Sega has Cut Yakuza 3 content, Listings of entire Cuts now available.

[quote name='jh6269']Where did you read that they cut the content to make it more "American?"

Here's the original quote:

It's clear that they had a schedule and a budget they had to keep, so they cut parts to meet that timeline. They decided to cut the parts that they thought wouldn't matter, and that could be easily cut w/o compromising the rest of the game. How hard is that to understand? It was probably the difference between bringing the game here or not bringing it here. Nobody's a slave here, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, or anyone for that matter. You're trying to convince us that by not buying the game, you'll get Sega to invest even more on a losing venture. It doesn't make sense. If those small parts of the game mean that much to you, it would lead me to believe that you're a hardcore fan of Yakuza, otherwise you wouldn't care. I think for fans to not buy the game, they're just shooting themselves in the foot. In my mind, 95% of a game is better than 0% or 50%.[/QUOTE]

More than anything those of us who have taken issue with sega deciding to cut this content have noted that WE WILL buy this game. No matter if they refuse to bring the content as a dlc, we are happy that our voices were heard. However, how did you avoid them announcing that they cut things they thought would not resonate with western fans. Wrex there has been commenting on that for several pages, and I am responding with my rights as a consumer. Sega fucks up, have been for a while, remember the ps3 port of bayonetta? Sega brought this game to America BECAUSE the hardcore fans wanted it. Your average gamer did not go out and sign petitions for this game. Did you? So you want them to curtail it to mainstream gamers? Because it should not have been released here in first place? To betray the people that wanted it? To say that they did not cut things to make it have a more "western appeal" is just inaccurate, I do not make apologies for a corporation, and where I come from what is handed to you is generally a shit hand, so I argue for a better position. You can have an impact. Get it.
[quote name='SynGamer']Does the JP version have English subtitles by chance? No way I'll be getting the US version with the content now missing. I was looking forward to seeing how th hostess club portion of the game played out.[/QUOTE]

So your not going to buy the game just because you cant sit in a club and pay women to talk to you? You do know that there is more to the game than just the appeal of seeing women in it right?

Ill buy it when the price drops but Im not going to swear it off just at the idea of missing in a club section of the game.

Just dont understand this. Hostess clubs arent going to be very interesting to begin, I see alot of teenage kids upset at the thought of missing on hookers and titties. Hostess club is pretty boring really. Men pay women to talk to them, light their cigarettes and thats pretty much it. Most people working in hostess clubs wear very nice clothes, they get their hair fixed before work and so on. Its just meant for entertainment, course why anyone would pay someone to give them attention is beyond me. Prostitution has very little to do with the club at all, although it can be if the woman choses since prostitution is legal as long as it doesnt involve vaginal sex. But hostess clubs are more about a high society type of thing vs getting laid.

It isnt even like they censored the game for fucks sake, they cut it to make the translation time. If they had to spend another 2 months on it the heat would have died off over the japan release and probablly sold fewer titles.

Not having it in there will do absolutely nothing to ruin the game or the storyline.

So you guys can go ahead and not buy it and be all hoidy toidy while I am enjoying playing the game.
[quote name='Hostile']As far as I'm concerned, those parts should have been included in the initial costs of the game in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Impossible. There was never any intent to bring the game over here in the first place.

You probably didn't see one of my original posts, but yeah, I think you should complain, but still buy the game. As you said. I think we're in agreement there.

However, it seems to me like you're thinking that they cut the content for the sole reason that it doesn't resonate with westerners--which is clearly not the case (if you believe what the Sega PR person said). They made a strategic decision to remove that part so they could keep a timeline.

Timelines in business mean a great deal. They help a company control costs, plan for other projects, allocate resources, prioritize projects, and much much more. You're trivializing the reason the Sega guy gave as their reason for choosing to cut a minor aspect of a game.

That's the only part that I disagree with, more or less.
[quote name='gargus']So your not going to buy the game just because you cant sit in a club and pay women to talk to you? You do know that there is more to the game than just the appeal of seeing women in it right?

Ill buy it when the price drops but Im not going to swear it off just at the idea of missing in a club section of the game.

Just dont understand this. Hostess clubs arent going to be very interesting to begin, I see alot of teenage kids upset at the thought of missing on hookers and titties. Hostess club is pretty boring really. Men pay women to talk to them, light their cigarettes and thats pretty much it. Most people working in hostess clubs wear very nice clothes, they get their hair fixed before work and so on. Its just meant for entertainment, course why anyone would pay someone to give them attention is beyond me. Prostitution has very little to do with the club at all, although it can be if the woman choses since prostitution is legal as long as it doesnt involve vaginal sex. But hostess clubs are more about a high society type of thing vs getting laid.

It isnt even like they censored the game for fucks sake, they cut it to make the translation time. If they had to spend another 2 months on it the heat would have died off over the japan release and probablly sold fewer titles.

Not having it in there will do absolutely nothing to ruin the game or the storyline.

So you guys can go ahead and not buy it and be all hoidy toidy while I am enjoying playing the game.[/QUOTE]

It's not about the content that was cut, it's the reasoning behind it. Have you not been reading ANY of the posts here?
[quote name='WrexManor']Impossible. There was never any intent to bring the game over here in the first place.[/QUOTE]

He's referring to the content already being apart of the JP version, hence, it was already included in the cost to make th JP version. Therefore, bringing the game over to NA should mean whatever was in the JP version would then naturally be in the NA version...or at least that's what logic dictates.
But they said they cut things that westerns would not get. We all agree we would be terrible at a Japanese history quiz, so sega cut it, but damn I would have enjoyed the option of playing it. Sega had no interest in bringing this game here because of the lack of audience. It was a struggle for me to cancel this pre-order, but I felt that was my best recourse considering the circumstances. I greatly look forward to playing this game, and I really hope that sega brings yakuza 4 here as well, thus why I will buy this game new, but I want the full game. I suppose I just need to learn Japanese. Our money carries weight, we should not shy away from that.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']But they said they cut things that westerns would not get. We all agree we would be terrible at a Japanese history quiz, so sega cut it, but damn I would have enjoyed the option of playing it. Sega had no interest in bringing this game here because of the lack of audience. It was a struggle for me to cancel this pre-order, but I felt that was my best recourse considering the circumstances. I greatly look forward to playing this game, and I really hope that sega brings yakuza 4 here as well, thus why I will buy this game new, but I want the full game. I suppose I just need to learn Japanese. Our money carries weight, we should not shy away from that.[/QUOTE]

It's not that we would be terrible at the Japanese history quiz. It's the fact that to keep the part in the game would mean that Sega would have to give extra time to try to translate that content. I don't know if you know anything about Japanese or not, but it's not a 1-to-1 translation from Japanese words to English words. Sometimes literal translations are absolutely meaningless. I tried to translate a Chinese song into English once, and I had a Chinese speaker and we tried to do it. It was absolutely impossible. Many of the lines made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

But back to the point; I don't think that canceling the pre-order is going to have the desired effect. The reality is that if not enough people buy the game, there won't be any DLC. There will also not be a Yakuza 4, in all likelyhood (who knows, maybe there will but it too will have a bunch of content cut).

I'm pre-ordering the game and I'm also going to write an e-mail to Sega and let them know that I'm pre-ordering the game and that I'd like the parts that were cut as well.

Anyway, I don't think we're getting anywhere here.. I just hate to watch people make decisions for the wrong reasons.

But I guess if you object to buying the game as it is, at least e-mail Sega and tell them that you would buy the game if they added the extra content as DLC. Maybe they'll get enough letters to justify spending more money to translate the portions that were cut.
[quote name='jh6269']It's not that we would be terrible at the Japanese history quiz. It's the fact that to keep the part in the game would mean that Sega would have to give extra time to try to translate that content. I don't know if you know anything about Japanese or not, but it's not a 1-to-1 translation from Japanese words to English words. Sometimes literal translations are absolutely meaningless. I tried to translate a Chinese song into English once, and I had a Chinese speaker and we tried to do it. It was absolutely impossible. Many of the lines made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

But back to the point; I don't think that canceling the pre-order is going to have the desired effect. The reality is that if not enough people buy the game, there won't be any DLC. There will also not be a Yakuza 4, in all likelyhood (who knows, maybe there will but it too will have a bunch of content cut).

I'm pre-ordering the game and I'm also going to write an e-mail to Sega and let them know that I'm pre-ordering the game and that I'd like the parts that were cut as well.

Anyway, I don't think we're getting anywhere here.. I just hate to watch people make decisions for the wrong reasons.

But I guess if you object to buying the game as it is, at least e-mail Sega and tell them that you would buy the game if they added the extra content as DLC. Maybe they'll get enough letters to justify spending more money to translate the portions that were cut.[/QUOTE]

But if enough people cancel their preorder, sega will know why. I let them know that I want to buy their game, I support them, and that is a good idea to send them an email. Also, thank you for making a reasoned argument. I hate speaking to people who refuse to approach things with logic, thank you. I will write sega, and I, hopefully most CAGS, will buy this game. I just want the entire game. I work a corporate job, they cut these parts thinking they would not be missed to meet a budget because there would not be the returns. Unless they respond to the charges they cannot justify the return. I hate being slighted on content, even if I have to accept it because you think you are doing me a favor.
ok ok I will settle this once and for all. Yes we understand that stuff isn't translatable, Fermented Soy beans and answer x answer

That is easy to understand because how the F are you going to match Kanji to English like that, you won't.

This is what has been cut out,(why are strip clubs still in it?!)

now not everything has been confirmed on what was ACTUALLY CUT (I'm guessing much more) and I feel like I'm repeating myself like a broken record here so this will be my last comment before I go play mass effect 2 and other cooler games.

Sega is Lazy as Hell, Sega is disrespectful as Hell, this game could have been out 6 months ago however we know the whole story (read previous posts). I only in my wildest dreams figured this game would only sell about 60,000 copies: Before this big ordeal.

I've never advised people to cancel their pre-orders or not enjoy this game. THEY decided that by there SMART selfs (we are certainly not stupid because we all can read)

This would have been the perfect game for a early June release, its summer you get that Yakuza vibe going all that fun stuff like no other titles to play, However Sega decides to drop a game in the dead of spring with many other Triple A titles (and I'm thinking now maybe they did it on purpose to stop bringing over yakuza titles because they know it will fail) also they seem to piss off the very niche group this game was mainly going to sell to.

How did they do it? 1st not even mentioning any game cuts, 2nd never apologizing however saying pretty much "well we could have not released it at all" 3rd this has not been the first time we've been upset with sega #bayonetta port# many people "had to" complain to even get a patch to F-cking install the game on ps3.

This was so much more then cutting game content before I even started this thread. We all are truly feed up with sega. All we want is Complete. Can't SEGA EVER GET THIS FU-KING RIGHT?!

Sega gets lazy this is the only way to remind them guys, to speak out and inform other buyers whats going on.
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One last thing, We are all upset that Sega thinks it gets to decide what americans will like or not like. They obviously don't know and shouldn't assume they do and justify it as "right" The vote at the top has clearly shown my point. Sega is a lazy ass company lets speak out and have them Complete this great game.
[quote name='phantasyx']One last thing, We are all upset that Sega thinks it gets to decide what americans will like or not like. They obviously don't know and shouldn't assume they do and justify it as "right" The vote at the top has clearly shown my point. Sega is a lazy ass company lets speak out and have them Complete this great game.[/QUOTE]

Come on dude, you know they didn't cut it because they thought that Americans wouldn't like the content.

Here's the blog post from Sega:

The guy says that it was a choice between having Yakuza 3 in the west and not having it. I'm sorry you can't understand, but anyway, hopefully it will work out for the best.

I tried to find an e-mail address at, but there is no "Contact Us" link. The best thing I could find was a snail mail address and a forum with a link to a petition.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that I have been right all along, they cut the content because to do otherwise would have been cost-prohibitive, and would have made no business-sense to bring the title over at all. (I do see the irony though that they decided to bring it over in the worst month of 2010).

Here is a link to the forum with a link to the online petition.

Here is the snail mail address if you care to write a letter:

Anyway, here's also a destructoid post that pretty much says the same thing as my thinking on the matter:

I guess we'll see what happens...
Don't feel justified man, use your voice. In a consumerist society you have the right you use your dollars to object. You again seem to think we're hating on the game, a game we all fought to bring here, we are thankful sega brought it, but we have leverage. Just because a few people think it's not a big deal doesn't mean that those of use who want to make an issue should not be encouraged to do so. We're in for the big win for all of us. Period. A coworker of mine wrote an e-mail complaining about pay and promotions. In response to this the vp over us came down to tell us to be happy, this was the best we would ever get. People quit, the management was confused as to why, despite their actions. Should a company that's asking for my cash be allowed to treat me the same way? You are on CHEAP ASS GAMER, we believe in the influence of gamers, and thus, we reserve the right to complain. I can draw this into any comparison you want, but those I have tried to communicate with avoid the opportunity to discuss this on a rational level. If you want to be a corporations bitch then go ahead, but with so many in america taking issue with what is not an issue, we're allowed to take issue with a corporation's "figurin".
[quote name='jh6269']Come on dude, you know they didn't cut it because they thought that Americans wouldn't like the content.
Right, they cut it because they felt the US wouldn't understand it. Those are two totally different things.

I feel like I must say this once more. I didn't cancel my pre-order because they cut content. I canceled it because of the piss poor job SEGA has done with handling the situation. The only reason we even know they cut anything was because of the Demo.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']Don't feel justified man, use your voice. In a consumerist society you have the right you use your dollars to object. You again seem to think we're hating on the game, a game we all fought to bring here, we are thankful sega brought it, but we have leverage. Just because a few people think it's not a big deal doesn't mean that those of use who want to make an issue should not be encouraged to do so. We're in for the big win for all of us. Period. A coworker of mine wrote an e-mail complaining about pay and promotions. In response to this the vp over us came down to tell us to be happy, this was the best we would ever get. People quit, the management was confused as to why, despite their actions. Should a company that's asking for my cash be allowed to treat me the same way? You are on CHEAP ASS GAMER, we believe in the influence of gamers, and thus, we reserve the right to complain. I can draw this into any comparison you want, but those I have tried to communicate with avoid the opportunity to discuss this on a rational level. If you want to be a corporations bitch then go ahead, but with so many in america taking issue with what is not an issue, we're allowed to take issue with a corporation's "figurin".[/QUOTE]

Hey guys! Look at the whiny little bitch sticking it to "the man"!


You're obviously too stupid to handle discussion on two forefronts (game design / budget concerns) and so you're sticking to the trite and tired whining of - corporations are bad! Don't be a slave to the thought police man! 1965 called. They want their hippy bitching back.

Get out and don't come back. Ever.
[quote name='jh6269']Where did you read that they cut the content to make it more "American?"

Here's the original quote:

It's clear that they had a schedule and a budget they had to keep, so they cut parts to meet that timeline. They decided to cut the parts that they thought wouldn't matter, and that could be easily cut w/o compromising the rest of the game. How hard is that to understand? It was probably the difference between bringing the game here or not bringing it here. Nobody's a slave here, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, or anyone for that matter. You're trying to convince us that by not buying the game, you'll get Sega to invest even more on a losing venture. It doesn't make sense. If those small parts of the game mean that much to you, it would lead me to believe that you're a hardcore fan of Yakuza, otherwise you wouldn't care. I think for fans to not buy the game, they're just shooting themselves in the foot. In my mind, 95% of a game is better than 0% or 50%.[/QUOTE]

Or the analogy I like to use, to cut one's nose off to spite the face.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Right, they cut it because they felt the US wouldn't understand it. Those are two totally different things.

I feel like I must say this once more. I didn't cancel my pre-order because they cut content. I canceled it because of the piss poor job SEGA has done with handling the situation. The only reason we even know they cut anything was because of the Demo.[/QUOTE]

Or the analogy I like to use, to cut one's nose off to spite the face.
[quote name='WrexManor']Hey guys! Look at the whiny little bitch sticking it to "the man"!


You're obviously too stupid to handle discussion on two forefronts (game design / budget concerns) and so you're sticking to the trite and tired whining of - corporations are bad! Don't be a slave to the thought police man! 1965 called. They want their hippy bitching back.

Get out and don't come back. Ever.[/QUOTE]

Oh no! The corporate apologist wants me to suck the cock and do what I'm told, be thankful for what I'm handed. So you come back with generalities? I'm here, asking you questions as an adult, expecting answers as an adult. Insults don't make you a man. Make a reasoned argument and I'll listen. When I concede and am not given the same consideration that makes YOU look like an ass, big man. I'm not your buddy guy...
[quote name='alivetilldawn']Oh no! The corporate apologist wants me to suck the cock and do what I'm told, be thankful for what I'm handed. So you come back with generalities? I'm here, asking you questions as an adult, expecting answers as an adult. Insults don't make you a man. Make a reasoned argument and I'll listen. When I concede and am not given the same consideration that makes YOU look like an ass, big man. I'm not your buddy guy...[/QUOTE]

Corporate apologist? Haha.

I don't need you to concede anything. Get lost. At this point I think you've got nothing or you're just crazy. Go play your Farmville. I'll play Yakuza 3.
[quote name='WrexManor']Corporate apologist? Haha.

I don't need you to concede anything. Get lost. At this point I think you've got nothing or you're just crazy.[/QUOTE]

Again with generalities. Oh I can make an accusation without backing it up with a reasoned argument, woo hoo! People are no doubt pissed I'm continuing to speak to you in this thread, but dude, you're pathetic in your arguments. Come with logic and reason and I swear I will leave you alone.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']Again with generalities. Oh I can make an accusation without backing it up with a reasoned argument, woo hoo! People are no doubt pissed I'm continuing to speak to you in this thread, but dude, you're pathetic in your arguments. Come with logic and reason and I swear I will leave you alone.[/QUOTE]

Plenty of people have come at you with logic. Unfortunately you have none to come back with.

Lets try again.

01. What if removing the extra stuff makes for a better game?
02. What if all financial calculations showed that the budget required to translate and implement the things removed in the game in a way that Western games could better associate with them would have cost the company to lose money in regards to how many copies of the game they were expecting to sell? Should Sega have remained creatively true to the original vision and just not released the game?

If you don't answer these in the next post directed towards me, you're going on my ignore list as well.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']Oh no! The corporate apologist wants me to suck the cock and do what I'm told, be thankful for what I'm handed. So you come back with generalities? I'm here, asking you questions as an adult, expecting answers as an adult. Insults don't make you a man. Make a reasoned argument and I'll listen. When I concede and am not given the same consideration that makes YOU look like an ass, big man. I'm not your buddy guy...[/QUOTE]

I also did not use any generalities. I quite clearly said YOU were being a bitch. This is an insult. Not a generality.

Wait. Do you know what a generality is? Or are you blindly using it because it's your big word of the day or something?

And in case your grammar is off, there are also no generalities in this post. Only insults.
WrexManor, how old are you? I gave you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you were just a disaffected white guy, but as you avoid all of my questions I'm beginning to abandon that position. I am allowed, with my dollars, to influence a company's decision, oh no! Why bitch about capitalism? This thread is a nod to how it works.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']WrexManor, how old are you? I gave you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you were just a disaffected white guy, but as you avoid all of my questions I'm beginning to abandon that position. I am allowed, with my dollars, to influence a company's decision, oh no! Why bitch about capitalism? This thread is a nod to how it works.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the ignore list. It's obvious you've got no substance to you. Quite sad, really.
Who here thinks that wrexmanor doesn't use generalities? Who, beside you, came against my arguments that would back him? I'm very interested in this. I'm always open, just bring the logic and I'll play.
Can I have at least a few of your speak to how his arguments have had no substance? I have, in all ways, made a reasoned and rational responce to this neocon's opinions, he has had no rational responce, so now he's "iggnored me". Please join me in letting this child know what he is. Arguing on the internet makes you what, oh yeah your favorite words, DEVELOPMENTALLY CHALLENGED! God that makes me feel bad to say. Again, capitalism baby.
[quote name='WrexManor']Welcome to the ignore list. It's obvious you've got no substance to you. Quite sad, really.[/QUOTE]

Are you seriously trying to say that voting with our wallets is wrong?
[quote name='SynGamer']Are you seriously trying to say that voting with our wallets is wrong?[/QUOTE]

Nope. But when a person challenges me to make rational, thinking man points, and when I respond with as such, only for that person to ignore my points so he can continue to hear himself talk, he will find himself on my ignore list.

Feel free to vote with your wallet. But there are legit points as to why the material may have been cut but there are plenty of people out there who would prefer being irrationally outraged, rather than to come to an understanding of why this may have had to been done.

Again, in my eyes, this has more to do with cutting off your own nose to spite your face. It's stupid. Yakuza 3 by all accounts is a good game and people punishing its sales for not including Mahjong is ridiculous to me. It wasn't a game designed to showcase Japan. It was inherently a Japanese game designed to lure in horny Japanese males with a Miike/Beat Kitano-esque gangster storyline and over the top, pro-wrestling violence.

That is what Yakuza 3 is. Not an interactive guide into Japanese culture. That's just a marketing hook and anyone making that argument just doesn't know what they're talking about.

Quite frankly people willing to skip one of the highest quality titles of the year because of no Mahjong just blows my mind. Hell I think the hostess bar would piss me off more than anything. If there's anything I hate, it's a cock-tease. ;)
[quote name='WrexManor']Nope. But when a person challenges me to make rational, thinking man points, and when I respond with as such, only for that person to ignore my points so he can continue to hear himself talk, he will find himself on my ignore list.

Feel free to vote with your wallet. But there are legit points as to why the material may have been cut but there are plenty of people out there would prefer being irrationally outraged, rather than to come to an understanding of why this may have had to been done.[/QUOTE]

What points? Please, lets discuss it.
[quote name='alivetilldawn']What points? Please, lets discuss it.[/QUOTE]

he's ignoreing u i already adviced ever one to ignore him because he's trolling hard more people should ask him his age and why he edits his posts so many times because he's not confident of his posts (im on my ps3 typing ) that annoys him the most
Well this is disappointing, wasn't going to pick up Yakuza 3 at launch price, but I did go pick up 1 and 2 a couple weeks ago hunting about 6 gamestops for the right copy. It does suck that they are cutting some aspects, hell, I want to see what the 'hostess' deal is about! I had a vague idea about it before this thread (like how they have companion simulators in Japan..or that game coming out w/ the breast mousepad) but now that I know for sure, I want it!! And such short notice too, that is shady..
LOL if Sega only knew, they would have made the hostess and mahjong parts as exclusive limited-edition pre-order DLC, since it's obviously the most important part of the game. Then Yakuza 3 would have had a sure-fire hit...
I just finished playing the american demo wow... so some random chick asks you to play karaoke im like ok lets see what its like. First off this section could have been cut instead of what they did not only can you not read the subtitles while playing the mini game it doesn't make sense! nobody will know these songs or play this its way to hard. They really did cut out all the bars because in the japanese demo you could have a drink with one of the girls...(still typing on ps3) I was still going to get this day one however after playing it in person I feel like somethings not right... I know the currency in game cant be right after these cuts because you cant waste your money.

They also try to hype up like ooo in the full game you can go to a stripclub lazy sega Im now just going to see what happens or just get the JP version
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[quote name='WrexManor']Corporate apologist? Haha.

I don't need you to concede anything. Get lost. At this point I think you've got nothing or you're just crazy. Go play your Farmville. I'll play Yakuza 3.[/QUOTE]
Farmville happens to be my #1 favorite game lmfao :booty:Dude chill the fuck out yo.

[quote name='WrexManor']Hell I think the hostess bar would piss me off more than anything. If there's anything I hate, it's a cock-tease. ;)[/QUOTE]
They made the song 'Jizz in my Pants' about me, sir. What may be a cock-tease to you would be a massive sexplosion to me.
[quote name='xsouthparkx']Farmville happens to be my #1 favorite game lmfao :booty:Dude chill the fuck out yo[/QUOTE].

Well at least you and your mom have something to talk about.

OH! Bada-Bing!
[quote name='WrexManor'].

Well at least you and your mom have something to talk about.

OH! Bada-Bing![/QUOTE]
This was edited 4 times.
I don't think anyone agrees with his position, does anyone even care about his comments?

In retrospect, Yakuza 3 will seem like a totally different game, its now fighting heavy, with the removal of the 7-10 clubs that were probably in the game you won't get that sense of exploration because may things are cut out. It will be a entirely different game sadly.
[quote name='Squall835']I agree, this thread has turned into nothing but a childish bitchfest.[/QUOTE]Not any longer.

Everyone, let's keep the thread on-topic for a change.
Glad the Mod cleaned this thread up,

There is some talk that Sega has already processed orders to retailers, meaning they will get their money's worth anyway because its already passed on to stores. I don't know how pre-orders and stuff works but if this is true then Sega may not have any obligation to create any DLC for customers. this is only speculation on why they are soo silent I don't know how these things work does anybody actually know?
Sega definitely hasn't gotten their money out of all the pre-orders and what not. GameStop and other retailers might have gotten their allotment of the game, but Sega doesn't see full profits from those copies unless they're actually sold. Otherwise, they're obligated to compensate or buyback stock that was shipped out.

All in all though, I'm not a huge Yazuka fan and I found the demo really really boring. It does suck that they cut content out of the game, especially since the subject matter I (and most people here) can fully grasp. However, like it's been said many times already, Sega didn't have to bring this over stateside. They brought it over because the fans of the series wanted it, but look at the track record of the series. It's not gonna sell shit here, so Sega doesn't have much incentive to waste their time or resources. If you want to support the game, the publisher, and hope for future entries in the series to come over to the West, you might as well buy the game. Clearly the mini-games and hostess clubs don't make or break the overall experience.

PR screwed up, people are upset... but boycotting the game is retarded. I don't know about you guys, but I've bought so many games that weren't worth full price just so I can support the developers so they can continue, well, make games that are fun to play. That's all that matters, no? Pretty sure if you like Yazuka 3 you'll still enjoy it either way.

EDIT: Also, if you're crying that much about removing maybe 5% of the game, go fucking learn Japanese you lazy ass. It's not that hard :)
Prinny while I agree with you on most of your comment its really game changing stuff, I don't know but if feels like instead of asking a girl out all the girls because prostitutes in game idk how they will make it but thats how it came off to me when playing the demo of it compared to the Japanese version. Its a whole different vibe and yes prostitutes do resonate with me but I don't need Sega telling me that.

I've got a small update from one of the people at Sega:

I can't comment personally on this issue - although believe me, I wish I could talk to you guys more about it - but know that I am taking all of the posts, comments, etc, and sending those upwards here at SEGA.

As a fellow fan, know that I totally understand the desire to have a game that is completely authentic (or at least pretty close) and contains almost all the content of its overseas counterparts. I'll continue to send the feedback you guys are posting up higher to others at SEGA.

Thanks very much,

This was taken from the Sega Forums, Ruby I believe is a Moderator.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Sega didn't have to bring this over stateside.[/QUOTE]

More like...

[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Your mother didn't have to raise you.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='TomJones4']Im glad that shit was removed. Get that weaboo shit out of my Japanese adventure game.[/QUOTE]
Forget my previous positions I'm with this guy.:D

Sega keep yo Weaboo Shit!
I know this has been brought up in this thread, but can everyone that wants this game just take a second to be grateful that Yakuza 3 is even coming over? I remember playing the first one, finding the bars, and seeing the awesome descriptions that went into the alcohol selection. I really appreciated the detail that went into the translation. However, that probably was ridiculously expensive and time consuming. So, two great games with unimpressive U.S. sales figures, and SEGA still wants to translate this experience and bring it over so I can enjoy it? I would much rather get the game with some cuts, PERIOD, than be denied because of some cost-of-translation vs. potentially bad U.S. sales decision to can it. Thank you SEGA. Does anyone else feel that way? Having said that, if this game just isn't good, I'm gonna be really upset.
[quote name='dingo_stole_mybaby']I know this has been brought up in this thread, but can everyone that wants this game just take a second to be grateful that Yakuza 3 is even coming over? I remember playing the first one, finding the bars, and seeing the awesome descriptions that went into the alcohol selection. I really appreciated the detail that went into the translation. However, that probably was ridiculously expensive and time consuming. So, two great games with unimpressive U.S. sales figures, and SEGA still wants to translate this experience and bring it over so I can enjoy it? I would much rather get the game with some cuts, PERIOD, than be denied because of some cost-of-translation vs. potentially bad U.S. sales decision to can it. Thank you SEGA. Does anyone else feel that way? Having said that, if this game just isn't good, I'm gonna be really upset.[/QUOTE]
Dude its coming, we got it now. Can't we have Cheese with our whine?

On a serious note, I'm starting to think that it was Sega Japan's decision to make the cuts, if this ends up being some Xenophobic act from higher ups in Japan then we have a real issue to argue about. Only time will tell whats up with this game.
Dont worry Dingo, I am still buying it day one.

I remember watching the sales of Yakuza 2 and thinking theres no way theyd bring the sequel, but here we are, only a week away, and I am as psyched as ever. I even switched to the Yakuza 3 theme, despite its obnoxiously loud gunshot sound effects.

During this past weekend, I also sent Sega a hand written letter thanking them for supporting the Playstation with titles such as Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles (despite their terrible sales). I let them know that I support their decisions to localize titles even if it means they have to make cuts.

I figured they could use a nice letter amidst all the negativity.
Very interesting conspiracy theory. I just really figured it would never even make it over here. I think it would be the cat's pajamas if there was some some kind of special edition that included the feudal age prequel game.
bread's done