Selling Video Game Collection (and not taking it well)


About to begin "THE PURGE." No, not the movie, but my video game collection.
This is only 3 of about maybe 7 boxes to sell. I will keep a few boxes worth of stuff I wouldn't/couldn't sell in bulk, and stuff I really just want to keep. This goes back to the Dreamcast days and beyond!  
Thing is, I have two kids now and another on the way. What was once my office/gaming cave will now become a nursery for about a year or more, and stuff that has been sitting unplayed and untouched really has to go. I am taking the easy way out and going to a used game/music/dvd chain. I don't even know how to begin shopping around, as it will take hours for any shop to go through my stuff.
Anyway, just wanted to vent. Who else been down this road?

I'm SO close to this myself to be honest. Just too scared to get taken advantage of going to Gamestop, or somewhere else to unload my stuff as well. Much like yourself, I've got boxes of games and systems going back to Dreamcast as well. Extremely curious to hear how you fared.

If you're willing to take it to a local store and sell it, any chance you'd give me a first crack at some items- if you list it out? I can already see 3-4 games I want and I'd offer you a much better price than local game stores, who'd likely offer you 25% of actual value- I'd go a little higher than that. 

I get you prob don't wanna do 1 item sales but if you're selling at a good enough discount, I'd buy a couple at a time and so would some other CAGs. PM me if you're interest!:D 

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Ok, consider this a message from your future self.  Because I was there.  It was 2008 and my first child was about to be born.  I thought Kindgom Hearts 2 was my last hurrah for gaming and I sold nearly everything after that.  Old Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Xbox 1, Dreamcast, Saturn, PS1, PS2, Genesis stuff....All of it. 

And I've spent the last few years trying to piece it all back.  I regret it deeply.  I game now more than ever and often with my kids.  If you need teh money, I get it.  Do what you gotta do, but if this is about "being a responsible adult" don't fool yourself.  Just put them in boxes in a closet for now and reconsider in 4 or 5 years. 

Trust me on this.  Especially if any of these games were once special to you.  Like, I sold all of my Zelda collection and it'll cost hundreds, near a thousand dollars, to replace that collection. 

bread's done