Scariest Movies You've Seen


51 (100%)
I've been looking for some scary movies to watch lately. The last movie to scare me was Dawn of the Dead (2004) and I was a preteen then. So any suggestions?
[quote name='fieldkillah']Try giving "Salo: 120 days of sodom" a try.[/QUOTE]

Scary? Nah. I'll third the dude who said Fire in the Sky, and I'll throw down Jacob's Ladder.
[quote name='fieldkillah']Try giving "Salo: 120 days of sodom" a try.[/QUOTE]

He said scary, not sick as fuck.

For all those saying Fire in the sky, I ask, have you watched it recently?

Back when I was a youngster, the movie had 1-2 scary moments, but nowadays it just doesn't hold up. I watched it recently on Netflix and it was 10 minutes of pretty good alien parts and an hour and a half of dialog.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']My two pics are Old Boy and The Martyrs. Both of those are just a mind fuck.[/QUOTE]

Since when is Old Boy scary? I think you misread the thread title.
[quote name='godhatesjustyou']Noroi: The Curse[/QUOTE]

Was going to recommend this. Don't get scared from films but a lot of people get freaked by this.
The atmosphere of Jeepers Creepers always gets me. Got me when I first watched it 6 years ago at age 17, still gets me now even when I know what happens.
The original Amityville Horror was pretty creepy. It always got me when
they saw those glowing eyes outside looking in the window.
What's scarier is the book it's based on. I never read a book that freaked me out so much.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The original Amityville Horror was pretty creepy. It always got me when
they saw those glowing eyes outside looking in the window.
What's scarier is the book it's based on. I never read a book that freaked me out so much.[/QUOTE]

I had no idea there was a book! Thanks for that information, I'll definitely check it out.
[quote name='xandez1']Let the Right One In and Event Horizon![/QUOTE]
People were scared by Let the Right One In?

[quote name='Dr. Venkman']My two pics are Old Boy and The Martyrs. Both of those are just a mind fuck.[/QUOTE]
Old Boy is a interesting movie (not exactly good to me), but a weird choice for a scary movie.
Audition is a great one, good mix of scary and freaky. Its most effective if you watch it with a group of people who have never heard of the film before. Tell them it's an asian romantic comedy. They'll by it for the first half hour then crap their collective pants. So put some plastic on your couch.
[quote name='tcrash247']I had no idea there was a book! Thanks for that information, I'll definitely check it out.[/QUOTE]

If you buy it, also pick up some spare underwear and a nightlight.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']What's scarier is the book it's based on. I never read a book that freaked me out so much.[/QUOTE]

I read the book before seeing the movie and I can agree, only book to ever give me the creeps. The movie was crap compared to the book.
The Descent was pretty creepy to me.... Best ive seen in the past couple of years.... Wish i was still a youngster, when even the sitty scarry movies scared me :D
Event Horizon scared me so much I couldn't mention the movie by name. I believed mentioning the title would conjure up scary shit and I'd have to rip my own eyes out.
I'd like to think Noroi is a hell of a lot scarier if you are from an eastern culture(the ones with people who are very terrified of ghosts in real life...). It did have a some creepy parts though.

I do think those handheld camera flicks are pretty scary though.

David Lynch always has some fucked up scenes in his films.
[quote name='dastly75']David Lynch always has some fucked up scenes in his films.[/QUOTE]
While not horror movies per se, I find his work to be extremely unsettling to the point of experiencing genuine feelings of fear and dread. A prime example of this is Eraserhead. To this day I don't really understand what the film is really about, but it's so effective that I still remember it and fear it, if only for the 'baby' alone. Mulholland Dr. is another great example of his ability to invoke this incredibly unpleasant feeling throughout. Often compared to a bad nightmare, Mulholland Dr. is utterly confusing, frustrating, and unsettling. I don't think it can be classified as a horror movie, but it's certainly more frightening than most horror movies I can think of, although Eraserhead may be even more so. I don't know how Lynch does it, the man is a genius.
The Strangers disturbs the hell out of me every time I see it. I just feel uneasy throughout the entire movie. That shit is way too real and happens more often than most people would like to think. I don't know if it qualifies as scary, but it's definitely unsettling. Also, along that same theme, Funny Games is pretty messed up as well. These movies really aren't scary until after you're done watching them and you have that "that could actually happen" moment. That thought is the scary part.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The Strangers disturbs the hell out of me every time I see it. I just feel uneasy throughout the entire movie. That shit is way too real and happens more often than most people would like to think. I don't know if it qualifies as scary, but it's definitely unsettling.[/QUOTE]

Watch Eden Lake. I have yet to even see that movie just because of the kind of reviews I was reading.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Watch Eden Lake. I have yet to even see that movie just because of the kind of reviews I was reading.[/QUOTE]

Eden Lake actually wasn't that bad. The Last House On The Left was really the only movie to disturb me. I Spit On Your Grave too to a lesser extent.
I would have to say the scariest movie I saw was Nightmare on Elm Street the original. Mind you I was 11 when it came out and frak that I had to sleep with my parents for a couple days after watching that movie and I wasn't the only one a majority of friends from my class at the time all got scared lol.


Ever since that I haven't seen a movie as scary, to me a lot of the movies are just disturbing not scary only because they are very predictable. Okay the last scene in Friday the 13th (1980) got me to jump but so many movies try to hard to be scary that its funny now.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']My two pics are Old Boy and The Martyrs. Both of those are just a mind fuck.[/QUOTE]lmao, Oldboy? you stink.

[quote name='pimpinc333']The Descent was pretty creepy to me.... Best ive seen in the past couple of years.... [/QUOTE]x2 - the claustrophobia really fucked me up. :[
First horror movie I ever saw was NoES. Must have been 8 or 9. The intro credits confused me. Thought it was a cool movie about some dude making a weapon to fight evil or some shit like that. Then I saw the title of the movie and freaked out. Changed the channel so fast, but every few minutes I'd turn it back out of morbid curiosity. Wound up just building the courage to watch the last half and after that I was hooked on horror movies.
Strangers is the only movie I can think of that has ever scared me in my adult life. Strangers was scary enough that when the movie was over out of the 5-7 adults I watched it with I was the ONLY one that was willing to take our dogs outside to use the bathroom. Even after everyone knew I was going to let them out no one would go outside with me because they were all too scared. While I was not too scared to go outside, I did watch over my shoulder and feel cheeped out while I was outside.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The Strangers disturbs the hell out of me every time I see it. I just feel uneasy throughout the entire movie. That shit is way too real and happens more often than most people would like to think. I don't know if it qualifies as scary, but it's definitely unsettling. Also, along that same theme, Funny Games is pretty messed up as well. These movies really aren't scary until after you're done watching them and you have that "that could actually happen" moment. That thought is the scary part.[/QUOTE]

I just posted the strangers before seeing your post. I will say that making matters worse, that the real story strangers is based on....yeah it happened only a few hours from where we live.
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