So I got falsely accused of stealing at Sears...


7 (100%)
Being accused of shoplifting when all you were doing was checking prices. Yeah.

So after going to Gamestop tonight to trade some games I bought from Blockbuster and Sears a few days before. I go in, check the prices of a few stacks of games at the self-checker (literally 3 aisles from the game section) since the associates, like every Sears I go to, are chatting and not working at all, and frankly I'd rather not bother them. So I go about checking a few games, thinking about purchasing Picross DS for Jeff since the other day I talked with him about it and he said he wanted it. Thought about buying another copy of Lair for trade, but didn't. I didn't buy anything, in fact, and just put everything back in the cardboard display shipper where all the games that aren't locked up are put. During this time I probably checked my cell phone for new emails or something, and occasionally looked online for Goozex/Amazon/trade-in prices to see if anything was worth picking up (note - I did the SAME EXACT THING when I went there on 1/9 (Friday) and was there probably 45 min going back and forth checking things), I put everything back in the shipper (note - probably NOT in the EXACT spots I grabbed stuff from, as I was picking 5-8 things and a time and checking prices) and when I decided I wasn't going to buy anything, I left Sears/the mall and went back to my car.

After this, I went over to Sears in Swansea at around 8pm to check and see if there was anything getting over there. There wasn't, as everything there is properly marked, and I left the Swansea mall and drove over to Yankee Spirits (since it's big, awesome, and cheap) and bought a 12 pack of Harpoon IPA and some Kamikaze thing I know I'll never finish or touch barely anyways. So, after I buy that junk I go about home and head down 195.

When I'm about to get off 195 and check out Target around 9pm since they mark stuff down on Monday, I get a call from my mom saying the Dartmouth Police department were calling that I supposedly "shoplifted" 3 games in my pocket and that I needed to call them back. So I'm like "WTF??" and immediately head to a parking lot to note down what my mom had for the number. So I call, and the dispatcher sends the officers. They meet me, where I happen to be in the Sears parking lot after I got off 195 and talked to my mom.

So the officers pull up. The main one accusing me, Correia or whatever, gets out and says to me (more like yells at me) "so what do you want to tell me about the 3 games you stole?" where I reply, "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't steal anything." We go back and forth, the other officer from the other cruiser gets a flashlight and looks in my car, notices my beer and is like "how old are you?" where I say "21 - want to see my license?" and then sees two XBox 360 games in the back (Table Tennis, which I bought for $5 at Toys R Us probably a year or so ago, and Tony Hawk Project 8, which is in a Gamestop disc only case which I bought in the B2G1 sale in November - clearly neither of them were from Sears since a) sears doesn't sell used games and b) table tennis hasn't been sold at Sears in over a year) and I explain that to him and lets that go. So Officer Correia is like "well we got you on color security video putting 3 games in your pocket with something black sticking out" in which I show him my G1 phone, which is black with a purple case on it (parts that are showing are black):


which is the only thing that was in my pocket, besides my keys and some papers and money. My pockets in my coat, like virtually all girl's clothing, are small and there is NO POSSIBLE WAY 3 DS cases would even fit in my pocket. I can't even fit one DS game in my pocket without it sticking out 1/3-1/2 rd of the way, and I even offer to have him look through my car, my purse etc and says "WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD THAT MAKE NOW??" (since this was an hour after I left originally - how diligent) and I even say to him "well, let's go in Sears and I will show you where I put them in the shipper" and I go in with the officer (embarassing, let me tell you...) and show him the games I looked at and scanned (Picross, Assassin's Creed DS, Lair PS3, and some other DS/PSP games - just checking if anything else was $0.97 that I may have overlooked the other day) and the officer knew I had scanned a bunch of games the other day from the security footage. I asked him what games I supposedly "stole" and I could tell him EXACTLY where I put them back in the shipper, but he had no answer other than "just something black sticking out of your pocket - obviously, the start/home/trackball/menu/etc part of the front of my phone, which I had probably checked my messages on while I was checking prices). Sears' little boyscout loss prevention person (in plain clothes - obviously, I've worked retail before so I know what LP people from dept stores look like) was standing there the whole time. I even game him one of the copies of Picross that was in the shipper that had a slice in it, probably from a box cutter when someone was opening up shipment, and said "i saw this and thought I should give this to you since it was damaged. I didn't buy it for that reason" and he took it.

So, we leave, and the officer just says "I have to review the tape and enhance the picture to see the games you stole" and we go back to my car and was like "sometimes all this bullshit escalates into bigger things, you better not be lying about not being a thief to me" (mind you, RUDELY and LOUDLY and accusing me as if I supposedly stole a fucking TV or something) in which i say "absolutely, i perfectly understand that. i didn't steal anything" and he tells me he will review the tape and call me in a few days. So I go back into my car...

Needless to say, I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING and to be falsely accused of such actions makes me both embarassed (especially being in a mall parking lot surrounded by two cruisers - way to make me look like I'm some sort of drug dealer!) and angry (since the LP kid is probably some holiday hire looking for a raise from a company that is tanking anyways) and I'm seriously considering getting a laywer and speaking to Sears corporate about the whole situation. I'd like to know exactly what "games" I stole and see the video, which I found funny that they wouldn't show me the video either...oh well. I'm going to see what develops in the next two days and what I can do about it legally. It was uncalled for, especially since I so kindly shopped there and gave their sorry ass company $25 earlier this week. I want that little boyscout vigilante LP kid fired. :)


(btw, if this is the wrong forum to put this in, I will move it. Just putting this out there as a warning to CAGs who check prices at Sears/Kmart/etc, this is copied from my LJ/Facebook so if towns don't make sense, sorry)
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I think they were watching me at Sears today as well, I took 4 games to the price checker and I saw a guy watching me since I was walking over to the next department to scan them and I think he thought I was planning on stealing them. He saw me put them back though. I usually have my sheet of UPC codes with me but it is impossible to have every single clearance game on there (especially stuff you don't know about until you get to the store) so sometimes I have to take stuff to the price scanner anyway.

I would definetly write a complaint letter and if they don't want people walking out of the electronics area with games, they should put a price check machine in the electronics area!
You should seek legal advice. From what I've been told at retail stores, they have to have evidence that you left the store with the merchandise before they can even attempt to arrest you. Also, they can never lose sight of you as well. I find it funny that you had enough time to leave and they call you back to the store. That in itself is fishy enough, speak to a lawyer about the matter.

Not sure how reliable this site is, but here's a link -
Lawyer would just be a waste of money IMO - since there's really no money involved other than random frivolous emotional distress you could claim - personally I wouldn't have wasted my time going back to sears, I would have told him I didn't steal a thing - he had no proof - and once he had an arrest warrant we could fight it out in court.
Seems completely B.S.. You call back the cops and they treat you like shit. Though I'm sure they're tired of dealing with kids. Since its a college town.
How did they get your mom's phone number? Somebody's screwing with somebody, but let me use this to mention that I really, really hate cops.
That really sucks what happened to you OP. I always have to walk over several aisles to the nearest price checker to scan games and usually feel uncomfortable doing so. It's worth it though since the employees are either never around or don't care to really help anyways.
This sounds like entrapment... they give you all this shit about how you stole something and have evidence of you doing so. They expect you to crack and "admit" to doing it, after which, they don't need any evidence and they can charge you (because you "admitted" to doing it). This tactic sometimes makes innocent people admit crimes they never committed, thinking the police will charge them regardless and their lack of cooperation will result in harsher punishment.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I think they were watching me at Sears today as well[/quote]

woah. this thread is creepy. i had someone following me in sears today. ive worked alot of retail so its easy to tell who the "security" is.

OP ive been accused of stealing before and theres nothing you can do but remind them that if they have no proof then they are embarassing both themselves and more importantly you. if they claim to have it on tape DEMAND to see it. dont let them give you excuses like "well need to review the tape" and do NOT let this slide. make sure that you file complaints with both sears and your PD and when doing so make it clear that youd like someone to get back to you about the complaints. oh, and make sure that you have all of the names of the people involved.

these people obviously did think that you stole something, but before accusing someone they need to be sure. i hope you get the apology that you deserve
[quote name='homeland']Seems completely B.S.. You call back the cops and they treat you like shit. Though I'm sure they're tired of dealing with kids. Since its a college town.[/quote]

Yeah...but it's intersession here (spring semester doesn't start until the 26th) and it's UMass Dartmouth (a state school), not Dartmouth University. So, basically, a cheap-o college full of kids damaging stuff when they're drunk on campus. I live off campus, so luckily, I don't have to deal with that.

I'd just like to know what games I supposedly "stole". I probably "stole" my phone...which I bought online 2 months ago. Ugh. -_-

I probably won't go so far as a lawyer, but I may seek legal advice and see if there's a case for it. Being wrongly accused of a crime - even one as small as this - is not right, and to be treated as a thief and even be TOLD I was a "thief" by a cop on a power trip doesn't sit well with me. If anything, Sears corporate is going to get an earful, at the very least. I want that kid fired, too.

Plus the fact is...if you work at a mall, it should really be mall security who should've done a walk through and spoke with me. I worked at Suncoast and Gamestop in the past (both mall locations) and this is how we dealt with people we thought might be stealing.
Yeah, that's not entrapment - maybe a little hostile and coercion but entrapment involves them encouraging you to being an accessory to the actual crime - like if an undercover would have whispered to you "you can steal them, noone is ever watching" or been involved some how.
[quote name='defiance_17']How did they get your mom's phone number? Somebody's screwing with somebody, but let me use this to mention that I really, really hate cops.[/quote]

They ran my plates on my car. My car is registered at my home address, but I live in another town due to school.

So, basically, you can't use the price checker though it's there for you to use. Or don't pull your phone out in the store. Or don't put anything in your pockets. Actually, don't have pockets at all. Actually, just don't shop at Sears and let them go out of business. :lol:
And chances are they're making sure people aren't moving crap around because inventory for most stores is this time of year. They're probably making people feel like they're doing something wrong, even if that's what the price checkers are FOR. If they don't want people to use them - don't have them. Lock up ALL the games and have employees scan everything, if you're so worried about them. Sheesh.
Wow that's some bullshit right there. Props for staying calm throughout the situation, I think I would have gone crazy.
[quote name='hopeunknown']They ran my plates on my car. My car is registered at my home address, but I live in another town due to school.

So, basically, you can't use the price checker though it's there for you to use. Or don't pull your phone out in the store. Or don't put anything in your pockets. Actually, don't have pockets at all. Actually, just don't shop at Sears and let them go out of business. :lol:[/quote]
Jesus. I would have a very difficult time going through that without being a wiseass. Like, "So do you want to tell me about 'innocent until proven guilty,' tough guy?" I hope you raise as much hell as you reasonably can.
I feel I must post for I am the Jeff mentioned in the post. Very important.

HI DANIELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were talking Friday when we were game hunting at Sears, how they give us weird looks when we walk to the price scanner. They gave me a few weird looks when I was by myself in the past.
[quote name='Zeo']I feel I must post for I am the Jeff mentioned in the post. Very important.

HI DANIELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were talking Friday when we were game hunting at Sears, how they give us weird looks when we walk to the price scanner. They gave me a few weird looks when I was by myself in the past.[/quote]

HI JEFF!!! Wtf, you joined CAG before I did? Way to be an active contributing member to the community, haha.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I think they were watching me at Sears today as well, I took 4 games to the price checker and I saw a guy watching me since I was walking over to the next department to scan them and I think he thought I was planning on stealing them. He saw me put them back though. I usually have my sheet of UPC codes with me but it is impossible to have every single clearance game on there (especially stuff you don't know about until you get to the store) so sometimes I have to take stuff to the price scanner anyway.

I would definetly write a complaint letter and if they don't want people walking out of the electronics area with games, they should put a price check machine in the electronics area![/QUOTE]

What the hell? An employee was watching over me like a hawk as I went through the clearance bins tonight. I know Sears has a problem with video game theft (as evidenced by the gutted game cases I gave the employee watching me) but did they send out a memo or something? Sears should just leave everything in the glass cases if they don't want them stolen. Don't treat your customers like shit, though.
[quote name='hopeunknown']HI JEFF!!! Wtf, you joined CAG before I did? Way to be an active contributing member to the community, haha.[/quote]

I may only have 20 posts over 4 years, but that's only because I make every post count. Not like you, with your willy nilly posting.
Someone was apparently shoplifting video games (or attempting to) from Sears in Danbury CT yesterday and when I was there earlier today, I overheard the staff talking about it, so I made sure I was in plain sight. Of course none of the staff were quite around, but I did get one fellow to help me pricescan stuff since there was no self checker.
Also, if they are afraid of shoplifting, they should move the games out closer to where they normally stand, not far back into a corner.

[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Lawyer would just be a waste of money IMO ...... and once he had an arrest warrant we could fight it out in court.[/QUOTE]

Sooooo, once you are in court, wouldnt you need to waste money to pay a lawyer?
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Lawyer would just be a waste of money IMO - since there's really no money involved other than random frivolous emotional distress you could claim - personally I wouldn't have wasted my time going back to sears, I would have told him I didn't steal a thing - he had no proof - and once he had an arrest warrant we could fight it out in court.[/QUOTE]

Sooooo, once you are in court, wouldnt you need to waste money to pay a lawyer?
[quote name='Josef']What the hell? An employee was watching over me like a hawk as I went through the clearance bins tonight. I know Sears has a problem with video game theft (as evidenced by the gutted game cases I gave the employee watching me) but did they send out a memo or something? Sears should just leave everything in the glass cases if they don't want them stolen. Don't treat your customers like shit, though.[/quote]

The best thing about it is that the games were all 19.99 and less most likely. Some were probably a few dollars. I mean, wtf?!!
Sears sux, your damm right,get that little beyotch l.p. kid fired,,,,,remember file the complaint with the p.d. to and keep harassing Sears Corp. till you gets that apology

you did nothing wrong so don't let those bastards get you.
[quote name='Malik112099']Why would you call the cops to come accuse you of shoplifting? They would have had to find me.[/quote]

Because I didn't shoplift.
man, the stuff you have to go through just to be a CAG.. im sorry that this happened to you really. its sad that you have to go through all of this. but, you should sue the police department and sears. at least threaten them. even if they do a check on you if you have no record, they have nothing on you. they wanted you to say the wrong stuff while they purposely imply that you stole something. you should also write to their corporate offices and complain about the whole situation. and if they dont give you the right response, call your local newspaper or tv station. if they himuliated you, they should be too.

if they dont want people to use their price scanners outside of the electronics, then they should have one there. i really dont go for the trouble of scanning games if the scanner is far away. i do 1 game occationally when i see no one at the register or if they see me with a game and they start to intentionally leave.
That's all incredibly lame. I'd say fuck filing a complaint, find the punk and punch 'em in the nose!

[quote name='Malik112099']Why would you call the cops to come accuse you of shoplifting? They would have had to find me.[/QUOTE]

I'm not 100% sure, but I'd guess if you don't contact them, you could get into trouble or make it more difficult to prove yourself innocent.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Post the phone number of the store on various websites with the disclaimer that the location will be stocking battletoads.[/quote]

hahaha, sic 4chan on them? lol

the store is always empty and overstocked with stuff. kinda boggles me how kmart/sears are still in business, other than for lawnmower/snowblower sales.
Reading over your story, you seem to be upset at the wrong person:

Some guy at Sears was trying to do his job and fucked up, but followed the proper procedure in calling the police in reporting what he thought was a shoplifter.

The cops however, we're being complete assholes and making accusations without reviewing the evidence.

You complaint should be sent to the Police Department, or whoever you'd like to come down on them, not Sears Corporate (though they should still get a phone call about it).

[quote name='HotShotX']Reading over your story, you seem to be upset at the wrong person:

Some guy at Sears was trying to do his job and fucked up, but followed the proper procedure in calling the police in reporting what he thought was a shoplifter.

The cops however, we're being complete assholes and making accusations without reviewing the evidence.

You complaint should be sent to the Police Department, or whoever you'd like to come down on them, not Sears Corporate (though they should still get a phone call about it).


No, he did the wrong thing. If you are in a mall you are supposed to call mall security and have them handle it. The LP guy left the store and followed me out to my car and wrote my plates down (which is shady to me, for all I know he could be trying to find my address to break into my house or worse!). Falsely accusing a customer of stealing with no evidence is not right, be it him or the police. If he thought I was stealing, he should've alerted the mall about it. Mall security has cars, too.

Plus the fact I wasn't called until an hour later probably doesn't look too good, either.

Plus he walked right out of the store holding the Picross in his hand that was slashed with the boxcutter that I showed him. How do they know HE isn't stealing games? He could've threw it in his car, and this is to cover his own ass.

I'm still giving corporate a piece of my mind.
See if your college offers any sort of free legal advice. A friend of mind got in a bind during college but was able to get very basic legal advice through the school. It really helped him determine what he needed to do to sort out the whole mess without paying to see a lawyer.

Once I got accused by mall security of dropping cherry bombs down the mens room toilets. They claimed all sorts of bullshit, that they had video tape of it, that someone had seem me do it, that they'd seen me leave the restroom right afterward and tried to get me to confess to something I never did, (of course none of this evidence ever materialized). I guess they managed to piss off a few too many people because about a month later the mall repleaced most of its Rent a cop force.
I bought a 360 game from sears, sealed with security label to find it without the disc for 9.99. They were actually pretty cool about it. Sorry about the situation got in, it will work out, if I were you I would call and get the guy in charge of theft fired.
That's fucked up. I'm always worried about this since I often find myself leaving stores empty handed when checking on clearance. I always make a point to be very deliberate and obvious if I'm going to be reaching into my pockets. Usually I just stay completely away from my pockets. If I'm wearing a jacket, I make sure to to leave it unzipped/unbuttoned until I'm outside the store.

You'll be fine when they review the tapes and realize they have nothing. Even better, there probably aren't any tapes since it's Sears and they are idiots.
repost the pics! That sucks OP, yea go get some legal advice, if its a college town they usually have a lawyer on campus who gives free advice. I got some advice from my campus laywer (Washington State University) in 2003 for a
I applaud you OP just for staying calm, I have also worked retail so the second I heard oh we have proof I think that would have been right where I would be demanding to see it . I'm well aware of that BS tape crap, they'll talk and talk without a shred of proof waiting for you to admit to any little thing and it is really sad you got hit with that.
Yeah, I sort of laughed at first like "WTF?" when they started talking to me and the cop said I was disrespecting him. Probably wouldn't even HAVE his job without college students like me around bringing money into the cowtown. I'm going to demand that I see this alleged "tape" of me stealing. Ugh. Seriously, there's kids that stab each other on campus and nothing is done about it yet cops waste their time harassing girls like me just looking for cheap DS games. :eyeroll:

I kept asking what were the exact titles of the games I "stole" and got no answer. Just "some square black thing" (a DS game) which would never be able to fit in my pocket.

btw, this is what my phone looks like. most of it is covered in a purple case, but for the menu key area, back of the screen, and keypad are all black:

for some reason every time i tried to photobucket post it kept coming up as not available?
I've had the damn lawz stop me before too and accuse me of stealing. Probably think I'm a criminal just because I wear baggy clothes. My black and mexican friends have gotten harassed plenty of times for no reason too. Not to mention one of the damn cops in my area raped 6 women, and he got off easy. I see them busting more innocent people than helping.

Houses and apartments are getting robbed all the time around here, but they let them out on the streets immediately. They're often more concerned with giving people speeding tickets and busting people that don't look like them.
[quote name='hopeunknown']

maybe this will work[/QUOTE]

G1 Android is a pretty good start a google and Tmo(im a phone nut)

anyway, Yeah cops can be a bunch of dicks. Some act like that just to show you how little you are and how big he/she is. i doubt the cop will have anything on you so just relax and if he calls you back, get his badge ID and file a harsh complaint about him. thats the best you could do....or go get some legal advice as the others said.

Good luck with everything.
Not cool at all, My wife goes with me to check on games and such and we've never been treated like that. Give em Hell. I'm sure it was nerve wracking and embarassing and the cop sounds like he was on a power trip.
What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?" They assume that you had stolen 3 games right off the bat. They tell you that they have video footage of you stealing the games ala Try N Save. Well, if all thats true, how come they're not cuffing you and taking you downtown? That's when I would have demanded to see the footage, and when they fail to produce, kindly say go fuck yourself officer and have a wonderful night.Oh yeah, offering to let them search your stuff, they legally can't do that anyway.

OP, random question. Was this the Sears right next to the Swansea Mall? I'm new to the site, but I've been a cheapassgamer for a long time. Did they have any deals on 360/PS3 games? I heard you mention Lair, if it was really cheap I'd take a ride over.

Well, whatever you decide to do best of luck.
Wow, that's just insane. Sorry you had to go thru that.
At my Sears the discount game bin is right next to the register so they don't
have a problem keeping an eye. But I'd be afraid to use a price checker now
I don't even know where it is on the electronics floor.
I kind of know how you feel...

[quote name='m3talst0rm']SO pissed after my trip to sears today. Picked up only one game: MLB 07: The Show for PSP.

Anyway, had my son in his stroller and my daughter (4) was with me as well. My wife had taken our newborn to the restroom to feed her so I was in the electronics for a while. There were no clerks around. No one to say "May I help you?" I was looking through the two big bins of games that say $19.99 and under. I would estimate 90% of the games did not have a price tag or if they did it was over the $19.99 mark. So, with no one in sight, I grabbed a handful of games (aprox. 6) and hiked over to the children's section to scan them. The price checker is in front of a checkout station and the girl that was assigned there was on the phone through this entire thing. Anyway, I did this about three or four times without finding anything that was at that "CAG" price. My wife comes out and she and my niece (11, yeah it was a big family outing) take the kids downstairs. In the last run I had noticed that The Show(PSP) was $2 so I decided to purchase it. I went to the clerk in childrens who was still on the phone. I then continued around the section and found a clerk in electronics and purchased the game. I then went to the escalator and went downstairs to find my family waiting for me outside the store in the mall. As soon as I get out of the store I hear "SIR, SIR!" and see a huffing guy dripping in sweat. He tells me he is with merchandise protection or some shit like that and asks me to go in the store with him. I agree and the dude gives me the third degree about where I got the bag that my game was in. I said I just bought the game and he said that nobody seen me buy the game. I gave it to him and he looked at the receipt and explained that several employees saw me carrying a big stack of games and that suddenly I had a sears bag and nobody seen me pay for anything. I told him that there was no one around, no price on the games, and I wanted to see how much they were. I returned the games to the bin. I was embarrassed I guess. I can just imagine this dude sprinting through the store to catch me in the 2 dollar game heist. I don't know why I didn't tell him off or ask to see a manager or something. He half-assed his apology and I left. I was in a bad mood the rest of the day. ARRGH![/quote]
just fyi and IMHO .... I would definitely talk to a few attorneys about what happened and get a suit going. Not only did it emotionally scar you but the laws on your side about harassment. NOT ONLY : EVERY STOP must produce an arrest by most corporations standard or they will fire the agent who did the "false stop" BUT they physically can't detain you without getting in trouble. And the big prize suits go out when they search you without permission, Usually they wil have a law enforcement officer actually do this. But some more ballzee employees will try it and thats when the jackpot sirens should go off.
Now i dont necessarily agree with frivalous lawsuits, but I think there is a very thin line to cross with FALSE STOPS. Especially if your ethnic, or female, or have some other profile alert they try ad abuse.
Hope this rant helps. PS I HATE THIEVES, but I pitty the innocent caught in the mighty COG of justice.
My Sears has two floors. The upper floor has all of the housewares, clothing, shoes, jewerly, etc... The lower floor has lawn & garden, appliances, and electronics. There's only one self scanner on the lower floor and it's on the opposite side in L&G. One night several months ago I picked up a stack of about 8 games that I wanted to check. I took them over to the scanner, checked them, and put them back exactly where I got them. The entire time there was an employee standing down the isle about 50 ft away with a clipboard watching me like a hawk. I was just waiting for them to do to me the same thing they did to you OP but they never said anything.
bread's done