So I got falsely accused of stealing at Sears...

[quote name='Nathan_Sama']You're probably gonna get a gift card or something :lol:
Very well written![/quote]

Haha, I try to put to use my college education in some ways. :lol: Despite being a graphic design major! I am pretty stupefied when peer editing people's resumes though. Beautiful design can't salvage poor grammar. Bleh. Though I'm a comma-abuser.

Hopefully something comes of it. If not, I'm going to have to call 'em up, despite being awful at verbally describing things/telling stories. (And I worked two call center customer service jobs, wow. I sound like I get fired all the time but that's not the case. Damn school/traveling distances. Though I've been voluntarily jobless since Sept and it's been wonderful. :booty:)
So I got this canned reply:

Dear (my name),

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding your experience with
one of our stores. We are always interested in hearing from our
customers, and regret it was this type of situation that prompted you to
contact us. We apologize for the inconvenience you have encountered at
our Dartmouth Mall location.

We have forwarded your message to the Store Coach. They will contact
you within two (2) business days.

Once again, we apologize and we thank you for contacting us.

Jennifer W.,
National Customer Relations
Sears Holdings Corporation

Let's see if anything comes of it. If not, they're getting an unhappy phone call. Chances are I'd probably be talking to someone in India who doesn't care or won't do anything about it.
Not for nothing, but you probably should have not mentioned that you were basically clearance shopping. It might appear to them as though they wouldn't be losing much of a customer. Devil customer ring a bell.

I think you should have been detailed without being so detailed that they really feel no need to do a single thing for you. Just my opinion. Otherwise, I do feel bad for the mess some jackass put you through. I used to work at Sears and I can't even remember being friendly with LP, heck, I'm not even sure if they ate in our breakroom.
[quote name='Redeema']Not for nothing, but you probably should have not mentioned that you were basically clearance shopping. It might appear to them as though they wouldn't be losing much of a customer. Devil customer ring a bell. [/quote]

I think it needs to be said, as why else would I have been ringing up the price of games? If things were correctly priced in the store, none of this would've happened. Compared to the stores in Swansea and Taunton (the two closest stores to Dartmouth), the Dartmouth store is messy, has unattentive employees, and doesn't have a clearance/$19.99 and under bin like the other two stores do. Not to mention a large pile of cardboard boxes (cut and flattened) were in front of the price scanner, making it difficult to scan games a bit. Basically, I made the point that this store is not well managed, as it appears to me the customer. Especially when one of the managers were yelling at one of the girls for misinterpreting something, and none of them offered to help me. Just a "how are you?" once while I was placing games back in the shipper. Clearly none of this would've happened, again, if the employees actually did their job right.
[quote name='CloverField06']I think you would get a better result if you mail an actual letter.[/quote]

This. Very well written, but if I were you, I would print a copy or 2 and send it to them as well. Not sure what address you can use for their corporate offices, but I'm sure you can find that. Written letters seem to grab people's attention and besides, why not light a fire under some other people's asses while you are at it? LOL, the store coach will call you. It's a start, but unless he is a very high level manager for that store, I doubt I'd even want to talk to him/her except to ask for their manager. Good luck, seems like you are on the right track.
[quote name='hopeunknown']I think it needs to be said, as why else would I have been ringing up the price of games? If things were correctly priced in the store, none of this would've happened. Compared to the stores in Swansea and Taunton (the two closest stores to Dartmouth), the Dartmouth store is messy, has unattentive employees, and doesn't have a clearance/$19.99 and under bin like the other two stores do. Not to mention a large pile of cardboard boxes (cut and flattened) were in front of the price scanner, making it difficult to scan games a bit. Basically, I made the point that this store is not well managed, as it appears to me the customer. Especially when one of the managers were yelling at one of the girls for misinterpreting something, and none of them offered to help me. Just a "how are you?" once while I was placing games back in the shipper. Clearly none of this would've happened, again, if the employees actually did their job right.[/quote]

They are getting yelled at by corporate now, so the store management team is now going to be your bitch, lol! Best of luck on their resolve.
[quote name='hopeunknown']Haha, I try to put to use my college education in some ways. :lol: Despite being a graphic design major! I am pretty stupefied when peer editing people's resumes though. Beautiful design can't salvage poor grammar. Bleh. Though I'm a comma-abuser.

My housemate is an English Major, and I've never seen him write anything half this good XD Then again, he's always writing about how this 18th Century Victorian author created this so-and-so character and how she resembles some empowerment over mankind, so I suppose this letter was geared towards my interest more :lol:

Well, in any case, good luck with getting a resolution on the matter.
If you need to respond to them again because nothing is coming of the letters, and you have to make your unhappy phone call make sure you drive home the point that you are highly considering getting legal advice for this. Pound it into there mind that if they dont do something about it then you will. :D
All I really want out of this is some sincere apology and the realization that they fucked up. And the assurance I can walk into Sears and be treated as a customer and not some assumed delinquent "young person" that needs to be watched like a hawk for no reason. Or even just browse for christsakes.
[quote name='hopeunknown']I think it needs to be said, as why else would I have been ringing up the price of games? If things were correctly priced in the store, none of this would've happened. Compared to the stores in Swansea and Taunton (the two closest stores to Dartmouth), the Dartmouth store is messy, has unattentive employees, and doesn't have a clearance/$19.99 and under bin like the other two stores do. Not to mention a large pile of cardboard boxes (cut and flattened) were in front of the price scanner, making it difficult to scan games a bit. Basically, I made the point that this store is not well managed, as it appears to me the customer. Especially when one of the managers were yelling at one of the girls for misinterpreting something, and none of them offered to help me. Just a "how are you?" once while I was placing games back in the shipper. Clearly none of this would've happened, again, if the employees actually did their job right.[/quote]

I think you could make the point the same way by mentioning that you were verifying prices as you've found discrepancies in the past, particularly at this store. I still think that while you'd wish that these stores were customer oriented that the bottom line is that they only care about the money you're pumping into said store. In this case what you're putting in there isn't a tremendous amount, so, while I'm making a generalization, they could care less about your money since it's change in their ashtray. They'd get rid of that clearance merchandise regardless. I'm only making this point because they would be far more sympathetic to a loyal and valued shopper who did more than scour the clearance section. Granted, I don't know your history with them, but they could look all that up since they've now got your information from the receipt numbers you provided presuming you're not paying cash every single time. Again, I'm on your side, but sometimes being the slightest bit vague can help your situation and it's my opinion this might be one of those.
[quote name='Redeema']I think you could make the point the same way by mentioning that you were verifying prices as you've found discrepancies in the past, particularly at this store. I still think that while you'd wish that these stores were customer oriented that the bottom line is that they only care about the money you're pumping into said store. In this case what you're putting in there isn't a tremendous amount, so, while I'm making a generalization, they could care less about your money since it's change in their ashtray. They'd get rid of that clearance merchandise regardless. I'm only making this point because they would be far more sympathetic to a loyal and valued shopper who did more than scour the clearance section. Granted, I don't know your history with them, but they could look all that up since they've now got your information from the receipt numbers you provided presuming you're not paying cash every single time. Again, I'm on your side, but sometimes being the slightest bit vague can help your situation and it's my opinion this might be one of those.[/quote]

I see your point. But on that Friday I spent $25 on games that otherwise probably would've gone unsold. I would've spent more had there been Animal Crossing: WW in stock (my original intent, as Best Buy accross the street couldn't pull up the K-Mart site), regardless, I spent money there two days before this happened.
This is actually rather amusing. And terribly crappy for you. Assuming that you did not steal, as you say, then I'd like to offer my perspective (Incidently, I am a Loss Prevention Manager for a Sears store in Texas).

Unfortunately, I cannot divulge policies here, but from the sounds of, the detective responsible has committed the gravest mistake for Sears LP: an NPD. This type of bad stop almost always results in the termination of the detective. The training programs for apprehending shoplifters are very strict and cover "bad stops" in full detail. Apprehnsion certification stresses the importance of following proper guidelines to prevent "bad stops" from ocurring. Strictly speaking, a bad stop cannot occur if ALL apprehension guidelines are followed. Thus, either the detective neglected to follow a step, or his own bias caused him to err on the side of an attempted apprehension.

I am sorry this has happened to you. I certainly do not condone what this detective has done. A formal complaint, via phone or email, is all you need to do to ensure that something will happen in this case. Sears does not take "bad stops" lightly. It may take time to resolve this, as district and regional level management are often required to review case materials and interview the detective in question, but everything will be taken care of professionally from Sears' end. As for the local law enforcement.... All I can say about them is that they are often complete asshats and always default to blaming the suspect, at least from my experience.

Good luck.
The games were obviously stolen by one or more of their employees. This type of thing happens all the time, and for years. People work at these stores and rip them off in different ways, then disappear.
I hope everything turns out alright. Bein' accused of stealin' is a horrible feelin'.

One time I was accused of stealin' a key (to the register I think) when I was mad young in a women's store while with my mother. All I was doin' was sittin' on a bench near the register while my mother tried stuff on (man I HATED waitin' in those places as a kid lol), and the lady at the register is lookin' for some damn key.

She looks all around the register and happens to see me sittin' nearby. Then asks me did I take the key? I'm lookin' at her like WTF. I said no and she didn't believe me. Long story short, I think she called security over makin' a big fuss about it, but when my mother came out the dresser...OOOOOOOOOH SHIT! She ripped that lady a new one LMFAO!

Good luck OP.
I know sooner or later this is going to happen to me, as I tend to linger around game sections longer than usual checking stuff out on my phone. I can just hope that it doesn't, and hope that if it does, not to the extent that you are going through. I wish you the best, I'd probably brush it off, but calling a lawyer isn't a bad idea.
I have to echo others sentiments on the Sears employees always being ZOMG shoplifter!!!11!!!1111. I got a weird vibe from them about 5 months ago or so. I used to love Sears til about 8 years ago, when they became asses with hats.

I remember at Blockbuster we could not chase them out of the store, but if we saw them physically put something in their bag, we had to call the cops and sort of stall the thief or whatever til the cops came. If they just ran out then we would give the cops the security tape, and go to court to point out the suspect.
haha its great to know that the police are doing things like this and not actually protecting people like they should be. I mean if this is what they spend their time on i'm sure there are people out there murdering and raping and getting away with it.
[quote name='hopeunknown']Haha, well I'm taken, so I'm good. Being accused of a crime = you suck at flirting hahaha. :lol:[/quote]

Isn't how they did it in the old days...
bread's done