Should They Remake FF7 for the GC?


19 (100%)
I sure wouldnt mind.... :D I played it on the PC and I liked it but never beat it and everyone says its the best, so they should remake it with much better graphics and add more stuff, make it longer, add more sidequests etc. What do you think? I suppose while your thinking about that what other FF or just about any squaresoft, now squareenix game should they remake? I really really hope they do a remake or sequel to Secret of Mana my (so far, but perhaps going to be dethroned by Skies of Arcadia Legends or Tales of Symphonia) all time favorite RPG ever!!!

I realy hope to god that they don't remake FF7. Let the game lie. It is considered one of the best RPGs as it is, why change it. Just look at Star Wars. Plus it is only a generation old and anyone with a PS2 can still play the game.
There was already one sequel to Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana for PSX.
[quote name='st0neface']I really would prefer new, original games instead of a rehashed version of a game that's already been released.[/quote]

ditto. and if they do remake it, i hope they dont add any side quests. it took 60 hours as is w/ all side quests.
Look at resident evil, they remade that and it was awesome. They redid Metal gear solid but i heard that was so so. I dont think it would be a bad idea, if anything it would be easy money for square, which they can use to make new, original games.
I hope they don't, frankly I didn't like it the first time. Overuse of cgi cutscenes IMO, felt more like a movie than a game. A couple of remakes is fine but I really don't want the cube to get out of hand with remakes.
Doh. So used to spell checker... must not use it as crutch.
Must check spelling. Spilleing wurds rite iz gud!!
[quote name='JSweeney']While not as empathic in my dislike for ff7, I didn't think it was all it was cracked up to be either... especially after the tour-de-force that was FF6. I liked most of the characters from 6 much better than 7. A power-mad psychopath is alway much better than an overly effeminate momma's boy with an oversized sword and a penchant for destroying the world.[/quote]

Yes yes, I prefer 6 and 9 (did you mean "emphatic"?), but on a different note, I'm most in favor of a game being remade when the original didn't reach a wide enough audience because it was on a less-than popular console. As such, I'd like to see Dracula X: The Rondo of Blood (PC Engine Super CD-Rom), Policenauts (a bunch of systems, but all JP-only), and maybe Panzer Dragoon Saga remade.
[quote name='vshekar']Yes yes, I prefer 6 and 9 (did you mean "emphatic"?), but on a different note, I'm most in favor of a game being remade when the original didn't reach a wide enough audience because it was on a less-than popular console. As such, I'd like to see Dracula X: The Rondo of Blood (PC Engine Super CD-Rom), Policenauts (a bunch of systems, but all JP-only), and maybe Panzer Dragoon Saga remade.[/quote]

While I will not begin with my distaste for FF7, I have to agree, games which were not widely released need remakes. Hell, I wouldn't even care if it was just a rerelease, where they did a port to a current gen. console, kinda like what Sega's doing with Rent-a-hero No. 5. What I'd die for is Shining Force 3 scenarios 1-3 as a combined package for any console. Or a rereleased Panzer Dragoon Saga, so more people can experience its greatness. :)
im all for it...twin snakes gave me a chance to find out what a masterpiece metal gear was...i would love to experience ff7 on cube
I agree Just like everyone said how they did with RE remake was a bad ASS remake.........They should definitly remake FF7 and hopefully if they do they wont touch the story too much, maybe a couple of more hidden characters like Vincent.....Also Shining Force Scen. 1-3 would be awesome.... i had SF3 for Saturn and beat it and loved it, i would definitly buy the whole package for even $100.00 that would be cool but touch up the graphics
[quote name='paean']FF7 sucks, why bother? How about a remake of Tobal #2? :)[/quote]

o lord i have not heard that name in a long time
Not a fanboy, but to play FFVII on a Nintendo console would be sweet irony. I'd buy that in a second. On the PS2, I'd wait until it fell in price. No chance of it happening on the Xbox.
Remaking it for the GC might be nice but only if it dosent take away from creation of new original games.

it dosent really need a remake though, it used FMV to cover all the things it couldnt handel with regular in game graphics and I think it did it well. If they were to do it at all I'd say wait for GC2.

Also, to add Yuffie and Vincent to the end would mean either doing 2 extra versions of it in CG because they were technically extra characters who you might not have if you didn't meet the right circumstances, or do it with "In game" models which means they'd have to do all or most that way replacing the FMV with game graphics for some scenes.
It would probably be best to leave a game as revered as FF VII alone. But I wouldn't mind seeing a port or remake of the less popular FFs such as VIII or IX onto the GC.
Seiken Desetsu 3. that was actually the sequil to secret of mana. not legend of mana.

good game try getting the dejap rom sometime.
[quote name='Simon Adebesi']Seiken Desetsu 3. that was actually the sequil to secret of mana. not legend of mana.

good game try getting the dejap rom sometime.[/quote]

I remember getting that rom a few years back. The Werewolf and Thief characters kicked sooooooo much ass.
sooooo much replay value in seiken densetsu 3 its not even funny, you have to beat it with every character to get the full story. dont know why squaresoft slept on a US release of this. if they released it now for the GBA, it would be a instant hit. 100x better than sword of mana.

sqauresoft be sleepin
I'd like to see a remake of it just so people could stack it up against current RPGs and see what a lackluster game it really was. If you want to remake a FF game, remake a good one, like FF6.
Screw remakes. [though RE and MGS were both excellent]

Give me a new Chrono game on the Cube!

... and thanks for the reminder on SD3, that game was awesome... I wish that THAT was the Secret of Mana game ported to GBA and not the craptacular Sword of Mana [FF Legends or something].
Not at all, it would just pale in comparison to Square's recent stuff, i'm all for a trip down memory lane but I also like creating new memories with new games, not rehashes.
no they should not. it would take the glory away from the ps and computer versions. if they did that evey one would just say that the ps version sucks.
I would love to see an FF6 remake before 7. Give 7 a generation or two before you remake it, maybe the next systems or even further down the line.
Here's all the mana games out:

Final Fantasy Adventure for Classic GB
Secret of Mana for SNES
Seiken Densetsu 3 for Super Famicom
Legend of Mana for PS1
Sword of Mana for GBA

Sword of Mana is just a remake of FF Adventure, but it has some of the stuff found in LoM (like Lil Cactus). It wasn't amazing, but I had fun playing through it.

I'd probably kill my first born for a a next-gen sequel to the Seiken series or even a new Chrono game. Speaking of which, there was a weird text-based sequel to Chrono Trigger released in Japan. It was called Radical Dreamers and had Magus in it at one point.
Great game...Terrable ending!

By far the worst especially after playing 70 + hours! I wish it had a better ending but hey its still my favorite!
I'd rather have Tales of Phantasia brought over to the US (which Namco insists that the US is not ready it for yet according to dejap's email response from them). SD 3 would be interesting to have on US shores, just like it was originally intended. But FF7, I consider it the start of a bad trend in RPGs, neglect of some vital element in favor of FMVs and such. Oh and for those not acquainted with the Tales series, try to pick up Tales of Destiny and/or Tales of Destiny 2 (known as Tales of Eternia in Japan - Namco screwed up on naming in the US) on eBay or if you're lucky in store - they are worth whatever you pay for them, excellent RPGs.

As for Sword of Mana, it is the remake of Final Fantasy Adventure, the first of the Seiken Densetsu series (Secret of Mana = Seiken Densetsu 2).

Edit: The Seiken Densetsu series does not have anything to do with each other storywise, although they all deal with mana and the Mana Tree.
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