Save Up to 60% on Anime TV & Movies + Spotlight Deals @ (Expires 7/26/10)



The Spotlight Deals this time include 36 pages of stuff including previously mentioned FUNimation releases. It also includes AnimEigo, Bandai / Honneamise, Geneon (incl. FUNi distro), Manga Ent., Media Blasters, Sony Pictures Home Ent., and Viz Media titles.

Here is the LINK to just the Blu-ray titles.

And here are some titles to throw out that people might have missed...

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[quote name='RockJack']I just checked some shops and i could find a "scan" of the front of the newest Witchblade "digitally remastered" mentioned on the cover :(.[/QUOTE]

The promotional image on Amazon's product page says it's digitally remastered.
Yeah i know. Please check dvdempire website for Witchblade. Theres a scan of the dvd release (front and back) and on the front.:

[quote name='styl3s']ok FMA it is

Now should i jump on samurai 7 and samurai champloo for 29.99 and 32.99 or get gunslinger slinger girl 1+2 and DBOX1 (im getting DBOX 2 and 3 from BB today, BB is sold out of samurai 7)

sorry for all the questions just getting back into anime and trying to build up a collection but don't wanna spend too much[/QUOTE]
Samurai 7 and GG (season 1) are both very good shows, so it's a toss up between the two. Champloo really isn't that great, and it definitely doesn't come close to either of the previously mentioned series.
[quote name='RockJack']1. Well its 1:1 the same dvds/content...4DVDs in each steelbook (2DVDs each for Season 1/2 and 2DVDs for the Extras). Its a matter of taste if you prefer the steelbook or the thinpak version. The cardboard box of Black Lagoon is pretty flimsy, but you get all DVD covers and individual thinpaks. And its $10 cheaper :p[/QUOTE]

My season 1 steelbook of Black Lagoon has 3 discs of content and 1 disc of extras.

Heroic Age BD dropped a couple bucks. If you have it on backorder you may want to cancel and reorder at the new price.
I buy a $75 MST3K collection from Woot and NOW Amazon offers $10 Case Closed movies and $15 season sets. So very tempting.

Would love to push the button on DBZ Kai on Blu Ray, but I feel weird paying more than $20 for a series that hasn't finished yet. Hell, I feel strange paying more than $20 for any season set.

And aside from the baseball episode, I didn't like Champloo at all. Trust Kirika, Gunslinger Girl and Samurai 7 are probably better (though I have heard nothing but praise on Samurai 7).
Amazing deal... WOW. I had to order this one....

I understand there is the Anime Amazon thread but this deal right here... deserves it's own thread.

Also ordered Dragonball Season 4 for $22.50 shipped. Amazing deal on that one too... Now all I need is season 5, which is not on sale at the moment. But it will be...
Does the season 1 and 2 set of Black Lagoon (the ones on sale) both come in a steelbook? I think that might inch me to paying the extra $10.

I'm still interested in knowing if the Viridian Collection of Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki includes OVA3 so help would be appreciated. Thanks.
No offense, but this really did not deserve its own thread. That deal has been discussed quite frequently in the Amazon Anime thread.
[quote name='Hostile']I'm still interested in knowing if the Viridian Collection of Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki includes OVA3 so help would be appreciated. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

This Viridian collection only includes OVA3, meaning it doesn't include OVA 1 or 2. At this point in time, there isn't any COMPLETE release of the Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki OVAs.
[quote name='Hostile']Does the season 1 and 2 set of Black Lagoon (the ones on sale) both come in a steelbook? I think that might inch me to paying the extra $10.[/QUOTE]

I know for sure season 1 is a steelbook because I have it already. I just ordered season 2 so I don't know if it is a steelbook yet.
According to this review at DVDTalk....

This complete second season comes in a single-width metal case with two overlapping discs on each side of the cover.
[quote name='junglalien']Heroic Age BD dropped a couple bucks. If you have it on backorder you may want to cancel and reorder at the new price.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that post. Heroic Age on Blu for 22.99 is to good to pass. Also bought Venus Versus Virus for 8.49.

To much anime. Still thinking about Case Closed seasons, but should stop myself.
I only ordered the first season of Yu Yu Hakusho. I'l try and watch most of it before the 26th, and if I'm hooked, I'll order the other 3 seasons :)
Just bit on Law of Ueki. My friend Greg its a long series that should tie me over....also bought Now and Then,Here and Now...collection..but thats besides the point(Private Seller)
Ordered DBGT Season 1 basically because I feel forced to own it, especially at $16...

I've still gotta get Lord Slug/Tree of Might on BR as well, and that's the cheapest I've seen it in a while, so I'll grab it before the sale ends too I'm sure.
I ordered and have received Patlabor movie 1 LE and Dragon Ball Season 2. Oddly the Patlabor looked like it had been re-sealed as it didn't have the same type of Japanese plastic envelope of the second movie. Didn't see any finger prints and everything looked untouched otherwise.
[quote name='RockJack']Why did removed the product picture for the Ergo Proxy Viridian Collection ?

Is this a bad sign? :cry:[/QUOTE]
Probably because they had the wrong cover pic on there. It used to have the cover from the 6 disc release (with the stripes), but the Viridian Collection has Re-l on the cover holding a shotgun.
[quote name='Indecisive Rattle']Probably because they had the wrong cover pic on there. It used to have the cover from the 6 disc release (with the stripes), but the Viridian Collection has Re-l on the cover holding a shotgun.[/QUOTE]

I checked the Virdian Collection the last few days for a possible "in stock" update and i saw the picture u mentioned (the girl with the gun) and NOT the colorful preview from the first re-release (the thinpak box).

Pretty weird...
Finally decided to buy the original Fullmetal Alchemist series since both box set appeared in my Gold box today. Got em both for $57 shipped, not bad considering MSRP for this sets is supposed to be $70 each according to Amazon.

I think I'm done with anime buying for a WHILE!!!
[quote name='GuardianE']Interesting. They removed the Witchblade Blurays from the deal.[/QUOTE]

those bastards lol... seriously though I was going to buy it with my second wave of anime purchases from this sale Friday since I get paid.
I almost put off buying Witchblade the day before they removed it. That is one impulse buy I am glad I made.

Anyone know if it worth upgrading from DVD to Blu-ray for Trinity Blood? I read some reviews that say that the blu-ray version isn't that much better than the DVD and in some cases inferior to it.
I got Paprika as a gift years ago on DVD, but I decided to exchange it because I wanted to wait on the blu-ray. This sale reminded me that I was supposed to buy that, so I finally did.
Is the Claymore bluray set worth picking up? Seems there is a lot of complaining of the transfer, but if it is a decent watch can deal with that for half the cost of the DvDs.
[quote name='Jodou']How does Claymore compare to Berserk, if at all? Really wish they'd put Berserk on Blu. :\[/QUOTE]

I'd say both are equal, but I myself prefer Claymore. Claymore's ending isn't so hot though. However, you can ignore episode 25&26 and continue through the manga.
[quote name='Ibramgaunt249']Is the Claymore bluray set worth picking up? Seems there is a lot of complaining of the transfer, but if it is a decent watch can deal with that for half the cost of the DvDs.[/QUOTE]

there are episodes on hulu or youtube, i watched the 1st episode and decided id buy it.
[quote name='Jodou']How does Claymore compare to Berserk, if at all? Really wish they'd put Berserk on Blu. :\[/QUOTE]

Claymore manga > Claymore anime > Berserk manga > Berserk anime
[quote name='Squall_L_FF8']Anyone know if it worth upgrading from DVD to Blu-ray for Trinity Blood? I read some reviews that say that the blu-ray version isn't that much better than the DVD and in some cases inferior to it.[/QUOTE]

The problem with Trinity Blood isn't the format.... :razz:
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Claymore manga > Claymore anime > Berserk manga > Berserk anime[/QUOTE]
Them is fightin' words. Saw the first episode last night and it certainly doesn't feel as dark as Berserk is. I just hope the kid dies early or else my interest will wane quickly. Why do animes these days always have to tack on an annoying, tag-along character?
Berserk's much, much darker. Berserk manga definitely kicks Claymore's ass 20 times over easy, but Claymore's a tad easier to get into at this point since you don't have to go through 34 volumes and going of material. On the bright side, most of that material's really, really good. ...But at least Claymore can be expected to finish within the next decade. Both mangas are better than the animes, although that's just because the Claymore anime did its own thing for the last couple eps - up to that point, I'd take the Claymore anime over the manga since it was pretty accurate to the source, and in those instances animation >> comic panels.
Yeah, I'm on episode five now and while it's not entirely my cup of tea, the setting and pacing are excellent. I think it's more so something deep down inside wants more Berserk/Demon's Souls, so the annoying brat is palatable. I'd buy Berserk on BD in a heartbeat if they ever did a transfer, but Claymore is just a fansub watch for me.
I'm really mad that Amazon isn't going to ship my dvds until the 26th when I ordered the stuff on the 18th, that's pretty ridicilulous, especially since all of the stuff is in stock.
[quote name='Chacrana']Yeah, the Champloo BDs are worse. They used a lot of DNR that ended up scrubbing the detail out of a lot of darker scenes. Keep the DVDs.[/QUOTE]

I have and am keeping the DVD's but if you wanted a screenshot comparison, here:

Confirmed - The dark area of these screens are terrible. Picture 3 for sure...
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