Saint's Row Players, Join the C.A.G. gang (Cheap Azz Gangstaz)


26 (100%)
Alright time to rep CAG online. I remember there was a vote for this a long time ago, I searched for that thread and to my disappointment, nobody made the gang yet!

I tried to make the gang name Cheap Ass Gangstaz but they have a filter for some words and ass isn't allowed. Neither is A$$, so the compromise is Cheap Azz Gangstaz.

Sorry to anybody that wanted Gangsters but you can't be a posing hardcore gang online without the z at the end lol.

So anybody that wants to join, post below with your gamertag and I will send out invites.

See ya guys online.

Edit: Apparently you can only send out gang invites to people on your friend's list, so expect a friend invite from me =)
I think everyone is waiting for the patch to start the official gang(s).

Anyway, I'm gonna roll with C.A.G-Unit.
No gang 'till patch. I finally got enough for the outfit I wanted on there, now I'm staying out of it until it's fixed. It shouldn't be too much longer now.
Count me in. BTW, what was the patch for? I personally had problems getting stuck in Matchmaking too long, but I'm too out of the loop to hear the official diagnosis.
Is the gang still available to join? I recently got this game, too.

If not, then Azumangaman and I can start our own gang.;)
haven't played this game in a while! I don't even remember how many people are in the gang. I'll send you guys friend requests and add you to the gang. It would be awesome to play again too so maybe we can play some online games.
[quote name='shaunLEGEND']haven't played this game in a while! I don't even remember how many people are in the gang. I'll send you guys friend requests and add you to the gang. It would be awesome to play again too so maybe we can play some online games.[/quote]

Thanks, dude. It should be a blast!
Sign me up!

I keep running into glitches in the single player...driving around and my car disappears, and my guy is just floating in the air. Seems to happen in the same place everytime.

I remember hearing about some glitchiness when this game launched...was it ever patched?
[quote name='bmachine']Sign me up!

I keep running into glitches in the single player...driving around and my car disappears, and my guy is just floating in the air. Seems to happen in the same place everytime.

I remember hearing about some glitchiness when this game launched...was it ever patched?[/quote]

Oh, shit! I had that happen to me last night, and then my 360 starting making weird noises. I was totally freaked out, because I thought the 3 red lights would be coming shortly after that.
sign me up also. when do we meet to own fools online?

when you see a slow down dont press anything. if you are getting shot at, eat something so you wont die. then everything will get back to normal. this has happened to me when i do the drug trade and when i blow things up
I'd like to get in on this too. I'd like to pick up some of the online APs but I'm not good enough on my own
[quote name='alarthame']I'd like to get in on this too. I'd like to pick up some of the online APs but I'm not good enough on my own[/quote]

Heh, me too, but you need to post your gamertag, since it's not in your little box thingy.
If you guys get enough of a following for this, I'll talk to ThatDamnDave about having the Saint's Row group day for our LIVE gaming group. I'll keep an eye on things to see if you can get a group and set a day of the week (excluding Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, they're full).
Whether it gets on to the "schedule" or not, if there is a group of people playing something on a regular basis, I'd be happy to include it in the CAG Gaming Group sticky in this forum. Regardless of what we might have arbitrarily decided to be the right day for something, if Saints Row people want to pick a day and meet up, we'll help get the word out whether it takes place opposite another event or not.

We're just trying to hook up people through CAG that want to play, no toes to be stepped on here.
Only reason I wanted them to find a set day is cause the thread looked to be bumped after a long hiatus and very few posts and with you and I working on getting groups set, we may have people they had that are now on our days. Us helping set things up for everyone wouldnt be stepping on anyones toes, it'd just help everyone be able to play each individual game. They can choose whatever day they'd like but you and I both know some days are stacked and groups would overlap and hurt one or the other.
Something's seriously wrong with my copy of Saints freezes up at exactly the same time in the mission I'm playing and I can't progress.

I tried cleaning the disc with dishsoap and a lint-free cloth, and it didn't help...I'm going to have to replace it if I want to play online!
Out of curiousity, where is it freezing? I had a similar problem with the game, but luckily like the 4th time I tried it the game let me pass.

I was doing one of those turf wars, and everytime I went over this certain bridge the game would lock up and my 360 would make strange sounds. If I drove a car over the bridge, the car would disappear and my guy would be sitting in midair. Then the game would freeze.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Out of curiousity, where is it freezing? I had a similar problem with the game, but luckily like the 4th time I tried it the game let me pass.

I was doing one of those turf wars, and everytime I went over this certain bridge the game would lock up and my 360 would make strange sounds. If I drove a car over the bridge, the car would disappear and my guy would be sitting in midair. Then the game would freeze.[/quote]

Yes, that's what happened to me. I don't remember which area it was in, though. If it's not the disc, then what else could it be? Weird that a lot of people are having the same issue if it's not the actual game...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Out of curiousity, where is it freezing? I had a similar problem with the game, but luckily like the 4th time I tried it the game let me pass.

I was doing one of those turf wars, and everytime I went over this certain bridge the game would lock up and my 360 would make strange sounds. If I drove a car over the bridge, the car would disappear and my guy would be sitting in midair. Then the game would freeze.[/quote]

I'm only about 7% into the game so it's near the and Dex are going to hijack a truck full of drugs from one of the rival gangs. As I drive from the start point (a gas station) to the destination, it locks up just as I get off the exit.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Heh, me too, but you need to post your gamertag, since it's not in your little box thingy.[/quote]

Aw crap, sorry about that, I think I got stuff updated. I completely forgot that I never configured my account. :p
[quote name='shieryda']If it's not the disc, then what else could it be? Weird that a lot of people are having the same issue if it's not the actual game...[/quote]

I replaced the game three times and it didn't stop until I replaced my 360 due to the red ring of death. I don't really understand it either...
I sent most of you friend requests tonight...

I played a little online with a friend from college. So fun! We played a Gangsta Brawl game in the race arena (the Quota car was there, and it was crazy driving that thing around, trying to mow people down).
Friended you, SR disc is not cooperating so I'm going to see if Gamestop will let me swap it out.

If I get a new one I'll hit you up!
aw crap guys, I didn't realize so many people responded since the last bump. I'll send you guys invites to the CAG Gang so we can all truly represent.

also feel free to send a friend request and if I'm online at the same time as you guys, we'll play. I'm always down for a CAG game.
bread's done