Sarah Palin in 'Going Rogue'


3 (100%)
Sarah Palin in 'Going Rogue': John McCain camp set me up for disaster in Katie Couric interviews

BY David Saltonstall
Originally Published:Friday, November 13th 2009, 12:26 AM
Updated: Friday, November 13th 2009, 6:03 PM

Sarah Palin walks along the grounds of the UN with Katie Couric in September of 2008.

Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue.' For more on Sarah Palin's journey from governor to VP candidate to author, click image.

Sarah Palin says she was blindsided by Katie Couric's devastating interviews last year because John McCain's aides lulled her into thinking the CBS anchorwoman was a fan.
In Palin's new book, "Going Rogue," the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee reveals that her handlers talked up Couric as a working mom - just like her - who was struggling with low self-esteem and even lower ratings.
Couric liked and admired her, advised campaign media honcho Nicolle Wallace. The interviews would be a nice favor.
The scouting reports were so sympathetic, Palin writes, that that she almost began to "feel sorry" for Couric.
As it turned out, Palin should have been feeling fear - the Couric interviews were widely regarded as a moose-in-the-headlights disaster for the Alaska governor, whose answers were mostly rambling and nonresponsive.
Palin now writes that Couric was "badgering," had a "partisan agenda" and edited out Palin's substantive remarks in favor of "gotcha" lines.
A CBS source close to Couric responded last night, "The interviews speak for themselves." Wallace did not immediately answer a request for comment.
Palin's rips on Couric were among the sharpest in the much-hyped 413-page memoir that scored her a $1.25 million advance and is already a best-seller. Although the book doesn't officially go on sale until Tuesday, The Associated Press reported excerpts yesterday.
Judging by The AP's account, readers aren't likely to learn much new about Palin. One tidbit: As a girl, she dreamed of working alongside sportscaster Howard Cosell.
Palin confirms lingering hard feelings with many McCain aides, and the feeling is mutual. One ex-campaign official predicted the book will kill off whatever presidential dreams she may harbor for 2012.
"This will reinforce the fact that 25% of the country loves her and everybody else thinks she's not up to it," the source said.
The book also includes much of what her fans, and foes, might expect. There are tributes to family and faith and patriotism, and attacks against the media and other perceived opponents.
She writes about the "jaded aura" of professional campaigns, and she expresses awe about how aides hired a New York stylist - who was also Couric's stylist - to make her over.
Taken aback, she wondered who was paying for the $150,000 worth of fancy clothes - expenditures that would later cause a furor.
But family members were told it was being taken care of or was "part of the convention."
Palin also shares behind-the-scene moments when the nation learned her unwed teen daughter, Bristol, was pregnant. She told of how she rewrote a statement prepared for her by the McCain campaign - only to watch in horror as a TV anchor read the original statement, which, in Palin's view, glamorized her daughter's situation.
But the Couric interviews may be her worst memory.
The McCain campaign tried to convince Palin that she had performed well. But even Palin didn't believe that, as she told Oprah Winfrey in excerpts of a taped TV interview released yesterday.
"I'm thinking, if you thought that was a good interview, I don't know what a bad interview is," Palin said.
[email protected]
With Thomas M. DeFrank in Washington

I think this has set up an interesting precedent. Let's say you're a politician who is a newcomer to the national scene. Alan Smith sets up an interview for you with Katie Couric, who apparently admires you.

Since she admires you, you think you don't have to prepare for the interview and look up controversial SCOTUS cases. You also don't have to remember any newspapers or magazines you read. You definitely don't have to be able to name examples where your running mate has been a 'maverick', even though that's one of your main talking points.

The interview is disastrous and you are unable to answer the most basic questions without rambling on with disconnected talking points.

Based on Palin's book, you no longer have to accept any blame for this interview. It wasn't your fault that YOU screwed up. In fact, it was Alan Smith's fault because he fucked up your head; you thought it would be a softball interview and you wouldn't have to prepare at all.

The Republican party, the party of personal responsibility should be ashamed of this woman. Whatever happened to mea culpa?
Pretty much what I expected from her book, a bunch of allegations about how John McCain's incompetence - rather than her own - sank her, the national media can't stand a strong conservative woman, and quitting as governor was the best thing for Alaska. (She's probably right on that last statement.)
[quote name='Quillion']Pretty much what I expected from her book, a bunch of allegations about how John McCain's incompetence - rather than her own - sank her, the national media can't stand a strong conservative woman, and quitting as governor was the best thing for Alaska. (She's probably right on that last statement.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't agree with her that the nat'l media can't stand a strong conservative woman. They just can't stand a conservative woman and no one knows anything about her and she's a 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency. So they ask questions, which weren't exactly hardball questions. Just because she couldn't sufficiently answer them doesn't make them hardball questions, but it definitely shows her as incompetent.

Her quitting as governor probably was good for Alaska. Bridge to Nowhere? She definitely gave Alaska a bad name. Like Ben Stein said, if she's the best the Republicans have to offer they're in serious trouble.
It is pretty funny to watch how pretty much any female in politics gets the public and media meat grinder worse than anyone. Especially if they are conservative women.

I really think it all comes down to the abortion issue. There is no tolerance for a successful woman that's Pro-Life. She's treated like an anti-feminist traitor in the public arena.
Here's an excerpt from a speech Palin gave in Indiana on 4/16/2009, talking about being pregnant with Trig and finding out he had Down's Syndrome:

"I had found out that I was pregnant while out of state first, at an oil and gas conference. While out of state, there just for a fleeting moment, wow, I knew, nobody knows me here, nobody would ever know. I thought, wow, it is easy, could be easy to think, maybe, of trying to change the circumstances. No one would know. No one would ever know."

"Then when my amniocentesis results came back, showing what they called abnormalities. Oh, dear God, I knew, I had instantly an understanding for that fleeting moment why someone would believe it could seem possible to change those circumstances. Just make it all go away and get some normalcy back in life. Just take care of it. Because at the time only my doctor knew the results, Todd didn't even know. No one would know. But I would know. First, I thought how in the world could we manage a change of this magnitude. I was a very busy governor with four busy kids and a husband with a job hundreds of miles away up on the North Slope oil fields. And, oh, the criticism that I knew was coming. Plus, I was old . . ."

"So we went through some things a year ago that now lets me understand a woman's, a girl's temptation to maybe try to make it all go away if she has been influenced by society to believe that she's not strong enough or smart enough or equipped enough or convenienced enough to make the choice to let the child live. I do understand what these women, what these girls go through in that thought process."

So she deliberated having the child or not. Interesting that she had the ability to choose, and she wants to eliminate that ability to choose for everyone else. That thought process she went through shouldn't even be an option for women, if it were up to Palin (except in cases of rape.)
You have to give her some credit. She finally realizes she has no shot at another office and it is far less work to "word vomit" some book and make a ton of money than to be a governor.

There are plenty of people that are dumb enough to buy this.
There's really just no point in getting involved in politics if you're a woman, republican or democrat it doesn't matter, you're not going to get a fair shake.
Good riddance. This ignorant women is no better than Hillary Clinton. Thank goodness Obama eviscerated them both in the election, which hopefully puts all female politicians to their place. If Palin is really dumb enough to run in 2012, I will be looking forward to Obama slapping her down again and watching her skanky inbred, fat, and retarded children dragged through the mud like they deserve.
[quote name='rumblebear']Good riddance. This ignorant women is no better than Hillary Clinton. Thank goodness Obama eviscerated them both in the election, which hopefully puts all female politicians to their place. If Palin is really dumb enough to run in 2012, I will be looking forward to Obama slapping her down again and watching her skanky inbred, fat, and retarded children dragged through the mud like they deserve.[/QUOTE]

Keep it classy CAG.
Great quote--“didn’t believe in the theory that human beings — thinking, loving beings — originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea” or from “monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.”

Her writing reminds me of when I used to have to peer edit all these horrible papers in English 101.


Fact Check

And to anyone claiming people not liking her or making fun of her for is because she is a women in politics... that is complete bullshit. It has nothing to do with her being a women and everything to do with her being a dumbass
Yes she is a dumbass. But how she is singled out as being more of a dumbass than most other politicians is perplexing (because most of them are worse).

Hillary Clinton is in the same boat.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I can't wait for Nailin' Palin II.

EDIT: Do you think there will be an "autobiographical" part?[/QUOTE]

A recreation of the night Trig was conceived.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yes she is a dumbass. But how she is singled out as being more of a dumbass than most other politicians is perplexing (because most of them are worse).

Hillary Clinton is in the same boat.[/QUOTE]

Same reason as any person in the public eye gets more singled out. I may buy a lot of soda everyday and no one really cares except maybe my girlfriend telling me to cut down, but if Obama was spotting chugging a 20 oz of Mountain Dew 2 or 3 times a better believe its going to hit most if not all of news networks at some point. "OBAMA TOO HYPED UP ON SUGAR TO RUN COUNTRY?"

Not to mention she denies her stupidity and her stupidity is above and beyond even George W Bush....which leads to comedic gold.
I think it's safe to say that at this point, Sarah Palin is now the unofficial spokeswoman of the Republican party. Rush has given up his mantle.
I heard the cave floor called Michele Bachmann. It wants its batshit back.
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[quote name='thrustbucket']I can't wait to watch as Michelle Bachman gets more popular and see where the left vitriol goes then.[/QUOTE]
She's insane. Talk about a totally loose cannon.
I sincerely hope the GOP cuts all ties to this woman ASAP, because we have a very good shot at winning again in 2010 and 2012, but a lot of that is dependent on not having anything or anyone that can be associated with her.
You can't do that spmahn, she is the new leader of the Republican party. She will lead the Republican party against Obama in 2012.

Not promising she'll help them win, but she will certainly lead them.
[quote name='elprincipe']


That is a funny picture...but at least she knows Africa is not a country. Also I bet if I would have snapped 200 pictures of any face in a middle of a conversation about anything 10% of them would look that funny, if not more so.
[quote name='Koggit']Yeah it's going to be a mega seller, for sure.. hasn't it already sold 1.5+ million pre-release?[/QUOTE]

I am already getting a banner here on CAG offering to give it away.

That is how they inflate the numbers.
[quote name='gareman']That is a funny picture...but at least she knows Africa is not a country. Also I bet if I would have snapped 200 pictures of any face in a middle of a conversation about anything 10% of them would look that funny, if not more so.[/QUOTE]

Your logic has no place here.
[quote name='JolietJake']Yeah cause a snapshot made in mid movement is just hilarious. Way funnier than Palin's "speeches."[/QUOTE]

Calm down, you don't agree that picture is funny? It's hilarious, come on.

The problem with Palin's speeches was more that she spoke in generalities so much that it seemed she had no grasp of specifics. Of course, that is much of what politics is about these days, but most politicians are able to move to more than three topics over the course of 45 minutes. While I don't equate speaking/teleprompter reading ability to intelligence, having an interview where you can't come up with what news sources you follow doesn't cast you in a favorable light, nor does a debate where you attempt to redirect every question to the one or two subject matters you are most comfortable with.
[quote name='elprincipe']Calm down, you don't agree that picture is funny? It's hilarious, come on.

The problem with Palin's speeches was more that she spoke in generalities so much that it seemed she had no grasp of specifics. Of course, that is much of what politics is about these days, but most politicians are able to move to more than three topics over the course of 45 minutes. While I don't equate speaking/teleprompter reading ability to intelligence, having an interview where you can't come up with what news sources you follow doesn't cast you in a favorable light, nor does a debate where you attempt to redirect every question to the one or two subject matters you are most comfortable with.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Though everyone has an off night every once in a while, Palin goes well beyond her blunder limits of someone that would be even half competent. Would be interesting to see who would prevail in a battle of wits between Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle.
[quote name='davegillmour']Exactly. Though everyone has an off night every once in a while, Palin goes well beyond her blunder limits of someone that would be even half competent. Would be interesting to see who would prevail in a battle of wits between Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle.[/QUOTE]

I suggest a third party in this battle of wits.

And I'm backing...

[quote name='thrustbucket']Yes she is a dumbass. But how she is singled out as being more of a dumbass than most other politicians is perplexing (because most of them are worse).

Hillary Clinton is in the same boat.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='elprincipe']
The problem with Palin's speeches was more that she spoke in generalities so much that it seemed she had no grasp of specifics. Of course, that is much of what politics is about these days, but most politicians are able to move to more than three topics over the course of 45 minutes. While I don't equate speaking/teleprompter reading ability to intelligence, having an interview where you can't come up with what news sources you follow doesn't cast you in a favorable light, nor does a debate where you attempt to redirect every question to the one or two subject matters you are most comfortable with.[/QUOTE]

Most politicians can come up with better than 3rd grade sounding BS. Not that it isn't BS, but at least some politicians can somewhat jump around the questions.
bread's done