Salvia - the new marijuana

Its nothing like being high and doesn't even last as long.

A lot more expensive than greens if you buy it from a smoke shop or somethin'.

I can see why it would be considered illegal though.
I've seen hardcore pot heads who could handle 4 footers with the greatest of ease take a hit of this and it wigged them out like crazy. They flew off the handle and spazzed and tripped for a solid minute. They came back to normal after that but still .. that seemed like hardcore freaky shit.
Salvia's some pretty strange stuff. It completely replaces your reality for a matter of minutes, though it feels like a lot longer. It's definitely not a recreational drug.
Basically you just trip out for like 1 minute, then all is back to normal..Really weird "high" if you can even call it that..
I concur with it being a "weird" high. I tried it (once) ten years ago. Got some online. It did nothing for my friend -- but for me, completely strong effects... for about one minute. Plus, added bonus: you look like a crackhead smoking it because you need to use one of those butane torches.
I could swear that said "saliva" at first. Sounds like some trippy stuff though. I don't see it as being a big enough problem to introduce new laws though. I'm sure some politician will jump on this as being first to ban it's use though. They'll become a leader in "the war on drugs" and get all sorts of credit.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']It can't be made illegal unless a minority group uses it a lot.[/quote]

Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']It can't be made illegal unless a minority group uses it a lot.[/quote]
Nah, more like it can't be illegal if the US gov makes money off of it.
[quote name='Maklershed']Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?[/QUOTE]

You obviously have no idea why drugs were made illegal to begin with.

On topic- Salvia is in no way fun. It causes hallucinations for upwards of five minutes depending on potency. I had my friends face turn into a elephants head, and everytime I tried it it felt as though a thousand needles were stabbing into my body. Its not very pleasant and I dont recommend it especially if you dont smoke pot, or have never taken a hallucinogen.
[quote name='Maklershed']Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?[/QUOTE]

Those drugs were made illegal because of 'connected' use by latinos and asians.

There's a History Channel program on it. Very interesting stuff.

As for salvia, when I read the article before I saw this thread I thought it said saliva. :doh:

I'd try it, while still legal. Maybe.
[quote name='Maklershed']Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?[/quote]

In the case of marijuana that's exactly why.

Cocaine's history is more interesting.

Of course if you compare the penalties for the crack form versus the powdered form you can see that the same old prejudices still apply.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Stick with shrooms and pot salvia is over-rated.[/quote]

Do you need to fast before shrooming? Or is it the opposite, and you need to feast prior to consuming the fungi?
[quote name='shieryda']Do you need to fast before shrooming? Or is it the opposite, and you need to feast prior to consuming the fungi?[/QUOTE]

The active ingredient in mushrooms is psilocybin and is absorbed by food and therefor will be less affective if you have eaten within 6 hours. I never fast, but l try to eat dinner earlier than normal. If im in the mood for a more intense spiritual experience then I will only eat breakfast, but no need to do that really. I prefer lsd to mushrooms, but I know many others who feel the opposite. Keep in mind that I am not condoning the use of either for recreation. I use them for shamanic and spiritual journeys.
Everytime people talk about salvia, someone always asks if its legal. Followed by "we should get some".

That article is wrong though, it says effects last up to an hour. From what I've seen/heard, it either effects you or it doesn't and if it does you just go nuts for a couple minutes.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I prefer lsd over shrooms as well.[/quote]

I've heard of LSD flashbacks but not Shroom flashbacks..Maybe that's a bonus in Shroom's favor.
Salvia lasts for 5 - 10 minutes. Its actually a pretty cool "high". When I did it I burst out laughing for a while (although nothing was funny) and I felt like I was melting. Definitely would do it again, although it is a bit expensive to buy in stores. Plus its not physically addictive. Try it once, see how you like it, but don't make a habit out of it.
I really like salvia but it just got made illegal in Illinois on the first because of some dumbass in the Chicago area committing suicide or something and they found salvia in his room. Another classic example of blaming drugs for the mental condition as opposed to blaming the mental condition for the drug use.

Anyway for me it personally lasts anywhere from 3-10 minutes and is incredibly intense. I strongly recommend not mixing it with other drugs as that's the only way I had a prolonged bad trip on it. Since it is so intense definitely have a friend around and smoke it in shifts. That way no one freaks out and does something stupid. Plus the other person is normally only waiting about 3-5 minutes to hit it. Also you don't need a butane per say but it helps. I also strongly suggest a water pipe if you use the butane because that shit burns like hell.
[quote name='sweeetja713']I strongly recommend not mixing it with other drugs as that's the only way I had a prolonged bad trip on it.[/QUOTE]
No, please, all of you, I recommend that you mix it with all the other drugs you can find, especially prescriptions. Knock back some hard liquor, too.

Help thin out the herd and clean up the gene pool, you scumbags.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, please, all of you, I recommend that you mix it with all the other drugs you can find, especially prescriptions. Knock back some hard liquor, too.

Help thin out the herd and clean up the gene pool, you scumbags.[/quote]

OMG, it's Mr. Mackey after quitting his anger management class!
[quote name='Maklershed']Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?[/quote]

To reinforce what others have said, yes.

Opium / heroin was first made illegal in San Francisco to harass the Chinese.

Cocaine was made illegal to harass blacks. I don't remember the specifics, but I think the main problem was interracial sex in New Orleans.

Marijuana was made illegal in the Southwest to push Mexican day laborers back into Mexico during the Great Depression.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, please, all of you, I recommend that you mix it with all the other drugs you can find, especially prescriptions. Knock back some hard liquor, too.

Help thin out the herd and clean up the gene pool, you scumbags.[/quote]

Yes because engaging in recreational marijuana or salvia use makes you a detriment to the gene pool. Sorry just not seeing it. If you're basing it solely on it being illegal then let's look at the harmful effects of legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Or you could look at the various reason drugs have been made illegal over the years. Here's a hint, there's some information in the post above mine. I'm not saying it's the best thing you can do, just that use of it doesn't automatically make you a scumbag or a waste of genetic material as you imply.
Salvia sounds like the name of an MMA fighter.

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, please, all of you, I recommend that you mix it with all the other drugs you can find, especially prescriptions. Knock back some hard liquor, too.

Help thin out the herd and clean up the gene pool, you scumbags.[/QUOTE]

I think CoffeeEdge is a scientologist.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I think CoffeeEdge is a scientologist.[/QUOTE]

No way, those guys are retarded.

I just personally believe that most illegal drug proponents deserve to die, that's all.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No way, those guys are retarded.

I just personally believe that most illegal drug proponents deserve to die, that's all.[/quote]

What a peach. You must have worked under John Ashcroft.
[quote name='evilmregg']What a peach. You must have worked under John Ashcroft.[/QUOTE]

Okay, weird and stupid political jokes are not going to change my mind.

[quote name='CocheseUGA']Salvia does not come under the Controlled Substances Act.

Point denied.[/QUOTE]

It will soon.
[quote name='Maklershed']Are you suggesting drugs such as marijuana and cocaine were made illegal due to heavy use by hispanics, blacks, asians, etc in the US?[/quote]

Making Mariijuana illegal was a way to deter immigration from Mexico.
Salvia is garbage. When I tried it all it did was make me sweat profusely and increased my heartbeat. I was in the shower for 10 minutes with ONLY cold water on and I was still sweating. After that I got a massive headache.

Stick with pot kids.

[quote name='help1']Making Mariijuana illegal was a way to deter immigration from Mexico.[/quote]
Yea... that worked. =(
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I just personally believe that most illegal drug proponents deserve to die, that's all.[/quote]

Lil harsh don't you think? Any particular reason you think proponents deserve to die? Keep in mind a large number of proponents for the legalization don't even do drugs, they just think the war on drugs is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars and legalization could bring in millions of dollars in tax revenues. We're talking a potential swing of billions of dollars in taxes.

Those that do use pot or salvia recreationally are largely law abiding citizens otherwise. And don't try the gateway drug excuse, even the drug taskforce acknowledges that it's a gateway drug because it puts users in contact with those dealing harder drugs. If they could get it at a gas station or smoke shop they wouldn't be put in contact with those dealing harder drugs.
It's still a stupid fucking "excuse". I work with a guy that will put damn near anything in his veins and I'm not tempted the ride the horse. All I have to do is look at what a burn out he is. :lol: He's always telling me I should try shrooms or acid or LSD or whatever his currently tripping on and I just tell him to cram it.

Me getting chiefed once every couple of months should be the last worry on any cop or politicians mind.

[quote name='sweeetja713']Lil harsh don't you think? Any particular reason you think proponents deserve to die? Keep in mind a large number of proponents for the legalization don't even do drugs, they just think the war on drugs is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars and legalization could bring in millions of dollars in tax revenues. We're talking a potential swing of billions of dollars in taxes.

Those that do use pot or salvia recreationally are largely law abiding citizens otherwise. And don't try the gateway drug excuse, even the drug taskforce acknowledges that it's a gateway drug because it puts users in contact with those dealing harder drugs. If they could get it at a gas station or smoke shop they wouldn't be put in contact with those dealing harder drugs.[/quote]
bread's done