*RUMORS* - The Draft for the September 14th Speech by the Regginator!!!

I would so buy one on luanch day if this is true, of course I doubt it.

If True Nintendo would win for sure, if they could make enough.
[quote name='Skylander7']
Kinda funny.. I'm reading the history on this guy, and it seems he left Nintendo, went to LucasArts, and ended up at Microsoft Game Studios.. and is still there.[/QUOTE]

Aye. Dude headed off to MS's warm bosom. (Wasn't there another guy that did this? I can't remember.) Which seems to be a common occurrence, what with ....whatever Sega dude that headed up there also (can't recall his name, he saw the DC's launch).

The only thing I remember him post-Nintendo (and post-Nester comics) was that IGN or someone interviewed him after the release of Mario 64, and the guy chided the whole game the whole time. He had some big hangup about how "remember the original Mario? With the hammer? That was empowerment. And Super Mario Bros? The fire flower? That was empowerment. Now all I get are stupid hats that let Mario fly."

He went on afterward to talk about how great MS was.

I guess I can't really blame the guy, I just had a bit of a beef with how smarmy he seemed about the whole thing. Like he had "figured it out" by being some no-name drone over at MS, who prolly only got there on his past contacts/work alone. But still, wish him luck and all that. I mean, he did have to make all those goofy poses for the Nintendo Power contests back in the day, with a f*cking bike helmet on. "WIN THIS BIKE!" C'mon Ninty. Spring for. A moped at least...
[quote name='Skylander7']Thirdly.. Opera web browser? Isn't that going against the Nintendo Wii philosphy of "make a console for games, not aim it as an all inclusive entertainment device?"[/quote] ...

Nintendo already confirmed a partnership with Opera. For this very purpose.

They also have a DS browser.
I wish this was true, but that seems like too much for only $175. BTW, does anyone know what "Head Mounted Display" is?
[quote name='6669']BTW, does anyone know what "Head Mounted Display" is?[/QUOTE]

It's like when someone kills a deer, and mounts its head on the wall for display.
[quote name='6669']I wish this was true, but that seems like too much for only $175. BTW, does anyone know what "Head Mounted Display" is?[/quote] It's pretty much the Nintendo ON, if you saw that video.

[quote name='dcfox']It's pretty much the Nintendo ON, if you saw that video.[/QUOTE]
Wow, that thing looks cool, but I know nothing about it. Thanks for the video link.
[quote name='6669']Wow, that thing looks cool, but I know nothing about it. Thanks for the video link.[/quote]
The whole thing was only an elaborate hoax done by one person. It came out around last year's E3 (?) and got a lot of buzz. I'm surprised you never heard of it.
I know about ON, but hadn't actually seen that video. It would have been totally believable a year and a half ago if they didn't show Samus and Mario. Those were laughable recreations.
[quote name='dcfox']The whole thing was only an elaborate hoax done by one person. It came out around last year's E3 (?) and got a lot of buzz. I'm surprised you never heard of it.[/QUOTE]
eh, I dont get out much. It seemed kinda far fetched.
[quote name='6669']eh, I dont get out much. It seemed kinda far fetched.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe the converse is true - you DO get out too much and thus do not spend all your free time on the computer. Cheers to you!

And if that concept were true, I have no idea how Nintendo would convince the older generation to try the peripheral. I know my mom and dad would be scared crazy if made to use it.
bread's done