Should I Get a 360?


Hey there, long-time lurker, first-time poster.

So I've been setting aside some money in hopes of getting myself a 360. I like the idea of being able to play games online with people I know, there's a ton of great titles for it, and in general it looks like a good investment. I've been spending a lot of time researching the thing and trying to decide what I want to do.

I have decided I would like to buy the new holiday Premium bundle (the "Go Pro" one). However, the constant reports of RRODs and bad customer service, not to mention DRM issues that would keep you from playing your XBLA content if you have to send the thing in, have me worried.

See, I, like many of you, am pretty cheap. I have to be - I'm in grad school and I'm making enough money to cover my expenses and save up, but not enough to throw it around/away. I really don't want to buy a console that's going to die on me within a year, warranty or not. I know that the new units should have most of the problems solved, but I don't want to be left in the lurch.

Here's the problem I've had in researching this question, though: it appears that nobody but fanboys have anything to say about it. It's so hard to find a good, honest piece of advice with all the unending noise out there. So, I turn to you, in hopes to get just that honest piece of advice:

Should I get a 360?

A couple quick caveats:

1. I'm not getting into this "it breaks, I'll buy another one" mentality. I'm buying it once. Period.
2. I'm going to keep it in a well-ventilated place and keep it free of dust.
3. I'm not adverse to buying a warranty from somewhere like Best Buy, but I'd rather not if I don't have to.
4. I also would like to know if the Falcon chipset even makes a bit of difference, or if it really is a heatsink issue.
I would definitely buy it. I can't imagine NOT having a 360. Not that the other consoles are inferior, but there are so many 360 games I play on an everyday basis, if I didn't have one I would be dangerously productive. There are so many different games available and in development it feels like the 360 will have a PS2 like library in a few years. I highly recommend you get a best buy warranty though, 50$ is worth the luxury of getting a brand new 360 the day yours fails, if it ever does (and probably will). And as a bonus, the 360 you get with your warranty will probably be a newer more efficient model. Don't forget to take advantage of the toys r us deal tommorow if you take the plunge.
Get one. Its great.

If it dies, MS will replace it at their expense for 3 years, you dont need a bullshit store extended warranty.

Ive not heard of a Falcon chipset red ringing yet, but then again, I dont know anyone that has one.
Dude, just get a warrantee from Best Buy. That's what I did and I've been loving it.

They even use the money from price-drops (if the price drops after you buy it and go to replace it) to extend your warrantee. So now I've replaced mine twice, have HDMI a new heatsink and BenQ drive, and am covered until 2009. If the heatsink makes a difference, then I'll have this 360 forever, if it doesn't, then it will undoubtedly break within two years and I'll just get a new one (which will hopefully be fixed by then).

Even if you don't buy a warrantee, the most common problem (the three red lights) is covered by Microsoft for three years. I still recommend getting the store warrantee, though, since then when you replace it you get the latest hardware brand new instead of some refurbished MS replacement.

I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The Xbox 360 has the best games out there, and I'm having an absolute blast (even though I don't get to play much anymore what with school and all). Knowing what I know now, I'd go insane without a 360.
[quote name='Malik112099']buy it from can return it in 2067 if it breaks[/quote]

Unfortunately, I live in the Midwest and have never even seen a Costco. To my knowledge, they don't exist in my state, and certainly don't exist anywhere I'd be willing to drive to.

Sounds like a good deal, though.
I would buy one, the 360 has the best gaming line up of this generation as well as a solid online service even if it does cost $49.99 a year. However the hardware failure problems shouldn't be a problem anymore if you pick up the newer models.

I would start with the Forza/Marvel Alliance Go Pro pack for $349.99. You get two great games along with a newer model system (hopefully).

Then I would invest in the following games

1. Mass Effect $59.99
2. Halo 3 $59.99
3. Call of Duty 4 $59.99
4. Oblivion GOTY Edition $59.99 or just Oblivion for $29.99
5. Rainbow Six Vegas $39.99 at some places now
6. The Orange Box $59.99
7. Bio Shock $59.99

those would keep you busy for a while. However you prob won't want to buy them all at once, but those are the good games you should check out if you pick up the 360.
Do you enjoy fun? ;)

I had concerns about reliability and all that, but instead I bit the bullet on a HDMI Premium when the new heatsink news was out. The 3 year RRoD dealy puts some concerns to rest, but theres still other issues like discs getting scratched and whatever. I'd just bite now since the falcons are out and if you really are worried buy a warranty.
I am planning on getting the "Go Pro" bundle, and waiting until it comes in an actual "Go Pro" box, because I don't want to get stuck with one of those "converted" bundles. Should be able to get one any time soon.
This is a great time to get a 360. Use that B2G1F at ToysRUs and you'll be set to go!The holiday packages will have new hardware, which is said to reduce current problems, but lets get down to why you want a 360: You want the games. You'll get Forza and MUA right out of the box, both of which are very good. Then use the B2G1F to your liking and you'll be gaming at the current speed in no time.

And these posts of poor customer service is kind of biased. I haven't seen any posts of satisfactory customer service at all, but once a couple of bad ones show up, they're getting everyone's attention. I've dealt with with the service myself and while it ain't top-notch, they do their job and they get my problems solved.

I bought a 360 w/out a warranty. It started scratching my games, but I think that's due to my part because I put in a really scratched up copy of Oblivion. I wanted to play it man! It came to a point where the game was so scratched up it couldn't be played and the laser was straining so hard just to read it. I decided to call MS and send it in for a repair. They ended up sending me a new xbox so it worked out great. I still don't have a warranty and I probably will never buy one.

It's a great time to buy any conole. I just got a Wii a couple of weeks ago after asking these very questions and I'm still buying hardware for it.
This really should have been in the general gaming section since you'll mainly get the majority 360 fanboy response of 'GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'. Just look at the coffin thread and read through ALL of it before decide to invest any money in the console. If they're still breaking, then keep on waiting. Plus there is word that Microsoft is already gearing up to introduce a new console in 2009, which would basically continue on with their 4 year lifeline for consoles.

The fact is everyone will tell "yeah, it may break, but you have this awesome warranty!", and the thing is that you should have higher standards with these things. The console SHOULD NOT break. Nintendo is giving away free plastic coverings for their wii motes. Microsoft customer service gives you the run around and insists that you're the reason your console breaks.

Here is an article that just went up today.
Number of Xbox 360s that have died on me: 3 dead Xbox 360s Number of lights that I've encountered: 9 flashing red ones

Number of calls to 1-800-4MY-XBOX since March: 22 calls

Number of callbacks promised: 15

Number of callbacks received: 3

Number of SR's started: 9

Number of SR's closed or replaced due to being set up incorrectly: 5

Number of SR's closed due to issues actually being resolved: 2

Most Number of times I was asked my name and phone number during a single call: 11 times

Number of times I was told "Microsoft will contact you when the investigation is complete": 40+

Number of times that I ended up on the Spanish language hold line: 8

Total spent on Xbox 360 related products: $3120.78

Amount of XBL content not working properly: 25,600 points ($319.87)

Total time spent on the phone with 1-800-4MY-XBOX: 1 day, 2 hours, 55 minutes

Total time spent trying various remedies: 1 day, 9 hours, 55 minutes

TOTAL TIME TRYING TO RESOLVE ISSUES WITH MY XBOX 360's: 2 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes
At the very least, if you're hell bent on getting one, wait until the Falcon chipset is readily available for purchase and then make the plunge.

[quote name='strdr4']I bought a 360 w/out a warranty. It started scratching my games, but I think that's due to my part because I put in a really scratched up copy of Oblivion. I wanted to play it man! It came to a point where the game was so scratched up it couldn't be played and the laser was straining so hard just to read it. I decided to call MS and send it in for a repair. They ended up sending me a new xbox so it worked out great. I still don't have a warranty and I probably will never buy one.[/quote]

On a side note, that's pretty low of you for buying a faulty 360 and then blaming yourself for it. You're pretty much the guy from the Offspring song 'Self Esteem', except you've replaced the girl with a 360.
I recommend it cause the 360 is *THE* console to own this generation. It's what the PS2 was last time around.

That's coming from someone who doesn't even own one too. I get to play it at work, and will become an owner once Costco offers an Elite package again (hopefully in the next few weeks).
[quote name='Zen Davis']This really should have been in the general gaming section since you'll mainly get the majority 360 fanboy response of 'GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'. Just look at the coffin thread and read through ALL of it before decide to invest any money in the console. If they're still breaking, then keep on waiting. Plus there is word that Microsoft is already gearing up to introduce a new console in 2009, which would basically continue on with their 4 year lifeline for consoles.

The fact is everyone will tell "yeah, it may break, but you have this awesome warranty!", and the thing is that you should have higher standards with these things. The console SHOULD NOT break. Nintendo is giving away free plastic coverings for their wii motes. Microsoft customer service gives you the run around and insists that you're the reason your console breaks.

Here is an article that just went up today.


I actually read that article before I posted this, even the comment section. The original author of the article that Kotaku cites says his situation was unique, and that Microsoft wasn't set up to handle his situation (something about using his Best Buy warranty first, or something like that). I can't remember exactly how it went but I know there were extenuating circumstances, and it definitely seems like the article was being used by fanboys to prove their point - at least in the comments section.

Apart from that, I agree that the console should not break, which is exactly why I wasn't happy with the PS2 last go-round (my PS2, and the PS2 of everyone else I know who had one, got DREs within a year or so), and why I'm so concerned about getting the right one. Perhaps I should have posted this in the other board, and perhaps I still will. Thanks for your input.
Go for it, I'm pretty much in the same boat--poor grad student as well. I just took the plunge yesterday with the Frys deal. Shame you missed that since you got Bioshock, Orange Bos and Two Worlds (on top of the two in the bundle) for just $50 more.

The failure rate is worrisome, but with the heat sink you should be fine. And it has a free 3 year warranty from MS, so if it breaks with the RRoD problem you can get it fixed free--so you don't have to worry about buying another.
On a side note, that's pretty low of you for buying a faulty 360 and then blaming yourself for it. You're pretty much the guy from the Offspring song 'Self Esteem', except you've replaced the girl with a 360.[/quote]

Why would you say that I bought a faulty 360? I don't know who you're refering to in your post, but I am prety sure that it was my fault if you had seen the oblivion disc and if you had seen that I had no problems before it.

Nevertheless, it was replaced which is even better.

Edit: Quoting doesn't work for me for some reason.
bread's done