Sci-Fi/Martial Arts Movies what is out there?


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I've been trying to find web sites for names of uncommon movies that are sci-fi or martial arts, special effect based but I'm not sure where to look.

I like movies like the Matrix, Natural City, Serenity, Equilibrium, Returner (although it needed more special effects throughout the movie) and I just ordered DragonHead but not sure if I'll like it or not. It was a recommendation from a local Newbury Comics store.

I also like martial arts such as Iron Monkey (awesome for me), Crouching Tiger, Kung Fu Hustle (not big fan of beginning though) and Ang Bak (i thought Protector sucked).

Any helps or guidance would be appreciated. I'm finding it hard to find good stuff. If it ain't mainstream DVDs, I'll never discover it without some help!
I second Musa the Warrior- awesome movie. If you liked KFH try Shoalin Soccer as well. Maybe Dark City for sci-fi, not much for FX but a great film. I also picked up a two pack at BB of Yesterday and 2009:Lost Memories for $10. Haven't watched them yet but supposed to be decent Asian Action movies. And if you liked Serenity and havent seen the Firefly series on which it's based then that's a must.


Just kidding. Stay away from that movie. One of the shittiest ones ever.
The City Of Lost Children. Best movie ever. Ron Perlman does a great job, but the little girl is the real star of the movie.

Also, check out Existenz (canadian videogame-based matrixish movie) and a newer Asian release called Meatball Machine. Similar to Tetsuo the Iron Man but more logical and horror/sci-fi/FX oriented.

FYI: you should be able to rent all 3 of those at Hollywood Video (and possibly Tetsuo if you haven't seen that yet, I think I rented that one at Blockbuster).
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