So I'm sleeping over at this girl's house tonight.


18 (100%)
Basically, we're going out for coffee around 6:00, then we're going over to her house and sleeping there. I've only gone out with her once, but it went incredibly well and conversation flowed like we've known each other for years.

So, my question is, what exactly constitutes as an activity needing consent?

EDIT: My objective is not to stick it in this girl. I was just making sure that if one thing leads to another and this girl starts kissing me, that I'd be ok. So to make it clear, if I'm making out with this girl, could I get in trouble? I'd stop before clothes begin coming off.

I really like this girl. She's smarter than you guys would think she is, really. She specifically said to me, "This is not an invitation for sex".
none of it is a good idea. if she was 17 then it would be better.

16, it's still statutory... YOIKES.

and don't be that guy.
I have a tip: Find a girlfriend your own age so you don't have to worry about shit like this.

and yeah, she's at a point of infatuation, you're older - remember when you couldn't get with girls your age because they were always fucking older guys, only to end up really depressed and hurt so that they hid behind nervous attempts at self-depreciation further feeding into the mtv frenzy of objectifiying women?

yeah, try not to keep that cycle going.

This is gonna to turn into an awesome thread.

Also I'm sure all sex acts would be illegal. It might not count as statutory rape but might turn into sodomy of a minor. Just keep it in your pants, mouth, etc.
Well, this girl is really mature, honestly. She's more mature than many of the girls in my grade.

When I say infatuation, it's not like "OH MY GOD OLDER GUY I WANNA DO HIM RIGHT NOW" infatuation. She's told me that people in her grade aren't mature enough for her.

She's almost 17. I don't know, guys, I don't know. I already told her "Hey, just remember tonight: I'm 18 and you're 16." I think she got the point.

Plus when she asked me to come, she said, "This is not an invitation for sex".
I think in florida the rule is 16-24 is alright, so if your 18 and she is 16, that would be ok in this state. Better look up your states laws.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Well, this girl is really mature, honestly. She's more mature than many of the girls in my grade.

When I say infatuation, it's not like "OH MY GOD OLDER GUY I WANNA DO HIM RIGHT NOW" infatuation. She's told me that people in her grade aren't mature enough for her.

She's almost 17. I don't know, guys, I don't know. I already told her "Hey, just remember tonight: I'm 18 and you're 16." I think she got the point.

Plus when she asked me to come, she said, "This is not an invitation for sex".[/QUOTE]

Her maturity level doesn't mean anything. You touch her in anyway or try anything your going to go jail either by her, or her parents.
Dude, I don't know your situation. Maybe you are a ladies man, maybe not. I was in a similar situation when I was 17. I didn't act. I took the 'moral high ground' lol whatever that means..... God I regret it everyday! Heh, take my advice and go for it! If she likes you and you like her then who cares what your current state's law is?? My god this country is ridiculous!
[quote name='CitizenB']Her maturity level doesn't mean anything. You touch her in anyway or try anything your going to go jail either by her, or her parents.[/quote]

I realize that. I was just stating that this girl doesn't seem to be into my age, she's into me.

But I have to call bullshit on your post. This kind of stuff happens all the time and I know it for a fact. Unless her dad finds out we've been doing stuff and gets super pissed, I'll be fine.

Again, I said that I'm going to stay away for moral purposes. It's just that IF she starts kissing me or something, I want to make sure that's even legal.
if it's worth the risk, have at it - but i'd spend some more time with her outside of the bed first if you really do give a shit.

if not, then have at it and don't look back! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!
[quote name='Sleepkyng']if it's worth the risk, have at it - but i'd spend some more time with her outside of the bed first if you really do give a shit.

if not, then have at it and don't look back! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity![/quote]
Thanks for the encouragement. She's one of the few (or only) girls in my school that:

1. Is awesome and not a bitch.
2. Has great taste in everything (movies, music, video games)
3. Is pretty
4. Thinks

All in one.

But this isn't a "once in a lifetime" thing. I'm not exactly a ladies' man, but I'm good with women and I'm goint to a big college next year. I guess I want to have one decent high school relationship before I go on my way.

Thing is, I told my dad that I'm sleeping over. He doesn't care. I don't know what the fuck to say to my mom.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Thanks for the encouragement. She's one of the few (or only) girls in my school that:

1. Is awesome and not a bitch.
2. Has great taste in everything (movies, music, video games)
3. Is pretty
4. Thinks

All in one.

But this isn't a "once in a lifetime" thing. I'm not exactly a ladies' man, but I'm good with women and I'm goint to a big college next year. I guess I want to have one decent high school relationship before I go on my way.

Thing is, I told my dad that I'm sleeping over. He doesn't care. I don't know what the fuck to say to my mom.[/quote]

sleeping over is one thing, playing hide the snake is another.

if you really like her be good to her and don't take her for granted.

if you want to hit it, do it and acknowledge that you're an asshole (once you get to college, you'll understand what i mean.)
Holy Statutory! Doesn't a 16 year old girl that loves you already seem immature? So are you a Senior in High School and shes a Sophmore or something like that?
You've been out with her once. Slow-the-fuck-down.

If infatuation is the case, then lust is controlling her actions. I guess if that doesn't bother you that she doesn't really like you, then ignore my post.
Besides the legal thing, I don't really see a problem of an 18 year old going for a 16 year old. Hell, even the law cuts down the penalty if you're within 3 years of each other(if I recall correctly).

I'd say wait a little while before getting into bed with her though. Just because if she does get spiteful for some reason, that CAN come back to bite you in the ass. But, like you said, this shit goes on ALL the time. Back in high school I knew plenty of girls who were 15 or 16 and dating guys over 18.

So, to sum it up; I don't see a moral problem with it, because the age difference isn't big at all, but there is the legal problem(even if it is lowered).

Actually, that's not the ONLY reason to wait a while. There's also the whole "don't be a fucking asshole who takes advntage of her" thing too. And it sounds like you really dig her. So waiting for a little while would probably be best.
[quote name='Strell']Ho ho.

Boy, you have much to learn.[/quote]

Strell is correct. There is no, I repeat, NO girl is not a bitch. Deep down they are all money grubbing twats. Every last one (except the girls/guys that pretend to be girls on our board of course :cool: ). I'm engaged. I was in a deep trance for awhile, but her true colors will show. It is in their nature.
[quote name='Strell']Ho ho.

Boy, you have much to learn.[/QUOTE]
:shock:What?! All the awesome chicks are never bitches! What do you think makes them awesome!?
Don't go there. Just do what you normally do Saturday nights instead: stay home and jerk off to hentai. It's safer for everyone that way.
Ask me to show you a teenage girl who doesn't think she's more mature than girls her own age, and I'll show you.....nobody.
[quote name='CouRageouS']:shock:What?! All the awesome chicks are never bitches! What do you think makes them awesome!?[/QUOTE]

Gosh! I totally thought all 16 year old girls know exactly what they want! And when they use adjectives to describe how they feel about liking me, they totally know it! I mean, "severely?" Hot damn! That's like level 4 on the like-me-like-me scale!

She's going to be all like "awww I luv u" and KNOW it, man!
just don't do it. But you won't listen to us. by the time she graduates from HS you will be in your freshman year of college. College chicks are way better then hs chicks. Good luck
[quote name='Strell']Gosh! I totally thought all 16 year old girls know exactly what they want! And when they use adjectives to describe how they feel about liking me, they totally know it! I mean, "severely?" Hot damn! That's like level 4 on the like-me-like-me scale!

She's going to be all like "awww I luv u" and KNOW it, man![/quote]

You are my new favorite poster. I love this kid!
[quote name='ChaoticClimax']You are my new favorite poster. I love this kid![/QUOTE]
Careful. He's sleeping over at your place tonight! He digs you, too. Totally!
[quote name='Stoneage']Careful. He's sleeping over at your place tonight! He digs you, too. Totally![/QUOTE]

Wtf are you talking about.

I'm bringing candy too.

And Twister.

And we will play.
[quote name='ChaoticClimax']You are my new favorite poster. I love this kid![/QUOTE]

NOO! Strell's head is big enough already. :lol:

On topic, I think age of consent only relates to vaginal penetration, anyway. I don't think fucking her is a good idea, at this point, just because it's quite soon. And she WILL become clingy and needy.

But good luck either way.
[quote name='Stoneage']Careful. He's sleeping over at your place tonight! He digs you, too. Totally![/quote]

It's alright, he is really mature for his age.
Indeed all women are crazy bitches, finding the one is just finding the least crazy one at that certain time...

I just have to vent after a recent experince as well, umm yeah I am totally going to treat women just like objects for my amusment because becomng friends with them just never works, hit it now and get out quick. Yeah Im an ass hole, but I am an asshole that just got laid, so there....
[quote name='Crash55118']Indeed all women are crazy bitches, finding the one is just finding the least crazy one at that certain time...

I just have to vent after a recent experince as well, umm yeah I am totally going to treat women just like objects for my amusment because becomng friends with them just never works, hit it now and get out quick. Yeah Im an ass hole, but I am an asshole that just got laid, so there....[/quote]

yeah! so fulfilling! getting laid is so difficult, especially with booze!
"I like young, fresh and green! With no hair in between, know what I mean?"

What's good for Notorious B.I.G. is good enough for me!
its a 2 year difference. Big whooop. When you are in your 20s, 2 years is nothing. Hell, ten is really not that great of a gap in general. I dont know why people get so up in arms over a few years. Its not a big deal. You are both still just kids and are probably about on the same maturity level if you say she's mature for her age.

Be friends with her, hell date her if you want. Just dont do anything illegal and have a good time otherwise. Although I dont quite "get" why you are sleeping over at HER house. That doesn't seem to be the best of ideas, especially on a second "date" with a younger girl that you just met. You may want to rethink that one. Nothing good can come of that. Atleast nothing that will be good to you in the long term.
so your dad is letting you stay the night at a 16 year old girls house. What a swell fellow. Is your dad a moron? Hopefully your mom has a small amount of intelligence and can talk some sense to you. What is the point of spending the night at a younger girls house? That can only lead to trouble even if you have nothing but the best of intentions. Go to coffee, talk till you are blue in the face then go home and have her go to her house alone. For a second date with a 16 year old i think an overnight is a little over the line. Where are her parents and why are they not in the process of beating your ass as we speak?
but what do her parents think? If you want an actual relationship with her, it matters what they think, and if they even allow it.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Basically, we're going out for coffee around 6:00, then we're going over to her house and sleeping there. I've only gone out with her once, but it went incredibly well and conversation flowed like we've known each other for years. She told me she "severely likes" spending time with me and her friends tell me she's at the point of infatuation.[/quote]

People make plans to sleep over? I mean, in the sense of someone you're dating? When I was younger, I'd tell my mom "oh, I'm crashing at so-and-so's tonight," but if it ever became a female thing, it was always spontaneous. This sounds like an invitation for disaster.

Since I'm 18 and she's 16 though (she's suprisingly mature for her age), I don't want to do too much sexually on both moral and legal grounds. So firstly, the age of consent in my state is 18. So does that ONLY limit penetration, or would any sexual acts be illegal?

In many states, any sort of sexual activity past clothes-on contact can fall under statutory rape laws; beyond that, some state laws are so draconian that any sort of non-missionary vaginal penetration (yes, the position matters) are listed under sodomy laws. Are they enforced? Hardly. *CAN* they be enforced? You bet.

Don't do it. There's no justification for it, and we do have, legally, a massive problem with sexual crimes: the increasing public stigma of "sexual offenders," (residence restrictions, public databases, etc.) combined with a far-too-wide definition of who is a sexual offender. This does include statutory rape - you may think it's ok, but ultimately some rather innocent fooling around can fuck up the rest of your life.

The short version: keep your head on straight. You know what you ought to do, and this really needs no further discussion.

Also, any tips tonight? I'm a pretty easy, casual guy, but I'm afraid that the night may get stale after spending so much time with each other.

Glad to know you respect her personality. Do you fear getting bored with your guy friends when you come to grips with the fact that you won't be gettin' any action from them? ;)

I kid, but not really. If you think you're going to be bored with her after one night, dude, then anything pertaining to sexual contact should be thrown right out the fuckin' window, because you're obviously not interested in pursuing a relationship (or you're just a very naive and nervous 18 year old). If she's mature for her age, discuss Foucault's thesis from "Discipline and Punish," or watch a good non-Hugh Grant (redundant, I know) movie. Snugglin' ain't a crime (but it is, I've decided, the name of my next imaginary music project).
The general consensus here is that you should not do this (funny that you interjected morality into your considerations).

It's a bad idea in every way, and you're going to regret it in every way. You're going to selfishly regret it when you have a clingy, needy person who won't leave you alone until you go to College (and probably not after that either). And you're going to unselfishly regret it when you realize you screwed her up by diong what you want rather than listening to some (mostly) good CAG advise.

There is a reason 'parents' (your mom included) play police officer and try to keep their kids out of situations like this - it's the same reason most parents won't let their 3-year-old play in the gun closet. They're trying to protect you from screwing up your life. If you choose to ignore them, and the advice of everybody here, you are screwing yourself. I sense from your responses that you're not really going to listen to any of the good advice you're getting here, and you're going to try to justify putting yourself in a stupid situation, so be sure and come back to let everyone know how this worked out for you. Maybe the next person will learn from your mistake.
Dude stay away. Do not do it. If you do anything sexual with her and the authorities figure out you will be a sexual predator for the rest of your life. A few minutes of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of lies that call you a pervert.
i could give solid advice with some pics of the girl.

the advice with no pic is to just do it. the chic is probably expecting it. i mean who plans a sleep over without expectations of gettin nekkid at some point?
you know you already made up your mind already, really no need to post here, just dont take any pictures/film anything. Keep the amount of evidence lowkey.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']
This will not end well.[/QUOTE]

this seems to be a CAG common response to everything.
bread's done