Silent Hill: The Movie (official thread)

[quote name='jmcc']I'd just like to point out how shitty the poster for the movie is. Is that the one that won the contest? Because it's rubbish.[/QUOTE]
I agree...but I guess they didnt want it to be too scary looking or graphic or whatever...still, they could have done better.
I just watched that 2min thing Scorch spoke of...looks like this movie is going to be damn violent...too bad the video cuts off right when the violence is about to happen.
what can i expect from this movie? Psycological terror? I've barely played SH3/SH4 for the PC. I know the first part of SH3 was really fucked up and messed with my head.
[quote name='ITDEFX']what can i expect from this movie? Psycological terror? I've barely played SH3/SH4 for the PC. I know the first part of SH3 was really fucked up and messed with my head.[/QUOTE]
Expect something about as good as The Cell: creepy to look at, but not really much else.
[quote name='jmcc']Expect something about as good as The Cell: creepy to look at, but not really much else.[/QUOTE]

never saw the cell, glad i didn't.
[quote name='Scorch']This movie has been confirmed to NOT be screening for critics.

This is a very, very bad sign.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily. They might be worried that critics would give it poor reviews based soley on the fact that it's a video game adaption. I'm sure they want to get more than just the gamer crowd to see it. Then again, who knows.
The preview after Raw tonight and MTV's coverage of it isn't filling me with confidence.. the massive advertising isn't a good sign..

I still think it'll be decent, though. I hope it'll be great, it looks like it will. Who knows, maybe the marketing manager/director in charge was a psych major and is just fucking with all our heads. It'd certainly fit in with the context of the movie.
[quote name='Scorch']The preview after Raw tonight and MTV's coverage of it isn't filling me with confidence.. the massive advertising isn't a good sign..

I haven't seen any of the coverage you mentioned, but how exactly is mass advertising a bad sign? If they didn't market the film to a larger audience the only people that would see it are die hard fans of the game. Besides plenty of good films have had massive advertising campaigns behind them.
I'm not really sure... Its got Cheryl, Lisa, Harry's wife and Piramid Head. I thought Piramid Head and Lisa were from 2, but I have a shitty memory. Also, Harry's wife was supposed to be dead for years.

[quote name='Quackzilla']Um, is this based on Silent Hill 1 or is it a completely new story?[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']I'm not really sure... Its got Cheryl, Lisa, Harry's wife and Piramid Head. I thought Piramid Head and Lisa were from 2, but I have a shitty memory. Also, Harry's wife was supposed to be dead for years.[/QUOTE]
Its mostly based on the 1st game. They put Rose in instead of Harry because they thought that a woman would be better. Lisa (not in movie) is James' wife from SH2 and yes, Pyramid Head is from SH2 as well.
Maybe, somehow, by some miracle it was actually due to technical difficulties?

I can dream can't I?

I still plan to see it friday regardless :p
I'm dying to see this movie, I just hope that they dont screw it up like other movies made from games, who shall not be named:roll:
[quote name='Starwishi']I'm dying to see this movie, I just hope that they dont screw it up like other movies made from games, who shall not be named:roll:[/QUOTE]

well since anderson and milla aren't involved in this one, it should be ok :p
I'm going to see it on Friday, regardless, I love the games, and the trailers just get me excited in the pants. Isn't the music at the end of each trailer from one of the games?
[quote name='Rozz']The commercials made the movie look very cheesy to me :whistle2:?[/quote]

Be like me and stop watching TV.
It's been said that this movie has a high body count. I guess that's a good thing, but it's going to have to take the "Non-Puss-Out" route that The Hills Have Eyes did for it to mean anything.
[quote name='Kayden']You missed the whole first page talking about it?[/QUOTE]

Is that what was in those spoiler tags? I guess yeah, then. I thought this was a scene in one of the trailers and I overlooked it.
I'm glad early indictcations are they've stayed at least somewhat faithful to the game's source material, especially when it comes to the baddies and effects/sounds. I admit I was very afraid this wouldn't follow the game at all in the beginning because they changed Harry's character to a woman and inserted a husband character, etc.
[quote name='whoknows']Its mostly based on the 1st game. They put Rose in instead of Harry because they thought that a woman would be better. Lisa (not in movie) is James' wife from SH2 and yes, Pyramid Head is from SH2 as well.[/QUOTE]

James's wife from SH2 is Mary.

Lisa is the nurse chick from SH1.
[quote name='slimpip']I'm about to pee my damn pants.[/QUOTE]

"Don't pee your pants." -Shinji Mikami, creator of RE

Not the same series, but I had to say it.

Yeah, and I'm seeing this later today.
More reviews are out on RT now, with 4/6 are praising it thus far. Ain't it Cool News and being the only two I know something about though (and personally I think AICN sucks 85% of the time). Also out of the 2 bad reviews the dude from efilmcritic seems to just have something against it because it's based of a game, which I'm sure we'll see more of because film critics can't understand their own medium hardly let alone another one.
Ebert gave this 1 1/2 stars(Users gave it 3 1/2), and his review was a tirade about how movies are art and games are not. I wonder why he can't let that go?
Reality's Fringe]Ebert gave this 1 1/2 stars(Users gave it 3 1/2) said:
Because he simply doesn't realize that he's fulfilling the role of the theater critic back when films started coming out. Back then they said that films were in no way art and they'd never become close to theater productions. Maybe if he bothered to look at the history of his own industry, he'd realize this.
The bad reviews are mostly coming from those who haven't played the games, so my excitement level=still high, played and loved all 4 games.
I was expecting alot and got about what I was expecting from it. Very good movie. Pyramid head is a fucking monster. GREAT ending. Go see it.
Honestly i think people are way to critical of films. Yes you can always tell the differance between really bad movies (Catwoman) and really good ones (Lord of the Rings) but most movies fall in the inbetween area.

This is where is gets fuzzy its almost impossible to tell if a inbetween movies is good or bad because its all up to preferance. Just like art...i can tell the differance between van gogh and a 5 year old but i can tell you if a up-and-coming artist work is good or not. Its all preference....i dont even see why critics still exist their job is so pointless.

But this might be because i pirate 99.7% of all movies so i dont have that bad taste of wasted money in my mouth. Clone Dvd + Netflix = cream in my pants. :lol:
I really liked it. Best videogame movie ever. It really stayed true to the series, which is partially why I think it fared so well. They simplified the plot a bit, but were you expecting them to keep it so complicated for a movie audience?

There was only one thing I didn't get:
Why the fuck didn't Cybil go with Rose? She could have easily gone, I think, and then when those fuckers ganged up on her, she had a right to use her gun. I'm not quite sure what the logic was here other than to have a nice burning scene.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Its all preference....i dont even see why critics still exist their job is so pointless.[/quote]

You're forgetting that the majority of the American public NEEDs someone to tell them what is cool.
I just got back from watching it, oh my was it bad. Last time I'm going to go see a video game movie. It was not scary, the cg gore stuck out like a sore thumb. The video game camera angles were cool at first but after to 500th vg angle it became boring. SH captured the feel of playing the game but I wouldn't say that is a good thing. The worst thing is the little plot that this movie does have it waits until the last 15 min. to tell it in this 2hr movie.

Silent Hill the movie is like having your buddies come over to play a new game that you just bought but they won't let you play you just have to watch them play.

Thumbs down from this video game and movie fan but this proves once again that games and movies do not mix.
bread's done