Sell me on the X-Box


Ok, I really don't know much about it. I bought a gamecube over Christmas to reinvigorate my old days, but I am feeling, sadly enough, the lack of cool and fun games to play. With the pricedrop, this system might be in contention for a purchase now. Internet games would be awesome as well. So

What other systems do you have and how does your Xbox compare?

I understand there are no memory cards, but a harddrive for saves. How much space is there for a lot games?

Gamecube has the mandatory titles like Metroid, Mario, etc. that everyone enjoys. What are those games on Xbox that you can find in just about any Xbox gamer's collection?

What are the other features of the Xbox? Do you have to have some kind of monthly payment or extra equipment for online play, or can you just plug it into your cable modem and go?

More to follow based on answers, perhaps. Thanks in advance.
I've got all three "next gen" consoles, xbox ranks number one.

There are memory cards, but they are not needed. The HD will hold seemingly endless amounts of save data.

Mandatory Games: for most Halo is one, PGR2, Splinter Cell, RS3 to name a few, others are better at this part than me.

For Live play there is an annual fee. However there are ways to play it free, but not on the Live servers. and Gamespy are the two I know of, XBConnect being the better of the two IMO.
Get the Xbox for Halo alone. If that's not enough you can sign up for Xbox live for a year for $50 (can usually find cheaper here) or try it for 2 months free. That lets you play all games except for PSO. Playing games on Xbox live is by far the best online experience I've ever had. Splinter Cell, Rainbow 6, Mech Assault, ESPN sports games, Crimson skies will all keep you busy. You almost always get the best version of multi-platform games as well.
[quote name='punqsux']i dont have an xbox,but idont think you totally gave your cube a chance..[/quote]
Hey, I like it, but I can't find a good flight sim, new sports games, or online play. Seems Xbox does offer these things. I'll probably continue to buy exclusives like RE4, but what more chance can I give it?
well if those are the 3 things youre looking for, you shouldnt need tobesold on xbox, im not sure about the flight sim part, butit has tons of sports and online play, however if youre anea fan id say get a ps2because the xbox versions arnt online, not to mention all online gaming is free
I'm just trying to get the story of why people like the Xbox from the general gamers... ](*,)
I agree, with your current entheusiasm, and discription of your gaming lifestyle, I don't think you really need an xbox...but if you are rich then get one anyway, they are 149 now :)
I'm not rich, that's why I'm not looking at playstation...

Can't we just stick to the topic? :!:
You need a subscription Xbox Live to play online, however you can probably pick up a 1-year card from Blockbuster or from another CAG. Your Xbox can play MP3s/DVDs in addition to games, and much more in addition if you mod it. I really don't know what else to say, I just like my XBox for the games period.
[quote name='P0ldy']I'm not rich, that's why I'm not looking at playstation...

Can't we just stick to the topic? :!:[/quote]

Stick to the topic? What do you want? No one can give you a definate answer, nor do I think anyone really cares whether you get an XBOX or not. Do you like the games the XBOX offers? Then get it. You don't like the games XBOX offers, don't get it. It really isn't that hard. You aren't investing in a car here.
[quote name='P0ldy']Ok, I really don't know much about it. I bought a gamecube over Christmas to reinvigorate my old days, but I am feeling, sadly enough, the lack of cool and fun games to play. With the pricedrop, this system might be in contention for a purchase now. Internet games would be awesome as well.[/quote]
I'll give it a shot for ya.

[quote name='P0ldy']What other systems do you have and how does your Xbox compare?[/quote]
I have Xbox, GC and Dreamcast. Xbox gets the most play overall.

[quote name='P0ldy']I understand there are no memory cards, but a harddrive for saves. How much space is there for a lot games?[/quote]
There is never a need for memory cards with the amount of space on the HD.

[quote name='P0ldy']Gamecube has the mandatory titles like Metroid, Mario, etc. that everyone enjoys. What are those games on Xbox that you can find in just about any Xbox gamer's collection?[/quote]
Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Project Gotham Racing 2, Star Wars: Kotor, Splinter Cell: PT, and Panzer Dragoon Orta, to name a few.

[quote name='P0ldy']What are the other features of the Xbox? Do you have to have some kind of monthly payment or extra equipment for online play, or can you just plug it into your cable modem and go?[/quote]
Xbox Live is, as mentioned, $50 a year, you'll need a router if you want to have your computer and Xbox up together, but other than than that, theres no extra equipment needed.

[quote name='P0ldy']More to follow based on answers, perhaps. Thanks in advance.[/quote]
You're welcome
[quote name='P0ldy'][quote name='punqsux']i dont have an xbox,but idont think you totally gave your cube a chance..[/quote]
Hey, I like it, but I can't find a good flight sim, new sports games, or online play. Seems Xbox does offer these things. I'll probably continue to buy exclusives like RE4, but what more chance can I give it?[/quote]

I guess most of us are just suprised that you have only had the cube for 4 months and are saying there isn't much to play. I have had my cube for over 2 years and I still play it often. I have an Xbox as well and probably play it more than the cube because I have only had the Xbox for 6 months.

On the Cube have you played: Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Resident Evil, Metroid, Super Monkey Ball 2, Zelda Wind Waker?

Those games are all great. Is it possible that you are just not into gaming much anymore?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal'][quote name='P0ldy']I'm not rich, that's why I'm not looking at playstation...

Can't we just stick to the topic? :!:[/quote]

Stick to the topic? What do you want? No one can give you a definate answer, nor do I think anyone really cares whether you get an XBOX or not. Do you like the games the XBOX offers? Then get it. You don't like the games XBOX offers, don't get it. It really isn't that hard. You aren't investing in a car here.[/quote]
Jesus fucking christ, am I asking you to give a shit whether or not I make a purchase? I am only looking for opinions from people who have a few systems and are in a position to compare. I am not asking for your validation of any purchase I make, nor could I give less than half a shit about what people think I need or don't. It is difficult to find websites discussing the Xbox like this, so your extraneous, insipid bullshit can stop now.
I love the cube, but the xbox does have the best selection pf sports games out there. Well, the PS2 may have it beat but the graphics just don't seem as sharp. Xbox Live is perhaps the best way to go online with a console as well.
[quote name='Indiana'][quote name='P0ldy'][quote name='punqsux']i dont have an xbox,but idont think you totally gave your cube a chance..[/quote]
Hey, I like it, but I can't find a good flight sim, new sports games, or online play. Seems Xbox does offer these things. I'll probably continue to buy exclusives like RE4, but what more chance can I give it?[/quote]

I guess most of us are just suprised that you have only had the cube for 4 months and are saying there isn't much to play. I have had my cube for over 2 years and I still play it often. I have an Xbox as well and probably play it more than the cube because I have only had the Xbox for 6 months.

On the Cube have you played: Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Resident Evil, Metroid, Super Monkey Ball 2, Zelda Wind Waker?

Those games are all great. Is it possible that you are just not into gaming much anymore?[/quote]
Hey, I like it, but I can't find a good flight sim, new sports games, or online play. Seems Xbox does offer these things. I'll probably continue to buy exclusives like RE4, but what more chance can I give it?
Yes, it's true that I'm not big into gaming like I was many years ago. But I would like to play a game once in a while, and I'm not always looking for extended play involved in Mario, Res Evil, Metroid, or Zelda, since I don't play that often. Zealots can rest easy about close relationships with this system or that one, because I'm not saying the Cube is a bad system. I'm just looking for other options.
I wouldn't have posted that, nor did I feel that the topic was stupid until you asked people to stay on the topic. Most of the posts were doing exactly what you asked for but you didn't seem happy with that.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I wouldn't have posted that, nor did I feel that the topic was stupid until you asked people to stay on the topic. Most of the posts were doing exactly what you asked for but you didn't seem happy with that.[/quote]
It's obvious that I was replying to the people not answering the thread topic. I appreciate the answers I've had so far (especially from Indiana) from repetske and Supernothing. That pux poster has given good insight as well, thinking about it. Xbox + router + xbox live is probably more than a PS2. Hm.
I ended up buying the Xbox after the cube because of a few exclusive titles and a few games that are only on Xbox and PS2. (It seems the cube is left out once in awhile.)

KOTR, Crimson Skies, Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Project Gotham Racing 1 & 2, Grand Theft Auto, DOA 3, and Top Spin.

Also, I buy all the sports games for Xbox now because of the built in hard drive. I hate the amount of memory cards required on the cube for my Madden and Nascar seasons.
I bought the xbox because I have two friends who have the PS2. I like that I can play some PC games on my xbox, until I get my dream PC gaming machine up... aka Morrowind, and eventually Half-life 2, and Doom. I also like the games the xbox has, halo, madden 2004, oddworld, splinter cell, mechassault, kotor...
I like the controllers for the xbox better then the PS2, I think the thumbpads are tighter and more precise, and therefore FPS games are available to the xbox, and can be played well... ghost recon, mohaa etc.

There are no definate answers, and you're likely not going to find a fan boy here... but I'll be honest with you. I think the xbox is the best system out there, at least as far as hardware is concerned. PS2 sure has a lot of nice exclusive titles, but that's what going over my buddy's house is for...

The xbox has so many titles that I really want to get my hands on, once they are released, or once they come into my price point.
Hope that helps, PM if you have any specific questions
There is no reason to buy an XBox for Halo. Halo is out for both Windows and Mac, with better online capability.

Purchase decisions should be made on console exclusive games, period.

Review the games that are out - check their ratings, and then make a decision. U may find you really dig the XBox game selection. As a PC gamer, I play most of the good XBox games on a PC, so I prefer my a PS2 for games that I can't get anywhere else.
The router is not needed. You can get a crossover cable and connect it to your network card. Only downside is the PC must remain on when you want to play.
I have a High Definition set and the Xbox visuals are clearly above the PS2 . . .

The cube can hold it's own (Metroid progressive scan is beautiful) but the Xbox offers the sharpest graphics. I think the cube has some of the best exclusives to this point . . .

It has taken awhile for the Xbox to shine, but now its library is catching up. I just got an Xbox (free at and now I see that all of the multi-system games are better on Xbox (not it the past, but now that programmers are using its hard drive to reduce loading and its graphics capabilities).

Halo is the only real must buy but the GTA Double pack shines . . . I'm really loving Metal Arms right now . . . Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2, Doom 3, Half life 2, Fable . . . there will be many great Xbox games in the next 12 months.
If I already had another system I probably wouldn't get an Xbox. But then I am quite a cheapass. (Right now I have an Xbox and that's it.)

Think of it this way for that $150 you'd put down on an Xbox -- and you'll probably want to buy extra controllers as well -- so let's say $200. You could easily get 7 GC games. If you are a real cheapass you could get a lot more. I guess if there really are no games that you want... Why don'tyou list the GC games you own?

As for the HDD. There is plenty of space for save games. It is basically impossible to fill up with just save games and custom soundtracks. (I guess if you decided to rip every CD you own on the thing you might get close.) Now if you are going to mod the box and load up full games you might run out of space, but barring that you don't have to worry. (It's an 8 GB HDD. Personally I've never seen one say anything but 50,000+ blocks free.)

As for XBL, you do have to pay for the service. I don't have it so can't really comment on it.

Jet Set Radio Future, Star Wars: KOTOR, HALO are the exclusive titles I personally own and really love. Rented Ninja Gaiden and it was also very good.

Plus multi-platform games tend to be better visually ans sometimes even framerate-wise on the box. (Max Payne 2, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, etc.)
[quote name='st0neface']Did my post do nothing to help you?[/quote]
Oh, my fault. When I looked in topic review, I thought it was Indiana who gave me your post, unbeknownst to me that he replied right after you and I caught it instead of yours. Yours was what I was saying '(especially...)' to.
I have an Xbox, PS2, and GC, and I probably play the Xbox the most. It wasn't like that for a while, but the X has really caught up. I agree with the system exclusives most people have posted: Halo, Star Wars: KotoR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Top Spin, Ninja Gaiden, Shenmue II and supposedly PGR2, though I haven't played it. To me, each system has about the same number of worthwhile exclusives, so what clinches it for the Xbox is that it's best for 3rd party games I want, like Dynasty Warriors 4, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Prince of Persia.

There are some exceptions though. Like anything by EA I would get on PS2.
I have both the Xbox and the PS2, and I prefer the PS2 because of the exclusive titles. Like donssword said, you should make your decision based on the platform exclusive titles. I like rpgs and strategies, and the PS2 has a lot more (FF series, FF XI, Kingdom Hearts series, Star Ocean series, Disgaea (although overrated it's still good), GAT:San Andreas?, etc.). The Xbox does have some good games like KOTOR, Crimson Skies, Ninja Gaiden, but after I'm done with those I always go back to the PS2. For FPSs, I have my comp. For the multi-platform games sure the Xbox has better graphics , but if you don't have a lot of money then I wouldn't get the Xbox right now just for the graphics. If you like the PS2 games more but don't like the price, just wait because I'm sure the PS2 price will drop soon to match the Xbox.

As for the EA situation, yeah the PS2 has exclusive online support for EA sports games. However, Microsoft announced that they won't be releasing their sports titles this year and there are rumors that this is all part of a deal in the works between EA and Microsoft, in which EA will begin supporting Xbox online play in the near future.
I had owned all 3 of the consoles at one point, but with the xbox taking all the time when I chose to play video games and the other 2 just collecting dust I sold my PS2 to help buy more xbox games and accessories. Surround sound is awesome on it. Like most people said, multi-platform games are most of the time the best on it. Also if you prefer playing consoles like me xbox has some good pc ports. You can find some really cheap games too like Deathrow, Oddworld, Panzer Dragoon Orta, plus others that you won't find on any other console. Plus I have had some great times playing with multiple friends via system link that none of the other systems could offer. Plus look at the future lineup: Fable, Sudeki, Psi-Ops, BC, Halo 2, plus just so much more titles that I don't believe Xbox has hit it's prime yet.
I probably put xbox #1 on my list mainly because it has the top 2 games I've played on a next gen console in halo and knights of the old republic.

The HDD has move than enough capacity for all your save files, you only may run into problems if you decide to store a couple thousand songs on the hard drive.

And the ability to have your own songs makes games like gta and tony hawk that much more enjoyable.

If you're a fan of online gaming, that's all the more reason to get the system, there's alot of users and a nice selection of online games out now. the cost of xbox live is very reasonable for the benefits you get. For example, I'm going through kotor again (because I'm waiting for my piece of $hit ps2 to comeback with the hdd from sony) and I just downloaded at no extra cost, a bunch more weapons and access to another world.
My main concern p0ldy is that you say you don't play games that often yet you want to play online. I think most can attest that most games that are online are full of people who are awesome at that game.

I play SOCOM 2 (PS2) a lot and would say that I'm pretty good. I do not play Mechassault (XBOX) very often and any time I play just get schooled all day long. Now granted, if I played Mechassault more I would get better, but online gaming cannot be taken so casually unless you have no problem getting your ass handed to you (I like to stay competitive, so it is a problem with me).

Also, I have a PS2 and an Xbox and my PS2 sees more action and that sometimes makes me wish that I had not spent the money for Xbox Live. If my PS2 were to sit around, I know that at least I'm not losing money.

So maybe think about your gaming habits when considering to play online. Xbox live will cost you regardless of whether or not you play it.
Yes, you're right, jdpimp. I've rethought the online thing since I started. I'm much more a casual gamer. A year-long committment is worlds more than I want. Online is no longer a factor, that money can be better spent.

I've been thinking about games like Halo, Hitman Contracts, Fight Night 2004. Games that I can have fun at without feeling compelled for online gaming. I used to play UT on the PC online, and while it was brutal, I held my own. But I have no desire to do any serious gaming.

I appreciate your consideration.
If you're looking at it from a cheapass point of view, Xbox is less expensive in the long run (even when Xbox and PS2 were the same price). By the way, if you want to go online with PS2 you also need a router.

to donssword: There absolutely is a reason to buy Xbox because of Halo. PC and console gaming are different. Just because its on the PC doesn't make other versions useless. Would you say Tetris for Gameboy is useless because Tetris is already on PC?

That said, I would much rather relax and play a game on the sofa in my living room than on the computer. Although Halo is no longer a "true" exclusive, it is still the best game on Xbox.
I have a PS2 and GCN, and I have considered getting an Xbox, except I wouldn't buy any of the games. For me, the Xbox the cheapest way to get an all in one emulator setup going. I have a pretty good computer and there isn't a single game on the Xbox that I wouldn't prefer to play on the computer.
bread's done