So it's been 3 years now... where were you?

I'm pretty sure Sept 11th, 2001 is going to be something everyone who was old enough will remember where they were and what they were doing that day for the rest of their lives. Like my parents when Kennedy was shot.

I was a freshman at Central Michigan University. I knew it was a strange day when I actually got up for breakfast for no particular reason. It's funny I had really just got settled in to the dorms and gotten acquainted with people, but that event kinda brought everyone a bit closer together. Anyhow I was eating breakfast that day when some kid that I don't think any of us really knew at the time, or for that matter even saw again, decided to sit with us and was going on about how New York city was getting bombed and how great he thought it was, and how much fun it was to watch. I really thought it was just a joke, a sick one, but still just a joke. It wasn't until I got back to my room and saw the girls across the hall crying that I realized there was something serious going on. I remember going to class that morning (afternoon classes were cancelled) and no one really believed any of it... I still think some people don't believe that it really happened.

So, where were you?
Oddly enough, history class. We were watching The Untouchables that day, I think. My stomach was acting up - nothing new, I had constant stomach problems through high school and occasionally have bad days now.

Anyways, they had to turn it to the VIDEO channel and it went past 2.. I saw a tower and smoke coming out of it but thought nothing of it. 10 minutes before we were scheduled to leave the class, another history teacher bursts through the door and tells the teacher to turn it on the news.. my history teacher gave a "you're watching history being made right here and now.. you're going to tell your children where you were when this happened" speech, and he was right.

As I was walking to Algebra II, I stopped in to talk to my Biology teacher in the previous year. Somehow I seem to always have a friendly relationship with teachers, which leads to them helping me out and stuff, which is nice. Anyways, she had the TV on, and that's when I knew this was serious - this woman was extremely strict and NEVER turned on the TV. I think her class was making soap that day.. I mentioned how crazy it was, she seemed upset and didn't say too much.. finally came in to Algebra II and the teacher cancelled the lesson for the day and we just watched.. I sat in amazement as I watched the tower fall.. then the other..

But here's the thing. I don't adapt well to changes and I suck in panic situations.. so apparently, my brain knew that this would kill me or something.. so it wouldn't allow me to believe this was real. I kept thinking and reassuring myself that this was not real, this was not happening here, and that everything was fine.

In English that day, we had an older man substituting for another teacher.. he was talking about how he thought it was Bin Laden and then some people in class started wondering if we were a target.. mainly because there's a huge nuclear plant nearby..

Finally got home, mom thought I would be freaked out and was shocked when I wasn't bothered.. I came in my room, and I remember flipping channels.. everything was talking about "In Memory Of 9-11-01".. the religious channels, TBS, Disney, everyone.. and that's when it really hit me, and I started becoming scared.. really, really scared.. and then later on in the night, they started talking about them evacuating the Empire State Building.. and I freaked out.. bah.. BAD DAY.
I was at home with 3rd degree burns on my hand from fingertip to wrist. Got them putting out a barbecue grill fire at a memorial get together to remember my boss. He had just commited suicide the day before. True story.
Pretty crappy day all around...
I was playing Evercrack(Everquest) when my friend on there told me it. I didn't believe him tho.

What pissed me off was, there was a guy on there that made a post on the forum dedicated to that server said those people that died in the WTC deserved it. Later on he said it was just a joke.....well some people forgive him but I certainly would never. Only stupid kids would think that was funny at all. I think he said that to get people's attention cuz he was an attention wh*re.
Sophmore in High School. Dad woke me up early to show me what was on TV. Pretty much went through the whole day kind of out of my normal state
I was a freshman in HS and i woke up early to get to zero period. I stopped by the local donut shop for breakfast and saw the towers burning on the small tv they had in the back.
I was also a freshman in HS and I watched the whole thing happen in my Computer Applications class. Nobody turned to do their work. All eyes were on the screen.
I'm in SoCal so I woke up to KROQ and Ralph said something like, 2 planes have just hit the world center. At first I thought, it must just be some small single engine planes that some moron flew into the towers but then I turned on the TV and saw the first tower fall and I knew that it wasn't any small plane. It was a real freaking plane. When I saw the first tower fall I tried to tell myself that everyone had gotten out that only a few people must have been left inside and that the death toll was going to be low, But when the second tower fell I knew that wasn't going to be the case. When I saw those towers fall on TV I knew that moment that it was going to most likely be the worst thing I will ever witness. I didn't see anyone jump from the towers, but maybe I just was too much in shock to notice. But I'm glad I can say I didn't have to watch that on TV.

What really scared me was the news had no idea how many more planes would be used or if some nation had just gone nuts and this was going to happen all over the US. At the pentagon the claimed that car bombs were going off (it later turned out the cars gas tanks were exploding due to the fires).

I turned the TV off and made a tough decision to go to class at my college. I didn't know what to expect, I had history and my really good teacher came into class and told us that class was cancelled do to the terrible events. Then I went to the commons to watch TV and the place was packed. They decided to close campus for the rest of the day and I came home and watched more TV. I did that for about a week like the rest of the US.

My parents saw the planes smash into the towers live but they didn't wake me for some reason. Maybe they didn't want to scare me by waking me up. It was so strange those few days with no planes in the sky, it was like some type of twilight zone episode. Typing all this makes me almost want to cry, but it's my story and Its the same one I've shared with others for the past 3 years, and I'm sure I'm going to be telling it for the rest of my life.

I will never forget.
My dad was one of those people that was watching the news that morning, and actually saw the second plane hit live.

Columbine is another thing I remember so vividly. Mainly the day after. I went to a big high school, graduated in a class of 1200. Anyhow there was a huge fear that something like that was going to happen there. I remember getting to one of my english classes and the teacher usually had a topic for us to think about or write about every day. The topic that day was simply "Should we talk about it"

I fear another attack should Kerry be elected, although I really don't want Bush to win... the terrorists have a history of attacking during a new president's 1st year in office.
I was standing around outside my college around 8am, just waiting around for a while before my 9am class with some friends of mine. I looked up, and I saw a plane flying overhead, which I thought was odd since I didn't usually see planes there (I don't know if planes regularly fly over there or not). I didn't think very much of it and went to my class.

It was a boring class, so I started goofing off and browsing the internet. My friend told me there was an accident at the Twin Towers, that a small plane crashed. I tried going to but it didn't seem to be working. I tried most of the other major outlets, and I finally got to load. They did a pretty good job of keeping the site updated since they were one of the few that was reasonably working. At first it was accident at twin towers, then second plane hits second tower, then possible terrorsm, then tower 1 collapses, etc. Meanwhile the class is ongoing and some people have figured out whats going on, while most of the others and the teacher don't know anything about it until the order comes to evacuate.

We walk outside and most of the students that don't have cars are waiting there to be picked up. Most people there were worried about the Prudential tower, that big blue building in the Boston skyline, since some of the planes came from Logan. We went home and watched the rest on CNN. When Boston seemed to be safe, we started wondering, who the hell did this, who do we attack, and what else will happen?

I found out later that Flight 11 was hijacked over the town the college was in, around the time I was standing around outside.
I was in the 7th grade. I woke up, heard it on the radio, but I didn't believe it. In class, some lady (I forgot what her job was) came in and explained what was going on and that was that.

I later got home and looked into more into it online and saw it on TV only to realize this was some serious shit.
I was a sophomore in HS and was at the end of Algebra 2, the first plane had hit, but no one in our class was the wiser yet. My next class was Study Hall, which was at the end of the hall, I could see that someone turned the TV on, but thought it was just some punk who did that before the teacher got there.

When I saw that everyone was watching, I went to my seat and asked my friend what was going on. He told me what happened and I saw the second plane hit and both towers falling. I was kind of in shock and just went from class to class to see what the teachers were saying as well as some of the students.

My English teacher and some students were talking about how there might've been a plane in Cleveland that was highjacked/had a bomb on it. I took it with a grain of salt and found out it was false. For the rest of the day, I just moved from class to class watching the developments.

When I got home, I just tried to find something not dealing with it since I just wanted to get away for a while. I kind of lost my county-wide feeling of safety after all of this sunk into my head.
I woke up unusually early for reasons I don't recall. I sat down at my main PC and checked email. I'd been getting messages touting a trade show called Wireless World that was intended to start that morning at the Javits Center. I get tons of these message since I used to attend and work at a lot of these computer industry events. My familiarity with NYC comes primarily from attending the old PC Expo and sticking around a few days to play tourista.

I was still somewhat groggy and mainly just wanted to dump the spam but I gave the Wireless World message a glance just to see if they had any interesting announcements. I had to read it three times to believe what I was seeing. The show was being delayed until further notice due to a plane hitting the WTC. It didn't say what kind of plane and like many others I assumed it was a small private aircraft. I immediately starting checking all the news sites like CNN to learn more. Every one I tried was unreachable due to overloaded servers. This is when I first thought something was seriously wrong. After several minute of fruitless URL entries I remembered there was this box in the next room that always worked no matter how many people were trying to see the same content simultaneously.

I turned on the TV just ten minutes before the second tower was hit. There could no longer be any speculation of a terrible accident. This was an attack. I now felt the need for another person in the room to confirm I was really seeing this. I went and rousted my mother out of bed (I rent the house with her and my eldest sister), telling her, "You really need to see this. World War IV may be starting."

We spent the rest of the day watching the whole terrible thing progress. There really wasn't anything else to do.

That moment when all the major news outlets on the web were clobbered due to traffic strikes me as a historical shift. It was the first event I can recall that brought down a major portion of the web because more people were trying to find the breaking story there rather than on TV or radio.

This was very different from a few years ago when the Oklahoma City bombing happened. Back then Iwas sharing a different house with my brother and his wife and son. I was reading in my room when I heard my brother ask his wife, "What IS that?"

"I don't know but it's on every channel" she told him.

Ever since then that phrase, "it's on every channel" has been foreboding. Now it becomes chilling when certain sites are unavailable all at once.
I was standing in the living room ironing my clothes, getting ready for my great grandmothers funeral. Had just flipped the channel to VH1 and I remember thinking it was part of a video for the first few minutes. Then when the second tower was hit I just sat stupified in front of the TV.
I was on my way to work and I heard it on Mancow and I thought it was one of his crude radio jokes so I turned the channel only to be told that it was no joke.
6th grade social stuides, my teacher turned on the TV and we saw the second plane crash. It was a rough sight. Anyway, it shouldn't have taken that violent of an act to open the eyes of some americans. (I'm in 9th grade now)
I was in school when it was going on. Everyone was told about it from the principal on the intercom and that made everyone cry and panic. The principal kinda warned us that NYC wasn't that far (though its 3 hrs away) and that noone knew who and where was safe. He told us that we would still continue out the school day like a regular day and he'd keep us up to date on anything that might be of importance to us. Noone had the correct up-to-date news and rumors were flying around that bombs were being dropped left and right in NYC, etc. The periods changed and everyone in the hallways were shouting, screaming, crying, running, etc. I said screw school and worked my way out. A teacher tried to yell at me to get back into the school and go to class, but I told her that school wasn't on the top of my list for importance today...and left. The end.
I was still travelling that time (school had not started yet) and I was in Hong Kong. I was in the hotel gym at that time (at night around 9pm in Hong Kong) and using the stair climbers with a TV next to me. While watching the Chinese version of The Weakest Link the show suddenly stopped and changed to news special report, showing how the plane crashed right in front of eyes. A little while later, another flights did the same thing. We were shocked, everyone in the gym gathered next to different TVs and I was a little confused at that time. Try to understand more on the topic, I didn't sleep and stay in my room watching TVs/News until 3-4am.
I was waiting for the bus to get to campus. I was still attending ECu at the time, and right before I left for class the first plane hit. By the time I got to school the first building went down... At that point they disperesed our classes and we all went home...
I was in 7th grade, I went to school not knowing anything and first heard from my science teacher about it. My history teacher actually talked to us about it and we watched the news in school for the rest of the day.
I was a freshman in college. I was at my work study when my supervisor had told me that a plane crashed into the WTC. A few minutes later she told me that a second plane had crashed into the other tower. Also the day before I had just started playing the EA game Majestic.
I was working in a college bookstore nearing the end of the rush charging period. My sister was working at the library at the time and called to tell me a plane had hit the WTC. At the time no one knew it was a terror attack. Most people thought it was just a tragic accident. Later she called me again to say another plane hit the WTC. By then everyone knew something wasn't right. A litte later the UPS driver said he heard the Pentagon got hit and another hijacked plane was in the air over Pennsylvania. I was just surprised because I would have never though hijackers would fly planes into buildings. We are always told that if you get hijacked, just cooperate with the hijackers and don't do anything stupid. I don't think anyone will sit still again if their plane is hijacked. I never used the word surreal before but if ever their was a surreal moment I experienced, that was it. The circumstances were so unfathomable that it seemed like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from. When I got home I watched the news until 2 am the next morning. To be honest I thought World War 3 might be upon us.
Just getting to work and putting my lunch away in the company fridge. For some reason, the TV (on top of the fridge) was on and there were craploads of people standing there watching something. It was then that I first caught the glimpse of what they were was the second plane going through the WTC. Damn terrorists...
I was watching the news eating some cheerios getting ready for work, in St. Paul. I saw the second plane hit. I just remember that the reporters didnt seem to be paying attention, because they just kept saying a fuel tank must have exploded.. and didnt notice the second plane.

Anyway, I went to work and listened to the radio all day. (where it was impossible to know which reports were real or false, I think at some point the radio had 7 planes hitting places including the treasurey.)
I was in my Civics class, a requirement for freshmen at my high school. I got to class around 8:30, and things began normally. We were given a section to read in the book and questions to answer.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Rohde was called out of the room by another Social Studies teacher. After several minutes had passed, he walked back into the room, turned on CNN, and left again.

Odd as it may sound, my first reaction at the time was to continue doing my homework. What had happened hadn't sunk in yet, and I decided that it would be good to get my work out of the way as quickly as possible.

When the second plane hit, I stopped working. I spent the rest of that class, along with my English and lunch, watching TV and trying to grasp what had happened.

The rest of the day was a blur...I don't remember what happened in my Bio or Math classes, but I remember having CNN's front page up in my computer class and refreshing every ten minutes or so.

After school was over, I returned home to find that the attack was now on virtually every website and TV channel. That was when I finally realized just how bad it had been...and when I began feeling sick to my stomach.

I didn't lose anyone in my family or any of my friends...and in the end, that makes me much luckier than the poor souls who were directly affected by the attacks.
I had been at work for about an hour when one of the supervisors came down the hall and said that the world trade centers had been attacked. It took awhile for all of this to sink in, especially since I am in southern CT around an hour away from NYC. I had recently relocated from pennsylvania and didn't know anyone in NYC, but several people that I worked with had previously lived in NYC and knew people that died in the attack.
Minutes after the first plane hit I was watching the whole thing live as it happened. I work directly across the river and had a clear view of the tradgedy as it happened. I was never quite the same after that day. The horror of watching countless people jump to their deaths (some burning, some not) has left me scarred for life. I occasionally still have nightmares where the whole thing plays over and over again in my head as vivid as it was when it happened. I hope that someday I'll be able to put it all behind me, but realistically I do not think that will ever happen
I turned on the set to see the news headlines and saw the "breaking news" of a plane crash into the WTC . . . it didn't look too bad . . . "what a strange accident". Then I saw the 2nd plane hit on live TV . . . it was the most shocking thing I've seen on TV.

But I also knew right then what I know right now. This was "payback" or "blowback" for many decades of US policy in the Middle East. This does NOT justify the use of innocent civilians but it does explain the event.

The views many have of the attack that it "makes no sense" or these are "evil" people who hate our freedom are nonsense fantasies. Many believe we were attacked for no reason whatsoever. And for a population that knows more about what happened on the latest American Idol or the Simpsons than what is happening in the world . . . we will believe almost anything we are told.

I love my country and want peace and freedom but until we can face up to the "evil" acts that we've engaged in for power and profit for many, many years . . . we will have neither peace or true freedom.

For instance, we've empowered, trained and/or strengthened the positions of most dictators or "madmen" in the region only to see them turn on us later. Read any good history of Western involvement in the region and you will see the seeds of 9/11 planted everywhere.

Take for instance the arming of the "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets in the late 1970s and 80s . . . Carter, Reagan and Bush I thought this was such a "neat" idea. This outfit later started with CIA training and later became Al Qaida!

The roots are very complex and include political, economic, and cultural attempts by the West (Europe and America) to dominate the region. Yet we know almost nothing about the culture of the region.

Bush II "stands tall" and 1,000 "innocent" US troops and well-over 10,000 "innocent" Iraqis are dead so we can capture the Frankenstein we built and supported for 20 of his 30 years in power. Then we install the new Frankenstein and wonder why the attacks on US troops are escalating . . .

It all just makes me sick because there is no end in sight.
i was just out of college, hadn't found a good job yet, I woke up to hearing my Mom talking about the Pentagon being attacked

I turned on the television to discover the 1st tower had been struck, then watched as the 2nd tower was struck
Asleep in bed, I get a call from my dad saying get the fuck up the pentagon and towers have been hit! The white house is on fire! Yep haven't topped that wake up call since. At the time they weren't sure if the White House had been hit or not.
It was a very nice morning. I was driving my girlfriend to college for her class, windows open, just enjoying the day. Dropped her off, and was driving down 12 mile listening to A.M. 950 (news radio) when they passed along a little snipet of news about a plane hitting one of the towers. I started to drive a bit faster to my Mom's house which wasnt that far off to see exactly what was going on.
I walked in the door, and within 5-10 minutes, the second plane hit. I just stared in disbalieve as the events unfolded.
I called my mom (she wasnt home) a few minutes later to update her, and she said she had been watching for a few minutes as well. That phone call was mostly filled with what would normally be awkward scilence, but it was understood. I got off the phone with her, said I Love You and she told me to be careful.
About a minute after that, my girlfriend called saying school was being let out, so i left to go pick her up.
Now, watching the towers get hit and crumble was still setting in...but it wasnt until i got in the car and started listening to Hoawrd Stern did it really hit me as real. They were in New York. They were at work, scared out of thier friggin minds. Hearing HS go from insanely pissed to almost tearing up was hard to listen too.

I can also remember just a few days after, i was at work at K-Mart and we started getting in all the "We Remember" Shirts and all the various forms of flags...and i was pissed. For some reason, seeing all that patriotic cheapo wear hurt. "How could they have made all these shirts so fast, other than opening mid day and starting the printers on the 9-11 setting?" And thats about when my brain seized up. Sure, i was pissed at the heartlessness of the shirts being made so quick...but there are live people that have to print those shirts and work in those factories, and they're lives were much nicer now than the thoousands stuck in those buildings...
being a NY resident my story should be pretty bad ass shouldnt it, lets see on sept 11th I went too school and then we found out that the trade center was gone which sucked but the school decided to keep us all in school anyway, that pissed off some kid and he called in a bomb threat so we all went home, how odd the two biggest structures in NY go down and we dont go home, a preteen with a voice that cracks every two minutes calls and says bomb and everyone panics. Anyway after that I walked home and hung out with two of my friends at my house, very basic
[quote name='Wshakspear']i was at work at K-Mart and we started getting in all the "We Remember" Shirts and all the various forms of flags...and i was pissed. For some reason, seeing all that patriotic cheapo wear hurt. "How could they have made all these shirts so fast, other than opening mid day and starting the printers on the 9-11 setting?" And thats about when my brain seized up. Sure, i was pissed at the heartlessness of the shirts being made so quick...but there are live people that have to print those shirts and work in those factories, and they're lives were much nicer now than the thoousands stuck in those buildings...[/quote]

the neo-patriotism post-sept 11th had to be jumped on fast, because people at the time didnt know how long to impact of the event would be. following sept 11th people who maybe had no dislike towards ameerica had a new found patriotismand companies knew this, it was time to cash in.

the ironic thing is that most shirts sold at kmart or major chains are made in other countries where people get paid 8 cents per day.
I was in school. After the planes hit, parents were arriving at the school to pick their kids up. The classroom was more than half-empty. I didn't really know what happened until my dad told me later in the afternoon. I saw the towers collapse on television, and the people holding hands and jumping. I really didn't feel anything. It was more like numbness.

I still don't think its sunk in yet.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Wshakspear']i was at work at K-Mart and we started getting in all the "We Remember" Shirts and all the various forms of flags...and i was pissed. For some reason, seeing all that patriotic cheapo wear hurt. "How could they have made all these shirts so fast, other than opening mid day and starting the printers on the 9-11 setting?" And thats about when my brain seized up. Sure, i was pissed at the heartlessness of the shirts being made so quick...but there are live people that have to print those shirts and work in those factories, and they're lives were much nicer now than the thoousands stuck in those buildings...[/quote]

the neo-patriotism post-sept 11th had to be jumped on fast, because people at the time didnt know how long to impact of the event would be. following sept 11th people who maybe had no dislike towards ameerica had a new found patriotismand companies knew this, it was time to cash in.

the ironic thing is that most shirts sold at kmart or major chains are made in other countries where people get paid 8 cents per day.[/quote]

oh belive me, i know what you mean. The thing is though, the stuff we got in within 1-2 days was the kind of stuff made by the same local people who make the "World Champion Pistons" type shirts right after the event...and thats where i started to question things...
I was in middle school (7th grade) and my during my math class, someone called my teacher to the hall and they started talking about it. My teacher told us and then our principal told us.
Sophmore in HS, in my advisory aka homeroom. The TV's usually on in there, and I see this footage of a big plane hitting a building. The only thing I can think of is how stupid can you be, hitting a building with a big plane like that. By the time I left the class I had something of an understanding of what was going on, but was still really confused. The principal later came on the intercom and said that NYC was under attack. I was hoping that we would be watching the news in some of my classes, but not a single one of my 5 teahcers had it on. I'm still pissed about that to this day. It wasn't until I got home and turned the TV on that I realized the full of extent of what was happening. Man, what a day.
I was in Cambgide MA, real close to the aiport. I was there for a training session. The company had two employees that were flying out of logan at that time. They were ok though. I heard the jets circling all day.
Was working at a construction job- eating a subway sandwich for breakfast when a superintendent came over and said- you've got to see this on the telly- one of the trade towers just got hit by an airplane- I thought he was full of it- we went over in just enough time to see the second plane hit. Work got canceld for the day (I'm not Union, salaried) but the contract said that if work gets canceled due to weather/etc we get paid.

So I went home, turned on the computer and played through Diablo2 LOD for the first time with an Assassin- called Pizza hut and got food. Watched TV at the same time while watching Arabs get excited, praise the attacks and celebrate in the street that American's had been killed- giving me a warm fuzzy for them and making me really feel sorry for their plight.....

Thats it-

Get paid to play Diablo2, eat Pizza, and watch Arab people celebrate about the killing of American's. So- fun, fun, pissed off.
I use my television as an alarm clock. I use to always have it set to CNN for when I woke up. It went off as soon as the second tower was hit so that was the first thing I saw that morning. After about an hour my boss called me and told me that work was closed for the day and that I needed to stay home. All I did was watch the news all day, I wish I had to work. For some reason, I have never woke up to CNN again, now I choose ESPN or the NFL network. That just is not the first thing I want to see at the beginning of the day again.
I was during my soph year, and I had just woken up to go to class, when my grandma calls me from the Philippines asking if everyone was all right. Both my parents and my uncle work in NYC, but I told her everyone was fine (when in fact I didn't know what was happening). I remember she was telling me not to go outside, as if middle of nowhere in NJ was a target.

The next few hours were tense as I kept trying to get into contact with my family. I didn't go to class, didn't shower or anything. It was totally unreal. The sad thing was when I thought my family would be ok and was ready to get back into the swing of things, is when I learned my uncle was one of the missing.
Sophmore in highschool, sitting in chemistry class. It wasn't much more special than that, as I was just as stupified and shocked as the next person, but the one thing that really defines that moment was when the reporter said that "Islamic terrorists may be to blame" and I felt this sudden, irrational surge of anger and hate towards Muslims and arabs. That truly frightened me, that I could feel that much hate for other human beings. It was also interesting that, after tower two was hit, I said outloud "If this really is an attack, you'd think the Pentagon would be the first thing hit". A few minutes leter, the Chemistry teacher runs out of the rom and comes back in sobbing and the news report switches over to Washington where the Pentagon is smoking. The people around me look at me completely wide-eyed, and then back at the screen. I swear they thought I had psychic powers for at least a week.
I was in highschool and in my second period class these kids were talking about how the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had just gotten attacked. Now, these kids were pretty stupid, so I just figured that they were confused, because a) I didn't expect either to get attacked and b) I figured they had to be confused since they were both in different places. After class, I was walking to my next class, and they had put a TV in the hallway and I saw the towers in flame and could only think "Holy fuck".
I still pray to this day how lucky I am, because my parents were on vacation in New York and were in the World Trade Center on September 10th.
I was in my junior year and when I got to school, one of my friends told me that a plane crashed into one of the twin towers. I thought of it as nothing (like a guy who lost control of the plane). Later, I started to realize it was serious because teachers didnt teach their lessons and made all of us watch what was going on tv. After school, I remember doing my english homework while everyone else in my house was busy watching CNN.
bread's done