sleeping dogs, far cry 3 and max payne 3 $20 each. Bite now or wait?


2 (100%)
I can get those 3 games $20 on sunday. But the thing is, I don't "really need them" now. They are games I definitely want to play but I am not in a rush.

I am just worried If I wait too long that it might be harder to find, like the LA NOIRE complete and GTA IV complete editions.

would you get them now? Or wait for a possibly cheaper price?

Max Payne has been $10 A LOT, so that is one I would definitely hold off on. The others aren't really that incredible of a deal, so if you aren't going to play them right now I'd pass.

Just my two cents ;)

If you have a pretty big backlog, I would wait. I can't name how many times I've bought games for semi-cheap, added them to my backlog, and by the time I got around to playing them they were half that price everywhere. 

Wait. Just wait. If your not going to play the games just wait for another price drop. But i don't know why would you not want to play them now. These three games are freaking awesome. Especially, far cry 3. BOW n Arrow action!!!!!

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