar with how utterly nauseating the Reddit community is that I can recite this kind of shit.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Reddit AMAs are painful because no one knows how to ask a question without an extremely long and irrelevant preface detailing things about their personal life.[/QUOTE]
That sort of thing is even more insufferable at any random Q&A session in real life. At least on the internet, you can skip past such comments.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Reddit AMAs are painful because no one knows how to ask a question without an extremely long and irrelevant preface detailing things about their personal life.


Comments immediately below would then read something like:

These aren't actual quotes but I'm just that familiar with how utterly nauseating the Reddit community is that I can recite this kind of shit.[/QUOTE]

Part of the problem is the format encourages hastily written questions and gives the author far too much low hanging fruit to pick from. I tend to sort comments by most popular rather than time, it tends to filter out a decent amount of the junk.

Also after I was able to recruit Wakka in Blitzball he suddenly became a tolerable character, to bad I can't say the same about Rikku.
[quote name='GhostShark']Rikku was the only reason I played X-2.[/QUOTE]
just download pictures on the internet instead
[quote name='blueshinra']I hated Blitzball in FFX, so I didn't play any more than was necessary. It was a bit more palatable in X-2, but I still didn't spend a lot of time with it.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't as bad as Sphere Break.
[quote name='themaster20000']Wasn't as bad as Sphere Break.[/QUOTE]

Looks like a variation on Tetra Master. Maybe a bit more mathy.

Just finished Ni No Kuni last night. Really enjoyed the game, despite the flaws. Hope they make another one at some point.
Whelp, "Chris Avellone does a thing" is the $3.5 million stretch goal for Torment. Honestly, I think they should have used him for $4 million, but whatever.
[quote name='kainzero']well i bought koa because it was $6.

for some reason i'm feeling like a harvest moon game, was the 3ds one any good?

i feel like the series peaked with hm64/bts, and the only one i felt was comparable was fotm. every time i try the newer ones there's always something that annoys me, whether it's the way crops grow, or how they're not worth a lot, or how you always have to cook and eat food.[/QUOTE]

You might be better off waiting for Rune Factory 4 that comes out in July, it is like harvest moon but its not boring.
[quote name='SaraAB']You might be better off waiting for Rune Factory 4 that comes out in July, it is like harvest moon but its not boring.[/QUOTE]
hmmm, you don't say...

actually that's a good call though, rune factory 4 reviews from japan seem favorable.
Warning on the cooking and eating front: that exists in the Rune Factory games as well. Cooking and eating are useful but not really required to advance the games' stories.

I don't know if main series Harvest Moon as a whole is boring since I haven't played many of them (A Wonderful Life is pretty sub-par, though), but the first is one of my favorite SNES games ever.
i don't remember cooking and eating being obnoxious in rf3 though. probably because cooking and eating lets you go kill things.
Torment has passed Wasteland 2 and now sits $32,000 shy of $3 million (plus PayPal money, plus $200,000 from Brian Fargo and Steve Dengler). They have twelve days left to go, and if those next twelve days match Project Eternity's final twelve, they'll end up with a bit over $5 million from Kickstarter alone.
Torment has now passed inXile's other project, Wasteland 2, for total funding. Not counting PayPal (which I think is ~$55,000 right now) or the $200,000 from Bryan Fargo and Steven Dengler, they are sitting at $2.97 million right now, and have twelve days of funding remaining. If their next twelve days were to match Project Eternity's final twelve, their end total would be a little but over $4.6 million from Kickstarter alone.


So yeah, I'm pretty happy about all this.
And the Montreal Canadiens are first in the Northeast by 2 points!

EDIT: I hope Avellone steals Obsidian's camera/mic setup for inXile's video updates. Jesus, these are rough.
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Just Torment (TToN on the graph) and Project Eternity, though my backer tier on Torment also gets me a download of Wasteland 2. The final game on that graph is Double Fine Adventure.
Ooooh. I was thinking it was another game in the same vein. So Torment and W2 are being made by the same people?

Speaking of, what about Richard Garriott's piece of crap? It looks like just enough people wanted it to make it so far.

Garriott is... Garriott. By all rights, the dude should be just another pitiful nerd and a living example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, but he somehow managed to become incredibly successful and richer than God. Will his peristent-world not-MMO be any good? fucked if I know. Would I feel weird donating money to some dude who is in the process of building his third castle and once bought his way on to the International Space Station? Yes. Hope his game is good, but I wouldn't trade any of the other big-name Kickstarter RPGs for it.
[quote name='blueshinra']Warning on the cooking and eating front: that exists in the Rune Factory games as well. Cooking and eating are useful but not really required to advance the games' stories.

I don't know if main series Harvest Moon as a whole is boring since I haven't played many of them (A Wonderful Life is pretty sub-par, though), but the first is one of my favorite SNES games ever.[/QUOTE]

I haven't had a problem with cooking and eating in any Rune Factory game. I put more than 60 hours into the Wii Rune Factory. If you wonder why I say it's less boring its because you still get to farm and stuff in the rune factory games but in harvest moon the game is just farming, in Rune Factory there are dungeons and stuff to explore. So it's just like Harvest Moon with more stuff to do which is never a bad thing.
Well, yeah, but farming is the entire point of Harvest Moon (well, that and macking on the ladies). If you're playing one of those games, you should be prepared that in the first place. As with any other series, there are better entries and worse ones; like I said, the original is one of my favorite SNES games of all time. For me, it's just as addictive as any Rune Factory, and far from boring.

Which Wii Rune Factory? Spent around 100 hours with each of them, but Tides of Destiny was a step back for the series (thanks in large part to the broken farming component). Frontier was okay despite the long load times and the often frustrating Runey system. The numbered entries are still the best, especially 3.
Tempted to get Nier for $22-$19 from Amazon. I rented it from gamefly like a year ago and enjoyed it.
Think I'll give Eternal Sonata one more try too perhaps.
Ar Tonelico is tempting but turn based RPGs don't really seem to fit on consoles any more. They're more for handhelds.

Need a different genre after all these third person platformers/shooters I've been playing on the :ps3:
Get Nier, yo.[quote name='Indignate']Like, the exact same people? Or like, two teams?[/QUOTE]
Same people more-or-less, but not at the same time. Basically, as people wrap up their role on Wasteland, they'll get shuffled over to Torment.
i think the farming in HM series is a bit more complex. i remember lots of times in RF3 where i was just like, eh, screw it, i'll just not farm today. you can't do that in HM, whether it's because of seasons or because of how the crops don't grow.

the only reason i keep bringing up cooking and eating is because when i played magical melody, plowing and planting like 6 crops would literally use up all your energy and stamina unless you cooked, which forced me to spend lots of nights fishing to make sashimi or grilled fish, it was kind of a necessity.
[quote name='eldergamer']Tempted to get Nier for $22-$19 from Amazon. I rented it from gamefly like a year ago and enjoyed it.
Think I'll give Eternal Sonata one more try too perhaps.
Ar Tonelico is tempting but turn based RPGs don't really seem to fit on consoles any more. They're more for handhelds.

Need a different genre after all these third person platformers/shooters I've been playing on the :ps3:[/QUOTE]

I've been hooked on Eternal Sonata this weekend. Great game so far and I've had it for years. I'm thinking of getting Trinity Universe, any thoughts?
Damn, Cloud is actually a really nice guy. After his "not my problem" lines that start the game he's really pretty compassionate. Poor guy gets such a bad rap.

Though I guess he's completely insane.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Damn, Cloud is actually a really nice guy.[/QUOTE]

Zack > Cloud.

Been playing some Tales of Graces F and the combat is so friggin' good. The story has been... alright so far, I guess. I like the characters. Pascal is totally awesome but Hubert is... I don't like him.

Laura Bailey voices Cheria so I feel like I have Rise in my party. Support moar, pls.
I can't wait to start playing.

Laura Bailey will always be Kainé. And Rayne. And Serah. And Saint's Row Female Protagonist #1. And Keiko.
[quote name='Luxuria']Zack > Cloud.

Been playing some Tales of Graces F and the combat is so friggin' good. The story has been... alright so far, I guess. I like the characters. Pascal is totally awesome but Hubert is... I don't like him.

Laura Bailey voices Cheria so I feel like I have Rise in my party. Support moar, pls.[/QUOTE]
I can't stand Hubert. Pascal is crazy and funny. Who do you use as your main party or do you mix it up?
[quote name='Luxuria']
Been playing some Tales of Graces F and the combat is so friggin' good. The story has been... alright so far, I guess. I like the characters. Pascal is totally awesome but Hubert is... I don't like him.

Laura Bailey voices Cheria so I feel like I have Rise in my party. Support moar, pls.[/QUOTE]

The combat is awesome, but I didn't really care for the characters in that game. Pascal was fine, but Cheria was the worst. Her adult outfit was terrible too. I kinda liked Hubert though in a funny way.

I think my party was Asbel, Sofie, Malik, and Pascal.
[quote name='Indignate']I can't wait to start playing. [/QUOTE]


[quote name='sherlock2g']I can't stand Hubert. Pascal is crazy and funny. Who do you use as your main party or do you mix it up?[/QUOTE]

I usually use Asbel, Pascal, Cheria, and Sofie. Pascal does insane damage and I like using Cheria and Sofie because of their healz.

[quote name='ihadFG']The combat is awesome, but I didn't really care for the characters in that game. Pascal was fine, but Cheria was the worst. Her adult outfit was terrible too. I kinda liked Hubert though in a funny way.

I think my party was Asbel, Sofie, Malik, and Pascal.[/QUOTE]

I just *like* them. I don't feel like I will really remember any of them aside from Pascal. They make the adventure enjoyable at least. They won't top Symphonia's cast.

[quote name='ActionKazimer']Damn, I've been meaning to get in on Nier forever. Have no real excuse at this point.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I played it a bit and thought it was pretty cool.

[quote name='blueshinra']I should finally get on the Nier boat too, once I'm done with Abyss. Maybe in April...[/QUOTE]

One day, I'll get to Abyss....
[quote name='ihadFG']The combat is awesome, but I didn't really care for the characters in that game. Pascal was fine, but Cheria was the worst. Her adult outfit was terrible too. I kinda liked Hubert though in a funny way.

I think my party was Asbel, Sofie, Malik, and Pascal.[/QUOTE]

I loved her adult outfit.

Pascal, IMO, was the weakest character in combat. Didn't like the characters that much either, other than Sophie.

Edit: I played in nightmare mode.
yay i finished the main quest of kingdoms of amalur... but that was such a huge let down. just like all the other quests that tried to have stories in that game.

also ended up getting the 3ds harvest moon because it was only $20 on amazon today.

i haven't played graces f but i watched my brother play. pascal seems fun and i like cheria's short skirt. woo.
I only gave Eternal Sonata about one hour. When it switched from the girl character to the two boys. Maybe I'll give it one more try if I'm still awake tonight. Otherwise, it's getting traded in to Amazon.
I loved Eternal Sonata, though I did find it a little simple. The music and characters were top notch in comparison to other JRPGs I've played this gen, Lost Odyssey excluded.
I didn't really like Eternal Sonata all that much. If it wasn't for Chopin, I would have given up halfway through the game. It doesn't help that the 360 version was the inferior version, which is the one I played.
bread's done