Sell Me on a PS3

[quote name='WrexManor']Everyone legitimizing this tool is stupid. He is taking advantage of your willingness to help and you're falling head over heels like nitwits to do all the work for him that he should have done himself.[/QUOTE]

Hey! I resent that!

:lol:I agree with you 100%
[quote name='Microshock']You know, I have the 360 controller, I use it for my PC and I just prefer the DS3 over it. I guess its because I've used the DS3 so much longer but it just feels nicer. The feel of the bumpers especially.[/QUOTE]

Honestly dude can you admit no fault with the damn system? Stop sucking on Sony's teat.
Reading this thread reminds me of why I shouldn't read threads about comparing systems. I'm glad that I have all three now, and I can say that I'm not drinking anyone's Kool-Aid.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Honestly dude can you admit no fault with the damn system? Stop sucking on Sony's teat.[/QUOTE]

I've already pointed out shortcomings in the PS3. Also, I can "suck on any teat" I want. I like the system much more than the 360 can offer me.
[quote name='Microshock']Some. That's the keyword. One or Two of the non-shooters interest me on 360.

Also, your reasoning for why rechargable controllers are bad is dumb, the controllers charge by USB so you don't have to plug it in a PS3, you can have it in a PC or a laptop, etc. And you don't have to deal with dumb rechargeable batteries or pay more for the packs.

Twister? The controls in Heavy Rain were DESIGNED to be twisting your hands at times. The controller has worked fine for over a decade, and it's just as good today. I prefer it over the clunky 360 D-pad and Bumper buttons.

Also, 98 percent of the systems have Wi-Fi built in, only the 20GB's don't. Your fault for being cheap and buying the 500 dollar version.
He wants to be sold to buy a new PS3, not a launch 20gb.[/QUOTE]

What is you're point? Charging the controller through the computer still means the computer has to be on. I'm not one that enjoys leaving things on for no reason. And my point is still valid, just because I can charge the thing in my pc doesn't mean that if it dies during gaming I just have to quit and wait for a recharge.

As for Heavy Rain, I realize that. I was talking more about when you have to turn the sticks in a circular motion, the sticks on the ps3 controller are terrible. Aside from the dpad everything about the 360 controller is leaps and bounds better than the ps3 controller.

And lastly thank you for calling me cheap, after all this is CHEAPassgamer. I'm here for a reason.
[quote name='gnargnargnar']I have had a 360 since the launch of the Elite. I also game on my PC, and have owned pretty much every other system out there at some point. I picked up one of the PS3 slim bundles on black Friday last year. Here is my opinions on the matter so far.

From a strictly hardware standpoint, the PS3 is the better designed / better deal. Good things:
-Blu Ray player. One of the best out there. If you plan on getting a player at some point, why wouldn't you get this.
-Built in wireless compared to having to drop $50+ for an attachment
-Streamlined connectors (for my slim at least). No huge powerbrick. No funky dongles to get optical audio out.
-Built in batteries for controllers. Mini-USB cord charges instead of some proprietary crap
-Better exclusives (taking into consideration that most of the "exclusives" on 360 can be played on PC such as the left 4 dead and mass effect games. Also taking into consideration that I do not like Halo or Gears of War that well.)
-Listing stuff in the PSN store in dollars is much better than a convoluted points system.
-Free Online. Though as someone who has played MMO's in the past and has bills to pay every month, this is not as huge of a selling point to me as it is to some. I think I paid $25.50 for my last year sub on 360 after bing. Which is less than the tank of gas I purchase every 8-10 days.
-Blu Ray format. Very durable, and FFXIII will be the first cross platform game I have purchased on the PS3, mainly due to the multiple discs of the 360 version.
-Noise level. My 360 sounds like a train compared to my PS3
-Reliability. Although I have had my elite for almost 3 years with no problems, I know the RROD will come one day.

And now, the not so good (for me at least).
-I do not know anyone who has a PS3. I have 10-12 or so RL friends and coworkers that I play 360 with, half a dozen or so that I PC game with, and no one that I play PS3 with.
-Most of the exclusives are single(ish) player ordeals. If you are big on online gaming, or playing with friends, the exclusives will not do much for you. Replay value and longevity tend to be lower on games lacking a robust online component for me.
-The controller sucks, ergonomically, after using the 360 pad. I can see why some are loyal to it, but Sony seems to think they perfected controller design 2 console generations and 15 years ago. They did not.

I'm sure there is more (for both lists), but I have mostly positive points listed. If you can afford it and have the time for it (something I have issues with), I say get it.

If I were just now getting into this generation of gaming, and did not have a list of friends with 360's already, I would purchase a PS3 first. This was not the story a couple years ago, but the PS3 has made some big strides. I am sure by the end of this generation, the PS3 will be the dominant console despite the slow start.

That does not mean that the 360 fails by any means. MS is a much larger player in this generation than last, and the game diversity (my main problem with xbox1) has improved dramatically. And it will continue to be my primary console in the near future.

It is all in what you prefer though, I guess. I know some people are really pumped up about God of War 3. I think it will be the same as the last 3 (counting PSP) games with prettier graphics; I am not that excited for it. I am looking forward to 4 player co-op in Crackdown 2 much more.

But, if you own both systems, you can try it all out.[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you said. However, I think the 360 is better for overall gaming. It has a massive online community. I think the games feel better on a 360. Whether that be because of the 360 itself, or the controller, or a combo of both. Also, some games just look and/or preform better on the 360 than the PS3, i.e. Bayonetta. Lastly, Xbox Live is light years better than PSN. Xbox Live is lively, interactive, easy to use, ect. PSN is just horrible. It looks like a 5 year old designed it.

The PS3 is just a better system as a multimedia system. I always tell my friends that if you're looking for a gaming system, buy a 360. If you want something that does it all, buy a PS3. Blu-ray is the main selling point. PS3 does have better exclusives too. I enjoyed GOW, but didn't play the second one. I hate Halo. Mass Effect is good but not as great as everyone makes it out to me. I hate Fable. Forza = GT. The only "exclusive" the 360 has that I think is awesome is the Left 4 Dead franchise. The PS3 has The Show, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, God of War, MGS4, and so on. The PS3 also has more of an older crowd.

When I finally settle down with a wife and kid(s), unless the 360 comes up with a Blu-ray solution, and a baseball game to rival The Show, I will probably end up getting rid of the 360. This is coming from someone that isn't necessarily a Sony fan.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']What is you're point? Charging the controller through the computer still means the computer has to be on. I'm not one that enjoys leaving things on for no reason. And my point is still valid, just because I can charge the thing in my pc doesn't mean that if it dies during gaming I just have to quit and wait for a recharge.

As for Heavy Rain, I realize that. I was talking more about when you have to turn the sticks in a circular motion, the sticks on the ps3 controller are terrible. Aside from the dpad everything about the 360 controller is leaps and bounds better than the ps3 controller.

And lastly thank you for calling me cheap, after all this is CHEAPassgamer. I'm here for a reason.[/QUOTE]

No, if you're buying a 500 dollar machine, you're already not cheap, but maybe you should've spent the extra 100 for the better model.

Sticks are terrible? PLEASE bullshit some more. They work perfectly fine.
You're whining about a situation specific to you, everyone has access to a usb port. It's not that difficult.
If you have the money, you should probably own all 3 systems since they all have good exclusives, simple as that.
[quote name='Microshock']No, if you're buying a 500 dollar machine, you're already not cheap, but maybe you should've spent the extra 100 for the better model.

Sticks are terrible? PLEASE bullshit some more. They work perfectly fine.
You're whining about a situation specific to you, everyone has access to a usb port. It's not that difficult.[/QUOTE]

Whatever dude, I'm not arguing with you anymore. I expect this fanboy bullshit from gamefaqs but not around here. You are completely unwilling to budge on anything with the ps3. Enjoy telling yourself that 360 games are garbage while I have fun with both systems exclusives.
LOL. I never said 360 games are garbage.

You seem to spew bullshit about stuff that isn't true. How come 200 million plus playstation gamers never complained about the analog sticks but apparently they're "crap"?

They work perfectly. For FPS's, for sport games, for everything. Maybe you don't like the positioning of the sticks but if you can't do a simple analog stick turn in heavy rain, its your fault. Or your controller is faulty.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Whatever dude, I'm not arguing with you anymore. I expect this fanboy bullshit from gamefaqs but not around here. You are completely unwilling to budge on anything with the ps3. Enjoy telling yourself that 360 games are garbage while I have fun with both systems exclusives.[/QUOTE]

haha Lurk here more.
[quote name='thashadow911']If you have the money, you should probably own all 3 systems since they all have good exclusives, simple as that.[/QUOTE]

Not the 360. They all arrive on the PS3 once the kids bugtest them for us. I thought I said that before. Trust me, as a game collector you really only need 2 consoles this gen to enjoy everything. However if you only want to play hundreds of cookie cutter shooters and sports games (with hardly any other variety) then go the cheap route and get an XB. You'll get what you pay for when it breaks down in a couple days.
I'd say the chances are high that the OP already has a PS3 and created this thread solely for entertainment purposes. Can't really blame him; it never fails.

Honestly when it comes to arguing over dumb shit like the d-pad, maybe it's time to go outside.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']If you should own 2 consoles this gen, one of them definitely wouldn't be the Wii[/QUOTE]

Of course it would, Nin makes some of the best games and I can't miss them. The fluff is from third parties and anything Nin makes is obviously exclusive. Then the PS3 receives everything else. It pays to own both next gen consoles for the best variety. If the PS3's FPS's supported M/KB you wouldn't need a PC either. But I gave them up because the DRM and malware is getting out of hand.
The Wii definitely isn't next gen and the first party titles don't really utilize the Wii controls, except for Metroid Prime 3. Considering how short the game is, it's not worth it.
The amount of people who DON'T read the thread just so they can add their suggestions staggers me. Self-importance with a hint of ignorance at its finest ladies and gents.
[quote name='WrexManor']The amount of people who DON'T read the thread just so they can add their suggestions staggers me. Self-importance with a hint of ignorance at its finest ladies and gents.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the internet.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']What is you're point? Charging the controller through the computer still means the computer has to be on. I'm not one that enjoys leaving things on for no reason. And my point is still valid, just because I can charge the thing in my pc doesn't mean that if it dies during gaming I just have to quit and wait for a recharge.

Since when did you have to stop playing and wait for the Dualshock 3 to charge before playing again?
I rarely need to charge my controller while I'm playing. I have 2 controllers, so when one dies, I use the other. Then when both are out of juice, I plug them up to the AC/USB adapter overnight, and I'm good to go for another 2 - 3 weeks.
[quote name='jh6269']I rarely need to charge my controller while I'm playing. I have 2 controllers, so when one dies, I use the other. Then when both are out of juice, I plug them up to the AC/USB adapter overnight, and I'm good to go for another 2 - 3 weeks.[/QUOTE]

or if one of them is running low on juice, I just plug it in with my 12ft. usb cord. and keep playing, and after about an hour its back to 3 bars.
The only thing I could sell you on a PS3 is Demon's Souls & Valkyria Chronicles. Blu-Ray is cool too. But otherwise, you can find similar experiences on the Xbox 360 you already own. Also, unless you can find an original 60gb PS3, I don't think I'd buy a PS3 at all.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']If you should own 2 consoles this gen, one of them definitely wouldn't be the Wii[/QUOTE]

absolutely. I got super mario galaxy, mario kart, and new super mario bros for my 360 last week.
[quote name='UjnHunter']The only thing I could sell you on a PS3 is Demon's Souls & Valkyria Chronicles. Blu-Ray is cool too. But otherwise, you can find similar experiences on the Xbox 360 you already own. Also, unless you can find an original 60gb PS3, I don't think I'd buy a PS3 at all.[/QUOTE]

Dude, worst advice ever. If you need BC go for the 80Gb that have it (though they are software based, they are 99% compatible), the 60BC is the only PS3 that seems to have consistent hardware problems. Otherwise just go for the 120 Gb, which is cheap and realiable
[quote name='UjnHunter']The only thing I could sell you on a PS3 is Demon's Souls & Valkyria Chronicles. Blu-Ray is cool too. But otherwise, you can find similar experiences on the Xbox 360 you already own. Also, unless you can find an original 60gb PS3, I don't think I'd buy a PS3 at all.[/QUOTE]

What is similar on the XBox exclusives to MLB The Show, Heavy Rain, MAG, Uncharted 1 and 2, MGS 4, Ratchet and Clank TOD and ACIT, God of War 1,2,3 and Infamous?
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[quote name='wildcpac']What is similar on the XBox exclusives to MLB The Show, Uncharted 1 and 2, MGS 4, Ratchet and Clank TOD and ACIT, God of War 1,2,3 and Infamous?[/QUOTE]

You forgot Heavy Rain and MAG and some pretty unique PSN exclusives like PixelJunk Eden and Shooter, Flower, etc.
[quote name='erequena']You forgot Heavy Rain and MAG and some pretty unique PSN exclusives like PixelJunk Eden and Shooter, Flower, etc.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, there are too many to list.
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The 360 children can only use Halo as their 'proof' of exclusives. While the PS3's list keeps growing the 360's shrinks. Honestly if you place any value in your money you'll just buy a PS3 and be done with it. People can say what they want about me but I've been playing and collecting for a long time, I've never been a fan of a single console. I know what I'm talking about and how to get the most from the money I spend. To be fair there are other older consoles I don't own yet because they too don't have anything different I want to play.
Well an interesting read this has been. Thanks to those of you who had something constructive to post, your comments were really helpful. Those of you who sat here and complained over how stupid I must be for making the topic, guess what? You whiny babies wasted time posting responses. Good job! :applause:

Have I bought one yet? Nope.

I'm interested in God of War 3 and Heavy Rain, but that's about it. Well maybe Yakuza 3 a little. The more I browse online for videos and pics of exclusive titles, the more I find that so many of these games are eye candy, not so much content. I found that one of my friends had a PS3 so I tried a few games. Unless it's a cross platform title or a big promoted game, it feels like a single player experience. The 360 community online just feels more fun then PSN.

I like the idea of having a Blu-Ray player that gets more frequent firmware updates since it is also a video game system. The cost savings however between buying the PS3 and extended warranty vs a regular Blu-Ray player is pretty big. Almost enough for me to just get a nice mid range Blu-Ray player and be done. Plus most Blu-Ray players I'm considering have integrated ethernet anyway.

My only remaining question is this: If you turn on the PS3 and put in a Blu-Ray movie, how long before it starts? Is there any warmup time, or a delay before it reads and loads the movie? The only thing stopping me from buying a Blu-Ray player today is that most local stores don't have them connected to compare warmup times. Best Buy keeps one sony model hooked to a few tv's and thats it. I think I might actually have to venture into a Flanners store to get a worthy comparison.
Movies have sucked for decades, don't bother. Get a PS3 for the games.

What games have you seen? My collection is nearing 70 and all have been worth playing (that I've gotten to so far). Many more than what you listed. Like I said earlier get a PS3 so you can enjoy everything. With a 360 you're missing a majority of the good games this gen.

I too am disappointed when games focus on gimmcky HD graphics over gameplay. The online for PS3 is better because it's free and there are more people online than just a bunch of whiners and bigmouths during after-school hours. However it really doesn't sound like you're giving it much of a chance.
[quote name='ryanflucas']Well an interesting read this has been. Thanks to those of you who had something constructive to post, your comments were really helpful. Those of you who sat here and complained over how stupid I must be for making the topic, guess what? You whiny babies wasted time posting responses. Good job! :applause:

Have I bought one yet? Nope.

I'm interested in God of War 3 and Heavy Rain, but that's about it. Well maybe Yakuza 3 a little. The more I browse online for videos and pics of exclusive titles, the more I find that so many of these games are eye candy, not so much content. I found that one of my friends had a PS3 so I tried a few games. Unless it's a cross platform title or a big promoted game, it feels like a single player experience. The 360 community online just feels more fun then PSN.

I like the idea of having a Blu-Ray player that gets more frequent firmware updates since it is also a video game system. The cost savings however between buying the PS3 and extended warranty vs a regular Blu-Ray player is pretty big. Almost enough for me to just get a nice mid range Blu-Ray player and be done. Plus most Blu-Ray players I'm considering have integrated ethernet anyway.

My only remaining question is this: If you turn on the PS3 and put in a Blu-Ray movie, how long before it starts? Is there any warmup time, or a delay before it reads and loads the movie? The only thing stopping me from buying a Blu-Ray player today is that most local stores don't have them connected to compare warmup times. Best Buy keeps one sony model hooked to a few tv's and thats it. I think I might actually have to venture into a Flanners store to get a worthy comparison.[/QUOTE]

This is getting old... it's been 5 pages already. if I could, I'd close this dumb ass thread and refer you to page 49, where we've reviewed this situation several years ago. You either buy one or you don't..... by the time we get to page 7 you'll be contemplating about how the PS3 power consumption may affect your light bill...
[quote name='edson13']or if one of them is running low on juice, I just plug it in with my 12ft. usb cord. and keep playing, and after about an hour its back to 3 bars.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you really need to do that, you can. I got the 2 expensive Sony USB cords on clearance at K-mart for $2 :D
They're wrapped in some kind of woven plastic mesh LOL super-heavy duty, and they don't tangle. Pretty nice find for $2...
[quote name='ryanflucas']The more I browse online for videos and pics of exclusive titles, the more I find that so many of these games are eye candy, not so much content. [/QUOTE]

Ummmm, what? Uncharted 1 & 2 say "hello." Go to metacritc and look at PS3 titles > 80.

Quit wasting our fraking time.
bread's done