RPG Thread XX has over 100 hours of gameplay

I need to go back through Fates at some point. I'm very slowly playing Dragon Quest VII right now. It's a huge improvement over the original Playstation version to where I don't feel like I need a guide to progress anymore. There was one 'piece' that I had trouble finding but it was me complicating a something that was blatantly obvious. I'll probably put that on hold and play some Dragon Quest Builders once I get it this week though as the game is more of a slog than 4-6 as well as 9. 8 also had its slog moments for me, but I didn't feel it as badly as I do in 7.

Other than that, I had trouble re-playing Pillars of Eternity on the highest difficulty. Not because of the difficulty as I could get by anything with a bit of strategy, but because I just don't find the difficulty fun. I'll probably restart it on the second highest difficulty sometime down the road and finally make it through the expansions.

I suppose I also beat Trails of Cold Steel II recently, but there's not much to say about that without me writing an essay. The Trails series is an investment for sure. Why can't more games have an expansive world and lore like this series?

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Fates has some of the best gameplay of any FE I've played but holy shit, the writing - and Conquest is really the worst offender here - is some absolute dogshit. "Three technically different games branching out from one key decision" is a neat gimmick but they really strained to write a game based around one of those branches just being god damn nonsense.

I picked up DQ VII too, but haven't started it yet. It might be awhile before I can get to it, since I want to get thru more of my backlog.

But my backlog just get bigger tho. I was recently gifted a PS2 off a buddy of mine, so now I can finally play some of my PS2 RPGs that I never finished, like Tales of Abyss/Legendia, Star Ocean 3, and the SMT: DDS games. I'm gonna try and hunt down Suikoden 4 and 5 now too. Hopefully I can get 5 without having to pay some of the crazy prices I've seen on Ebay.

I'm almost finished with Trails in the Sky FC, about halfway thru the fourth chapter now. I want to get thru it and SC before I start the two Trails of Cold Steels.

You need to wait for the The 3rd to come out later this year and play through that though.

And then wait for xseed to somehow get the licenses to translate the 2 7th games cuz I think the PC ports were done by another dev so they have to work with them on that instead or something cuz I doubt they want to localize psp/vita games cuz nobody owns one. Or you can play a fan translation but that sounds illegal I think it would be better if you just learned Japanese.

Then I will allow you to play Cold Steels.

Ain't nobody got time for all that! Geez, my backlog is already big enough...

I do like Trails so far tho. I love how the monsters explode into a bunch of sepith stones when you defeat them. The story is good, but I'm not going around talking to everyone like some people do; I'm just focusing upon the quests and stuff pertaining to them.

Still, if I were to learn Japanese, I wouldn't be wasting time playing these Falcom PSP games when there's Persona 5 to be drooling over. I watched some non-story videos of the combat and other features, and wow, it looks fantastic. I really dig how the characters have both melee weapons and guns, which was a big element of the first Persona game. Sucks that we english speakers gotta wait till February.

Ain't nobody got time for all that! Geez, my backlog is already big enough...

I do like Trails so far tho. I love how the monsters explode into a bunch of sepith stones when you defeat them. The story is good, but I'm not going around talking to everyone like some people do; I'm just focusing upon the quests and stuff pertaining to them.
Yeah, honestly it was too much. There was some neat side stories that the NPC's would go through but I just got really tired of running around each city after every story beat to catch up with everyone, particularly when most of them weren't neat. Dunbar's theory states that I can only really be close to about five people anyways.

In Trails in the Sky, it's only really worth talking to people who interact with you via main story and sidequest and Estelle's home town (I did this more in SC than FC). When you get to Trails of Cold Steel I & II, there are a lot more named NPCs at your hub that you'll probably want to keep tabs on as well. There aren't many outside of the main "hub" that you'll really want to repeatedly talk to. Not that you'll have much of a chance for multiple conversations anyways.

Then there's Anton... Poor Anton. I guess I should say poor Ricky though? He has it the hardest.

Do you ever get the ability to backtrack in Trails in the Sky? Up till now I've been locked into one region per chapter, and cannot go to any previously-visited regions. I assume this opens up towards the very end, or maybe they save that for SC?

Not really, no. SC is linear is a similar way, but in one of the later chapters you visit everywhere again. Cold Steel is pretty linear as well in that regard (Except for the hub), but Cold Steel II actually has some non-linearity about it. Story is still linear, but explorable locations aren't exactly.

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Anyone have extensive knowledge of the game "Grand Kingdom" for PS4/PS VITA? From the screens shots the game looks beautiful and very immersive, but I wanted to seek other opinions before I buy it :)

I never beat it because I got sidetracked by something else. There is a demo on PSN that you can try out the gameplay. The main game is more or less the same with more classes. As for what I didn't like about it is the online portion. It's not particularly fun in my opinion.

I may go back to it at some point, but I'm definitely not in a rush to.

I hit the 4 hour mark in SMT Apocalypse.

this game is so good!

so good!

pretty much the same as the older one, which I loved. Music is awesome, setting is awesome, game is a ton of fun, definitely has its hooks in me!

Characters that are at least semi-important to the plot often don't die in FE games, they merely get permanently injured. In Awakening, none of the first-generation women totally "die"; in Fates, none of the first-gen men die.

I think.
Story wise I'm not sure anyone dies in the game, then again the overall story in Awakening isnt anything special,

but when you beat the game the story snippets just say "Retired" on your dead characters.

...but Tyranny hype?

I played ESO closed alpha/beta a little. It was bad. Like really bad. I'd honestly like to play an MMO, but communities in them are a far cry from what they were back when I played Ultima Online from 97/98 to 2002. Well the internet in general for that matter. If I go the smaller more niche MMO route, then it's either full of foreign people (OH GOD BRAZILLIANS) or full of kids less than half my age that honestly scare me. I can't get into WoW anymore even though I still buy the expansion collector editions because... they're pretty boxes and I own them all.

I've been hearing that they're really going to make consequences to to your actions. I just hope they don't monkey paw all the benevolent choices you make. Too many unintended consequences are bad. I'm also fine with good choices having lesser negative consequences and sometimes being the worse option in the short run, but if they do it to every benevolent choice then it'll make being the "good guy" suck.

Two more weeks though. Well, unless Xanadu NEXT takes me a long time, then whenever I finish that.

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Finished up Trails in the Sky FC. Wonderful JRPG. Nothing exceptionally ground-breaking gameplay-wise, but what it does it does well. The story is what makes it as good as it is, though.

I'm going to take a break for a week or two before jumping into Second Chapter so I don't get burned out on it.

That's probably a good idea, especially since the second game can run around twice the length. The game transitions into SC really well too with how it handles everything at the beginning. I do have some issues with the games, but Trails in the Sky SC is the best English Trails game we currently have in my opinion. Can't wait for Trails in the Sky the Third next spring so I can get a better idea of the series meta story.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning would probably suit you. Good action based gameplay with a fairly robust skill system and a huge game world. Especially if you get the two DLC packs which add about another 10 hours each.

If you play, just don't enter the DLC packs. They adjust to your level when you first enter. So if you go exploring a bit and continue the story, the DLC gets locked at a lower level. Unless they fixed that (which I doubt).

spoilers of SMT Apocolypse, but this story is the most fan-fictiony shyt ever.

it basically takes one of the many routes the original SMT4 can go in, and makes a sidestory out of it revolving around some random characters in the world, so already a perfect setting to do whatever they want.

Your main character dies at the beginning of the game, only to be revived by some demon with an agenda, the dood's like "you will be my guy! through you I will accomplish my goals"

then you go on a mission and run into a character who's like "you! young man! is that my son hanging around with you? BOY! WTF you doing with that kid!"

and the demon's like "moooooooooom~!!! shutup! I'm trying to do a thing! leave me alone! gosh!! grrrr you're so annoying!!"

and ppl on neogaf be like "yo this story is awesome! way better than the original!"

Well, I had a nice little bit mostly typed up about Tyranny, but then I sneezed and reflex hit the back key on my keyboard. Why the fuck that key is at the bottom of my keyboard, I'll never know. I really don't want to re-write everything I had written before so I'll just summarize as well as say it's a pretty good game. Took a little bit to get into it, a couple hours at least. Part of that is because character creation takes so long thanks to the conquest portion.

Legendary/Artifact items also have some [customspoiler='more interesting effects']

[/customspoiler] compared to Pillars too. A lot more dialogue options as well, but they definitely went away from the whole good/evil aspect of choice. It's similar to that system, but less black and white on actual morality. I see why some previews said everything you do has consequences, but they're overstating it as usual.

Oh and it's kinda neat that you can link up with your Paradox account if you want and allow others to see choices you've made and such. It's rather spoiler'y, so beware. It definitely has some satisfying scenes with some of those choices. Part of which satisfies my inner asshole/immature child as I was flipping the bird at everybody.

I also beat Xanadu NEXT. It's a fairly short game 10-15 hours I'd estimate. Plays like an older type of game, which makes sense since it was made in 2005. The map was designed quite well and the systems in place don't seem overly grindy if you want to min/max compared to todays games. Highly recommend the game if you play PC games and it looks like something that would interest you.

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Anybody from this thread want a free Steam copy of Divinity: Original Sin? I was going through my Steam inventory and apparently I have a copy and I don't really know why. It has probably been sitting in there for over a year, so I'm just tossing it out to whoever. You'll either have to give me your email or friend me on Steam (at least temporarily) to get it. The only caveat I have is that you actually play it and don't sell it, trade it or give it away to someone else. I don't want anything in return.


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I've spent the last few days pushing thru Trails in the Sky SC. It is a bit longer than the first one, mostly because of all the cutscene talky-talky. Just got to Chapter 7
where Joshua and Estelle finally gets together. I've taken down the first two towers,
but I still feel as if I have a long way to go.

I've started a little bit on FF XV too, but I'm taking my time. Still in the first area. I pulled a BlueShinra and spent all my gil on soundtracks to past Final Fantasy games.

Finished FFXV at 31 hours clocked. Still loads to do of course.

The latter half of the story is rather embarrassing from a design stand point. Stunning really. Hours of train rides and hallways and doors you don't have a proper keycard for. I was so disappointed after the midpoint climax. 

I hear the optional dungeons are stellar though. Looking forward to them.

Started FF XV. I am loving how derpy the party is.

Taking my time, not trying to rush through it. The game is very odd because it does a lot of things different but none of it seems bad. Just totally what I am not used to in a FF game. Although the main characters just keep me wanting to play because of how hilariously bad they are sometimes. With great one liners about Noctis complaining that it's hot then being told to take off his jacket, I can't help but love it.

I like all the dungeons designs except Castlemark Tower (That stupid fucking puzzle maze at the end) and the shit you had to go through in Chapter 13 because it was entirely far too long and drawn out. I still haven't finished Castlemark Tower (pre-postgame section) because I was at the end fighting and then I warped at an enemy and ended up warping to the entrance of the dungeon after sitting in a black abyss for a few seconds. At least I didn't lose all the experience I gained I suppose.

Story is... very badly told. I haven't seen Kingsglaive or Brotherhood, nor do I really want to and you shouldn't be forced to do shit outside of the game to understand the how and why of the main story. There are a few sections where I'm just like "Wat." at the sudden change in emotion the game tries to portray. Outside of your party, Cindy and Cid I didn't really feel any attachment to anybody because nobody has any real screen time except for maybe one other person. So most of the emotional scenes were just me staring at the screen in stoic disbelief trying to figure out how they thought presenting it in the manner they did was a good thing.

Combat is pretty fun with Airdance being quite enjoyable in the instances you get to make use of it. However the camera is pretty bad, particularly against larger enemies where the camera needs to zoom out (I have it set to far). It also has plenty of issues with hitting walls and when I'm riding a chocobo, I swear it it makes me do another circle because it changes the riding controls on you (based on camera position vs your position), I'm going to punch the god damned case. It's also weird how you can use a phoenix down on yourself if you die, prior to the game over screen and keep going.

Oh and targeting. Man do I get annoyed at times. I rarely use toggle lock-on because it gets in my way of my playstyle and wish they implemented it so it was toggle to begin with. So I'm holding down manual lock-on a good majority of the time and an enemy runs behind another enemy or a small tree? Better kill the lock-on! (Doesn't happen 100% of the time) Just warped in and the enemy went to vulnerable status? Better switch the lock-on to the guy ten feet to the right or disengage lock-on all together! Pretty annoying when that shit happens and I should probably try my second controller. Also that you can't Warp to environmental spots if you're locked on to a target, which is rather annoying but not the end of the world.

I'm honestly not much of a fan of the translation really. The banter is more or less fine but there were plenty of scenes where what they said on the English subs was not even remotely close to what was said in Japanese audio and I thought what the audio said made much more sense. It's like a Treehouse translation which I'm not particularly fond of either. This is less of an issue if you have no idea what the audio says or stick to English audio obviously.

Despite all that negativity I just wrote, I still enjoy it and it has a fair amount of good/fun parts. Sometimes though, I just need to set the game down because of the minor gripes pile on in rare instances and start to seriously annoy me. Like when I was at the end of Castlemark and got warped back outside at the entrance because of a bug when Warping during a fight.

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Before reading this, I tried to be vague but Spoilers may lurk below






Finished Final Fantasy XV, did about half the side quests before I plowed through the second half.  The game design reminds me of Xenogears, excellent buildup and world building in the first half, half finished and half-@ssed second part.  That being said, the game has some truly amazing (if not a lot) of epic parts.

Early in the game, I felt it was Final Fantasy when Noctis ran back to watch the events in Insomnia.  This reminded me of previous games where the story has a sense of urgency, importance, and sense of player delight.  That is what Final Fantasy is to me, story points that you feel the urgency while playing, which allows the story to grab you in.  XV does this a few times.  XV also does one thing better than other games in the series (and RPGs in general) do, it makes you have to deal with a fallout and character interactions.  Something from a offscreen moment was probably the most prominent and emotionally charged moment of the game for me.  It would have been nice for the second part to not be as rushed and for that to be explored more (outside of the overlong chapter 13 dungeon, that was one of the worst thought out dungeons in any Final Fantasy).  Needless to say, I want to see more of that explored and there is plenty of content arriving that will hopefully touch upon this.

Also, One thing in every Final Fantasy I look forward to is the moment you hear the Final Fantasy theme for the first time.  I remember the first time I heard it, looking at the still of Light Warriors passing over the newly built bridge while their journey begins.  I fell in love then with Mr. Uematsu's signature work to the point where I asked my wife for that to be the song played for our first dance at our wedding (once she heard it there was not an argument).  XV uses the theme for a scene in one of the best ways possible. A game with a darkness / light theme found its light in a few beautiful sequences saving the theme for when, as a player, it was most appropriate.

Finally, for those on the fence about the boy band and being turned off by them, don't hold that against the game.  Yes, there are dialogue and story problems where the game doesn't quite get across what it wants to.  Yes, the reminder of night driving is annoying, and some interactions are silly, but the payoff on the 4 firends really does shine.  Im sure the DLC will flesh out some of this more and the rumoured expansion will probably open up more areas that look like they exist but you cant get to.

Also, did anyone else feel that one of the developers loved VI (my favorite game) a lot?  From Ultros in Kings Galive(! because the world could always use more of a giant purple octopus on a airship !) to some of the references and enemies in VI, It seemed like someone on the staff said "screw it, VI is the height of the series and we need to reference it".   

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The game has beautiful moments (the whole Altissia segment) but I don't think it's executed well as a whole. Ardyn could have said a million different lines to give insight into his dilemma but instead all he's given is pure snark. Both in the movie and the game. Prompto's reveal was a non issue. The emperor is turned into a trash mob you might not even pay attention to. Ravus is discarded and amounts to a few sheets of paper on the floor as explanation. Noctis/Luna had no actual romance to bite into. In fact, the whole cast seems coldhearted if you think about the motive for moving Noctis along his path. 

All its lore certainly has the potential for the inevitable sequels and spin-offs down the line. This felt like a giant tech demo as foundation for better things to come.

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Some very good points and I don't necessarily disagree with you on everything but I also had a different view, especially on Ardyn.

Spoilers away





Ardyn is not one of my favorite villains by any stretch.  I did find him to be a very confident villain.  I actually wanted to see him have a private moment or another villain to latch on to where (like a second in command) to where he would express some uncertainity to what he was doing, but that did come not happen.  I found Ardyn to be pure revenge and he seemed to not respect Noctis at all.  He was almost delighted to see Noctis had no control over his life (the arranged marriage to Lunafreya - followed by Insomnia fall - followed by collecting tombs / awakening the powers)/  Ardyn was able to manipulate Noctis easily (I could see why Noctis followed Ardyn at points) and for that, I understood why Ardyn was all snark.  When Noctis finally attacks Ardyn it seems that Ardyn is surprised that Noctis was finally not buying in to him (the dialogue for this part for Ardyn was Atrocius - "not cool man" did not fit with the character).  I thought when Ardyn met Noctis he hit the jackpot.

I agree with the Emperor, there should have been many more scenes with the Emperor and his advisors and many more boss battles with them.  There was a golden opportunity here and some cutscenes and dialogue showing the Emperor losing control of his empire was needed.  Instead, we never see him and that was a waste.

Ditto for Ravus, who we see, but he could have been a great tragic villain.  I think the issue here is expectation of what came before (Gilgamesh / Kuja / Seymour etc) for the character in his position.  He was serviceable but more time fighting and seeing Ravus would have worked out more.

I thought Prompto was going to be turned into a full daemon when you found him.  This probably should have actually happened.  It would not have actually changed what happened next, but that is where I thought the game was going.  I also thought Gladio was going to betray Noctis for his sister's safety when you confront Ardyn (reasoning was that Noctis didn't have it in him to save the world) and this would have explained his absence.  Scenes like these would have required an extra chapter or two before the end game to allow the party to heal but may have helped the game.

The developers absolutely blew a golden opportunity with Lunafreya.  There was not enough of her or the definition of her relationship with Noctis. 

Just a differing opinion on some things.  I agree there will be a sequel.  There was way too much money sunk into this game for Square not to use the world map again.

I finished up Trails in the Sky SC. Beautiful story, great characters, and a wonder RPG series. Highly recommended for any fan of the genre.

Now, I'm gonna continue my playthru of the Suikoden series since I've finally got a working PS2, and I tracked down copies of IV and V. I've just barely started IV (about an hour in) and already I really hate the camera, but everything else seems okay so far. I guess I'll see soon why its the least favorite of the series.

Always nice to see others like the Trails series. Not that I don't have a multitude of complaints about it though.

I guess I'll see soon why its the least favorite of the series.
Figure out what button you need to hold down when traveling via boat and it isn't half as bad as they say in my opinion (For me personally 3 was the low point in the series with 4 being next worst). They just never told you there was a faster movement button and without it, it's stupidly slow. It's like R2 or something if I remember right, but trying various buttons until you find it works too.

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R1 is run, I've already found it. :D/  Besides the inverted camera controls that I wish I could change, the only complaint I can make so far is that the graphics are more realistic and less anime-ish, but that's more of a personal gripe. A couple of friends have told me to skip 4 and go straight to 5, but 4 doesn't seem terrible. I really liked 3, so maybe it isn't as bad as I've heard.

I've delved further into Suikoden IV.

The controls are crap. Especially moving the ship around. The encounter rate for enemies is way too high when sailing. Every time I board, I struggle with getting the boat going in the right direction, then a random encounter hits. After I beat the bad guys, I start repositioning the boat again, and once I get it going, bam, another encounter. Repeat, repeat...So frustrating.  There better be one of those teleporting mirrors you eventually find like in the other Suikodens.

The story is really poorly told. Going with a silent protagonist is okay, but you really need to have a strong supporting cast to make a story this deep work with a silent protagonist. The other three Suikodens had a strong supporting cast from the beginning. Twelve hours in, and still no supporting cast beyond some random followers and a freaky kitten-headed thing with a name almost as stupid as Suikoden 3's "Fubar". Its been a slow game to get into so far. That part where you're stranded on a deserted island was terribly boring, and even getting to the game's "home base" was anticlimactic.

The combat system is very basic but acceptable. So far, the best thing has been the couple of ship-to-ship sea battles I've been involved in, and I look forward to more of these.

I'll keep going, but I'm starting to see why a lot of friends of mine who have played this game rank it so poorly. 

awwwww yeay~!! finally beat SMT Apocalypse last nite. 

Actually beat it a week earlier, but yesterday was me beating with a different ending.

Overall roughly 80 hours... ugh, but it was a fantastic game so no regrets there.

Also final boss was a B... I died like 4 times on my initial run before being like F it and set the difficulty to easy. After all the time I put into this game, no regrets there too!! Also did my 2nd ending run all on easy just to rush thru it as fast as possible, yet still took another 6 hours coz the final dungeon in this game suuuuuuucks.

on the horizon, pre-ordered DQ8 out of principle, it'll chill in my backlog pile alongside 7.

Also got a PS4 now so gonna start FFXV this week, also pre-ordered the new Nier. Definitely looking forward to playing that when it comes out, tho I'm not sure it's an RPG anymore? Also never played the last one despite really wanting to.

After FFXV looking forward to Yakuza 0, then Nier, then Persona will be life once that releases!

Playing Dragon Quest Heroes right now and recently got Terry in my party. I don't remember much about Dragon Quest VI but... was Terry always an asshole?

I don't think this is spoilery, but when he's first introduced in DQH, he's all Standoffish Loner Swordsman Dude who's like, "I don't need anyone's help."

Actual RPG-wise, not playing anything right now save for Pokemon Sun. It's not one of the best, but still okay; been taking my time with it. Oh, and also Crypt of the NecroDancer, which is pretty decent, but exhausting with a dance pad.
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Final Fantasy XV - just finished this game and have to get my thoughts out on the table somewhere, so thought I would type them up here. Spoilers ahead!

Combat - I thought the combat was OK; it did remind me quite a bit of Kingdom Hearts, and a little of Crisis Core. I understand this is the direction Squeenix will probably take all their RPGs (action-oriented) because its the most relevant to today, but I slightly disagree with this, although I am probably in the minority here because I still like turn-based combat and do not believe it should be deprecated or obsolete...I also am one of the few people to have liked XIIIs combat - I actually thought it was one of the best final fantasy combat systems made - and certainly the most relevant in present-day JRPGs. (hope they bring that back somehow.) I felt like the combat in XV removed all sense of strategy in battles. (it is pretty button mashy). Yes, I know there is a 'Wait' mode that slightly brings the strategy back into the game, but that just seems very half-assed to me.

Story - A tough one to talk about. I thought the story in Lucis / the first half of the game was kind of non-existent. I was too lost doing pointless side quests, that it kept the main story from grabbing me. I think there should have been a better balance here. The second half of the game was better from a story standpoint, and it became WAY more final fantasy-ish. Having said that, I still think it was a TAD on the weak side. I think the story is better than XIII's and even XII's, so that is a definite improvement, but for me it was too basic and did not offer enough twists and turns for me to consider it one of the better FF stories. The ending brought SOME aid to that, as I thought Noctis and everyone dying did bring about a more mature side to the story and kept it from being TOO basic. My main complaint is, again, the first half of the game just does not grab me and I am a believer that Final Fantasy games NEED to have strong stories and themes. (which is why XII and XIII were not the best for me)

Characters - A positive note. This is the first Final Fantasy since X where I genuinely care about the characters. Whether or not you like Noct and the Bros, they DO kind of make you care about them and understand the bond between them. (XII was weak because there was no real 'central' character, and XIII was weak because I just did not give a care about any of the characters - they were all way too annoying to me, and the story was way too confusing to actually get attached to them). It is on this note that FFXV finally does something good and is one way that it is a return to form. I like how it was a set few characters that are in your party, and so you have room to grow attached to them. I found myself actually caring when Procto got kidnapped and even moreso when Ignis became blind. 

Sidequests - I have to say this is a huge gripe with me. I found the sidequests in this game to be trash. Apart from the hunts (which really work in any FF), I found most of the sidequests a big waste of time and they produced more 'fluff' in the game than anything. Sure they may have increased the game length from 30 hours to 100+, but why would I care about having a game that lasts 100 hours if 70% of that game is walking from a store to grab a tomato and giving it to someone who wants it. I found this section of the game to be just too repetitive and not relative enough to the central plot. It supposed to be a roadtrip for bros, which I guess makes sense, but thinking on FFVII's golden chocobos, or IXs Chocobo digging, or even VIIIs tetra master and hidden summons, this was just a big boring disappointment. They tried to make this game too much like a fallout or skyrim in this regard, and while this may have worked for the general audience, It absolutely did not work for me.

Graphics - The game looks good, but I dont really concern myself with graphics unless it hinders me from actually playing the game. (Think PSone RPGs which now look a big hard on the eyes) I wont really say anything about this part of the game. I suppose I should mention that HDR makes a HUUUGEEE difference though compared to regular non-hdr play.

Miscellaneous - I have to mention one more thing here that bothers me - the traveling. The car, the constant walking, the fast travel (and at times lack thereof) all annoy me far too much here. I understand this game wanted to feel vast, and have a giant real-life world, but what that in-turn created was a time-consuming movement from point A to Point B. I think the best example I can give was doing 4 or 5 hunts near the Vesperpool in succession. It was literally fast travel to the nearby outpost, talk to the hunt issuer, fast travel to the Vesperpool ROAD, grab a chocobo and walk to the desired spot in the vesperpool, defeat the monster. Fast Travel back to the car, fast travel back to the outpost. multiple this by 5 for 5 hunts, and you have just wasted about 20 - 30 minutes in just fast travel. and add even more fast traveling if you monster happens to be INSIDE a dungeon. (you then have to run to the spot in the dungeon fast travel back outside after). I do not have a suggestion for a solution here, but why do I have to fast travel to the car and THEN to my destination...just let me fast travel directly where I wanted to go. Maybe introducing save points and fast traveling to the save points could have fixed this issue...

Conclusion: I know I sound harsh in this review - but that because I hold Final Fantasy to such a high standard. VI - X were all absolutely fantastic games IMO, and it still is my favorite series in video games (with FFIX being my favorite video game period). With that said, I have to say that the biggest issue with Final Fantasy XV is its a game without a real identity. Because Squeenix wanted to reach such a broad audience with this game, they literally took all the parts from every AAA game on the market and meshed it into XV. It has Fallouts open world and sidequests, Mass Effects decision making, parts of Metal Gear Solid's stealth, and things like adding a car. All these keep this game from developing an identity as a Final Fantasy game - ironically that is what this game is missing the most - the feeling of a final fantasy. I would only say the game starts feeling like an FF once you hit altissia and the game turns more linear (although slightly TOO linear) I understand that if this was a turn-based RPG with smaller scope it would probably not have sold as many copies and attracted as many new players, but I cant help but feel the loyal FF lovers got a bit of the shaft as a result. 

Conversely, the game IS good. I cannot help but feel if this game was named something other than Final Fantasy XV - hell maybe even Final Fantasy Versus, it would not have received such a critical response from me. I enjoyed it and it is the first FF since X that I actually sat down and played without coming back to finish it 8 months later. I also appreciate the game was not Fallout sized in time length. I finished a bunch of sidequests and the main story in 40 hours. It is fun and I do recommend playing it. My main gripes just stem that if this is truly a Final Fantasy Proper (main entry in the series) it probably should have followed formulae a tad more. (this without mentioning the 10 year development hell).

i.e. FFXV is good game, I have to say it does feel like a step forward from XIII in character and game development, nice to see Squeenix addressing issues that half plagued FF for the last decade hopefully it is onward and upward from here and we get to the level of quality from the PSone/SNES days.

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Personally I didn't care much for Final Fantasy XV. It started off ok, but after the first three chapters, the story just got kicked down the stairs. Gameplay while fun at first ultimately fell flat in the end for me as I got to know it better. Mainly due to the fact that they put way too much emphasis on countering which is stupidly overpowered but more or less required for couple types of enemies. And secondly because you can revive yourself after you die, which really killed any sense of tension just because that scapegoat exists. I also hate the magic system and it makes it way too annoying to actively use outside of rare occasions when it's really useful. Oh and of course the summon system is dumb. They look cool, but it's implemented terribly.

I will say though that I really enjoyed the dungeon design outside of the post-game dungeons which was literally copy-paste that lasted hours upon hours. So I never got to the "final" post-game dungeon to actually see it.

Also final boss was a B... I died like 4 times on my initial run before being like F it and set the difficulty to easy. After all the time I put into this game, no regrets there too!! Also did my 2nd ending run all on easy just to rush thru it as fast as possible, yet still took another 6 hours coz the final dungeon in this game suuuuuuucks.
I did the neutral (I think?) ending, which wasn't bad. However, yeah, the final dungeon is absolutely abysmal. I had trouble with a boss fight or two on whatever the normal difficulty is, but I didn't find it too bad. I remember a certain boss taking a stupidly long time because I didn't have the right stuff to properly battle them, but still won through tenacity. I think by the end of that fight, I wanted to throw my 3DS at a wall.

And NieR: Automata is more of an Action RPG, but more emphasis on the action than the RPG in my opinion based on what the demo showed.

Oh, and also Crypt of the NecroDancer, which is pretty decent, but exhausting with a dance pad.
I think I found your problem. The beat speeds up every floor, which can be quite worse than playing a couple songs in DDR because you can't really "stop" per say. Technically it's possible, but yeah.

Fun game though and there's an expansion (?) on the way. I don't remember what it included. I tend to play with my keyboard on this kind of game though. Controller would feel too inaccurate for me, however a dance pad wouldn't be bad if I still have the leg stamina for that kind of thing. I'm probably more likely to pull a muscle at this point.

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I think I found your problem. The beat speeds up every floor, which can be quite worse than playing a couple songs in DDR because you can't really "stop" per say. Technically it's possible, but yeah.

Fun game though and there's an expansion (?) on the way. I don't remember what it included. I tend to play with my keyboard on this kind of game though. Controller would feel too inaccurate for me, however a dance pad wouldn't be bad if I still have the leg stamina for that kind of thing. I'm probably more likely to pull a muscle at this point.
Yeah, if I decide to make a serious attempt to beat this thing, I'll be using keyboard controls for sure. It is a good workout with a pad, though.
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started FFXV a few days ago, and thanks to 3 day weekend I've managed to log in 25 hours already o_O

basically, I've put more time in 5 days in this game than I've put into over half a year of Xenoblade X >_<

yet I've barely progressed thru the game at all! Only at chapter 4 coz I keep getting sidetracked by quests and hunts! I'm essentially playing this game the same way I played FF12!

which also means by like hour 60 I'll be tired and just go straight thru the rest of the story lol.

But yah, I really like the game! Mostly coz I feel the world is so strange and fascinating... like they took so many elements from reality and put it into this world where nothing else makes sense, and you're a group of boys just driving around thru it without a care in the world!

I did the neutral (I think?) ending, which wasn't bad. However, yeah, the final dungeon is absolutely abysmal. I had trouble with a boss fight or two on whatever the normal difficulty is, but I didn't find it too bad. I remember a certain boss taking a stupidly long time because I didn't have the right stuff to properly battle them, but still won through tenacity. I think by the end of that fight, I wanted to throw my 3DS at a wall.
yeah I think the non-neutral endings are premature ones, regular ending there are two of them whether or not you
kill your friends
. Those are the two I got!

And it's already funded. I'd love to donate $150 for the CE, but I'm not sure I'll be able to currently. Tyranny was pretty interesting, however it was kinda short and ended early, giving it an unfinished feel story wise. Hopefully they don't do the same here, but I'd imagine not since they're going the funding route again.

To be fair, Tyranny was supposed to lean a bit more towards Alpha Protocol, being short but having a lot of variation between playthroughs.

I don't really mind it being short, but the way the story ended combined with it feeling short kind of made it feel incomplete and left me unsatisfied. Basically it didn't feel so much as a "Here's something that's not super important but could lead to something if we decide to make a sequel." Instead if was more like "Here's this thing you've been somewhat pursuing as a rather important secondary objective and we're just going to dangle that shit in front of your face, unable to complete it this game."

It's kind of like many season cliffhangers on American television that doesn't wrap up what the season was leading up to only to have it dangled in front of you at the end of the season and having to wait another year to see the conclusion if it doesn't get cancelled altogether. Trails of Cold Steel (PS3/Vita) pulled that shit too from recent memory and I wanted to choke the shit out of Falcom for it. Didn't even compare to the Trails in the Sky cliffhanger.

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Interesting bit of news: Square Enix has launched a new studio, and it's run by a former Tales producer. Their first project is a fantasy RPG with the codename "Project Prelude Rune" and a couple bits of nice-looking concept art.

Also, really glad for last week's news that Ys VIII is coming to Steam. I'd lost hope in seeing PC versions of the latest in main-series Ys after Ys Seven remained PSP-only.

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It's more or less ended ($4,407,475), but paypal is still open for a bit and hasn't been added in. It ended a little short (not counting any paypal) of the 4.5m goal of having manageable ship crew. I think we'll likely hit that, but it'd be nice if we could get least hit the Sea Monsters & Fishing goal at 4.75m. Total list of things added are:

  • Multiclassing/sub-classes.
  • Level cap increased to 20
  • Double the voice overs
  • Orchestrated tracks
  • Companion AI tweaking
  • Companion relationships
  • 4 sidekicks can join you.
  • Ship upgrades & new ship types
  • More islands to explore
  • Intelligent (talking) weapon
  • Xoti Companion (Priest/Monk)

Fulvano's voyage, the games Od Nua dungeon seems like it will be more varied seeing as they're a number of islands you'll journey to as opposed to an underground dungeon. I wasn't actually sure if I was going to be able to back it, but I ended up biting for a physical collectors edition. Not signed this time unfortunately.

Next week for Torment though. I'm sure that'll be a crazy experience. I tried going back through PoE on Path of the Damned difficulty, but I just didn't really enjoy it and ended up stopping my second playthrough of that.

I'm also glad that Ys VIII is coming to PC. A little sad that it's not XSeed as I've always preferred their localization to most other companies and they're quite transparent on their decisions. I know Joyoland (Chinese dev) has the other Ys games on PC and they want to bring it to Steam, so I think it will happen at some point, but there's no guarantee of course.

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I seriously hope "octuple Rolling Flames" is an actual spell in the game.

And that Adam Brennecke gets his fuckin' audio situation fixed before he does his next video. Jesus.

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bread's done