SimCity $28.79 after coupon, DLC $3.99 - GameFly Weekend PC Sale

The problem is the city sizes. No matter what they fix it's always going to feel like civ on a tiny map. It's just not the same if you can't build up to a sprawling metropolis.
$28.79 with game breaking DRM included at no charge.

No idea if the problems were ever actually fixed.  I'd have to assume they at the very least vastly improved.  DRM as usual only hurting paying customers while pirates play this game unhindered by DRM just fine.

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I have wanted to play this so bad at release but with all the issues I decided to wait. Now I have Animal Crossing and I think I can continue to wait. Great price though.

Can players actually connect?
I've been able to since the first day, I know that wasn't the case for everyone and it was still down for me at times but I put like 100 hours in the first few weeks...then I haven't really played since. They've corrected or tweaked a lot of mechanics since but as others say, until city size expands it just isn't as rewarding as it could be to put in that time.

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Yes the game is fine now.   All the people that whine over it still are whining by the problems it was suffering mostly from the first couple weeks and have hardly played since.  Unfortunately their sickness about the game got so great that they have fooled themselves into thinking the game is still messed up despite the game has been working fine for several months now and getting better with each patch (another patch due in August).  There are still a small handfull of glitches that I come across but they are really not that big of a deal.  If something tends to not be working right, I find another way to do it or sometimes reloading the city kicks things back into gear.

The other group of whiners is only about the DRM connection and wanting bigger maps.  To have those two things being the only reason you hate the game is pretty silly.  Yeah the DRM thing sucks but how often is your computer not connected to the internet?   I am not going to let the fact that I am unable to play the game on a plane or when traveling stop me from playing a game Ive always loved.  For those times, Ill play Angry Birds or something on my phone.

And yeah the maps feel a little small once you really start building up but what people havent realized is Maxis's goal when making the game is that you and friends, or you yourself occupy several cities in the same region and make them work together to make all your cities get bigger.  I find myself going between several cities in the same region to send money, services or supplies to each other for things to build up.  So instead of having one big mega huge map, you get a number of smaller maps that you can make all work together.  Although I think this was Maxis's intention, I feel they were pretty bad about marketing the game to be played this way

If your still worried about getting the game because of those problems, its still a great deal at this price and very worth it.  My only problem is that my computer doesnt support the game in the full awesome detail that I see from video and screenshots

Also if it helps, look at the reviews for it.  The more recent the reviews, the better rating they gave the game in most cases.  They all started out bad but as they put out fixes, the game became more playable and better and people were taking notice

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Im still interested in it but the small map thing is what is driving me away.  Simcity 4 was meant to be played in the same way, you can control every region and inter-connect them and do all the same stuff of supplying power, jobs, water, etc and selling between them, except the maps are way way bigger than in the new one.  Of course you also have the option of not doing that and completely building out one region as much as you can as an insular city.  

Im sure the new one takes this concept and expands on it way further, but its just hard to tell how much the map size might impact the usability of each region

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or you yourself occupy several cities in the same region and make them work together to make all your cities get bigger. I find myself going between several cities in the same region to send money, services or supplies to each other for things to build up. So instead of having one big mega huge map, you get a number of smaller maps that you can make all work together. Although I think this was Maxis's intention, I feel they were pretty bad about marketing the game to be played this way
Haven't played it yet, so it seems like you are saying there is a way to expand the build area through region segregation? I mean, I don't want to interact with other people, I just want to build my own city, and I have grand visions for a huge city.

Haven't played it yet, so it seems like you are saying there is a way to expand the build area through region segregation? I mean, I don't want to interact with other people, I just want to build my own city, and I have grand visions for a huge city.
Well every region contains a handfull of predesignated city plots. Some only 3 and others have a ton, like 10 or 15 or so. You choose one of the city plots and start to build on it. You cant expand the areas of these squares. You can create one city that is mostly gambling to get a ton of income and send the money to your other city. There you can build up a police force and send them to that city to cover the crime that gambling creates. Can also mine for coal and import ore from another city you have and can merge it to make alloy, etc... lots of combinations on how you can support each city you make. Its more fun when you have others playing the other cities so you can enteract together at the same time and build up faster but its really hard to find others that stick with the plan and dont abandon their city (which you can also take over if they do)

im pretty sure you can lock off a region to be just for yourself or who you invite. Seems like I was prompted for a password once. That way you could control the whole region yourself without others joining in like you want. I have found when I start one in a new region, it takes forever, if at all, for anyone else to see its there and join in. I guess because of the thousands of them n the whole system that its just luck if someone sees you and joins in.

Also in addition, there is a Great Works site in every region, sometimes several. There you combine the efforts of all your cities by supplying materials to it to build an airport, space launch, arco, or huge solar farm. Then all those cities involved get the rewards each of them provide. This is another reason you generally want to control several cities in a region, or have some dedicated friends help out.

I still say at this price, its worth a shot! :)
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Not a bad price, especially considering the French/English bundle is the same price as either the French or English add-on alone.

Kind of strange though because when I went to redeem the codes in the Origin client, the Origin client didn't list the Amusement Park add-on (but did accept the code), but it did list an Airships option (not available on GF). 

Sadly not at all.

My roommate finally gave up because the pathing on cars and streets were so horrible that you'd see traffic jams in areas where there shouldn't be traffic.
Traffic has gotten tons better. A patch from probably 2 months ago really fixed a bunch of it. Traffic would have problems always taking the shortest route instead of the fastest. Something I have found that helps is to use less intersections with traffic lights and more with stopsigns. It makes the road with the right away flow a lot faster. Things have been a lot better since I figured that out
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