Share the mean tricks your friends/peers have done to you

[quote name='The Mana Knight']That wasn't actually a bad thing because it led to me being somewhat popular (like it got me close to the cheerleaders and the fans would chant my name many times during a game). I won't explain how I got into it though (I am actually big enough to play, but what kept me off was the competition, since I'd just be one of those worthless players (my H.S. had a history of playing a small rotation of really great players and forgetting about everyone else even when we had a huge lead)).[/quote]

yeah, we have a kid like you at our HS.

nobody likes him.
There was one kid on my floor who everyone absolutely loathed. This short, pudgy kid with frosted tips who would never shut the fuck up. He'd walk out of the bathrooms completely naked to everyone's horror, puke every night so that the stalls began to wreak, and whenever you'd try to walk next to him he'd slowly start pushing you to the side and rub up against you.

During the second semester, he started pledging to the Jewish frat (AEPi) on campus. While at first this extra time away from the building seemed like a blessing, but then he started to stay back more and more as time progressed. Now, not only would he not shut the fuck up in general, but he would not shut the fuck up about his frat, which happens to be the least well liked on campus.

Up until this point, we'd always give the guy shit. We'd dogpile him at 5 in the morning, hide his furniture in the community showers, barricade his door with said furniture, lock him out of the party rooms, etc. This new found level of annoyance required a new found level of prank-douchebaggery.

It just so happened that half of my floor was in DSP, a business "frarority", which didn't quite meet all of the requirements for a frat (but were still more accepted than AEPi, mind you). It also just so happened that, as not being technically a "frat", anyone who was already in a fraternity could still join DSP. In further coincidentiality (R), one of the AEPi brothers was in DSP, and all of his contact information was on the public roster.

It was decided upon who would impersonate the frat brother over the phone, and being that I sounded the most like him, I was given the task. It was 4:00 am in mid-February in Massachusetts, i.e., absolutely freezing. His roommate went back into his room to check what he was doing. I called, and was met with a groggy: "Who the fuck is this?"

The conversation gets a little fuzzy from here, but I believe it's close to this:

"Are you serious about being in this fraternity?"
"Don't make me repeat myself you worthless fairy. Are you serious about joining AEPi?"
"Yes...yes of course I am."
"You have been selected for a special task. Are you willing to go above and beyond the call of duty?"
"Good, this is Jeter."
"Oh hey, ma-"
"Empty the items out of your backpack before entering. Knock 7 times. The password is "creamesicle."

I hung up, and the the entire floor became silent as we waited for the sound of an opening door. Lo and behold, 5 minutes later we hear a door opening and this kid muttering obscenities under his breath as he makes his way for the building exit. As soon as he leaves the building, we rush to the very end to get a glimpse of him waddling down the icy hill in nothing but a t-shirt and pj pants in below freezing weather with a back pack on and pillow under his arm.

Those not familiar with the Bentley College campus must also know that the freshman dorms are kept well away from the upper classmen suites- about a 15 minute walk. They must also know that the campus is on a sharp sloping hill, which he would have to climb in order to get back.

It is common knowledge that if a pledge pisses of a brother, they're gunna pay. The next day my DSP friends get an earful from Jeter about how this stupid pledge that no one likes knocked on his door for ten straight minutes in a daze and covered in snow at 5 in the morning while repeating "creamesicle" with a pillow, sock, and bottle of piss at his feet. He told him he didn't know what the fuck he was doing, but to get out of his face and get back to his room. He wasn't allowed to go into much more detail (per frat secrecy "rules"), but for his ridiculous actions they contemplated either throwing him out of the pledging process entirely or making it as hellish as humanely possible.

We didn't see much of the kid for a good while after that, and when we did, he looked like he was on the brink of vomiting everytime. I'm guessing they went with the latter.

Mission Accomplished.
I scared the shit out of my mother once...I had to fix her computer, and while I was in there, I changed her background. The next day, when she turned on her monitor, I heard her scream "JESUS CHRIST!" as this was staring back at her:

Another time, the end of my college career, one of my roommates and I decided to get our other roommate. So, we took this lovely picture
, blew it up several feet high and wide, and taped it up outside his bedroom window. The reaction the next day when he opened his blinds was priceless :)
In Cisco 2 we had a big case study due at the end of the semester. The teacher assigned us groups, and if someone wasn't coming to class or helping out we could give them a written warning that the teacher and the student had to sign, and if they continued with their poor performance they would be fired from the group and would have to do the case study on their own.

So anyway, our group got Aaron, the super annoying kid that everyone hates. He picks his nose in class and eats his boogers (it was so bad the teachers have had private conversations with him about it). He doesn't really learn anything, I'm not sure why he's even in the LAN Management program since he obviously doesn't understand it. He couldn't he do simple first week things like correctly cabling the routers or entering basic router commands.

One day we got so fed up with Aaron doing nothing in our group that we wrote out a paper saying that he was fired without his warning. We printed it out and everyone in our group signed it. He refused to sign it however since he didn't get his warning first. So we take the paper up to the teacher who's a great guy, and hates Aaron just as much as we do. He realizes that we're pulling a prank on him and signs the paper with Aaron's signature.

Aaron is really pissed off at this point, arguing to the teacher, saying how he shouldn't be kicked out of our group. The teacher plays along with us, and says that he's kicked out of our group. Aaron storms out of class an hour early (and I believe that he skipped the next class). Everyone in the room thinks it's hilarious.

When he finally comes to a class he starts working on his own. We finally tell him that it was all a joke. Needless to say he tries harder, though he still is just as annoying and bad at Cisco as he was before.
[quote name='naes']I'm starting to feel bad about giving The Mana Knight such a hard time about his Sony stuff.[/QUOTE]Now you see I had a hard life. :whistle2:(
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']sadly I read the opening post, and thought it might have been Mana Knight before I even saw who posted it.[/QUOTE]I wonder how you knew that. :p

That reminds me, someone played a mean trick on me around my Freshman year of H.S., and I still can't find out who it was. Before I had internet access, someone decided to make an AOL screenname containing my name and something to do with the Bulls (my favorite NBA team). Luckily it didn't go as far as did, but a few people told me they received messages from it. One friend said that person called him the "n" word. One girl got a message with tons of sexual comments. Another person I knew got a link (or webpage attachment or something) with porn.

I have a few ideas who that may be, but that pissed me off. I talked to many of them and kept saying I had no internet access, and I don't even know how to use AOL (lol, this was back in 1998 though). Thankfully, most believed it wasn't me, since they knew I wouldn't do it.

I had lots of friends who use to dare me to do stuff. There was a few guys who were Seniors in H.S. (I was a Freshman) who dared me to tell this fat girl to pull down her shirt, since we are trying to eat here (Basically, her underwear was showing).
[quote name='PRMega']I scared the shit out of my mother once...I had to fix her computer, and while I was in there, I changed her background. The next day, when she turned on her monitor, I heard her scream "JESUS CHRIST!" as this was staring back at her:

I did a similar thing with my parents comp but I put a really cheesy MS Paint made sign that said something like "Youz Gots Haxxors." Or something really stupid and they started freaking out and I got in pretty big trouble for it.

Also it isn't a very elaborate story but it was pretty mean. One day I was out with some friends, one of whom was sick at the time. Well I got out of the car we were in to use the restroom and while I was gone my one friend got dared by the others to spit in my drink. Needless to say she did, also needless to say I got sick the next day.
[quote name='darthbudge']You have alot of experiences walking in on people having sex. However I must say, do none of those people know how to lock their doors?[/QUOTE]


Doesn't anybody ever fucking knock anymore?
Back in my Uni days I'd pull jokes in our computing lab mostly through boredom, these are pretty crap but I have a limited imagination for such things.

If someone didn't lock their computer when they left it I'd open up IE and leave it open on or some other equally appalling website.

Back in the day we were working on Solaris boxes, the beauty of this was you could log into other people machines fairly easily, I then found out you could eject the CD they were listening to. That provided hours of fun, also sending them Banner messages was sometimes good for a chuckle. Or if you wanted to slow their machine to a crawl you could run an infinite loop that printed out to a file or something.

We used to break the email server at another Uni in the city by send them huge file attachments.

One of our lecturers showed us how to send an email to someone which could be from any email address, that was pretty good fun. Can't remember any specific emails I sent

I subcribed this guy I didn't like to a Gay and Lesbian mailing list, the best thing was he deleted the first lot of emails which included the one that told him how to get off the list. He was getting like 40-50 emails a day from that list.

Pretty immature I know, but damn those labs were boring as hell.

A friend of mine at work took a screen grab on someones machine, made that their desktop picture then deleted all the Icons. It was pretty funny watching the guy wonder why none of the icons were working when he clicked them.

Also at work you could send people Netsends over our network. A friend of mine got warned at work for web surfing too much. I could see his screen from my desk so whenever he opened a web-browser I'd send him a netsend that looked like it came from the System Admin telling him his surfing was being monitored. Good times.
[quote name='benjamouth']

A friend of mine at work took a screen grab on someones machine, made that their desktop picture then deleted all the Icons. It was pretty funny watching the guy wonder why none of the icons were working when he clicked them.


That one's a classic. I need to pull it on somebody. :mrgreen:
[quote name='wubb']That one's a classic. I need to pull it on somebody. :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

Same...I just wish I still lived with five other people.
[quote name='Apossum']There was a game we had in HS that was pretty cruel (and mind-bogglingly stupid.) Whenever someone screwed up somehow while we were smoking weed, like by dropping the bowl, passing it to the right etc. one of us would burn the person with a hot lighter. You had to "charge up" the metal part of the lighter by keeping it on, but you also had to keep it hidden so the person wouldn't know where it was coming from.

So when they least expected it, someone would press the hot metal part of the lighter on the person's skin, usually on their arm. :lol: luckily, no one got anything more than a swollen first degree burn. We tried to keep it so that the lighter wasn't too hot-- just hot enough to startle someone.

One of my less tactful friends did it to someone who had no idea about the game and got a nice black eye, of course :lol:[/QUOTE]

Wow, same situation :lol: Only I was the guy that got startled, and I didn't leave a black eye as much as I nearly killed him (litterally).

I got lots of stories, as being the big quiet white guy in a (nearly) all black HS, I was sort of a "rite of passage". ie; everyone and there little brother would pull shit on me, to get me fighting and then try to beat me up. The only thing they ever managed to do was nearly expel me from school for fighting.
The only thing anyone ever tried to do to me was pull my chair from under me when I was about to sit in it in class. I am a tall (6'6") guy though and I was a nice guy. Once I informed everyone that an ass whoopin' would commence if someone tried that again no one ever tried anything else. No one ever saw me angry before and they knew I was serious.
My friends and I know this one guy (who is, technically, among our friends) that we do mean stuff to, but only because he's so naive. He acts like he's so cool and smart, when he's really neither, and we just bust his balls relentlessly. For one, taking a cue from Scrubs, we do our best never to refer to him (in his presence) as a male, or by his name, referring to him instead by girls names, or other amusing names we can think of (that aren't male).

We have also made him think he's losing his mind sometimes, by moving things of his somewhere else, or to make them disappear then reappear moments later. Whisper things very low to make him think he hears voices. He hasn't caught on to either of these yet.

Also we have lied to him about many things, in order to make him look as stupid as he actually is. Since we know so much more than him, he often comes to us to ask advice or to run a quick question by us. More often than not we tell the truth, except for when we think it might be hilarious, then we give a subtle sign to the others, and tell him a lie, or give bad advice. And he follows it implicitly because he thinks we're telling the truth.

That whole thing has gone on since high school when he said he wanted an e-mail address, and we told him to get a hotmail account. He asked us how to spell it, and moments later he ended up at a gay porn site. I think that was the whole start of it. It's just escalated from there. That's why I get a kick out of the Office when Jim messes with Dwights head, sometimes it's a little absurd, but sometimes I could see us doing the very same things to him.

Let's see, we also once all went out to a mall, only to leave abruptly, move the car, and come back in disguise and follow him as he had a nervous breakdown, since the mall was so far out of town. Also once told him that we knew a girl we did not and someone said that he should go up to her and ask her how her pregnancy was going, then dashed out before he could turn to point us out. Sometimes I've used this site to make a quick buck off him by buying a really good deal while it's up then reselling it to him for more than I paid but less than it would cost him. He also mispronounces a lot of things, things we never correct him on, and then later try to get him to say again in the company of girls he's trying to impress. This is all just a cube off the iceberg, though.

Also, to be even more devious, when he doesn't know whether or not he should do something that we want him to do... we instituted a rule, where we flip a coin, he calls it, and if it lands on what he says, he doesn't do it, but if it's the other, he has to. The trick is to feel the surface of the coin to know which side is heads and which is tails, and then to shift the coin to the other side if need be.

We're evil, but he's cool with it. Nice guy, just... too trusting and naive sometimes. In a way, we're trying to break him of it, get him to be a little more cynical and such.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The only thing anyone ever tried to do to me was pull my chair from under me when I was about to sit in it in class. I am a tall (6'6") guy though and I was a nice guy. Once I informed everyone that an ass whoopin' would commence if someone tried that again no one ever tried anything else. No one ever saw me angry before and they knew I was serious.[/QUOTE]

Heh, same here (only I'm 6'4, not quite your height).

Thing is, I went to a ghetto HS where the only thing most of thekids wanted to do was start shit and fight. Incidently, it's been about three years since I graduated and I here the school did a complete 360. Of course, that had to happen right after I had to endure four years of fighting and bullshit.:bomb:
Wow, looks like Never4ever and I grew up in opposite positions. I went to a school that was 99% white, with next to no black people. A lot of people use to make fun of me saying I wasn't black and I needed to take a shower to wash the paint off me (many of those who played the tricks on me did that). I don't want to get too far into it, because it may relate to another future thread. ;)
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Heh, same here (only I'm 6'4, not quite your height).

Thing is, I went to a ghetto HS where the only thing most of thekids wanted to do was start shit and fight. Incidently, it's been about three years since I graduated and I here the school did a complete 360. Of course, that had to happen right after I had to endure four years of fighting and bullshit.:bomb:[/quote]

I never got into a real fight, but I did punch this kid so hard I thought I broke his arm when I was 13. I was the same height then that I am now, I just weighed less then. This is while we were living on an Air Force Base so I could have gotten my family in trouble. Ever since then I always keep my calm in verbal or physical situations. That's part of the reason you see little to no verbal jabbing from me on CAG. I try to take the high road.
This was in high school. I had a friend that sat behind me in English. He made the tip of a pen really hot by rubbing it against the table. He then preceeded to place it on the back of my neck during class. I yelled out in shock, not so much for the pain, and both of us received detention that day.
[quote name='Pookymeister']You totally missed it[/quote]

[quote name='Punk_Raven']He didn't have him drink urine, he put the food coloring in the wine which caused his urine to be red.[/quote]

#-o but nonetheless :roll:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Wow, looks like Never4ever and I grew up in opposite positions. I went to a school that was 99% white, with next to no black people. A lot of people use to make fun of me saying I wasn't black and I needed to take a shower to wash the paint off me (many of those who played the tricks on me did that). I don't want to get too far into it, because it may relate to another future thread. ;)[/QUOTE]

Guess that Radio reference can go even further now. lol. But enough of that, lets see, thing that have happened to me..........

I've had typical things happen tome I guess, since I see similar stories here. There was this girl I liked up till probally the 8th grade. And I was basically a loner in school, didnt fit in with any crowd really. Anyways, this one kid that was more in the popular crowd, as was the girl, asks me if there was any girl I liked. I didnt answer him, than he keeps bugging me and says he'll tell me a girl he likes, so I figured whatever, and told him. Next day kids look at me with smirks and say stuff. A while later that same year the girl dumps paint on my pants in Art class. Dont know if it was on accident or not, but yah, she was a b**** and you shouldnt like a girl just because there "hot", so yah that crush ended soon after.

Me and another friend each had the same teacher for Social Studies in 7th grade, but we had it at different times, We would eat lunch together with a few other friends and my friend thought it be funny to tie my shoelaces together while wrapped around the table leg. I was basically stuck in the lunch room,and couldnt get the knot undone myself, so some of the hall moniters had to help me out. I showed up to class about 15-20 minutes late, and when I told my teacher the story he looked at me with disbelief.

Another time about 2 years ago, I was 21 at the time, I was wasted and my friends gave me a shot of a clear liquid to drink, which I though was vodka. I found out later it was olive oil. I didnt even notice it surprisingly.

Not many other pranks, but Ive had many embarrasing moments in high school, one being my pants falling down on stage in drama class in front of everyone. And this was the auditorium stage with lights and everything so it was very noticeable. We were to act blind, and I walked into a wall and my pants well down exposing me in all my Fruit of the Loom glory.

Another situation happened when I was about 7 or 8 and my sister was about 2. My parents were outside trying to sell there old car. I walked into a room to notice my sister was eating cat litter. I panicked, and being young and foolish called 9-1-1. The operator told me everything would be ok and if I told my parents yet, which I didnt. So after that i walked out and yelled at my parents who were still with the other people. Not really a good sales speech....heh.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Guess that Radio reference can go even further now. lol. But enough of that, lets see, thing that have happened to me..........[/quote]I honestly don't know where that radio reference comes from.

I've had typical things happen tome I guess, since I see similar stories here. There was this girl I liked up till probally the 8th grade. And I was basically a loner in school, didnt fit in with any crowd really. Anyways, this one kid that was more in the popular crowd, as was the girl, asks me if there was any girl I liked. I didnt answer him, than he keeps bugging me and says he'll tell me a girl he likes, so I figured whatever, and told him. Next day kids look at me with smirks and say stuff. A while later that same year the girl dumps paint on my pants in Art class. Dont know if it was on accident or not, but yah, she was a b**** and you shouldnt like a girl just because there "hot", so yah that crush ended soon after.

Me and another friend each had the same teacher for Social Studies in 7th grade, but we had it at different times, We would eat lunch together with a few other friends and my friend thought it be funny to tie my shoelaces together while wrapped around the table leg. I was basically stuck in the lunch room,and couldnt get the knot undone myself, so some of the hall moniters had to help me out. I showed up to class about 15-20 minutes late, and when I told my teacher the story he looked at me with disbelief.

Another time about 2 years ago, I was 21 at the time, I was wasted and my friends gave me a shot of a clear liquid to drink, which I though was vodka. I found out later it was olive oil. I didnt even notice it surprisingly.

Not many other pranks, but Ive had many embarrasing moments in high school, one being my pants falling down on stage in drama class in front of everyone. And this was the auditorium stage with lights and everything so it was very noticeable. We were to act blind, and I walked into a wall and my pants well down exposing me in all my Fruit of the Loom glory.

Another situation happened when I was about 7 or 8 and my sister was about 2. My parents were outside trying to sell there old car. I walked into a room to notice my sister was eating cat litter. I panicked, and being young and foolish called 9-1-1. The operator told me everything would be ok and if I told my parents yet, which I didnt. So after that i walked out and yelled at my parents who were still with the other people. Not really a good sales speech....heh.
Yeah, I was the same way where I didn't exactly fit in any group. I kind of talked to a few people in one group, few in another, and a few in another.

I had my pants fall down once in gym class back when I was in 1st grade; however, that was a a pair of shorts that felt loose and expanded even more when I ran. I actually kind of laughed, but I was young at the time (not many people even showed up for school that day if I remember correctly).
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I never got into a real fight, but I did punch this kid so hard I thought I broke his arm when I was 13. I was the same height then that I am now, I just weighed less then. This is while we were living on an Air Force Base so I could have gotten my family in trouble. Ever since then I always keep my calm in verbal or physical situations. That's part of the reason you see little to no verbal jabbing from me on CAG. I try to take the high road.[/QUOTE]

It's not like I wanted to fight, people just liked to try and start shit with me. Everyone that wasn't a fucking douche bag (of which there were a small select), knew me as the gentle-silent type (well unless the subject of Video Games and / or wrestling came up, then I was all words).

Hell, I never really fought with anyone, seeing how I can't throw I decent punch to save my life, I mostly stuck with takedowns and choke holds, with the occasional desk / chair thrown (crazy stories there, as I never threw them unless I was getting jumped by 2-8 people).
Back in high school we had this one kid in our latin class that always liked to talk about how tough he was and how he would fight people yet never did anything to back any of it up. He became so annoying that eventually we made a game of distracting him so we could steal his backpack and turn it inside outwards put everything back into it, zip it back up, and then replace it as if nothing happened.

He would never notice until class was over and then have to sit there flipping his bag back the right way. Our record for consecutive sucesses was two weeks and three days until he finally learned to wrap one of the straps around his leg the entire class period.
:lol: :lol: last year in 8th grade there was this a** of a kid and so we had a sub for english. we could get away with anything. so when hewent to the bathroom we took his chair and put whiteout, some glue, some hand sanitiser, and i thing a couple of lugies. it was nasty. so he comes in 2 sec l8er and sits down. by this time were all deing of lafter:lol: . so then 5 min later were still lafting:lol: and he gets up and i gess he relized he had a wet a**. he ran out of the room crying so hard.

telling the story dosent sound fun but you have to know him:) :applause:
Well, it's hard to say whether this is a mean trick or not, but most all my friends and people I knew use to LOVE doing what would piss me off most. They would harass me over it (this is usually making fun of the stuff I like, giving me a hard time over a girl I want, making fun of someone most everyone here show know that I'm partially related to (who ran for President before) and so on), so I would get all riled and go crazy (to be honest, I'm a little easy to make upset over stuff, kind of like the way I am in a forum). My friends especially gave me a hard time over it telling me I wasn't black and I was totally faking my race (just by spray painting myself a certain color), because they knew it would make me angry. But then again, they constantly did it, so I can't say if it's joking or not.

One reason they use to take my food was because it would get me all riled up. That was my friends favorite thing to do to me. Only a few friends I ever had wouldn't do this to me (which were Josh, Ian, and Brett).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']

I once pulled a very mean trick on my cousin. She started to piss me off (this was the 4th grade, and she's a pretty big girl). I knew she was about to sit down (had lots and lots of food in her hand), I pulled her chair away a distance, she tried to sit down and fell. Food went flying everywhere. I feel bad for it now though.[/quote]

bread's done