runes of magic


Has anyone tried it? being cheap ass I looking for another good free mmo to play and I don't feel like downloading 10 of them to figure out the best one... I have tried atlantica online, it's really good for being free


I really liked Conquer Online, mainly due to its open PVP system. Some guy just picked up a meteor? PK his ass and hope it drops when he dies. Of course that works both ways, so you've gotta be quick on your feet to run away to the town before someone gets the idea to kill you for your inventory.

There's also an AFK leveling system which I thought was cool, you can get some free levels while you sleep.

There are limits to the PK thing though. One you first attack an "innocent" person, your name will begin flashing. This means anyone can attack you without fear of a penalty. It also means that while your name is flashing, the guards will attack you. Kill too many people unprovoked and your name will turn red. This means you're fair game to be killed by anyone without penalty. Kill even more people and your name will turn black. Now guards will attack you on sight and if you die, there's a chance you'll drop your equipped items.
Runes of Magic is great for a free game. It blatantly rips off World of Warcraft, but you can't really complain when it does so much right.

You should try something from this list, which is updated weekly. I definitely recommend Mabinogi if you're looking for something that doesn't revolve around just combat. They've been giving away some cash shop items too, so now's the perfect time to try it.
I played RoM for a little bit and liked it. You should also take a look at Perfect World. It's very polished and quite fun. I dumped an insane amount of hours into it myself, all for free.
Just tried RoM and I must say it's really good. I only played WoW for a month, but from my limited experience they seem almost exactly the same. Great for being free!


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