sales tax on M$ extended warranty???


6 (100%)
Here's my wonderful story with MS CSR: My brother-in-law just got a premium 360. He starts talking to me about the MS extended warranty. He tells me it's $59.90 w/check or money order and $49.90 with cc. I said I paid $59.90 in January and I paid w/cc.I called in and got my extended warranty, I did not mail in the card to get it. I then call 1-800-4my-xbox to see how much I paid and when my warranty expires. A foreign lady answers the call and informs me that my warranty expires June 25, 2008. She also says My cc was charged $65.21. I asked why it was $65.21 and not $59.90 like I was told. The lady responds because of sales tax. I said what!! Why is there sales tax? Why if I snail mail the form it's $59.90 and no tax. She did not know. I ask if I can be refunded the $5 . She says no. I talk to a supervisor(also foreign) and am also told no.

I call back. This time I get someone in Canada. Very nice lady. I explain the problem and tell her I will take the $5 dollars in any form(rebate, microsoft pts, anything).She transfers me to a Supervisor(this time an Indian man) that is very hard to understand. I proceed to ask why am I charged tax if I call and purchase my warranty but I am not charged tax if I use snail mail. His response is thats the way the government wants it set up. What??? He also tells me he is sorry but there is nothing he can do. He tells me to call 1-800-642-7676 and maybe they can help.

I call for the third time. I get someone in software support. I explain the whole tax thing and he said that that made no sense. He calls the xbox 360 line and transfers me to a very nice lady. I proceed to tell her the same story. She tells me that if you snail mail the warranty in and do not add tax then MS sends your money back. Yeah right. I tell her no where on the card does it say to add tax. This would be impossible. I also tell her that I should not pay tax b/c I was told my cc would be charged $59.90 and not $65.21. She apologizes and tells me there is nothing she can do. She then transfers me to Holly ( a real bitch) I tell her the deal. I want to know why there is no tax for snail mail and tax if you call it in . She tells me it's 2 different promotions and that the $59.90 with snail does in fact include tax. Yeah right. I tell her that I do not believe this. She tells me that unless I had anything else that she was going to hang-up on me . I said that if she could not refund me $5 that i was going to call someone in Congress to tell them that the government loved M$ was cheating the government out of taxes. She hangs up on me.

The first call was 40 minutes. The second call was 71 minutes. The last call 129 minutes.This is not about $5 it is the principle that if I was not told that there was going to be tax then they charge me tax it is wrong. I also don't buy that the snail mail includes tax. WTF would the technology company of m$ reward you to use snail mail by giving you a $5 discount? I am going to call my Congessman to tell them M$ is cheating them out of taxes. Sorry for the long rant. Can anyone verify what they paid and was actually charged if they called in and purchased their warranty.Sorry for any gramatical mistakes I am trying to leave for work so I am rushing.
I would do this no matter what company or video game system if this happens again. So no the 360 does not bring out the crybabies. Crappy customer service brings out all whiners.
[quote name='mmn']Is it just me or does the 360 seem to draw out all the whiners in the gaming community?[/QUOTE]


I was charged about $54, which would have been the amount of $49.90 plus tax and I did it via the mail service.

Also, you were being an asshole. I really hope Microsoft never refunds your amount. What gives you the right to say stupid shit like "I said that if she could not refund me $5 that i was going to call someone in Congress to tell them that the government loved M$ was cheating the government out of taxes" to someone who obviously can not just grant you a magical $5 check? Flexing that big ol' telephone muscle huh?

People constantly bitch and moan about having to deal with outsourced CSR, I wouldn't be surprised if asshole customers play a small part in this. I know personally no one could pay me any amount of money to deal with some asshole's behavior over the telephone.
I was paraphrasing a 2 hour plus conversation. The congress part is about the taxes. I pay tax on the phone but I do not pay taxes if I mail a check or money order? WTF, does that sound legal? I also said that I was flexible about how I received the $5 credit( a rebate for a game, a coupon, marketplace pts). They can't authorize that but they can send people a $50 game free? I also said if they would have told me they were charging me tax I would have mailed them a check for $59.90. Last I checked this is cheapassgamer not richassgamer. The $5 is just the principle of what they are doing. Again taxes if you call in and buy but no taxes if you mail a check or money order. If you think I am an a$$hole then you have that right to think that. We live in America ,unless you want to outsource your right.
You're not going to write Congress... From experience in "customer service", I hate nothing more than idle threats and time-frame exaggerations.

If, by some mystic right, you did deal with customer service -- over $5 -- for 240 minutes, as you've claimed, I should write my state hitman to take you out.

Also, I say you're not going to write your Congressman for these reasons:

1.) I know you're not going to.
2.) I want you to, in amped sorta way, claim you're going to, post-this post.
3.) Lastly, I half-want you to actually do it only because I said you wouldn't... but, still I know you're not going to -- and this is where you can start back at reason number one again, as it loops forever.

This is one of those charming situations where a customer is mad, but not exactly sure who he should be mad at -- and what to be mad about.

You'll get over it.
[quote name='mmn']Is it just me or does the 360 seem to draw out all the whiners in the gaming community?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. We'll probably hear similar whining for PS3 and Wii when they come out.
I contacted U S Senator David Vitter's office and explained why I was calling. I was not calling about getting cheated out of $5, rather I was calling about the tax issue on the warranty(some pay tax ,some pay no tax). The office gave me a phone# to the Lafayette office to talk to the lady that handles tax and IRS issues for Senator Vitter. They also informed me that I would have to send something in writing. Never doubt when I say I am going to do something that I will do it.
[quote name='hlb96']Never doubt when I say I am going to do something that I will do it.[/QUOTE]

I instigated someone into contacting their U.S. senator over $5.
[quote name='Brak']Success!

I instigated someone into contacting their U.S. senator over $5.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but you wouldn't kill the OP over something like this...

bread's done