Rumor: PSN Subscription Plan Info

As long as online mp is still free, I am ok with this. I've lost some of my faith in Sony after they decided to cut features like the Other OS... I don't use it, but its not good to see customers get the shaft for something they paid for. I'm now wary about them charging just to access the PSN for multiplayer. Only time will tell.
[quote name='Thomas96']Whatever this online plan is... it needs to be good because the goal is to try and get people that pay for live to start paying for PSN... and that won't happen unless the features and the benefits of the plan is great.[/QUOTE]

Here is how I think it will go down. They will roll out PSN+ or whatever it is going to be called and it will have cross-game chat, maybe a free game, and I saw something about "extended" demos. Yawn for me anyway unless the games are good.

Then when the uptake isn't what they thought because: 1) People with both consoles already pay for XBL, and 2) People like me don't see value in their offer, they roll out the next phase.

I see some games becoming "premium" online play games. Maybe your Madden online franchise because a PSN+ feature. Want to play COD MW4 (or whatever the title at the time may be)? Then you need PSN+ for the multiplayer. They won't ever fully remove the ability to play online for free, just start making some games or features only on PSN+. If you want to play something else on regular PSN, go ahead.

I hope this doesn't happen, but at least these things are still good as blu-ray players.
[quote name='BurtReynolds']I see some games becoming "premium" online play games. Maybe your Madden online franchise because a PSN+ feature. Want to play COD MW4 (or whatever the title at the time may be)? Then you need PSN+ for the multiplayer. They won't ever fully remove the ability to play online for free, just start making some games or features only on PSN+. If you want to play something else on regular PSN, go ahead.

I hope this doesn't happen, but at least these things are still good as blu-ray players.[/QUOTE]

This is what I have been thinking ever since I read about Activision considering charging an extra fee to play CoD online. Toss EA in there with the extra fee after buying used and the greed machine is rolling. I wouldnt doubt if they worked out a deal with Sony so they all get a piece of the pie. I dont think Sony would include first party titles but these others could have influenced how the paid service might work.
EA's fee for used games makes sense though. At some point these publishers were going to do SOMETHING to try and get some money back from GameStop and the used game market.
Only thing that'll get me to pay a subscription fee is adding PS2 games to the store and/or add PS2 compatibility. Only other thing that would make me consider it is if subscribers got a percentage off everything available in the PlayStation Store, thus, depending on how much you buy, having the service pay for itself in the long run.
[quote name='SynGamer']EA's fee for used games makes sense though. At some point these publishers were going to do SOMETHING to try and get some money back from GameStop and the used game market.[/QUOTE]
What other market has tried to claim some of the profits of sales of their products once they've already been used by the consumer? None that I can think of besides the gaming market.

If they get too greedy, then I predict we'll have another gaming crash like in the 80's. I know I for one would NOT pay an extra $X.xx to get access to content that should be unlocked without having to pay the extra cost. fuck EA and any of the companies that try this bullshit.
That's an awful idea that basically goes against the claims that online play will continue to be free. I seriously doubt that they'll require a subscription to play games online this late into the PS3's life.
You never know Frisky. This is Sony we're talking about here. The same company that at one point said that BC was important and they changed their tune on that too.
[quote name='BurtReynolds']Here is how I think it will go down. They will roll out PSN+ or whatever it is going to be called and it will have cross-game chat, maybe a free game, and I saw something about "extended" demos. Yawn for me anyway unless the games are good.

Then when the uptake isn't what they thought because: 1) People with both consoles already pay for XBL, and 2) People like me don't see value in their offer, they roll out the next phase.

I see some games becoming "premium" online play games. Maybe your Madden online franchise because a PSN+ feature. Want to play COD MW4 (or whatever the title at the time may be)? Then you need PSN+ for the multiplayer. They won't ever fully remove the ability to play online for free, just start making some games or features only on PSN+. If you want to play something else on regular PSN, go ahead.

I hope this doesn't happen, but at least these things are still good as blu-ray players.[/QUOTE]

The question is what does PSN need for people to feel that its basic services are just as good as XBL. I need more than just cross-game chat... I need faster downloads and game updates. Regardless of what Sony offers for this online service, there's one thing that MUST occur.... the price needs to be cheaper than XBL online services.
When downloading from PSN, i get over 1.0MB/sec download speeds. If its slow for you, it is user error. I have mine setup DMZ at the router, just a strait shot, and it works perfect.
I think most of the rumors going around now are just a whole lot of what they can see will stick. $9.99 a month seems like a suicide pact if you ask me.

I honestly think we'll see a few different plans involving PSN/PSP/PS1 games, multimedia services and Cloud whatever for saving games (PS Cloud?).

The thing says to me that a Netflix app is coming, and it'll be free. It also says to me that they're going to get an App out there for other stuff as well, maybe NFL or NHL. The cloud saving one, to me at least sounds like the most appealing thing.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think most of the rumors going around now are just a whole lot of what they can see will stick. $9.99 a month seems like a suicide pact if you ask me.

I honestly think we'll see a few different plans involving PSN/PSP/PS1 games, multimedia services and Cloud whatever for saving games (PS Cloud?).

The thing says to me that a Netflix app is coming, and it'll be free. It also says to me that they're going to get an App out there for other stuff as well, maybe NFL or NHL. The cloud saving one, to me at least sounds like the most appealing thing.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully with these 'apps' potentially coming out, they'll only be a mandatory download for those who want to subscribe to them. Otherwise it's just MORE frickin' clutter on the XMB for me.
I'd pay 20 a year JUST for cloud saving. I've been considering retiring my 60 gb model for a slim. I'd pay 30-40 a year if they give it an extended warranty AND PS2 BC.

I see Cheapest is still complaining about how long it takes to download everything on his coconuts and bananas internet.
[quote name='Paco']I'd pay 20 a year JUST for cloud saving. I've been considering retiring my 60 gb model for a slim. I'd pay 30-40 a year if they give it an extended warranty AND PS2 BC.

I see Cheapest is still complaining about how long it takes to download everything on his coconuts and bananas internet.[/QUOTE]
I might even consider paying $20-40 a year if they added some time to the warranty for the system AND PS2 BC as well, but for some free PSN once a month bs it's not worth it to me.

I'll keep complaining bout the shitty downloads of garbageware until they make the superfluous parts optional.
Dear Cheapest.

BUY BETTER INTERNET. You're complaining about something that takes 2-3 minutes to download.
[quote name='Paco']Dear Cheapest.

BUY BETTER INTERNET. You're complaining about something that takes 2-3 minutes to download.[/QUOTE]
You pay for my better internet and by all means I'll 'upgrade', but $20 is still the most I'll pay for access.
yo cheapest, u need to get your priorities straight.....u buy all this crap that u end up sitting on, and probably either make a few bucks, or break even. How about instead of buying 28 ps3 rapid fire controllers, u put that $ towards your internet. i pay $30 a month for dsl (3mb) , meanwhile your payin $20 for 768kb...if u think about it, your getting screwed with the lower speed....if your not gonna upgrade stop complaining....but then again that is your favorite thing to do.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You pay for my better internet and by all means I'll 'upgrade', but $20 is still the most I'll pay for access.[/QUOTE]

Don't complain if you refuse to fix your issue. You get what you pay for.
[quote name='lude21']yo cheapest, u need to get your priorities straight.....u buy all this crap that u end up sitting on, and probably either make a few bucks, or break even. How about instead of buying 28 ps3 rapid fire controllers, u put that $ towards your internet. i pay $30 a month for dsl (3mb) , meanwhile your payin $20 for 768kb...if u think about it, your getting screwed with the lower speed....if your not gonna upgrade stop complaining....but then again that is your favorite thing to do.[/QUOTE]
:grouphug: It's nice to know I'm so loved and so many know me so well.;)

And SEH, how is it my problem that I refuse to pay more for internet? It's what I'm willing to pay and more than $20 is fuckin' ridiculous unless I were getting my cable n shit bundled and the bundle price was grandfathered like my $20 rate for DSL.
You're willing to only pay a certain amount, what I'm saying is don't complain about it then. You could easily remedy the situation by paying for better internet, but you choose not to. That'd be like me bitching that I dont get any good channels on TV when I only pay for the basic package. Pay more, get more.
I get 12 mbps for 40 a month and it SHITS on Cheapests internet. If he had this level of internet he would probably shit his pants.
[quote name='SEH']You're willing to only pay a certain amount, what I'm saying is don't complain about it then. You could easily remedy the situation by paying for better internet, but you choose not to. That'd be like me bitching that I dont get any good channels on TV when I only pay for the basic package. Pay more, get more.[/QUOTE]
The thing is I don't really complain about my internet(90% of the time unless there's an outage for like 12 f'n hours), it's the downloading of total shit updates from Sony that irks the crap outta me.

Facebook, more stupid store icons and more other useless garbage that I should have the option to uncheck and not download if I don't want the junk.

If all Sony ever added were the 'bug fixes' and the other supposedly neccessary stuff I'm sure downloads would take all of a minute for everyone then. But there's so much fluff(sparkly background, converting everyone's PS3 to show the PS3 slim font logo on startup)that it fattens up what should be a sparse download.
The thing is, this stuff gets added because it's 2010, where most people have high-speed internet so downloading stuff isn't a problem.
I call every 6 months and tell att that im going to switch to cable, and they give me fiber optic 16mb/sec internet for 35 a month. Works everytime.
[quote name='blitz6speed']I call every 6 months and tell att that im going to switch to cable, and they give me fiber optic 16mb/sec internet for 35 a month. Works everytime.[/QUOTE]

is that a joke or are you fucking serious ? Because guess who is going to have AT&T's phone number as a speed dial :whistle2:#
[quote name='SEH']The thing is, this stuff gets added because it's 2010, where most people have high-speed internet so downloading stuff isn't a problem.[/QUOTE]
Actually, it gets added ACROSS THE BOARD to the firmware downloads. THAT is my problem with Sony's crapware. If I don't download the crapware, I'm blocked from PSN. If I download the firmware, it usually goes live at 10-11pm when I'm getting on to PLAY A GAME and so I have to go twiddle my fuckin' thumbs till their shitware downloads and installs.

It's not the speed or lack thereof(as the speed is adequate for what I use it for)that's my problem, it's Sony's 'one of us' mentality where everyone has to download every piece of shit garbage that the 10 year olds beg for(zomg gimme cross game chat, gimme cross game chat) on their stupid blog.

And blitz, what are you paying for internet as it is? If Verizon offered me the 3mb speed for my grandfathered $20 a month if I threatened to cancel or switch, I'd do it in a second. But as soon as the period for the 3mb speed for $20 was over, I'd be back on the phone threatening to cancel again unless I was either given the old speed at the $20 price or locked in for another year of 3mbps for $20/month.

I used to do that with AOL back in the day and they would give me free month after free month.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually, it gets added ACROSS THE BOARD to the firmware downloads. THAT is my problem with Sony's crapware. If I don't download the crapware, I'm blocked from PSN. If I download the firmware, it usually goes live at 10-11pm when I'm getting on to PLAY A GAME and so I have to go twiddle my fuckin' thumbs till their shitware downloads and installs.

It's not the speed or lack thereof(as the speed is adequate for what I use it for)that's my problem, it's Sony's 'one of us' mentality where everyone has to download every piece of shit garbage that the 10 year olds beg for(zomg gimme cross game chat, gimme cross game chat) on their stupid blog.

And blitz, what are you paying for internet as it is? If Verizon offered me the 3mb speed for my grandfathered $20 a month if I threatened to cancel or switch, I'd do it in a second. But as soon as the period for the 3mb speed for $20 was over, I'd be back on the phone threatening to cancel again unless I was either given the old speed at the $20 price or locked in for another year of 3mbps for $20/month.

I used to do that with AOL back in the day and they would give me free month after free month.;)[/QUOTE]

Just call when there is a special offer going on, then when the special is over, call and say the cable guy showed up at your door and offered a faster internet for a cheaper price for a year, and they 99.9% of the time buckle and give you a better deal. If they don't, just hang up and call again. Few minutes of your time is worth it for the great savings you can get. And honestly, my phone has faster internet then you do. Think about that.
[quote name='blitz6speed']I call every 6 months and tell att that im going to switch to cable, and they give me fiber optic 16mb/sec internet for 35 a month. Works everytime.[/QUOTE]
Everytime it expires you call them and they hook you back up? Wow, I guess AT&T are really hurting for customers. What would you do if you told them you were leaving and instead of doing the "usual" they say "We're sorry that you're leaving us, we hope you decide to use our service again in the future. Should I put in the disconnect now?"

We've done the whole "we have to cancel" thing with Comcast a few times, but not in an attempt to get anything extra but because we literally couldn't keep paying the ever increasing bill. They've put us on specials a few times, and then one time a woman went out of her way to give us a special that wasn't allowed, which caused plenty of errors in our account and billing cycle.

We're getting up to $180 on the bill (Cable, Internet, Phone) now, and it's really starting to hurt. So maybe we should try calling them and getting something.

Oh shit, this really went off topic.
Yes, most of these companies cannot afford to lose people to the competition. So they will buckle. If you get someone who just refuses to help you, tell them you're going to cancel and get their name. Then if they dont buckle, say transfer me to the cancelation department. If they actually do transfer you, hang up and try with someone else. If they don't and tell you to hold on, they are just seeing what they are allowed to offer.

Its just a few minutes of your time for a lot of savings.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The thing is I don't really complain about my internet(90% of the time unless there's an outage for like 12 f'n hours), it's the downloading of total shit updates from Sony that irks the crap outta me.

It sounds like the automatic downloads in the Sony plan would benefit you ironically. It would download for you while you're not using the PS3.

[quote name='Thomas96']The question is what does PSN need for people to feel that its basic services are just as good as XBL. I need more than just cross-game chat... I need faster downloads and game updates. Regardless of what Sony offers for this online service, there's one thing that MUST occur.... the price needs to be cheaper than XBL online services.[/QUOTE]

If we go by what Sony put out in their survey, if they don't offer much it will be cheap, but if they offer a lot of stuff in the plan it is going to cost more than XBL. Some of the stuff in those plans though is worthy stuff. Like an extended 3 year warranty for cheaper than you'd pay at a store, cloud storage, loyalty rewards, catch up tv, and then all the other stuff added to that as well. And of the plans in their survey 3 out of the 4 had tons of stuff and cost more than Live.

[quote name='BurtReynolds']Here is how I think it will go down. They will roll out PSN+ or whatever it is going to be called and it will have cross-game chat, maybe a free game, and I saw something about "extended" demos. .[/QUOTE]

The source is claiming regular PSN won't be gimped in any way and that cross-game chat will not cost money. I am going to side with that over people's speculation.
[quote name='J7.']It sounds like the automatic downloads in the Sony plan would benefit you ironically. It would download for you while you're not using the PS3.[/QUOTE]
But that's the thing. I wouldn't pay a dime to get on PSN. If there's no free option, then that's it for my online gaming on the PS3.

But how would the automatic downloads work, as I don't want to leave my PS3 running unless I'm using it and by using it I mean playing games on it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But that's the thing. I wouldn't pay a dime to get on PSN. If there's no free option, then that's it for my online gaming on the PS3.

But how would the automatic downloads work, as I don't want to leave my PS3 running unless I'm using it and by using it I mean playing games on it.[/QUOTE]

you're going to have to leave it on.... and when it finishes the downloading the ps3 can turn itself off. You've got to compromise someway somehow
[quote name='Thomas96']you're going to have to leave it on.... and when it finishes the downloading the ps3 can turn itself off. You've got to compromise someway somehow[/QUOTE]
:lol: Hell no.
[quote name='lude21']It's like talking to a brick wall, people...just let it go.[/QUOTE] ;):grouphug:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But that's the thing. I wouldn't pay a dime to get on PSN. If there's no free option, then that's it for my online gaming on the PS3.

But how would the automatic downloads work, as I don't want to leave my PS3 running unless I'm using it and by using it I mean playing games on it.[/QUOTE]

This time you're being a bit unreasonable :lol: You could just turn your PS3 on a little early once a week or two weeks. Would you really give up your GTA & Mercenaries multiplayer madness and have no online gaming at all since I think you said you don't pay for Live? I'm not being smart, I'm just asking.
[quote name='J7.']This time you're being a bit unreasonable :lol: You could just turn your PS3 on a little early once a week or two weeks. Would you really give up your GTA & Mercenaries multiplayer madness and have no online gaming at all since I think you said you don't pay for Live? I'm not being smart, I'm just asking.[/QUOTE]
Actually, I used to just roam around in GTA offline and do the same kind of rampages I now do in the online modes. As for Mercenaries, I never even played the co-op. I was just playing offline and using a ton of cheat codes.

But if Sony starts charging, that's it for my online gaming on the PS3, UNLESS they add in software BC for PS2 titles as an added bonus for ALL level subscribers. Then I might pay the lowest subscription rate.

As for turning on my PS3 early, I only usually turn it on right when I'm going to play a game, since I do other things for my entertainment besides gaming and I don't like the idea of keeping the power running to something I'm not using.
FYI: turning your PS3 on when you want to play it then and waiting for it to update is equal to not using it...just saying. Any logical person would turn their PS3 on a few minutes early so that the console can update while they watch TV, use the computer, etc...key word there being logical mind you.
[quote name='SynGamer']FYI: turning your PS3 on when you want to play it then and waiting for it to update is equal to not using it...just saying. Any logical person would turn their PS3 on a few minutes early so that the console can update while they watch TV, use the computer, etc...key word there being logical mind you.[/QUOTE]
But therein is my issue. I don't want the fuckin' updates unless they fix some major problem with the console.

Otherwise, they're junk and I wish I could select 'download later' or keep postponing them until they stop asking AND still get on PSN while I delay downloading them.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
As for turning on my PS3 early, I only usually turn it on right when I'm going to play a game, since I do other things for my entertainment besides gaming and I don't like the idea of keeping the power running to something I'm not using.[/QUOTE]

Well you would be using it, using it to get the update. Next time you're going to play you could turn on PS3, then grab something to eat, use your PC for a few minutes, goto the bathroom, etc. Like once every 2 weeks or not even since sometimes it's at least a month before a firmware update. I don't see why that's a pain. You have great patience for waiting for deals. Same thing if you don't have automatic updates.
[quote name='J7.']Well you would be using it, using it to get the update. Next time you're going to play you could turn on PS3, then grab something to eat, use your PC for a few minutes, goto the bathroom, etc. Like once every 2 weeks or not even since sometimes it's at least a month before a firmware update. I don't see why that's a pain. You have great patience for waiting for deals. Same thing if you don't have automatic updates.[/QUOTE]
But again, unless I'm playing a game on my PS3, I'm not using it like I want to.

To me, the time spent updating the PS3 is wasted time. It's time that I could be playing a game, but I'm not since Sony feels I need all of the garbage in their update.

Oooooo look at the purty(useless) sparkles on my background, oooooooo look at all of the Playstation Store icons, ooooooooo look at the Facebook icon.

Total and utter crap, all of it. Give me updates that make my games play better or something else of value(software BC)or shove the stupid updates.
when I get ready to play a game, I don't like waiting for it to be updated... so if sony finds a way where my ps3 can get the updates for the games i'm playing, or let me select which games I want automatic updates for then I'm down with that.

Earlier I said that I wouldn't pay for the PSN service if it was costing more than MS... I'll renege on that statement if sony provides extended warranty as part of the perks package. Sony thinks that they can just add more "junk" and that people will pay more... its not just about adding miscellaneous things to the package, they need to add the right amount of things and things that are also significant. So if its going to be free games per month, then let it NOT be the mini games because they are crap.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But again, unless I'm playing a game on my PS3, I'm not using it like I want to.

To me, the time spent updating the PS3 is wasted time. It's time that I could be playing a game, but I'm not since Sony feels I need all of the garbage in their update.

Oooooo look at the purty(useless) sparkles on my background, oooooooo look at all of the Playstation Store icons, ooooooooo look at the Facebook icon.

Total and utter crap, all of it. Give me updates that make my games play better or something else of value(software BC)or shove the stupid updates.[/QUOTE]
Jesus, what a load of crap. :roll:
I admit I hate getting updates on my consoles. It's one of the great annoyances of this console generation. At least Xbox offers the download and turn off feature, which is really great to me. Every console should do that. But they still have the problem of system and game updates when you turn it on.

Of course, the solution is that the system would be on all the time and checking the Internet, but that would be a power waste. It's one thing to have your PC on most of the time, but to have 2-3 consoles on, too? The solution seems to be some low-level OS that could turn on at regular intervals to check the Internet for any game or system updates and apply them without you having to do anything (assuming you have OK'ed this in system settings). And by low level OS I mean something like many netbooks come with a basic Linux boot to just a web browser and nothing else. We won't see that this console generation, but it seems the most logical solution. It really is a pain, and anyone who has played NBA 2K10 knows that game takes far too long to load with checks for updates, etc.
Why can't we be friends
why can't we be friends
why can't we be friends


Why can't we be friends
why can't we be friends
why can't we be friends

anyone wanna go with me to DisneyWorld to talk about how much we love/hate PSN updates ?
Yeah, I really have no problem with this idea, I have always said that I wished PSN offered a pay service. I would quickly pay for it, cause I am sure if you are paying for it, then they would upgrade there servers, something that I have always disliked about my PS3.
what it boils down too is this:

what some call upgrades = useless bells, whistles & other shiny things


delayed gratification = Bad just plain bad...
bread's done