Should I Do This? Please Help


So, basically, I've found myself in an unforseen predicament that has left me confused about what I should do.

In short, I'm running out of shelf room. I have very little shelf room, and most of it is filled with other things that I can't get rid of. So, I'm running out of shelf room, and at the same time GameStop is doing their extra 50% deal, and the $50 off PS3. I've been looking to buy a PS3 for a while, and I figure I can kill two birds with one stone, clear up shelf space by selling some of my games, and get a PS3.

The problem is, this is my personal collection, and I don't want to part with it. I have, roughly, 47 Xbox 360 games, and 4 3ds games, and I would have to sell 22 xbox and 2 3ds games. I would ave to sell, and this is the list of games I haven't played in a long time and might or might not get back to in order from don;;t mind selling to don't want to let go of....

King Kong
Spider-Man Web of Shadows
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Call of Duty 4
Call Of Duty MW2
Battlefield Bad Company
Unreal Tournament 3
X-Men Origins Wolverine
Crysis 2
Forza 3
Super Street Fighter 4 3D
Mirror's Edge
Lego Batman
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
Star Fox 64 3D
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2
Red Dead Redemption
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition

So, I really need help. Is it worth selling all those to buy a PS3? It would clear up shelf space, but some of these, especially RDR and Sith Edition, are games I either love or spent a long time looking for. Is it worth it? Some I haven't even played and they're in my backlog.

Please, any advice would be much appreciated.
Personally I'd keep RDR and see what they'd give you for the rest (probably not much..) and go for a PS3.

Maybe get a couple of exclusives like God Of War 3, Uncharted 2, Infamous 2, Little Big Planet or whatever you're into and forget about those other games.
Well I have a rough estimate (using the TIV thread on here) of about $180 with their current trade promotion.

And yeah, I'm just buying the PS3 for the exclusives, and to have a Blu-Ray player now that I have an HDTV.
Yep yep if you're also looking for it for blu rays I'd definitely jump on it. You won't regret it. I use mine as a blu ray player all the time and also for Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.

And yeah was going to mention the 50% bonus on preowned but I guess you know about it.

If there's any games you really aren't sure about getting rid of just keep them around. Isn't the Ultimate Sith Edition worth something? Edit: It isnt worth a whole lot anymore. May want to ebay that one though and get a little more than what gamestop would give.

Or trade on CAG for those PS3 exclusives. All of those exclusives can be found fairly cheap now.
Yeah. To be honest I wasn't seriously considering this until I realized how little room I have left on my shelves. I've never parted any games from my collection since I started collecting them, but now...I'm conflicted.

I know there are rumors the PS3 will get a price drop at E3, and I'm going to work at my first job in a few weeks, so eventually I could just buy one anyway with cash, but if I haven't found any more room....
Yeah I'd guess it'll almost definitely drop to $200 within the year, and who knows what kind of Black Friday deal they'll have.

To me it's like this: I use my PS3 for single player games and movies. I'd use my Xbox for online gaming (if I played much online) and the XBLA games are better than most PSN games (except for Journey, which is awesome if you're into that kind of game). PS3 is still fine for online gaming, just not as good as Xbox. And of course it's free.
Force Unleashed Sith Edition used to be worth like $60-$80, but I checked yesterday and it's value has went down to like $30-$40, and from this, I'd get like $24 from GameStop, so it would be fair. Though I spent a lot of time looking for it, and it would be hard for me to get rid of.

So yeah, if I based off rumors of a price drop, I could wait and buy it at a later date. But I/m not one for Black Friday deals. I just don't have the time or resources to go out then. And right now if I took the free game that comes with a new PS3 and traded it right back I'd be getting the PS3 for $170. And price drop rumors don't always pan out.
True. I'm just trying to look at both sides. Personally I love my PS3 and would already be at Gamestop trading that stuff in to get one :)
I'm looking at both sides too. Which is why I'm so torn. I do really want a PS3, especially now that I have an HDTV. And it's true that most of these games haven't been touched in over a year, but I've always meant to come back to them. But I'm getting a job, so I'll have less time than before and there's always going to be a new game on the horizon I'll want to play, so realistically, am I ever going to get back to these games? And the value on Star Wars is dropping, so is having it really worth it when if I sell now I can still get a good amount for it? And I only have enough room to house three more games in my shelf. I really have no where else to put it, so eventually I will have to sell, I guess.

Thanks for your help though. Your advice is making this decision a little easier.

I think, if I can really score at garage sales tomorrow for stuff to trade in, this decision will get a lot easier.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition will net you around $40 on ebay. Bought it for around $30 and sold it for $36. Gamestop will not give you anything near that.
I know base TIV is $15 and with the extra 60% right now, I'll get $24. To me at least, that's worth it to not have to deal with eBay and shipping and all of that. Especially since I'm not old enough to sell on ebay myself and my parents aren't showing much interest in selling on there anytime soon.
Do you have to keep the games on your shelves? Why not just box up some of the old ones you don't plan on playing again anytime soon? Then you can stick 'em in a closet and bring them back out when you have room.

Except for Sneak King. You might as well burn that.
I kinda do need to keep them on a shelf. My closet is already stuffed to capacity and I've got boxes full of stuff stacked behind my door. I really don't have any place else I can put them.
You should do what you feel is right and comfortable for you. Only you will know this, as it sounds like you've researched game values. And, don't worry about E3 rumors. The PS+ cost was just dropped and, with the Move games they're popping out, 'probably' won't drop again for a while.

There were all kinds of E3 'rumors' last year that left a lot of people with cracked faces for not jumping on deals, trying to play psychic.
Yeah, I remember some of those predictions. Like Xbox 360 being $250, and stuff like that.

I think there's a good chance of me doing this, but I just need to give it some more thought. Thanks for all the help.
In my opinion it will be pretty stupid of you to sell them just to get a new system, your problem will
repeat it self in the future.

but than again its your stuff do what you fuckin want
Care to elaborate? When these are games I haven't touched in over a year, and I'm running out of room? Please, if you could explain a little more.
if you buy a new system, your going to end up buying new games right?
more games = less room on your shelves.
same issue your having right now isn't it? your going in circles.
Okay, I see what you mean, but it's a long circle at the very least. I don't buy that many games (at least compared to so many of the people on here), so it'll take a while to fill the places left by the one I take out. And by that time, I could very well be living on my own, where I'd have more room.
If you are going to do it, trade in the games you will never play and do not want to have in your collection... I would keep the Ultimate Sith Edition and try to sell it somewhere else; as you can mostly like get more for it...
I know for sure if I get some stuff to trade in at garage sales tomorrow, Sith Edition is the first one I'll keep. But if I have to sell it, I don't really have access to be able to sell on eBay, or amazon, or anything, and GS will give me $24, which isn't terrible compared to eBay prices.
Only thing is, if the OP plans on doing THIS deal with the free game deal, there will be a lot of hurdles trying to sell the games through PayPal as this deal will, probably, be over by then.

1.PayPal takes days to transfer money into an account.
2.A PayPal debit card has to be approved.
3.Does GameStop take PayPal? Even so, that will take mixing cash with PayPal online in some type of way.
That's the thing. I'm not old enough to do my own paypal and my parents aren't too gung-ho about it. So it's easier to sell through GameStop, especially while this sale is on.
And this^ is exactly what I'm going to do, + Star Fox. I got some great scores at garage sales today ($55 dollars worth), so I'm going to do this, definitely.
Well it would have been like $24 after bonus, but I kept it. Didn't need it.

And yes, the deed is done. Thank you all for your help. I now have sold every game I listed minus Red Dead, Sith Edition, Pure, and Rage. And I now own a PS3 160 GB.
bread's done