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I searched "stoneage", and this is the first one that came up:

I got my name from Impaled Northern Moonforest. I think everyone should at least check out this site for a couple minutes, especially metalheads. There's a way better quality video if you click on Fanstuff from the site.
Uh.. why the fuck would you put this on the intarwebs?

Here's the first hit, of many:


That makes me seriously contemplate changing my username.

This one, a little further down the first page, is my favorite. :p


BTW, I still have no idea how you guys get the videos posted directly into the thread - if anyone could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.
[quote name='argyle']

BTW, I still have no idea how you guys get the videos posted directly into the thread - if anyone could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.[/QUOTE]
Instead of the link button, click the blue "M" button further down.
[quote name='Stoneage']Instead of the link button, click the blue "M" button further down.[/QUOTE]

I feel like an idiot here, button? "M" button? What screen are these on?
[quote name='argyle']I feel like an idiot here, button? "M" button? What screen are these on?[/QUOTE]

I just use Media tags. You know

[media] Insert video [/ media]

except without the space on the ending tag.
[quote name='argyle']I feel like an idiot here, button? "M" button? What screen are these on?[/QUOTE]

There's more buttons on the non-fast reply. Hotlink, picture, media, etc. Pick one and put the webpage inside. I circled the area poorly.
[quote name='Stoneage']There's more buttons on the non-fast reply. Hotlink, picture, media, etc. Pick one and put the webpage inside. I circled the area poorly.[/QUOTE]

Well, I didn't see those buttons so I wasn't sure what the deal was. Opened up in IE just to see if it was a Firefox issue, and still no buttons. So I dug through the options, and it seems I had my Message Editor Interface set to Basic Editor - I changed to Standard, and viola, buttons. ;)
The title sounded cool, but after about 30 seconds, I realized it was just the final saber battles of Ep. 1 with random rap music. I actually expected something really cool.

bread's done