So, I've been told to draw a tattoo


3 (100%)
Was given the task of giving this skull a body:

Came up with this:

As far as I can tell, I only succeeded in making him look like an undead flasher

Little advice in how I might improve on this deal? You know, aside from the obvious notion that I need to draw some pants?
[quote name='joe2187']The hat in the first picture just screams "Cholo" so you might want to work off of that.

Try a zoot suit.[/quote]

Hm, zoot suit doesn't sound too bad...
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']looks like a flasher[/quote]
That is what I was going to say. A skeleton flasher would be awesome since, you know....skeletons are already naked.
Sorry for the quick treatment on this but hopefully you get the idea. Im working on a few paintings at the moment and cant spare to much time but this guy has tons of possibilities so i had to give it a go. I think he needs more attitude in the pose.
[quote name='Lice']Sorry for the quick treatment on this but hopefully you get the idea. Im working on a few paintings at the moment and cant spare to much time but this guy has tons of possibilities so i had to give it a go. I think he needs more attitude in the pose.

Ah, I see what you mean, posture affects the overall attitutde of the drawing. Yeah, that makes sense, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to make this guy express what needed to be expressed and that could be why. Also, considering that was a quickie, that drawing of yours is pretty awesome.
Lol holy crap Strell, you win.

So if I'm getting this right, he should be a pimpin' rockstar hipster detective from the 40's who chain-smokes? Sounds awesome so far.
[quote name='kingocraplantis']Lol holy crap Strell, you win.

So if I'm getting this right, he should be a pimpin' rockstar hipster detective from the 40's who chain-smokes? Sounds awesome so far.[/QUOTE]

From someone who has a tattoo and plans to have more, you should be going by what the person wants. Unless, this is just for shits and giggles. I like what ive seen so far, but Ive never been much of the skulls and skeletons tattoo person.
[quote name='karmapolice']From someone who has a tattoo and plans to have more, you should be going by what the person wants. Unless, this is just for shits and giggles. I like what ive seen so far, but Ive never been much of the skulls and skeletons tattoo person.[/quote]

I was only told to give this guy a body, so pretty much everything else is up in the air. So yeah, basically shits and giggles.
bread's done