Seattle Cop punches young woman, Update The Woman Apologizes

First off, can you imagine even being a cop? look at how intimidating that scene there is and he is trying to just arrest a woman! Shit is insane.
[quote name='DestroVega']First off, can you imagine even being a cop? look at how intimidating that scene there is and he is trying to just arrest a woman! Shit is insane.[/QUOTE]
yup did you hear that coward black dude in the back yell ''lets smash this dude''
Jaywalking is crazy in Chicago. I've never seen anyone get arrested/fined for it. But I have seen many people almost get drilled by cars because people chose to cross at the wrong spot on the street (even though the crosswalke is less than 20 feet away).
I don't know about a punch to the face, but it seemed to work. Bottom line? Don't put your hands on a police officer. I have law enforcement in the family and he got injured during a routine stop by having four hillbillies attack him and his partner. He got workers comp while he was out, but the real money maker for police is working part-time and off duty and he was unable to work while his wife was pregnant and the livelihood of the whole family was affected; so I have no sympathy for whatever course of action they choose to take towards anyone assaulting them.

There's no way you can use pepper spray with that crowd around, and tasers are last resort second to pistols (at least in Cleveland).
I'm still really surprised that this officer didn't call for backup. That situation could really have jumped up a notch with all those people milling about.
This was reported in the Morning Show. What's strange is the way they presented kinda made the Cop look bad. They didn't show the whole footage like the youtube clip did.
The cop did nothing wrong here. Man they were lucky they didnt get tazered or pepper sprayed. My uncles a cop and he would have hit em with the voltage. Dont be stupid and resist you deserve more than you got.

The girl apologizes. This was her 2nd time where she assaulted a cop. She kicked an officer in the past while resisting arrest.

CBS affiliate KIRO-TV found court records showing Levias has been arrested for assaulting a police officer before. According to the documents, Levias kicked a King County Sheriff's deputy in the stomach while she resisted arrest at the Ruth Dykeman Center in Burien, Wash.
So, she's a complete piece of trash. Haha, of course! This cop should receive a national apology now. Like I said from the beginning, he did nothing wrong.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']So, she's a complete piece of trash. Haha, of course! This cop should receive a national apology now. Like I said from the beginning, he did nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about a national apology. He could have resolved that situation in multiple ways that didn't tarnish the department's reputation (from what I gather is already very tarnished up there in Seattle). You can bet that despite the "fraternity" of police backing the guy up in public, behind the scenes they were tearing him a new asshole because of the PR damage.
Cops are on edge all the time, i feel sorry for them because they always have to be alert or they can lose there life. I would punch a black chick if I had the opportunity especially those annoying fake ones in the ghetto.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I don't know about a national apology. He could have resolved that situation in multiple ways that didn't tarnish the department's reputation (from what I gather is already very tarnished up there in Seattle). You can bet that despite the "fraternity" of police backing the guy up in public, behind the scenes they were tearing him a new asshole because of the PR damage.[/QUOTE]

NO they aren't.. I have a ton of friends who are cops. None of them every bad mouth eachother. It's a whole entire fraternity. Bitch had it coming by putting her hands on him. Cops have to be defensive 24/7 because they never know when some EDP (emotionally disturbed person) is going to do something stupid. The woman put her hands on him and I am sure the thought of her reaching for his gun went through his mind immediately.

Lets stop acting like this guy shot off 20 bullets at her or pulled an Abner Louima. Louima was sodomized and beaten by the NYPD. This cop was trying to protect himself and maintain some form of order while having 20 vultures loop in around him.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']So, she's a complete piece of trash. Haha, of course! This cop should receive a national apology now. Like I said from the beginning, he did nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]

Hell yes the guy did something wrong. He should have tazered that bitch in the face. That is what he did wrong. Other than that he did everything right. Bitch had more than a punch in the face coming.
Update: The Woman Apologizes...

ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!

nah it can't be....since when does a bitch like that says shes sorry and admits she was in the wrong............................When SHES ABOUT TO HAVE HER ASS SENT TO JAIL FOR A FEW YEARS THAT'S WHEN!!! Thrown the damn book at her!!!
[quote name='sendme']Hell yes the guy did something wrong. He should have tazered that bitch in the face. That is what he did wrong. Other than that he did everything right. Bitch had more than a punch in the face coming.[/QUOTE]

Haha, touche. Actually, if you want to call it something he "did wrong", I do think he should have used MORE force and subdued her quicker. If he had done that, maybe the girl in the pink never gets a chance to shove him. But at the same time, maybe doing that would have gotten him jumped by the multiple large guys that were standing around. It's hard to find fault with the existence of so many unknown factors. At the end of the day, he did his job, and we're lucky to have cops like that.
[quote name='strongpimphand']jaywalking shouldn't be a crime...[/QUOTE]

It doesn't matter if someone gets hit in the crosswalk or not, it's still going to a) potentially cause someone to have to live with the guilt of taking a human life, b) tie up the police with a needless criminal investigation, and then the courts with needless litigation from the "victim"s family. That's wasting a lot of people's time, money and lives just because some asshole couldn't walk fifteen feet to an overpass crosswalk. But I guess I can understand why someone might feel that way about what most people consider a pretty petty offe---

[quote name='strongpimphand']littering is serious...[/QUOTE]


[quote name='strongpimphand']i'm not dumb...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ITDEFX']Update: The Woman Apologizes...

ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!

nah it can't be....since when does a bitch like that says shes sorry and admits she was in the wrong............................When SHES ABOUT TO HAVE HER ASS SENT TO JAIL FOR A FEW YEARS THAT'S WHEN!!! Thrown the damn book at her!!!

she is a minor, the most they can give her according to the article is 30 days. She has already served time for assault. Career criminal in my book.
all those people are pussys, especially the guy taping this and asking "are you serious?". I am the one now asking "are you serious?" for not even trying to do anything about it. I don't care if you have a badge, that is not tolerable. Nowhere near anything to say it was legit for him to do that. He could use force like he did as far as leaning her up against the car to handcuff her. He could of tased her, used pepper spray, called for back up right away and/or some other things he could of done instead. Shady especially since it's a black woman having it done by a white cop. Just another article that is going to go above and beyond what it should even be. Yes, she shouldn't have resisted but c'mon look at her body build and her being a female compared to this male cop who of course dominated her. The saddest part is that the video cut off and after 2 and a half minutes, still not backup arrived and no one ever did anything to stop this crap. All those people standing around video recording this, taking pictures and not one of them called 911 to report this. None of them stepped in to try and defuse the situation or anything. Just a shame..
I just read what all of you typed and I highly doubt any of you would even do anything serious. Most of you would probably be like the people in the video just standing there doing nothing or walking away. Sure, she was out of line but it's not like she is having round house kicks liu kang style going at the cop or anything. Plus, look at her compared to him. For the guy cop to throw that punch (wow!) was just uncalled for and he should be at least suspended a few days or given desk duty. If you tried pulling that crap off here in my area that cop wouldn't have lasted and if anything, he would of been calling for backup first as that is one thing they are trained to do. Especially with a crowd that size and that could of grown. You don't know who lives nearby and any of these people could of gone around and gathered more people and done harm to the cop and perhaps even brought weapons and at one point, possibly start a riot or something. Don't be ignorant and say stupid things like "she deserved it" and this here is a lesson to be learned.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']When asked if she even viewed the video of the altercation, the woman replied "Yeah, I saw that on bootleg."[/QUOTE]

Yea to the un-educated people like her, Youtube=BOOTLEG..

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[quote name='intoxicated662']I just read what all of you typed and I highly doubt any of you would even do anything serious. Most of you would probably be like the people in the video just standing there doing nothing or walking away. Sure, she was out of line but it's not like she is having round house kicks liu kang style going at the cop or anything. Plus, look at her compared to him. For the guy cop to throw that punch (wow!) was just uncalled for and he should be at least suspended a few days or given desk duty. If you tried pulling that crap off here in my area that cop wouldn't have lasted and if anything, he would of been calling for backup first as that is one thing they are trained to do. Especially with a crowd that size and that could of grown. You don't know who lives nearby and any of these people could of gone around and gathered more people and done harm to the cop and perhaps even brought weapons and at one point, possibly start a riot or something. Don't be ignorant and say stupid things like "she deserved it" and this here is a lesson to be learned.[/QUOTE]

My God...are you really that stupid? Wow... Get back to us when you've graduated high school.
Hey, idiots. If you read the article(s), it states that he did call for back-up.

Did you know it takes time for back-up to arrive? GASP!
[quote name='intoxicated662']I just read what all of you typed and I highly doubt any of you would even do anything serious. Most of you would probably be like the people in the video just standing there doing nothing or walking away. Sure, she was out of line but it's not like she is having round house kicks liu kang style going at the cop or anything. Plus, look at her compared to him. For the guy cop to throw that punch (wow!) was just uncalled for and he should be at least suspended a few days or given desk duty. If you tried pulling that crap off here in my area that cop wouldn't have lasted and if anything, he would of been calling for backup first as that is one thing they are trained to do. Especially with a crowd that size and that could of grown. You don't know who lives nearby and any of these people could of gone around and gathered more people and done harm to the cop and perhaps even brought weapons and at one point, possibly start a riot or something. Don't be ignorant and say stupid things like "she deserved it" and this here is a lesson to be learned.[/QUOTE]

So she should be able to assault a cop? He defended himself like he was trained to do. She deserved it and more.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Yea to the un-educated people like her, Youtube=BOOTLEG..


No, I'm talking actual bootlegs. Sold out of car trunks.
[quote name='intoxicated662']all those people are pussys, especially the guy taping this and asking "are you serious?". I am the one now asking "are you serious?" for not even trying to do anything about it. I don't care if you have a badge, that is not tolerable. Nowhere near anything to say it was legit for him to do that. He could use force like he did as far as leaning her up against the car to handcuff her. He could of tased her, used pepper spray, called for back up right away and/or some other things he could of done instead. Shady especially since it's a black woman having it done by a white cop. Just another article that is going to go above and beyond what it should even be. Yes, she shouldn't have resisted but c'mon look at her body build and her being a female compared to this male cop who of course dominated her. The saddest part is that the video cut off and after 2 and a half minutes, still not backup arrived and no one ever did anything to stop this crap. All those people standing around video recording this, taking pictures and not one of them called 911 to report this. None of them stepped in to try and defuse the situation or anything. Just a shame..[/QUOTE]

Well for starters unless the cop is being savagely beaten or about to be shot do you step in, you dont ever get in a cops way, thats a good way to get your ass taken to jail also for getting in the way or at the very least tazered. Not to mention normal people arent cops and have no business getting involved, a private citizen has no power. They should have all gotten way the hell back and stayed out of the way. And just leaning her against the car and handcuffing her isnt as easy as it sounds, when people get pissed off like that and lose their cool their strength literally triples, I know Ive spent enough years as a nurse in mental health to know that they dont have to be shit ball nuts to get strong, just being mad and losing their cool will do it also.

Now far as him not hitting her? I think under those circumstances he was within the right of using physical force. It started out as her just being a bitch but it quickly turned bad. If he had let go of her to call for backup or whatever she would have taken off and he had to just chase her down and force her under arrest anyway. Youll also note he was alone with no one around and a bunch of people closing in on him, if he didnt end it quickly there was from his point of view a chance for it to get real bad real quick. Notice also he hit her one time and he obviously didnt hit her hard enough to do serious damage when he could have, he was restraining himself.

And there is nothing "shady" as your ignorant ass puts it about him being white and her black. Thats just racist, immature and dumb mentality right there. He is a cop and she was doing something she shouldnt have and then was resisting arrest and cursing at him. There was nothing racist or shady about it. Are you dumb enough to think that white cops should only arrest white people? Hell maybe chinese cops should only arrest chinese lawbreakers while were at it. Were all people regardless of our skin color and no one is above a fist in the chops when they deserve it. If she had kept her mouth shut and listened she wouldnt have gotten messed with at all, its her fault for not doing what she is told because is a police officer, he isnt just some mall security guard.

Police when dealing with the public arent always afforded the ability to just talk things out or do things as how the idiot public thinks should be done. They are police by the way and if you dont mess with them then there wont be a problem. Thats why kills me, stupid people mess with the police and then are surprised when they get their ass handed to them. Thats like being surprised when a snake bites you if you keep screwing around with it.

Your ignorance and closed mindedness is just baffling you can say all that with a straight face and actually mean it.

[quote name='intoxicated662']I just read what all of you typed and I highly doubt any of you would even do anything serious. Most of you would probably be like the people in the video just standing there doing nothing or walking away. Sure, she was out of line but it's not like she is having round house kicks liu kang style going at the cop or anything. Plus, look at her compared to him. For the guy cop to throw that punch (wow!) was just uncalled for and he should be at least suspended a few days or given desk duty. If you tried pulling that crap off here in my area that cop wouldn't have lasted and if anything, he would of been calling for backup first as that is one thing they are trained to do. Especially with a crowd that size and that could of grown. You don't know who lives nearby and any of these people could of gone around and gathered more people and done harm to the cop and perhaps even brought weapons and at one point, possibly start a riot or something. Don't be ignorant and say stupid things like "she deserved it" and this here is a lesson to be learned.[/QUOTE]

And your own statement just proved what I was saying. He ended it quickly because he DID have a crowd growing and gathering, he was feeling pressured and on the spot because he potentially had a much bigger problem on his hands so he dealt with the problem at hand quickly. He had her resisting, cursing, yelling, her friends being a pain the ass, some guy with a camera recording yelling "are you serious" and other people getting in close. I would have felt pressure there and probablly done the same thing so I could then disperse the crowd before a real problem arose.

And far as what he is trained to do, police officers are trained to use physical force also. Cops arent just limited to pepper spray and tazers you know that right? Cops dont just walk around writing tickets and thats it.
[quote name='gargus']Well for starters unless the cop is being savagely beaten or about to be shot do you step in, you dont ever get in a cops way, thats a good way to get your ass taken to jail also for getting in the way or at the very least tazered. Not to mention normal people arent cops and have no business getting involved, a private citizen has no power. They should have all gotten way the hell back and stayed out of the way. And just leaning her against the car and handcuffing her isnt as easy as it sounds, when people get pissed off like that and lose their cool their strength literally triples, I know Ive spent enough years as a nurse in mental health to know that they dont have to be shit ball nuts to get strong, just being mad and losing their cool will do it also.

Now far as him not hitting her? I think under those circumstances he was within the right of using physical force. It started out as her just being a bitch but it quickly turned bad. If he had let go of her to call for backup or whatever she would have taken off and he had to just chase her down and force her under arrest anyway. Youll also note he was alone with no one around and a bunch of people closing in on him, if he didnt end it quickly there was from his point of view a chance for it to get real bad real quick. Notice also he hit her one time and he obviously didnt hit her hard enough to do serious damage when he could have, he was restraining himself.

And there is nothing "shady" as your ignorant ass puts it about him being white and her black. Thats just racist, immature and dumb mentality right there. He is a cop and she was doing something she shouldnt have and then was resisting arrest and cursing at him. There was nothing racist or shady about it. Are you dumb enough to think that white cops should only arrest white people? Hell maybe chinese cops should only arrest chinese lawbreakers while were at it. Were all people regardless of our skin color and no one is above a fist in the chops when they deserve it. If she had kept her mouth shut and listened she wouldnt have gotten messed with at all, its her fault for not doing what she is told because is a police officer, he isnt just some mall security guard.

Police when dealing with the public arent always afforded the ability to just talk things out or do things as how the idiot public thinks should be done. They are police by the way and if you dont mess with them then there wont be a problem. Thats why kills me, stupid people mess with the police and then are surprised when they get their ass handed to them. Thats like being surprised when a snake bites you if you keep screwing around with it.

Your ignorance and closed mindedness is just baffling you can say all that with a straight face and actually mean it.

And your own statement just proved what I was saying. He ended it quickly because he DID have a crowd growing and gathering, he was feeling pressured and on the spot because he potentially had a much bigger problem on his hands so he dealt with the problem at hand quickly. He had her resisting, cursing, yelling, her friends being a pain the ass, some guy with a camera recording yelling "are you serious" and other people getting in close. I would have felt pressure there and probablly done the same thing so I could then disperse the crowd before a real problem arose.

And far as what he is trained to do, police officers are trained to use physical force also. Cops arent just limited to pepper spray and tazers you know that right? Cops dont just walk around writing tickets and thats it.[/QUOTE]

I agree...its too bad we will never get his written report on the incident to hear his side of the story.
I don't care to listen to her talk or anything which may sway my opinion of her (you all seem to say she's uneducated, etc, none of that should have any effect on the altercation and her being assaulted).

All I know is I saw the video, and at the MOMENT she was punched in the face, she was not hitting him or putting his life in any danger. I'm also sure he already had patted her down and all that so he was aware she had no weapons, plus she is a female which makes her weaker than him (sorry, but it's true). So why did he feel the need to ball his fist and throw it at her face? Well, simply put, he's a bitch. One of those cops that feels he can do what he wants, if anyone shows him disrespect he get's his feelings hurt and feels he needs to exercise his right to be a douchebag.

Can't believe the woman would apologize, he threw a fist at her while she was backing away from him, he had the opportunity to just push her down and restrain her, insteaed he assaulted her.

anyways, that's my take on it.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']I don't care to listen to her talk or anything which may sway my opinion of her (you all seem to say she's uneducated, etc, none of that should have any effect on the altercation and her being assaulted).

All I know is I saw the video, and at the MOMENT she was punched in the face, she was not hitting him or putting his life in any danger. I'm also sure he already had patted her down and all that so he was aware she had no weapons, plus she is a female which makes her weaker than him (sorry, but it's true). So why did he feel the need to ball his fist and throw it at her face? Well, simply put, he's a bitch. One of those cops that feels he can do what he wants, if anyone shows him disrespect he get's his feelings hurt and feels he needs to exercise his right to be a douchebag.

Can't believe the woman would apologize, he threw a fist at her while she was backing away from him, he had the opportunity to just push her down and restrain her, insteaed he assaulted her.

anyways, that's my take on it.[/QUOTE]

uhh... you do know that punching her in the face to subdue her is one method cops can use on a person threatening violence on them. Its not about being a's about protecting himself and putting an immediate end to a threatening situation that was growing. Like I said, thankfully none of the other idiots with their cameras or an onlooker jumped the cop because it would have really turned ugly.
Why does it sound like some people haven't even watched the video but have no problem voicing their moronic opinion? Do they even realize that the person he punched was the girl in pink...who INTERFERES with the arrest by jumping in and pushing the cop away from her friend...the girl being arrested.

She was a completely uninvolved party, but clearly thought that she had more authority than the police officer, and decided that she could prevent her friend from being arrested. When that happens, all bets are off. SHE put her hands on a police officer, so he has every right to hit HER. He never strikes the girl he's arresting, and the most "violent" thing he does to her is push her roughly into the car because she's resisting arrest the entire time. Some of you need to fucking pay attention.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']No, I'm talking actual bootlegs. Sold out of car trunks.[/QUOTE]

Those are some real hustlas. Sell shit that motherfuckas can find on the internet for free.
I'm sure if he used a taser that would have only escalated the situation. And mace has a huge dispersion radius. Everyone including the cop could have been hit with it if there was a breeze. Also, the cop couldnt have dominated her if he wrestled with her for almost a full minute. To me it looked like he was trying his hardest to use as little force as possible. If i punched that girl, she'd have been down, but he clearly didnt use that much force.
[quote name='Xdeath452x']I'm sure if he used a taser that would have only escalated the situation. And mace has a huge dispersion radius. Everyone including the cop could have been hit with it if there was a breeze. Also, the cop couldnt have dominated her if he wrestled with her for almost a full minute. To me it looked like he was trying his hardest to use as little force as possible. If i punched that girl, she'd have been down, but he clearly didnt use that much force.[/QUOTE]

He needs to hit the gym...I've notice, cops aren't in the best shape like they used to. Doesn't mean he should've socked the dogshit out of her, but that also doesn't mean she makes an ass of herself.
I feel bad for that cop. Those two bitches are lucky he didn't act like any other cop in his situation and just taze their asses from the start. And if I were him, I would have confiscated every phone that was recording for 'evidence'.
bread's done