Should G.W. be hung?

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He has basically murdered tens of hundreds of people and raped our Country.
I guess the fameass can get away with anything.
[quote name='HuppSav']He has basically murdered tens of hundreds of people and raped our Country.
I guess the fameass can get away with anything.[/quote]

Star Trek yay. That's about as cool as Babylon 5.
I guess you don't think he has killed a bunch of people?
I guess you agree then that all former presidents should have been hung as well? And all future presidents?

I can guarantee you people have been killed under all of them because of things they did (except maybe a few of the boring ones, but I wouldn't be surprised).
HuppSav, this is going to come off sounding more personal than I intend, but I really don't mean it as a personal attack.

Most people can respect that you don't like President Bush or you think he has harmed the country, but at least express that fact with rationale and reasoning behind it. Suggesting anyone murder a current president is asking for attention you don't want if nothing else.

Presidents aren't infallible. Each one has called military action that has killed people. By your logic they all are murderers. I don't agree with how things went down afer the Iraq invasion, but the President has the hardest job in the world. It pretty easy for anyone sitting at home on the internet to be a Monday morning quarterback.
The more appropriate question is the following: Should G.W. be hanged?

The English grammar and usage geek in me says that pictures are hung and people are hanged...

...that's all I have to add to this otherwise pointless thread.
[quote name='BigT']The more appropriate question is the following: Should G.W. be hanged?

The English grammar and usage geek in me says that pictures are hung and people are hanged...

...that's all I have to add to this otherwise pointless thread.[/quote]
I don't consider G.W. to be a person.
Yeah most presidents have called for military action, but none have been as reckless about it. Not even the dude that nuked civilians.
[quote name='HuppSav']I don't consider G.W. to be a person.
Yeah most presidents have called for military action, but none have been as reckless about it. Not even the dude that nuked civilians.[/quote]


The "dude"?

His name was President Harry Truman.
[quote name='HuppSav']I don't consider G.W. to be a person.
Yeah most presidents have called for military action, but none have been as reckless about it. Not even the dude that nuked civilians.[/quote]

Honestly, nuking over 200,000 civilians was worse. Besides the nuclear fallout that killed and deformed thousands more. That was more reckless.

Well...the recklessness might be comparable (who knows how many will die before there's a resolution to what's happening in Iraq), but the death toll isn't yet. And it didn't happen so quickly or on purpose. Truman purposely nuked civilians, Bush was just too stupid to see that Iraq wouldn't work out very well.

So I'd go back to what I said before and say you'd have to hang them both, along with many, many more.
Admittedly, better Presidents have been assassinated for much less. Gun-toting psychopaths just aren't what they used to be these days.

Or, they're smart enough to not allow Cheney to come into power.

If you are offended by "murder", yet want to use murder as a solution to what you feel is an injustice, it would make you a hypocrite of the highest order. You will become the thing you hate, as the song goes.
I didn't expect anyone to get the real picture. Not surprising to get these insignificant comments.
Feel free to delete.
[quote name='HuppSav']I didn't expect anyone to get the real picture. Not surprising to get these insignificant comments.
Feel free to delete.[/quote]


Enlighten us as to what the "real picture" is. I'd like to know what you meant by "he raped the country".
[quote name='HuppSav']I didn't expect anyone to get the real picture. Not surprising to get these insignificant comments.
Feel free to delete.[/QUOTE]


I expected a train wreck coming into this thread, but whoa.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I don't agree with how things went down afer the Iraq invasion, but the President has the hardest job in the world.[/quote]

Not really, they just get more blame or credit for whatever they do.

Someone's gonna get party van'd soon enough!
[quote name='BigT']The more appropriate question is the following: Should G.W. be hanged?

The English grammar and usage geek in me says that pictures are hung and people are hanged...

...that's all I have to add to this otherwise pointless thread.[/quote]

This. As it is, this thread could possibly be a question about George Bush's manhood. For shame OP.
[quote name='BigT']The more appropriate question is the following: Should G.W. be hanged?

The English grammar and usage geek in me says that pictures are hung and people are hanged...

...that's all I have to add to this otherwise pointless thread.[/QUOTE]

I suppose I never will get to agree with you on anything.

The question is the following: Could G.W. be hung?

[quote name='GuilewasNK']:lol:

Enlighten us as to what the "real picture" is. I'd like to know what you meant by "he raped the country".[/quote]

Turn off Google SafeSearch. :lol:
If we were to execute our president for the reasons stated by the OP then we would also have to execute nearly everyone else in politics, out of fairness. And should have executed at least half all the politicians we've had in the last century.
[quote name='mykevermin']I suppose I never will get to agree with you on anything.

The question is the following: Could G.W. be hung?


Umm... I really don't want to know whether G.W. is hung... ;)

What was this thread about anyway?
[quote name='BigT']Umm... I really don't want to know whether G.W. is hung... ;)

What was this thread about anyway?[/quote]

About getting Homeland Security to crack down on CAG.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']About getting Homeland Security to crack down on CAG.[/quote]
That would not be the first pointless thing DHS does...
[quote name='daroga']Oh I get it! He's using hyperbole to express his distaste for the current administration! ...right?

Right?![/quote]God bless your optimism...
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']lets hang all our soldiers too, and bill clinton, and h.w. bush. dont forget their cabinets... murdering scum...[/QUOTE]

Now if DHS comes down on CAG, Cheapy can say that we were discussing remodeling kitchens.
[quote name='HuppSav']He has basically murdered tens of hundreds of people and raped our Country.

"Tens of hundreds"? Son, here in America we call that "thousands".

How the hell did no one call him on this yet?
[quote name='sonicfreak5']who old are u 12?[/quote]
OK a few things

The "dude", harry truman who gave the order to launch the nukes on japan, that saved far more lives that it took. It brought about the end of world war 2. The war against japan would have continued for years, if not decades.

If you saw the film "letters from Iwo Jima", that was an accurate depiction of the japanese military: the never surrendered, they would continue fighting indefinitely, with knives and sticks when they ran out of bullets.

It would have been a meat grinder, probably going on for years if not decades and costing far more civilian japanese lives. To japanese at that time, hirohito was seen as a son of God and would not stop the war until he said to.

The first bomb on hiroshima was totally justified. very few people think that the endless warfare was preferable to dropping the nuke

The japanese had plenty of warning before Hiroshima. As far as the theory that "it killed tens of thousands of civilians". Hiroshima had a large military prescence including chemical weapons factories that made mustard gas, and cyanide among other weapons used by Japan in WW2.

Japan had plenty of warning with the Postdam declaration, and they blew it off.

Hiroshima is what is called a "necassry evil." the cost of military and civilian life would have been far greater if we had not dropped the bomb.

Hirohito refused the surrender after the first bombing because one of the terms of surrender was that he would have to give up being emperor. Hirohito had $100 billion in a swiss bank account that would be lost if he lost his throne.

So 2 days after the Hiroshima bombing, Japan launched an invasion of Manchuria, resuming their quest to take over southeast Asia.

Still, dropping a second one, on nagasaki, so soon after the first, is questionable at best. should we have given japan more time? Probably. But despite the first bombing japan resumed its conquest of asia.

As for Bush, after being put in an impossible position in 2001 he has committed many war crimes in the so called "war on terror" and targetted many civilian targets with no known terrorist prescence. He was lauded as a great leader for the united states as a result.

Most americans supported these attacks on innocent civilians and voted him to remain in office in 2004.

As for the war in Iraq, Bush started the war saying that Iraq was not complying with nuclear weapons inspectors. we never found any nukes.

He kept the war going saying that he would not stop until there was a "free iraq with free elections", That hasnt happened either. Now he is saying if we stop the war it will be like Vietnam all over again.

Meanwhile, Bush and his family and cheney and his friends made tens of billions of dollars off of these wars. Cheney was the former CEO of Halliburton and owns stock in the company. bush's father runs Carlyle. Bush contracted these 2 weapons contractors initially to start the war we continue to get our weapons from these companies and others to this day.

The US government spends 12 billion dollars a month to keep the iraq war going, and much fo that money goes to the personal wealth of bush and cheney.

Bush is a war profiteer and a butcher of tens of thousands of innocent lives. To many americans, he is a great leader and a patriot. To the rest of the world, he is the worlds greatest terrorist.

He has made a series of questionable, and probably criminal decisions. Will he ever be investigated and tried for his crimes? Only time will tell.
[quote name='dracula']
Meanwhile, Bush and his family and cheney and his friends made tens of billions of dollars off of these wars. Cheney was the former CEO of Halliburton and owns stock in the company. bush's father runs Carlyle. Bush contracted these 2 weapons contractors initially to start the war we continue to get our weapons from these companies and others to this day.

The US government spends 12 billion dollars a month to keep the iraq war going, and much fo that money goes to the personal wealth of bush and cheney.

Bush is a war profiteer and a butcher of tens of thousands of innocent lives. To many americans, he is a great leader and a patriot. To the rest of the world, he is the worlds greatest terrorist.

He has made a series of questionable, and probably criminal decisions. Will he ever be investigated and tried for his crimes? Only time will tell.[/QUOTE]

Wow that's pretty entertaining.

Does the sequel to your post contain 9/11 conspiracy? Tell me all about thermite in wtc 7 while I go pop some popcorn.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Wow that's pretty entertaining.

Does the sequel to your post contain 9/11 conspiracy? Tell me all about thermite in wtc 7 while I go pop some popcorn.[/QUOTE]

No. He's too busy telling everyone how Tom Glavine and Manny Ramirez don't belong in Cooperstown.
This thread is useless. How about we hang the real enemies of the United States? Seriously, pointless topic right here.
[quote name='dracula']OK a few things

The "dude", harry truman who gave the order to launch the nukes on japan, that saved far more lives that it took. It brought about the end of world war 2. The war against japan would have continued for years, if not decades.

If you saw the film "letters from Iwo Jima", that was an accurate depiction of the japanese military: the never surrendered, they would continue fighting indefinitely, with knives and sticks when they ran out of bullets.

It would have been a meat grinder, probably going on for years if not decades and costing far more civilian japanese lives. To japanese at that time, hirohito was seen as a son of God and would not stop the war until he said to.

The first bomb on hiroshima was totally justified. very few people think that the endless warfare was preferable to dropping the nuke

The japanese had plenty of warning before Hiroshima. As far as the theory that "it killed tens of thousands of civilians". Hiroshima had a large military prescence including chemical weapons factories that made mustard gas, and cyanide among other weapons used by Japan in WW2.

Japan had plenty of warning with the Postdam declaration, and they blew it off.

Hiroshima is what is called a "necassry evil." the cost of military and civilian life would have been far greater if we had not dropped the bomb.

Hirohito refused the surrender after the first bombing because one of the terms of surrender was that he would have to give up being emperor. Hirohito had $100 billion in a swiss bank account that would be lost if he lost his throne.

So 2 days after the Hiroshima bombing, Japan launched an invasion of Manchuria, resuming their quest to take over southeast Asia.

Still, dropping a second one, on nagasaki, so soon after the first, is questionable at best. should we have given japan more time? Probably. But despite the first bombing japan resumed its conquest of asia.

As for Bush, after being put in an impossible position in 2001 he has committed many war crimes in the so called "war on terror" and targetted many civilian targets with no known terrorist prescence. He was lauded as a great leader for the united states as a result.

Most americans supported these attacks on innocent civilians and voted him to remain in office in 2004.

As for the war in Iraq, Bush started the war saying that Iraq was not complying with nuclear weapons inspectors. we never found any nukes.

He kept the war going saying that he would not stop until there was a "free iraq with free elections", That hasnt happened either. Now he is saying if we stop the war it will be like Vietnam all over again.

Meanwhile, Bush and his family and cheney and his friends made tens of billions of dollars off of these wars. Cheney was the former CEO of Halliburton and owns stock in the company. bush's father runs Carlyle. Bush contracted these 2 weapons contractors initially to start the war we continue to get our weapons from these companies and others to this day.

The US government spends 12 billion dollars a month to keep the iraq war going, and much fo that money goes to the personal wealth of bush and cheney.

Bush is a war profiteer and a butcher of tens of thousands of innocent lives. To many americans, he is a great leader and a patriot. To the rest of the world, he is the worlds greatest terrorist.

He has made a series of questionable, and probably criminal decisions. Will he ever be investigated and tried for his crimes? Only time will tell.[/QUOTE]

Dude using a film as the basis for your knowledge on a subject is laughable. You can use them to discuss emotions and other aspects, but to base your knowledge of a war on a film is really not wise.

First of all the Japanese people were primed to give up. The whole idea that it would take a substantial effort to truly end the war is not all that correct. These people were down to nothing. They were out of food, the co-prosperity sphere was not providing the resouces necessary to win the war, and their force had been nearly obliterated. Japan was spread so thin that they would have had to surrender at some point anyway. They had troops all over Asia and had been fighting a hellish war in China for 15 years. Conventional weapons would have been sufficient and would have not all the reprocussions that nuclear weapons brought about.* We are still paying for the costs of dropping those bombs.

*Firebombing Tokyo killed more people than either nuclear blast.

Also I am locking this topic because the OP is retarded. This section of the boards is okay for points of view, but not for stupid shit like this. Get a brain kid.
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