Should we move to Hawaii??


179 (100%)
So here's the story...

Currently my wife and I live in San Diego and we live comfortably with the money we make (approx 80k/year). We dont own a home out here (renting at 1200/month) because of the bills we currently have... the biggest being my student loans (900 per month payment). The way we're paying off our bills, we could afford to own a home in 4-5 years. Anyways, given all that background information, here's the fun stuff.

The wife works in a dental office with the head dentist and 4 other "lesser dentists" (for lack of a better term). Anyways, one of these lesser dentists used to live in Hawaii and wants to move back. In order to do so, he is in the process of buying a dental practice up there where he will keep all the patients that were preiously there (2000+ patients). Realizing how much of an asset my wife is to the current dental office (she literally is responsible for single handedly bringing in/keeping half of the patients there), he wants her to work for him in Hawaii and has offered to pay her 72k/year and only has to work 4 days a week. I don't remember for sure, but I'm pretty sure he said the practice is in Maui. Soooooo... the question is, should we do it and why/why not?

We've already come up with a few pros & cons for it... feel free to add more or inform us of things we might not have thought of.

1) fuck... we're in Hawaii. People dream of iving here their whole life and we actually have the chance to.
2) Wife gets paid almost what we make between the two of this. This means that I can get a little part time job to pay to go back to school and become a pharmacist.
3) Right now I drive 62 miles each way to/from work. This really eats up gas and puts ear & tear on my car. Is Maui even that big across?? Even if gas is more expensive up there, we'd still be saving on car costs.
4) The weather is great.

1) Any vacation we take is really freakin expensive. There's no such thing as a road trip, so you have to fly anywhere you want to go. That's easily $350/person just for plane tickets.
2) Options seem like they would be kind of limited. I mean, out here if you don't like a restaurant, store, etc., you simly keep driving and find the next. Out there, how many places can you possibly fit on an island?
3) Since the majority of stuff has to be imported, everything is more expensive.
4) Our daughter has regular petite mal seizures (no flailing around... just little trembles while she looks like she's spacing out) with a grand mal (the ones where she flails around for 20-30 minutes) 1-2 times per year. She just moved in with her boyfriend but still depends on us to make sure she's doing okay. If we moved, she would not be able to come with us. We don't know how she'd be able to do on her own.

1) How big is Maui
2) How is the cost of living compared to Southern California
3) How is rush hour traffic
4) How many colleges are out there
5) What kind of gaming options are available (GS/EB/GC/GR/Blockbuster/BB/CC, etc.)
[quote name='Warner1281']Our daughter has regular petite mal seizures (no flailing around... just little trembles while she looks like she's spacing out) with a grand mal (the ones where she flails around for 20-30 minutes) 1-2 times per year. She just moved in with her boyfriend but still depends on us to make sure she's doing okay. If we moved, she would not be able to come with us. We don't know how she'd be able to do on her own.[/QUOTE]

She doesnt want to come w/ her boyfriend? I would jump if I wasnt currently in school at the moment.
well from brief interest in living in hawaii, everything will cost you more, and many deals will not carry over to there. Also I dunno if I would want to live on the touristy islands or at least the area that gets the most tourism. It would give me a headache dealing with all those fools. How easy would it be for you to find a job? Do you think the guy would pay for moving expenses? Cause that will be a nice chunk of changed depending how much stuff u have. Good luck though, I dunno if there are any Hawaiian CAGS, way to go where no CAG has lived before.
Your wife is lucky to have a job in Hawaii. You might not be so lucky however...Jobs are really hard to come by on the Island.

So you run the risk of be a leach off of your wife. Thats bad for the ego sometimes.
[quote name='Warner1281']Questions:
1) How big is Maui
2) How is the cost of living compared to Southern California
3) How is rush hour traffic
4) How many colleges are out there
5) What kind of gaming options are available (GS/EB/GC/GR/Blockbuster/BB/CC, etc.)[/QUOTE]

1. it is bigger than you have been giving credit to. it actually has highways. also for vacation you dont have to fly out, you can just take boat trips to other islands.
2. a lot more expensive. i've done some research on housing because i want to move there within the next 6 years. a 2 bedroom condo will set you back 800k at least though you get a beautiful view. hawaii might be the most expensive state in the entire country.
3. not too sure
4. i know of only 1, university of hawaii (rainbow warriors)
5. not sure
[quote name='Mookyjooky']She doesnt want to come w/ her boyfriend? I would jump if I wasnt currently in school at the moment.[/QUOTE]

We wouldn't let her boyfriend come... being stuck on an island with him is worse than having a video game and no console to play it on. Oh the horror!!

As for moving expenses... yeah that's another big con that I forgot to write down. We'd be paying for that ourselves.

And being a leech... wouldn't hurt my ego, but I would much rather work and get more money in the house so we could actually live a rather decent lifestyle. I could take any crappy part time job and go to school or if there happens to be some biotech stuff out there (which I highly doubt), I'd have a pretty damn good resume to show em.
[quote name='Warner1281']We wouldn't let her boyfriend come... being stuck on an island with him is worse than having a video game and no console to play it on. Oh the horror!!

As for moving expenses... yeah that's another big con that I forgot to write down. We'd be paying for that ourselves.

And being a leech... wouldn't hurt my ego, but I would much rather work and get more money in the house so we could actually live a rather decent lifestyle. I could take any crappy part time job and go to school or if there happens to be some biotech stuff out there (which I highly doubt), I'd have a pretty damn good resume to show em.[/QUOTE]

So, did you have your daughter at 7? Cause you're younger than me and I dont even have kids.

Meaning : Your name is Warner 1281 - Like Dec, 1981 --- and your profile says you're born in 1981.
1. About 729 sq miles, but the population is still relatively low in comparsion.
2. CoL is higher overall, primarily because basic goods are priced higher. Our sales tax is lower than Calif. Median home prices are over $500K.
3. Rush hour sucks just like everywhere else.
4 Maui has one community college, but the main state college is located on the island of Oahu. There are several more private universities (the largest one is Hawaii Pacific) and state colleges scattered throughout the islands--again, the largest ones are on Oahu.
5 As a state, have GS only (no EB), BB, CC, WM, GR, a few local franchises called Toys N Joys and Toyrriffic, but most of these are Oahu-only. One other thing that is difficult is that shipping from the mainland to here is really terrible most of the time, and since you're on Maui, you'll probably be doing a lot more of that or else taking an interisland flight to Oahu, which currently runs about $150 round trip. There are new carriers coming like Mesa from Arizona that will lower that cost though.

Good luck.
I used to live on Maui. As a CAG, you'll have to get by with only having a Gamestop, a KB Toys, a few Blockbusters (I don't think there's a GR there), and a Walmart. There's also an awesome mom and pop store called Monster Mega Video Games that sells new and used games as well as imports (their supplier is the same group that supplies Toys N Joys). As far as rush hour goes, my dad used to say that it took him twice as long to get home during rush hour, but it usually takes him 5 minutes to get to work. Of course, that depends on where you end up living and where your wife's workplace is (we used to live in Kahului).

Finding a job for yourself will be rather difficult there unless you're going into the tourism industry. I don't know of any biotech companies out there, but it is a growing industry here. Anyway, hope this helps a bit.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']So, did you have your daughter at 7? Cause you're younger than me and I dont even have kids.

Meaning : Your name is Warner 1281 - Like Dec, 1981 --- and your profile says you're born in 1981.[/QUOTE]

Nah, she's actually my step-daughter. My wife had her some 20 years ago. But yeah, I'm 25 and wife is turning 44... an interesting life I live. :lol:
Sounds like you've got a good situation. I would do it. Um, then again, I'm 19 and living by myself is foreign to me... so I couldn't possibly give a respoinse that isn't outrageously ignorant and naive.
A buddy of mine moved out to Hawaii a couple years ago but ended up moving back to Cali anyway. He said the cost of living was killing him but I think it was that he liked to smoke the good stuff. I say try it for a few years, what do you have to lose. Maybe you can sell some cheap stuff to tourists, or find some online consulting gig.
my friend lived there for a 6 month training for massage therapy. She said it was really expensive and if your a tourist the locals tend to be not so friendly...i would agree with everyone else that the cost of living has to be high.
[quote name='Warner1281']Nah, she's actually my step-daughter. My wife had her some 20 years ago. But yeah, I'm 25 and wife is turning 44... an interesting life I live. :lol:[/QUOTE]

So, wait, not that I find this bad in any way, but am I correct in seeing that your 'daughter' is almost as old as you are?
[quote name='Warner1281']Nah, she's actually my step-daughter. My wife had her some 20 years ago. But yeah, I'm 25 and wife is turning 44... an interesting life I live. :lol:[/QUOTE]You're 25 with a 20 year old step daughter? That's gotta be really weird for her. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']You're 25 with a 20 year old step daughter? That's gotta be really weird for her. :lol:[/QUOTE]

You're a bad, bad man mr. crymnl :p
Man, if I lived in hawii I wouldn't want to vacation anywhere else (besides seeing family)

I guess it all depends on how much you need to look after your daughter.

Shouldn't you say step-daughter though - I mean you're both in your mid-20s.
[quote name='jPoD15']You're a bad, bad man mr. crymnl :p[/QUOTE]What'd I say? It not like I suggested anything ... untoward. I just seems weird ... she could be introducing a friend to her "parents", and one of them might ask, "weren't you in my chem lab sophomore year?" :lol:
Hawaii is awesome and I would love to live there however I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your step-daughter but I would never move that far away from my own daughter.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Good luck though, I dunno if there are any Hawaiian CAGS, way to go where no CAG has lived before.[/QUOTE]

There is definitely at least one HI CAGer that actively posts. I remember him or her commenting that cheap shipping from the last DDD sale took a long time because it went Media, when they'd upgraded HI shipments to Priority for free in the past.

There are cost of living calculators online, but I don't know of a good one. I'd take a look at that to see how much a raise going from her current salary to $72K really works out to be.

I think HI would be a neat place to live if the finances will work out, worth trying for a year or so anyway. Moving far from family would be a big concern with me as well.
I'd do it. Shit, you really need to ask? I mean cmon' all you gotta do is move over there, leech off your wife and go surf.
bread's done