Scored a complete Gitaroo Man for $31


1 (100%)
So I was doing my normal checking on to see what stores had what in stock. I've checked for Gitaroo Man for almost the past 8 months now and not a single store in CO (or the surrounding 200 miles) has ever shown it in stock. Well on a whim after placing an order for the DQ8 slime controller yesterday, I decide to check again and lo and behold there appears to be a brand new store across town in C. Springs and it shows the lovely 1-3 copies in stock.

Now, I'm at work with 3 hours to go before quitting time and I make the decision NOT to call on the oft chance I get an employee that knows the value of this game and they choose to maybe snag it before I get there. So as soon as I get off work, I haul ass down to the new shop. It's a nice store, a 'concept' store as it has mini HD displays hanging on the walls, a scrolling digital info display and HD demo stations as well. Unfortunately, the manager seemed to have just graduated from Intro to Managing 101, because as soon as I set foot into the store he begins asking what genre I like and wanting to sell me on Madden '06 and all the other new releases that week. But not in that casual kind of way, nope, in that 'I just memorized this from the manual and let's see if I can repeat it line-by-line kind of way'. I was hoping one of the asst. managers from another store had been moved over to this new one so I wouldn't have to go through this.

I break free and head back to the used section and there it is, a used copy of Gitaroo Man. I pick it up dreading it's going to be missing the manual, but nope it's in there with a little rental sticker on it (which surprisingly peeled off easily w/ no damage). So I turn and head up front to get upsold on reupping my subscription of GI or preordering something. I get a glance at the actual disc and unfortunately it has the whole disc rental sticker on it with the crappy white ring in the center. I get my total of $30 and change, gladly pay it and head home to Goo Gone the damn thing free of that sticker. I'm happy and now I can turn my attention (and saved $) to finding a copy of Jack Bros...
Awesome! This is one of my favorite games for the PS2 hands-down. I'm sure you'll have fun with it. Definately worth the horrible experience with typical retail management. A respectable score, to be sure.
Hey man nice score. I really hate that when employees try to use their little sales techniques on me. It is so obvious. I walked into Best Buy the other day to browse the games and networking stuff and before I even make it over to the games I get headed off by some new kid. He saw I had an xbox shirt so he says "hey are you here to look at xbox games?" and I said well no I am here to look at a bunch of stuff. He's like so what games do you have? What games do you play? and I am like just shut up and let me look. The thing that pisses me off is I get that when I just want to take a quick look and then one day I needed help and I stood around for about 30 minutes and nobody showed up in the whole game area. I couldn't get any other people to help as they were acting as if they were too busy. Man I hate Best Buy, I only shop there when I can be a devil customer.
Don't be so hard on them. Almost all retail employees are forced to upsell or push a particular product, and if they don't they get less hours or even lose their job.
[quote name='cag1000']hmmm what's Jack Bros...?[/QUOTE]
A Virtual Boy game made by Atlus...

[quote name='SDMeslow']Don't be so hard on them. Almost all retail employees are forced to upsell or push a particular product, and if they don't they get less hours or even lose their job.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I understand that and I normally have no problem with it, it's just that this guy was really, really bad at it.
Oh god, my biggest pet peeve ins ANY store is employees coming up to you and asking if you need any help. I know it's their job and everything, but just leave me alone, I don't need your help, and I'm not going to shoplift, so just get away.
Holy shit, one Gamestop 100 miles says it has 4 + in stock!!

Think it's a glitch, though. Might try it and see if they can ship it to a different store. Any one have any luck with that? What do I need to tell them exactly?
[quote name='Purkeynator']The thing that pisses me off is I get that when I just want to take a quick look and then one day I needed help and I stood around for about 30 minutes and nobody showed up in the whole game area.[/QUOTE]

Ha, it always works that way doesn't it? I think a retail worker learns to sniff out customers that have a real tough question, and they stay away ;)

[quote name='spmahn']Oh god, my biggest pet peeve ins ANY store is employees coming up to you and asking if you need any help. I know it's their job and everything, but just leave me alone, I don't need your help, and I'm not going to shoplift, so just get away.[/QUOTE]

"No thanks, I'm just browsing." That's all most retail workers need to leave you alone. I get a little annoyed when I walk in an empty store and I know I'm going to get swooped down on by a bunch of salesmen/women. But that doesn't really happen to me much at video game store or BB, etc. Happens more at furniture stores or a used car lot :)
Sweet! I scored a Gitaroo Man a few months ago at a local EB. I think it came to like $35 after the Edge card, but sadly it had no case. Just disc and manual. That's fine though, because i just keep my PS2 games in a big CD binder anyway. And besides, I was able to put that towards the "spend $100, get a $25 gift voucher" promotion, which helped take the edge off the steep (for an incomplete title) price tag.

Again, Congrats OP!
Ha, don't worry much about this, Atlus will go and do a reprint of this game a-la Rhapsody anytime soon. I'm just happy w/ my $10 Gitaroo-man from the pawn.
[quote name='Roufuss']Holy shit, one Gamestop 100 miles says it has 4 + in stock!!

Think it's a glitch, though. Might try it and see if they can ship it to a different store. Any one have any luck with that? What do I need to tell them exactly?[/QUOTE]

I'm having a copy of Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (discs only, $30) shipped from a GS that's only 56 miles away. It should be arriving at my local GS within the next day or so.

I just told the guy that I spoke to from the other store that I probably wouldn't get a chance to drive up there for another week or so. He told me he had no problem in getting it sent to my local store. I'm trying to get this other store to send me a copy of Valkyrie Proflie this way. I don't htink it'll happen though.
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Ha, don't worry much about this, Atlus will go and do a reprint of this game a-la Rhapsody anytime soon. I'm just happy w/ my $10 Gitaroo-man from the pawn.[/QUOTE]
Gitaroo-Man was put out by Koei.
hehe i got in on the same deal as showed the employee he was surprise to see a copy of gitaroo man and asked his co worker when was it traded and said he would of picked it up if he knew about it...but congrats
[quote name='Purkeynator']Hey man nice score. I really hate that when employees try to use their little sales techniques on me. It is so obvious. I walked into Best Buy the other day to browse the games and networking stuff and before I even make it over to the games I get headed off by some new kid. He saw I had an xbox shirt so he says "hey are you here to look at xbox games?" and I said well no I am here to look at a bunch of stuff. He's like so what games do you have? What games do you play? and I am like just shut up and let me look. The thing that pisses me off is I get that when I just want to take a quick look and then one day I needed help and I stood around for about 30 minutes and nobody showed up in the whole game area. I couldn't get any other people to help as they were acting as if they were too busy. Man I hate Best Buy, I only shop there when I can be a devil customer.[/QUOTE]

well, the people at my gamestop are always depressed and pissed off at the same time. Its like

Me: You have a copy of Gitaroo - Man?

GS Worker: NO GET THE HELL OUT..and would you like to pre-order Madden 06...jerk

Me: No.

bread's done