Scary Movie 4- Good or Bad?

It depends on what you expect from it. I went to see it last night because I wanted to see a "stupid" funny movie and it delivered. Many jokes miss their mark, but there are more than enough that hit and make for some good laughs. Plus, some of the humor is a throwback to the gross-out humor of the first two Scary Movie's, which is exactly what I liked about the series in the first place.
A group of my friends went two nights ago. I opted not to go because I wanted to catch the end of a game I was watching.

Now, to preface this a little bit... the group of friends that went absolutely loved the first three. The third, in particular. I remember watching that over at a buddy's house and all of us were just laughing hysterically.

Yesterday I asked them how the movie went. Their reaction? "Horrible." They told me that it was really short, the funny parts were few and far between and that they were dissapointed -- big time.

I guess based on that I would tell you not to go.
I thought it was good. Id reccommed seeing an early show. Funniest part was with the viagra in the begining. LOL! But yeah definatly feels very very short.
I was surprised to see that both Zucker and Abrahams (minus one Zucker) worked on the fourth installment.

Could be pretty good.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']It was OK but yea definitely short. Something to see at the matinee or the budget. It's only PG-13 what did you want?[/QUOTE]

Dumb and Dumber was only PG-13 too, and it turned out to be one of the funniest movies of all time.
A waste of my $6. I laughed maybe 4 time the whole film. Many, many jokes miss there mark. Hopefully Silent Hill will take the bad taste out of my mouth.
i hated scary movie 1 and 2. the wayans bros should go down in a plane crash. i dont like stereotypical "raunchy" humor.

3 had its moments, but just expect a Naked Gun type movie which is absolutely nothing like the first 2, annnnd 4. im seeing it tonight but its probably on the same level as 3.
I liked the first 3, but the fourth one is definitely my least favorite. It had a lot of immature jokes, I mean Carmen Electra farting just wasn't funny. The story was really bad, the ending sucked, I laughed a few times, but most of the jokes they tried to make were just really dumb.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']The story was really bad, the ending sucked, I laughed a few times, but most of the jokes they tried to make were just really dumb.[/QUOTE]

It was scary movie. What did you expect?
You all have to understand that Scary Movie jumped the shark in part 3. When you have Leslie Nielsen in your movie, you've just entered Naked Gun territory.
I thought 4 was a lot better than 3, but I still think the Wayans brothers did a better job of the series. But go see it anyway since its still pretty dam funny.
[quote name='2poor']It was scary movie. What did you expect?[/quote]

I was at least expecting for it to be better than 3. I mean they showed the funniest parts in the previews.
It was pretty funny, I don't know if I'll buy it when it comes out, but its worth a gander. if nothing else for the laughs at the clerks 2 trailer..

[quote name='megaseadramon']A waste of my $6. I laughed maybe 4 time the whole film. Many, many jokes miss there mark.[/QUOTE]

That's almost verbatim to what my friends told me.
very predictable, stupid humor

went with a few friends on friday, was in a theatre full of middle schoolers who apparently never heard a poopie-joke. I swear i wanted to kill myself during the "washing catatonic woman with a bucket of piss part," and the rest of the movie i really couldn't find myself laughing... it was just too damn stupid

the saw part was funny though, and they really crammed the movie with as many jokes as possible
Haven't seen it, but I've pretty much heard the same as what everyone in this thread is saying. Save it for a rental.
I thought it was pretty good, I laughed a couple of times...the thing is though, I laughed a lot more when I saw the Pink Panther the next day...take that for what you will.
I enjoyed it. Not on the level of the first two, though.

I thought the beginning was good, and it pretty much gradually went downhill.

See a matinee, or rent it later.
[quote name='whoknows']I thought it was pretty good, I laughed a couple of times...the thing is though, I laughed a lot more when I saw the Pink Panther the next day...take that for what you will.[/quote]]

that movie's still showing?
bread's done