Smash Bros. Revolution SPECULATION

Blind the Thief

With Nintendo’s E3 Revolution announcements only 2 ½ weeks away, I think it’s time to start some speculation / wish lists, and since I’ve been craving some Smash Bros. action lately, that’ll be first up.

What can we expect from the Revolution update? Melee was a huge upgrade from the N64 original, and honestly I’m having a tough time imagining what they’ll do this time around. Will they somehow add more moves to every character, while retaining that nice pick-up-and-play feel, or will they make it increasingly more complex, ala Street Fighter?

The already announced online functionality is going to be a huge aspect of it, I would imagine. Just as Mario Kart DS was a perfect game to kick off the DS’ handheld online play, online Smash Bros. will show gamers what Nintendo’s console online plan is all about. We can only hope for something a bit more…robust than most of their DS online offerings (though Metroid Prime Hunters was definitely a step in the right direction).

So what else? As with most fighting game updates, we can probably expect to see additional characters (though, personally, I’d rather see them flesh out existing characters and get rid of characters with the same moves as someone else, like Roy, Dr. Mario, and Ganondorf, rather than spend time on new characters). But who could they add? The Ice Climbers’ appearance in the last game made some old school fans cry out for Kid Icarus, and that might be cool. How about Diddy Kong? I’ve always been partial to Diddy…and gaming wouldn’t have been the same growing up without Megaman to me, and it would be great to see him make a special appearance, but I doubt it’ll happen. Chalk that one up purely to the wish list, I guess.

Other random stuff I’d like to see:

Yoshi – please, PLEASE use the noises from Super Mario World / Super Mario World 2, and NOT those retarded baby voices from the N64 game. No one liked Yoshi’s Story, anyway.

Pichu – C’mon, it was funny, but give us a better Pokemon, with his own moves.

Luigi – His lame-ass moves were hilarious in Melee. More of that, and no vacuum, please.

Pokefloats – This was one of the best levels in Melee, so I hope they include it as one of the “classic” stages.

4-Side – I hated this level. I’m all for Earthbound/Mother-themed levels, but make it better than this.

Mario 3 – This game has finally been getting some referential love (see: Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS), so hopefully there will be at least a level based on the game (Airship, anyone?)

Mario 64 – While you’re at it, maybe a few references to this game, too. Everyone EVER played it, after all.

So how about you guys? What do you want to see? Obviously we’ll get new items, levels, and probably characters, but what do you think they should include?

And perhaps most importantly: though you can use the standard Gamecube controller, they’re sure to include some way to make the game work with the Revmote; any thoughts on how they might do that?

Only two and a half weeks, and we should get concrete info on this…until then, let the speculation begin!
I'm not sure how much melee you play or your level of play, both of which have no bearing on your argument (or does it).
The characters you mentioned may have the same or similar moves but are clearly different in their tactics.

Personally I am a Dr. Mario player. his pills do more damage and he's a little slower, but more powerful compared to mario. Also his moves have a different level of knockback and the direction they send you. For example, Doc's Fair (forward A in the air) sends you up and away while Mario's sends you down (if you're in the air) or knock you straight up off the stage if you're standing.

Ganon is a world apart from Falcon. For one, he's a lot slower but is easily the strongest character in the game aside from bowser. His U tilt is a lot slower but is the strongest tilt probably next to marths (which is broken anyway). It kills on small stages at low (30-50) percentages. His Uair is a spike and is very annoying to edgeguarders since it barely hits.

Roy is very much like marth although his sweet spot is closer to his body while marth's is at the very tip of the sword. Marth can also be played a lot faster and is the 2nd best character in the game. His Up B can't be canceled into a direction like Roy's, giving him less horizontal recovery but his Forward B easily makes up for it since it slows him down and floats him while moving forward.

As far as pichu, yes he's the worst character in the game and he moves damage him, but he is rather strong although his weight is close to nothing, meaning low percentage deaths. I wouldn't mind seeing him in the next smash just to see how they will mess with him this time, like they do with Dan in the SF games. I'm sure people said the same about Luigi in smash 64 but now from what people tell me he's a much different (and better) character.

The controller thing I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. I thought they said the cube controller ports are only used for cube games, and that all rev games would be using the new controller in either wand, nunchaku, or shell form. Personally I'd like to be able to use the cube controller but if they figure something out cool with the new setup or have a shell that's like the cube controller i'm down. As long as they don't make this strictly a party game i'll be fine.

What would i like to see? As you said more levels and characters, no reason to throw anything out as more = better IMO. Items I could care less because we never use items. A big feature I'd like to see would be super moves but please no drawn out start up animations like Naruto and please don't focus on the attacker and the victim; let the action continue!

That's it for my rant. I just hope they balance out the characters more. Some are too good against others, and some have stupid priority and power. I hope they take spikes out altogether and make everything that was a spike into a meteor, so it can be cancelled out of (hit UP B after getting hit with mario's Fair).

In case no one understands wtf i'm talking about read this page:
This game has been in development for something like less than a year, so I dont know how much they will have to show. Maybe a video, and details based on what they intend, but I doubt it'll be playable.

Then again, they did pretty much form a new studio just for the development of this one game, so I take it thats all they're working on, so it might be going pretty quick.
I hope they leave the current characters as they are, and just add new characters. How many more moves can you add to a character's arsenal without it being overwhelming? Instead, let's see some more Nintendo classic characters and add some other company icons. I would love to see the "rumored" Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and since Namco got to use Link maybe let see some old school Pac-Man, Mappy, and others. I'd love to play as Mappy, or maybe even a Galaga bug.

[quote name='vicko']I'm not sure how much melee you play or your level of play, both of which have no bearing on your argument (or does it).
The characters you mentioned may have the same or similar moves but are clearly different in their tactics.

Personally I am a Dr. Mario player. his pills do more damage and he's a little slower, but more powerful compared to mario. Also his moves have a different level of knockback and the direction they send you. For example, Doc's Fair (forward A in the air) sends you up and away while Mario's sends you down (if you're in the air) or knock you straight up off the stage if you're standing.

Ganon is a world apart from Falcon. For one, he's a lot slower but is easily the strongest character in the game aside from bowser. His U tilt is a lot slower but is the strongest tilt probably next to marths (which is broken anyway). It kills on small stages at low (30-50) percentages. His Uair is a spike and is very annoying to edgeguarders since it barely hits.

Roy is very much like marth although his sweet spot is closer to his body while marth's is at the very tip of the sword. Marth can also be played a lot faster and is the 2nd best character in the game. His Up B can't be canceled into a direction like Roy's, giving him less horizontal recovery but his Forward B easily makes up for it since it slows him down and floats him while moving forward.

As far as pichu, yes he's the worst character in the game and he moves damage him, but he is rather strong although his weight is close to nothing, meaning low percentage deaths. I wouldn't mind seeing him in the next smash just to see how they will mess with him this time, like they do with Dan in the SF games. I'm sure people said the same about Luigi in smash 64 but now from what people tell me he's a much different (and better) character.

The controller thing I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. I thought they said the cube controller ports are only used for cube games, and that all rev games would be using the new controller in either wand, nunchaku, or shell form. Personally I'd like to be able to use the cube controller but if they figure something out cool with the new setup or have a shell that's like the cube controller i'm down. As long as they don't make this strictly a party game i'll be fine.

What would i like to see? As you said more levels and characters, no reason to throw anything out as more = better IMO. Items I could care less because we never use items. A big feature I'd like to see would be super moves but please no drawn out start up animations like Naruto and please don't focus on the attacker and the victim; let the action continue!

That's it for my rant. I just hope they balance out the characters more. Some are too good against others, and some have stupid priority and power. I hope they take spikes out altogether and make everything that was a spike into a meteor, so it can be cancelled out of (hit UP B after getting hit with mario's Fair).

In case no one understands wtf i'm talking about read this page:[/QUOTE]

I understand all this. I can play fairly well with just about any character (except MewTwo...God, I suck with him). All I meant was I wanted them to expand these characters and make each one unique (example: Give Ganondorf some of his own special moves, instead of heavy versions of Falcon's). I realize they play differently, but it still feels like they went, "Hmm, we need more, let's add more power to Mario and take away some of his speed, slap on a Dr. Mario suit, and call it a day."

As for the game's development, I was thinking along the same lines of Dr Mario Kart - I, too, had heard they only started work on the game awhile back, so I'm not sure if it'll be a launch title...but until I'm proven wrong in two weeks, I'd like to drool over the possibility as much as possible. :)
I can't believe I'm the only that's thought of this.

Advance Wars Infaltry Unit

He'd start off with a gun, then have a rocket launcher, chopper, tank, APC for defense, ect.
Not sure how they'd be able to do it, but it would be unbelievably awesome.
[quote name='SMMM']I can't believe I'm the only that's thought of this.

Advance Wars Infaltry Unit

He'd start off with a gun, then have a rocket launcher, chopper, tank, APC for defense, ect.
Not sure how they'd be able to do it, but it would be unbelievably awesome.[/QUOTE]

I thought about it last summer when I was playing AW DS, but ocmpletely forgot.

It's really a great idea. Maybe his special moves could be different weapons (rifle, rocket, etc.)? It'd be interesting to see what they'd come up with.

And Reggie as a playable character? No, no, because why would anyone choose anyone else?
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']Who I want to see:

1. Kid Icarus
2. The dog from duckhunt
3. Any Nintendo character not named Tingle.[/quote]

Wouldn't you like to beat up Tingle if you could?
I still want to see Captain olimar from pikmin using the different colored pikmins strengths as his attacks. he could even smack people with a giant old crummy work love.

Pit from Kid Icarus would be damn great too.

replace young link with windwaker link, and give him some different abilities. Link has had tons of weapons over the years in zelda games, they could use any of em really.
Seeing as how the Battletoads franchise is completely up in the air, I strongly doubt we'll ever see a new game in the franchise, let alone a Smash Bros. appearance.

So Battletoads.
I realize they're not from nintendo, but give me Sonic and Tails (who else remembers that April Fool's Joke by EGM?) or some characters from Powerstone (or hell, just make me a new powerstone...)
I want to see:

Wario, Waluigi, Ash Ketchum, Tingle, Kid Icarus, Wart, Mouser, Birdo, Captain Olimar, Tom Nook, Diddy Kong, King K. Rule, Cranky Kong, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Dr. Robotnik (who is now Eggman, wtf?), Geist d00d, Miyamoto, Koopa Kids, Lil' Mack, Lil' Mack's trainer guy (who is now an internet star by a different name that I do not wish to type), Mallow, Geno, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Andross, Slippy Toad, Peppy Hare, Star Wolf, THE GREAT fuckING LEON, ROB the robot, ROB 64, and basically any character who has ever been in a Nintendo game.

I'm really hoping for a well-rounded, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 sized roster.

I still play SSBM about two or three times a week with friends. The game never gets old.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']
And perhaps most importantly: though you can use the standard Gamecube controller, they’re sure to include some way to make the game work with the Revmote; any thoughts on how they might do that?

Yeah, thats what I have been wondering about for the longest time.

With something like that,, I'm just confused. I'm guessing it uses this as an attachment? But still, its hard for me to imagine myself actually implementing the advanced strategies of previous games with controllers like that. Heck, I don't know if I can't even short hop right, doesn't seem like there are any buttons that would make a good button to be jump. I don't know, but I really hope this new smash brothers will be rife with advanced techniques like previous smash games. Thats what fueled the intense competition and I hope it smash revolution can have the success it deserves, hopefully not limited by the controller.
First off, I may be the only one in here, but I want a massive roster, that draws from tons of games, including and especially non-"megahit" ones.

I want impressive online.

The clones need to get their own movesets. Ganon could use a sword, some electric projectiles, whatever. Luigi? Give him a vacuum.

And also, don't just stick the baby Mario Bros. in there. Because they're just not good for this kind of thing.

Above all, though, most important to me: Make sure stuff like the wave dash and all the other unintended glitches and oversights are completely removed. Completely, not an option and not possible to access.
[quote name='Doom Gaze']
Above all, though, most important to me: Make sure stuff like the wave dash and all the other unintended glitches and oversights are completely removed. Completely, not an option and not possible to access.[/QUOTE]

Why would you want those things to be removed? It adds such a big aspect to the game that allows itself to sustain such a large fanbase. I mean, there are lots of tournaments that continue the hype of smash brothers and thats what keeps this game as popular as it is. Without these advanced techniques, this game will die out like most other games, in a sense that there will be no nationally recognized tournaments and not as much popularity. The Nintendo 64 version of smash is still being played competitively because there are such techiniques that allow people to play at a higher level. I think that these "oversights" are important to the game. I mean the makers of Smash knew about the glitch wavedashing but they didn't take it out. I think it was a smart move on their part.

Anyway, I just think its good to have such things to allow a level of higher play that offers players the option to really get into and practice the game.
[quote name='mofo1115']Why would you want those things to be removed? It adds such a big aspect to the game that allows itself to sustain such a large fanbase. I mean, there are lots of tournaments that continue the hype of smash brothers and thats what keeps this game as popular as it is. Without these advanced techniques, this game will die out like most other games, in a sense that there will be no nationally recognized tournaments and not as much popularity. The Nintendo 64 version of smash is still being played competitively because there are such techiniques that allow people to play at a higher level. I think that these "oversights" are important to the game. I mean the makers of Smash knew about the glitch wavedashing but they didn't take it out. I think it was a smart move on their part.

Anyway, I just think its good to have such things to allow a level of higher play that offers players the option to really get into and practice the game.[/QUOTE]

The developers didn't want them. In all honesty, I can do the wave dash and as soon as I learned how, the game lost all fun. I just ran around and killed my friends. Then one of my friends learned how to do it. So we started doing these "blind duels." And after a while we lost interest completely.

It just wasn't (and isn't) fun and I think the game should be played as the developers wanted it. I want my friends who kind of suck to maybe upset me one in fifty games and I want a fight, not.. crap.
I think it will be interesting to see how Nintendo handles online games. Without the ability to really patch their games (I suppose they could with the internal RAM or a memory card...maybe), I think we'll see a lot more testing and polished games then we might see for the XBOX 360. They simply can't rush it out and patch it later. Or maybe they will.
[quote name='Doom Gaze']The developers didn't want them. In all honesty, I can do the wave dash and as soon as I learned how, the game lost all fun. I just ran around and killed my friends. Then one of my friends learned how to do it. So we started doing these "blind duels." And after a while we lost interest completely.

It just wasn't (and isn't) fun and I think the game should be played as the developers wanted it. I want my friends who kind of suck to maybe upset me one in fifty games and I want a fight, not.. crap.[/QUOTE]

I can't find the link now but I remember reading that developers were well aware of it but kept it in there anyway. But anyway, it's not about whether you can wave dash or not, thats just one thing that helps escalate the game to a whole new level of skill. You need to integrate lots of techniques together to become good on a competitive level for this game. Otherwise, it would just be too simple. I personally find smash games much more intense and enjoyable once we all learned skills and integrated them into our game.
[quote name='Greetard']As long as they don't dick around with Ganondorf, I'll be happy.[/quote]

I'm not surprised to see you posting the words 'dick' and 'happy' in the same sentence.
Borat: After playing Nintendo secretly for years, he has decided to patent his name and become an official playable character. His attacks include Igor the Pig Summon, 48 Wives, Porno Video Throw, and the English Sex Talk.

Jesus: His defeat of the Communists led him to seek entertainment in video games. Currently he resides in Jamaica with Tupac Shakur and his pet owl, Jeff. His attacks include Metal Music, Blessing, Baseball Bat, and Cheese Wheel.

Dr. Phil: After successfully holding a popular, emotional television sitcom for over 47.43 years, Dr. Phil, known as his homies as "Phil the Playa", decided all the good money was in video games. His attacks include Baldness, Emotional Speak, GAYSRGOOD Propoganda, and the Chair of Doom.
[quote name='Doom Gaze']Above all, though, most important to me: Make sure stuff like the wave dash and all the other unintended glitches and oversights are completely removed. Completely, not an option and not possible to access.
The developers didn't want them. In all honesty, I can do the wave dash and as soon as I learned how, the game lost all fun. I just ran around and killed my friends. Then one of my friends learned how to do it. So we started doing these "blind duels." And after a while we lost interest completely.

It just wasn't (and isn't) fun and I think the game should be played as the developers wanted it. I want my friends who kind of suck to maybe upset me one in fifty games and I want a fight, not.. crap.

Wavedash was built into the game, its called "Super Land Dash" and was programmed into it purposefully.
Why remove them? You sound like an elitist in your 2nd post and you just lack competition. I suggest going on smashboards tournament section and find some players in your area that maybe you haven't played yet, or just test your ability (or lack) against others.
Wavedashing doesn't ruin the game, whiners do.
[quote name='vicko']Wavedash was built into the game, its called "Super Land Dash" and was programmed into it purposefully.
Why remove them? You sound like an elitist in your 2nd post and you just lack competition. I suggest going on smashboards tournament section and find some players in your area that maybe you haven't played yet, or just test your ability (or lack) against others.
Wavedashing doesn't ruin the game, whiners do.[/QUOTE]
I don't really have an opinion in this matter, but if I have to go out and find clubs of people who play a game competitively to make it fun, it's not worth it. Most people only have the time and opportunity to get together with their friends once in a while to play games, who may or may not be as good as I am.

That might be irrelevant in this case if online is done well, but I'm fairly certain that good multiplayer games are fun no matter who you're playing with.
I'd like them to take out all the changes made in Melee outside of the improved graphics and speed increase. That would be perfect, to me.

Oh, and no online play.
[quote name='botticus']I don't really have an opinion in this matter, but if I have to go out and find clubs of people who play a game competitively to make it fun, it's not worth it. Most people only have the time and opportunity to get together with their friends once in a while to play games, who may or may not be as good as I am.

That might be irrelevant in this case if online is done well, but I'm fairly certain that good multiplayer games are fun no matter who you're playing with.[/QUOTE]

well its like this
You're bored, so its either quit playing and bitch about it or find people that are good competition.
You never know they might find you instead.
[quote name='vicko']well its like this
You're bored, so its either quit playing and bitch about it or find people that are good competition.
You never know they might find you instead.[/QUOTE]
That's fine, all I'm saying is Nintendo and any other developer would be smart to avoid developing a game where those are your two options.
[quote name='botticus']That's fine, all I'm saying is Nintendo and any other developer would be smart to avoid developing a game where those are your two options.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, the guy's friends must really suck, because some of my friends can use it and some can't, but it's always tons of fun anyway. Didn't ruin the game at all, if you ask me.
Reggie wouldn't even need to wave dash. His taunts alone would kill you in seconds.


Holy fuck the man is epic.
Actually, Nintendo has programmed the game to go to the match results screen as soon as someone even picks Reggie. Rumor has it that Reggie kept kicking the shit out of the animators for failing to replicate his divine presence, so they opted to just go with the obvious result of someone selecting him for a bout.
[quote name='botticus']That's fine, all I'm saying is Nintendo and any other developer would be smart to avoid developing a game where those are your two options.[/QUOTE]

Getting bored with a game is not something you can really put a lot of effort into avoiding.
There's tons of games out there that were hyped and such and do you ever hear about them anymore?
PS I don't think Smash is one of them because its still nintendo's best selling game on cube (or ever, not sure).
As Blind said I'm sure his regular comp. isn't that good as well. Plus wavedashing really isn't something that would make someone a pro anyway because i've met people that don't even L cancel or shorthop but can do 1 good wavedash and thats it, and they suck ass.
Wavedashing is only good when used correctly, otherwise its just something fun to do any make people that can't cry.
[quote name='narutoboy101']any 1 no wen the new ssb game will be released?[/QUOTE]
At first it was looking like they wanted it to be a launch title, but who knows at this point. I hope we'll see how far along it is at E3. I'll still guess at November or December.
First and foremost, I want headset support. I demand trash talking! I must put down the 12 yr olds to inflate my ego!

Second, the following people must be in the game.

- Little Mac
- Pit
- Cell Shaded Link
- Gannon (Or Gannondorfs down B turns him into Gannon)
- Pikmin (Yup, like 20 working together)
- Wario
1. Hewt online play: Please, no friend codes BS, I can live without Voice Chat, but I can't stand typing in 400 codes just to play with friends.

2. Sonic and/or Knuxles: I'd love one or the other, but please, no lame (read:NEW) sonic characters.

3. If it has to have a control gimmick, limit it to something small that is optional. This should be the game where Nintendo shows us that Wii can do "normal" games, as well as innovate. This should come with the GCN control shell (if the system doesn't come with it).
[quote name='seanr1221']First and foremost, I want headset support. I demand trash talking! I must put down the 12 yr olds to inflate my ego!

Second, the following people must be in the game.

- Little Mac
- Pit
- Cell Shaded Link
- Gannon (Or Gannondorfs down B turns him into Gannon)
- Pikmin (Yup, like 20 working together)
- Wario[/QUOTE]

That Gannondorf-to-Gannon idea is pretty sweet.

I think they should include Captain Olimar and have him use Pikmin, instead.
I like the Olimar idea.

I could see pressing B would throw a pikmin, and if it attaches to the person, it will hold on and beat them doing a tiny bit of damage. Throw multiple ones on and watch the percentage rack up!

Also the up B could have Olimar throw a "line" of pickmin out, and they will grab the ledge, and bungie Olimar up. Hard to explain, but think kind of like Ice Climbers.
[quote name='botticus']I don't really have an opinion in this matter, but if I have to go out and find clubs of people who play a game competitively to make it fun, it's not worth it. Most people only have the time and opportunity to get together with their friends once in a while to play games, who may or may not be as good as I am.

That might be irrelevant in this case if online is done well, but I'm fairly certain that good multiplayer games are fun no matter who you're playing with.[/QUOTE]

I agree - I've been playing smash brothers off and on for a year with my kids. I have no fucking idea what these people are talking about - "Wavedashing"? WTF? :D Let's see, I know how to push A and B and it seems that it does different things if I push the stick up or sideways and stuff. There's some sort of half-assed rapid tapping thing that I read about that never works for me. I have a feeling I'd get slaughtered by you people :D.
Alright, so rumor is that there'll be around 50+ characters in the game. Again, that's just rumored. Here's my attempt to fill those spots (I gave 60 for the hell of it):

Present Characters (25):

Dr. Mario
Princess Peach
Donkey Kong
Captain Falcon
Mr. Game & Watch
Fox McCloud
Young Link
Ice Climbers
Samus Aran

My Add-ons:
Toad (Mario)
Wario (Mario)
Waluigi (Mario)
Birdo (Mario)
Professor E. Gadd (Luigi's Mansion)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Meta-Knight (Kirby)
Prince Leaf (Fire Emblem)
Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country)
Captain Olimer (Pikmin)
Krystal (Star Fox)
Star Wolf (Star Fox)
Majora (Zelda)
Ganon (Zelda)
Tingle (Zelda)
Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
Poo (Earthbound)
Ridley (Metroid)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
Syther/Scizor (Pokemon)
Sneasel (Pokemon)
Blaziken (Pokemon)
Ray 01 (Custom Robo)
Dog (Duck Hunt)
Lil' Mac (Punch-Out)
Alice (Balloon Kid)
Tamagon (Devil's World)
Bubbles (Clu Clu Land)
Excitebiker (Excitebike)
Issac (Golden Sun)
Jimmy T (Wario-ware)

Honorable Mention:

Pico (F-Zero)
Raichu (Pokemon)
Orbulon (Wario-ware)
Felix (Golden Sun)
K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing)
Chibi Robo (Chibi Robo)
Nester (Pilot Wings and Nintendo Power Comics)
Mr. Stevenson (Gumshoe)
Mike Jones (Tropical)
Jeff (Earthbound)
Mach Rider (Mach Rider)
Ike (Fire Emblem)
Peppy (Star Fox)
[quote name='Greetard']Alright, so rumor is that there'll be around 50+ characters in the game. Again, that's just rumored. Here's my attempt to fill those spots (I gave 60 for the hell of it):[/QUOTE]

Where'd this rumor come from?
[quote name='io']I agree - I've been playing smash brothers off and on for a year with my kids. I have no fucking idea what these people are talking about - "Wavedashing"? WTF? :D Let's see, I know how to push A and B and it seems that it does different things if I push the stick up or sideways and stuff. There's some sort of half-assed rapid tapping thing that I read about that never works for me. I have a feeling I'd get slaughtered by you people :D.[/QUOTE]

To learn about anything you may have not known before in smash, go to and their melee discussion forum. All the stickies are quite informative.
Well, I hope Smash brothers doesn't just add a bunch of pokemon, that would be lame and might as well call it pokemon stadium. Yeah, I also agree the rehash chars is kinda lame, and i wish the chars would be more balanced. I'm a Roy player and he is easily beat by Marth...

I hope they keep the same engine, I'm not sure how they could makeit better. All those advanced techs, are supposedly intentional. I mean, the physics of the game certainly allow it to be in there. I wouldn't call them glitches, they are far from it. Besides, there are pro ssbm players who don't even do things like wavedash and the like.

Well, that proposed 50+ char sounds very enticing *drools*
[quote name='halu102'] All those advanced techs, are supposedly intentional. I mean, the physics of the game certainly allow it to be in there. I wouldn't call them glitches, they are far from it. Besides, there are pro ssbm players who don't even do things like wavedash and the like.[/QUOTE]Yeah, but how easy is it to just say "oh, we meant to do that"? :lol:
bread's done