So I'll be drinking legally for the 1st time this Sunday...


That's right, I'll be 21 years old.

So since all I've had access to is what friends have at their pads, or at a show/kickback/party, I'd like to know what all you connoiseurs out there drink.

I'll probably get some liquor, but beer tips etc. are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

wine is great. read up some books about wine as there are tons to learn. i'm still a beginner and amateur collector of wine. as for beer, i like mgd for the cheap ones and guiness for the more expensive ones. liquor...i haven't taken a shot of liquor since i was 19 but remy martin is pretty good. the more expensive the liquor, the easier it is to drink.
[quote name='Moxio']Ditch overpriced+overrated alcoholic beverages and drink some water.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck you say?
This thread reminded me that I need to get some booze. I'm out.

Anyhow, back on topic.

When I turned 21 I woke up early and went and bought some beer. The cashier didn't even card me, kinda ruining the whole "finallly legal" vibe I had going.

Anyhow, my advise is to try everything. That was the biggest advantage for me when I turned 21; I was no longer limited to whatever my friends/family had on hand.

I'm a Budweiser type of guy. I'm on my third one in the last twenty minutes as we speak.

Edit - I forgot to mention a really good drink: the B-52 Bomber. If you're in a bar check it out.
I like Killians for beer and Crown and coke, and grand marnier occasinally. The only thing i don't recommend is Hypnotiq
LAtely, my NEW beer is BLUE MOON w/an orange slice in it.

-Red Stripe is another good one.

As for liquor....I like Vodka Tonics (although, NO ABSOLUT vodka, it is horrible compared to others)
-Scotch is always good too...Glenlivet, Glenfiddich and The MacAllen (sp?)

Good luck, don't wake up somewhere you don't want too ;)
Stoli vodka is my favorite for price-smoothness, but for your birthday, you may want to splurge and get a bottle of Tanqueray No. 10 Gin or Ciroc vodka. Ciroc tastes like nothing.
Liquor-wise, I love Red Bull + Jager. It's Liquid Pez, my friend.

As for beer, my favorite is Molson XXX, but I've only been able to find one other person that actually enjoys it :)
Start your morning with an irish car bomb, it's like a big glass of chocolate milk :) Although make sure you chug it, the irish cream will get really nasty really fast.
I'm always down for Newcastle Brown Ale or a Guinness.

If you're every down here in Savannah, go to the Moon River Brewery. Good stuff there.
Beer: Labatt, Molson, or any number of good German lagers.
Liquor: Definitely prefer Bacardi Gold + Pepsi

Never understood the deal with vodka... bad vodka tastes like shit, good vodka tastes like water. What's the point?
I say go for the Car Bomb (a shot of Jameson and Bailey's dropped into a Guiness) or a Sunshine Wheat beer (made by New Belgium Brewing Company).
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm always down for Newcastle Brown Ale or a Guinness.

If you're every down here in Savannah, go to the Moon River Brewery. Good stuff there.[/QUOTE]

I'll remember that for when I visit my cousin at SCAD :)

Bacardi+coke, absinthe. Yum.
Stuff like rum and coke or screwdrivers is always good. Long island iced tea's good too. If you're really tight, get some Boone's Farm Wine. Hahaha, it's so weak, you can down the whole bottle, and nothing. Tastes like sugary juice.
Is it that exciting to be able to drink beer? Most middle school kids already do where I live. Nothing exciting about it, it not that great too. But whats weird is my grandma would rather me get addicted to beer than coke (which I am) as I can go through about 4 24 packs of coke a day. Diabetes here I come
Light a shot of Sambuca (pronounced Zambooka) on fire. Let it burn for about 10 seconds. Quickly tap the top of the shot glass with the palm of your hand to put the flame out, and drink it.

The taste of the alcohol is barely detectable. It's seriously as if you're drinking liquid peppermint. The flame gives it a pleasantly warm feeling going down, too.

You can't go wrong with a Captain's rum and coke either.
If your friends know how to handle a 21st birthday you're not gonna have a say in the matter .. nor will you be drinking anything a connoisseur drinks. Once you're full into the swing of legal drinking however I can inform you I only drink two things .. beer and Canadian Club whiskey.
Another vote for the Car bomb. I lurves me some Bailey's. For beer, being a former club fiend, I'd go w/ a Cap & Coke to start followed by Red Bull & Vodkas all night long.

EDIT: :oops: I meant Guinness for the beer. Sorry, had a long day yesterday & just woke up 30 minutes ago.
[quote name='Greetard']Light a shot of Sambuca (pronounced Zambooka) on fire. Let it burn for about 10 seconds. Quickly tap the top of the shot glass with the palm of your hand to put the flame out, and drink it.

The taste of the alcohol is barely detectable. It's seriously as if you're drinking liquid peppermint. The flame gives it a pleasantly warm feeling going down, too.

You can't go wrong with a Captain's rum and coke either.[/quote]

I thought this was the licorice tasting alcohol?

Um, my advice, pace yourself despite the protestation of your friends. And, I certainly wouldn't mix wine with any other alcohol. Wine+other alcohols=massive thrumming headache.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I thought this was the licorice tasting alcohol?

Um, my advice, pace yourself despite the protestation of your friends. And, I certainly wouldn't mix wine with any other alcohol. Wine+other alcohols=massive thrumming headache.[/QUOTE]

Really? It tastes a lot more like peppermint to me.
Great posts people. I prefer the Jack Daniels, straight.

But that Irish car bomb sounds tempting. Any other liquor suggestions?

I'm not a big fan of beers, lagers or ales. Those are for after I'm buzzed.
Happy 21!!!!! :beer:

Alot of good stuff has been mentioned. Jack and Coke always good for me. Or you can try Vodka and Cherry 7UP.

Usually don't have the urge for a drink after getting off work (3rd), but I do now. :razz:
[quote name='thegarageband']Great posts people. I prefer the Jack Daniels, straight.

But that Irish car bomb sounds tempting. Any other liquor suggestions?

I'm not a big fan of beers, lagers or ales. Those are for after I'm buzzed.[/quote]
I like the car bomb. If you care for Dr.Pepper, you can always have a flaming one. Yummy.

Favorite though, is Scotch. You know the proper way to mix Scotch? With ice.
[quote name='zewone']99 Banannas is ass in a bottle. It taste like ass going down and back up. Stay away. Plus it's for chicks.[/quote]


Ok. No chick drinks.

Check... better get rid of these boonies...

Haha. Does anyone know where I might procure some absinthe? I'm in Los Angeles BTW/
When I turned 21 I found I hated beer, after of course I had spent the money on said beer. That said, Smirnoff is pretty good stuff for me. I keep a bottle handy in case I get a headache or something, it kinda blurs it away.
I remember my 21st birthday I went to a bar in Iowa City (One Eyed Jakes) and they had a 21st birthday special of 20 pitchers for $25. The last few pitchers went down hard. My group was so hammered but it was one hell of a great time.

One of my favorite beers is an ice cold High Life in the bottle.

Beer snobs in 5 4 3 2 ....
Just drink responsibly. ME? not much of a drinker but I do enjoy a cap N coke every once in a while, and like DJ K8E I keep a beer or two in the fridge for a headache. Im really just two cheap to by alcoholic beverages, every time a drink is bought I see a game from my collection or electronic device fade away much like Michael J fox in back to the future.
So long as you remember this little ditty, you'll be fine:

Beer before Liquor; Never sicker
Liquor before Beer; Never Fear

It has served me well over the years of liver abuse, I call drankin'. You'll probably not believe it, but it is SO true!

And Oh, when you belly up to the bar, make sure you order a shot of 151 and Wild Turkey, no ice. If you survive, Welcome to the fold!
[quote name='willardhaven']Sam Adams Cream Stout, delicious.[/QUOTE]

I dunno... I always found their Cream Stout to be too cloying. Couldn't drink more than two of those.

I used to drink top shelf hard stuff and import and micro-brew beers, but whatever... these days I'm happy with Yuengling Lager for $1.50 at happy hour or a Mickey's wide mouth.

Guinness is a perpetual favorite, but it's usually too expensive in bars... I mainly reserve it as my house beer (two 12'ers for under $25 at Total Wine!).

I still enjoy a nice single malt, but Jack or Beam are fine, too.
i turn 21 in about 11 days, i have my B-day wish list:

B-Day alcohol wish list
Bacardi Limon
Bacardi 151
Guiness Beer
Jose Cuervo Margarita already mix thing
Absolut vodka
[quote name='thebob101']Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA or 90 minute IPA. Best ale there is![/QUOTE]

Whoa! Good taste, sir!

Three Floyds Alpha King and Gumball Head are other great microbrews. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is the perfect anytime, any-weather, any-food beer.

If you're in the Midwest, definitely track down Goose Island beers. They're Honker's Ale is just short of Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale, but their India Pale Ale is outstanding. They have many other great ones too.

Of course, all of our choices may have one problem with you: they're fairly hoppy. They may be too bitter for your tastes, but you will warm to them eventually and wonder how anyone drinks Budweiser out of anything but a back-porch keg.
bread's done