Six Feet Under and Carnivale Seasons 19.99 at Best Buy

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']
Anybody care to give a gloss over of what SFU is about?[/QUOTE]

It mainly centers around a family who owns/runs a Funeral Home.

The death of the father/husband of the family causes ripples in the family dynamic. They seem to be all brought together by it but at the same time they are dealing with their own problems (relationships, father-issues, etc.). On top of all this they are constantly dealing with/around the sorrow/grieving that comes with the customers of their business.

It's pretty much a drama but it does contain a lot of dark humor and such.

Doesn't really sound too interesting I know, but the acting is superb and the stories are really enjoyable.

Someone please put up another summary if mine sounds absolutely terrible. I don't want my inability to properly describe a show sway anyone from picking it up.
I need to check this site more often.

All the stores around me are sold out, so I'll have to order online. It's only $4 more with shipping, so not a huge deal, still less than the price of one season for both of Carnivale.
Sam's Club has Carnivale S1 for 16.94.

Also, when i asked the guy at Best Buy, he said that the sale prices were going to last through the year.....
[quote name='odhen']I need to check this site more often.

All the stores around me are sold out, so I'll have to order online. It's only $4 more with shipping, so not a huge deal, still less than the price of one season for both of Carnivale.[/quote]

You could always use an RSS reader and sign up just to the forums that interest you/the deal forums. I just noticed that there is an RSS for each individual forum.
[quote name='Unlizened RAVe']Sam's Club has Carnivale S1 for 16.94.

Also, when i asked the guy at Best Buy, he said that the sale prices were going to last through the year.....[/QUOTE]


If that's true I might have to go back and pick up Carnivale S1 and S2. So many people have been talking about it that I've been sort of curious. I would've picked them up already but spending $100 already on SFU S1-S5, I'm at my limit.

Fart_Bubble mentioned that this sale might go on until the 21st of this month. Has anyone else (Thanks Rave) found anything mentioning when these prices will be good until?
I think I love being a member of CAG. I was able to pick up the final three seasons of Six Feet Under for less than I paid for the first season when it originally came out. I think that there is something quite gratifying in that as well as something quite upsetting that I paid $75+ for the first season (the most expensive DVD I have ever purchased).

The staff at BB had no idea that they were on sale though.

Thanks again.
[quote name='Strell']My BB doesn't have S1 of Carnivale, but I'm interested in the series. I haven't watched any of it.

Would anyone mind giving me some information on it? For example, maybe some things it can be compared to, and if I enjoyed those, then I might like this?

The idea of a supernatural Old West is very appealing to me, but if I could get some feedback in here, I'll know whether or not to go ahead and order it, and pay the stupid shipping.[/QUOTE]

Carnivale takes place during the Dustbowl and follows the path of a chaingaing-runaway that is picked up by a traveling Carnival and a Methodist Preacher in California that is trying to lead the "Oakie" migrants displaced from the Midwest. Both of the characters start to have horrifying, post-apocalyptic dreams and begin to manifest supernatural powers that can be used for both good and evil. It is implied that one of these two individuals is a Creature of Light and one a Creature of Dark, both of whom slowly move towards each other as the series progresses, moving towards the ultimate battle between good and evil that will determine the fate of mankind.

It's a hard show to compare to others, as it has a really unique identity, but it has a rather Twin Peaks vibe without being quite as obtuse. If you like other serial dramas, such as LOST and Prison Break, then I'm sure you'll dive right into it and have a blast. It must be warned though that the first season is a bit slow, while the second is almost impossible to stop watching.

The show also received numerous awards for its historical accuracy in the portrayal of life during the Dustbowl, as well, if that suits your fancy.

So, yeah, highly recommended. I bought season two at full price the day it came out and I've rewatched it countless times. At $40, these two sets are an absolute MUST..
[quote name='Morph06']This wasn't marked 19.99 at my best buy, will it still ring up correctly or is this a YMMV?[/QUOTE]

Mine still had stickers that said $84.99. Always just take it up to the register.
[quote name='asianxcore']It mainly centers around a family who owns/runs a Funeral Home.

The death of the father/husband of the family causes ripples in the family dynamic. They seem to be all brought together by it but at the same time they are dealing with their own problems (relationships, father-issues, etc.). On top of all this they are constantly dealing with/around the sorrow/grieving that comes with the customers of their business.

It's pretty much a drama but it does contain a lot of dark humor and such.

Doesn't really sound too interesting I know, but the acting is superb and the stories are really enjoyable.

Someone please put up another summary if mine sounds absolutely terrible. I don't want my inability to properly describe a show sway anyone from picking it up.[/quote]

Thanks a ton for the description!! sounds sort of so-so alright. I'm interested in the show for all the great praise it has received, but it doesn't really sound intriguing plot-wise.

Anybody care to give me an example of a plotline or some more info on the story?
Have you ever seen the movie American Beauty? From what I have read it's AB run out in 5 seasons instead of 2 hours.
Picked up Season 5 of SFU just now...marked $54.99 and rang up $19.99 ... used the 10% off coupon they have for movies music and games and my grand total was $19.38 ... my SFU collection is complete at last....
yea carnivale was marked 84.99 and the guy thought the 19.99 was an error

had to get a manager to approve it

i hate how they have separate HBO sections for dvd

they're not even near all the other TV shows
[quote name='pete5883']Watched the first episode of Carnivale and was kind of bored, but might pick these up anyway.[/QUOTE]
The second season is alot more fast paced
[quote name='pete5883']Watched the first episode of Carnivale and was kind of bored, but might pick these up anyway.[/quote]

Some shows need 1 or 2 episodes to get a start. Case in point: Firefly. The opener (first two episodes) are good, but the series doesn't really start running until the third episode.
[quote name='tomwaits1']Carnivale is one of my favorite shows ever. It was only on for 2 seasons, but the main storyline wraps up nicely at the end of season 2.[/QUOTE]

are you kidding? Nothing is wrapped up,


we find out that sofie is an avatar and the omega to ben's alpha. This isnt really much of a spoiler, seeing as how this will make no sense to anyone who hasnt seen the show. Hell, i didnt even pick up on this until watching the dvd extra;s on season 2.
Few day bump to the thread:

Last night I was thinking about how I could order S1 online and just deal with the two bucks in shipping, and then go in-store and get S2.

Decided to hold off, and now I'm glad I did. Went into BB and found both.

However, when clerk rang me up, they both showed 54.99. I said that showed as 19.99. She sent me to customer service.

Told the girl at CS that they showed as 19.99 online, and that the clerk sent me here. She rang up both and then called a manager with her little microphone on her shirt. I heard her say "Can we still honor online prices if it shows as out of stock?....Yeah, it would be a 35 dollar discount."

Waited a few minutes and another woman came over - I imagine a manager. She basically did stuff on the computer in front of me for 5 minutes straight, never telling me anything. However, she did ultimately honor them both at 19.99, and I walked out with both seasons for 43+change.

I guess the point is that if they magically have them in store now (I've been into this BB at least 4-5 times since the original post, and NEVER was S1 there, so I was excited), be sure you get them to honor it. I hope others get the same treatment.

Good luck! Thanks for the heads up on this, OP. Can't wait to try this show out.
Is the deal still on for STU? Just bumping this to say that from what I remember of seeing on bfads the other day, HBO boxsets will be 50% off and in the add was shown the STU boxset. I might just get that since I think it is $160 at BB now. Can anyone confirm the price of the STU boxset? Also, how long does earlybird last and how long will the single season sets be at $20? It might just be easier to pick them up for $20 now, then chance getting a complete set later on BF.

Here's the image for anyone interested:
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Is the deal still on for STU? Just bumping this to say that from what I remember of seeing on bfads the other day, HBO boxsets will be 50% off and in the add was shown the STU boxset. I might just get that since I think it is $160 at BB now. Can anyone confirm the price of the STU boxset? Also, how long does earlybird last and how long will the single season sets be at $20? It might just be easier to pick them up for $20 now, then chance getting a complete set later on BF.

Here's the image for anyone interested:[/QUOTE]

yeah, it should be $80-85 on black friday. That set looks pretty sweet too. I've heard good things about SFU. I say if you have the money grab it. If nothing else you can resell it for about the same you paid for it.
No one should miss out on Six Feet of my most favorite tv series ever...

from wikipedia...

Plot overview
See also: List of Six Feet Under episodes The show stars Peter Krause as Nathaniel Samuel ("Nate") Fisher Jr., the son of a funeral director who, upon the death of his father, reluctantly becomes a partner in the family funeral business with his brother David, played by Michael C. Hall. The Fisher clan also includes mother Ruth (Frances Conroy) and sister Claire (Lauren Ambrose). Other regulars include mortician and family friend Federico Diaz (Freddy Rodriguez), Nate's on again off again girlfriend Brenda Chenowith (Rachel Griffiths), and David's boyfriend Keith Charles (Mathew St. Patrick).
On one level, the show is a conventional family drama, dealing with such issues as relationships, infidelity, and religion. At the same time, it is a show distinguished by its unblinking focus on the topic of death, which it explores on multiple levels (personal, religious, and philosophical), rather than, say, treating it as a convenient impetus for the solution of a murder. Each episode begins with a death — anything from drowning or heart attack to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome — and that death usually sets the tone for each episode, allowing the characters to reflect on their current fortunes and misfortunes in a way that is illuminated by the death and its aftermath. The show also has a strong dosage of black humor running throughout.
A recurring plot device consists of a character having an imaginary conversation with the person who died at the beginning of the episode. Sometimes, the conversation is with other recurring dead characters, notably Nathaniel Fisher Sr. They represent the living character's internal dialogue by exposing it as an external conversation. Casual conversations with the dead also reflect the genre of magical realism. A similar device is occasionally used where a real conversation between two living characters slips into the imaginary and becomes unrealistic. The shift cannot be clearly distinguished from the normal flow of the scene until an abrupt cut brings the audience back to a mundane conversation, which reveals through contrast the imaginary nature of the preceding moment.
Yeah, I went to BB on Sunday and had them scan both Carnivale seasons and they came in at $55, but didn't know they were marked that low on the web. I'll try that pretty soon.
its funny, there are so many hot deals for my favorite series, but i have already seen them so it is tough to justify getting them again.
bread's done