So Kingdom Hearts may migrate systems! Yeah! (rumor)


4 (100%)
Woo hoo!

Being a right cheap-ass, I am not one to own multiple systems. Of the three giants, I've consistently picked Nintendo as I am not a big sports, RPG, or first-person-shooter guy.

But, with a little more income, I gave in on the idea of the Wii60 and picked up a 360. I've longed a little bit for God of War and Katamari Damacy, but the MAIN game series I feel left out on has been Kingdom Hearts. Imagine my little happy dance to read on Kotaku that Square Enix has not settled yet on where that series will land next generation!!!

I would be sooooooo happy and satisfied if KH were released on either the 360 or the Wii!!

Being a big Disney freak, I can only hope! In the end, I wouldn't be surprised if KH stays with the PS3.....but I am hoping veryyyy much that it will migrate or at least be a shared exclusive. I'd even be stoked if just the first 2 games were ported and the next game were PS3 only. I just want some Kingdom Hearts, dammit!


I VERY much doubt if it migrates or ends up shared it will end up on the 360. I'm guessing the Wii would be an easy choice. In fact in terms of the PS3 cost I could see it being a no brainer since it's Disney characters and can appeal to a younger audience. Seriously choosing the Wii would be a twofold benefit: 1.The development costs would be less. 2.You're more likely to snag your target audience given the price of the Wii.
Honestly how many parents do you know who will shell out the extra cost for the PS3 for the kids, I'd argue when it comes to younger kids parents are willing to spend less on a console purchase, especially with how much the PS3 costs then take into account the Nintendo name.
Square Enix's proclaimed support for multiple systems, or at least the 360, is just a bunch of words and posturing that are ultimately meaningless.
I highly doubt it would be on the 360. I'm guessing the main story will be on the PS3 (KH3, KH4, etc) while spinoffs will be on the Wii (such as Chain of Memories)
Not getting KH on Gamecube still boggles the mind. At least they gave Nintendo Chain of Memories (It's like shitting in a box of chocolates and giving it to an ex girlfriend)
Oh, I had doubted, too (and still do)--but that is why I was excited to read this rumor. YES, it is just a rumor at this point--but the idea was that Final Fantasy XIII (or whatever they are on) would be on the PS3, but they are considering branching out in a way unlike what they have done in the past for some of the other franchises, including Kingdom Hearts. That is why it would be on the 360 or Wii.

The whole idea is that this is something different than the KH Gameboy outing (which really was a completely different game, thoroughly disappointing me). I wholeheartedly expect to see KH on the DS (and maybe PSP)--but I am hoping (as opposed to expecting) to see the big KH console outing on something besides the PS3.

As with any good games publisher, they would be hedging their bets. Makes businesses sense to me. Still, Square Enix is a little different and are doing great paired with who knows. I'm still hopeful!

[quote name='whoknows']I highly doubt it would be on the 360. I'm guessing the main story will be on the PS3 (KH3, KH4, etc) while spinoffs will be on the Wii (such as Chain of Memories)[/QUOTE]
[quote name='6669']Wiingdom Hearts would be awesome. I'd cut out a big cardboard key and tape it to the Wiimote![/quote]
I would expect it to come with a plastic key into which to insert the Wii-mote. If it does, in fact, get made for the Wii Super Magical Wonder Box.
[quote name='sevdustflyer'] Oh and you're going to hate the 360 if you don't like sports games or FPS's.[/QUOTE]
I am not a big sports gamer or FPS but I am loving my 360. I do play an occasional game of madden but that is about it for sports, FPS I only like run and gun games every blue moon *I am playing Prey right now but it is rare that I play a FPS. I didn't have an Xbox last gen but this gen I am going Xbox all the way atleast for a few years.

List of games that look like they should be good/great the next 6 months coming out for the 360 that aren't FPS or sports games:

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Phantasy Star Universe
Star Trek: Legacy
Viva Pinata
Small Arms
Assassin's Creed
Sonic the Hedgehog
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Lost Planet
Bullet Witch
John Woo presents Stranglehold
Too Human
Fuzion Frenzy 2
Super Robot Taisen
Alan Wake
Metal Slug
Blue Dragon (may just miss the 6 month mark)
[quote name='spoo']I am not a big sports gamer or FPS but I am loving my 360. I do play an occasional game of madden but that is about it for sports, FPS I only like run and gun games every blue moon *I am playing Prey right now but it is rare that I play a FPS. I didn't have an Xbox last gen but this gen I am going Xbox all the way atleast for a few years.

List of games that look like they should be good/great the next 6 months coming out for the 360 that aren't FPS or sports games:

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Phantasy Star Universe
Star Trek: Legacy
Viva Pinata
Small Arms
Assassin's Creed
Sonic the Hedgehog
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Lost Planet
Bullet Witch
John Woo presents Stranglehold
Too Human
Fuzion Frenzy 2
Super Robot Taisen
Alan Wake
Metal Slug
Blue Dragon (may just miss the 6 month mark)[/QUOTE]

What about "The Darkness"? Most of those games I could give a shit about except Legacy, Witch, Stranglehold and Sonic. You really don't you'll get Super Robot Taisen over here do you? You're dreaming that unless they REALLY want to bring out some Japanese games here. Oh and agreed with Blue Dragon.
[quote name='cletus']Thread title is misleading and got my hopes up. :([/QUOTE]
It got me too. If the word "Rumor" was in the title, I would have taken it easier.
It's all a matter of what system succeeds where game X ends up. Square ditched Nintendo as soon as PSX became a viable platform, and I could see them doing the same with the PS3 if the Wii is a major success.
[quote name='Sarang01']What about "The Darkness"? Most of those games I could give a shit about except Legacy, Witch, Stranglehold and Sonic. You really don't you'll get Super Robot Taisen over here do you? You're dreaming that unless they REALLY want to bring out some Japanese games here. Oh and agreed with Blue Dragon.[/quote]
SRT has one release on GBA right now, with another coming next month. Anything's possible. They just made them generic (not that I know anything about the Japanese SRT).
I should? There's literally only like three games on the PS2 I want:

Kingdom Hearts
Katamari Damacy
God of War (and I'm not sure about it either)

I am happy with my 360....I've been enjoying Kameo and Oblivion quite a bit, plus I am enjoying Backwards Knight of the Old Republic and a few others. I am looking forward to Viva Pinata, Lost Planet, and a few others too. I am trying to get into First Person shooters...although I still think I would only play a few here and there.

Now, is the 360 over its lifespan going to be better than the PS3? Way too early to call either way. But in comparison to the PS2, really all the games I wanted on a PS2 were ported to the Cube.

[quote name='sevdustflyer']Everyone should have a ps2 by now. Oh and you're going to hate the 360 if you don't like sports games or FPS's.[/QUOTE]
I thought the word "may" was clear enough. Sorry! I'll edit the original message.

[quote name='6669']It got me too. If the word "Rumor" was in the title, I would have taken it easier.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't want it for Wii since it cannot do much justice to the graphics.[/QUOTE]

Yeah a Wii wouldn't be able to pull of PS2 level grafix -_-
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't want it for Wii since it cannot do much justice to the graphics.[/quote]A very ignorant sentiment.
im not down with owning multi systems either, it never really mattered to me since 99% of the rpgs are on ps2.

But if SE starts branching alot, ill be forced to....

until then, ill laugh at this silly rumor XD, besides, even if they branch, KH wont be an exclusive for wii, and the ps3 version will have sexy graphics like that FMV at end of KH2.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't want it for Wii since it cannot do much justice to the graphics.[/QUOTE]

ES(EnixSquare) doesn't care about what you think, they care about sales. Personally as I iterated above, putting KH3 on the Wii would be a smart, logical decision. I mean EnixSquare is really going to have to acknowledge whether it's sensible for a game like this and it's target audience to develop on a system so high cost compared to the profit they'd make from it. What I'm saying is with the Wii is that the dev cost would be a lot less and perhaps they'd make more from that in ADDITION to sales over the PS3.
Btw just to clarify to people I don't call it SquarEnix because Square didn't take them over, it's Enix and Enix is the far superior label in terms of sales, a big reason because they don't make 10K editions of "Dragon Quest". I only wish Enix would grow some balls and sell a lot of their old product like they were doing with the DQ GB Color reissues. I still want the full Enix Trilogy and I'm going to be quite irrate if they don't put it out on the VC or give it the FF3 DS treatment. Also all their other SNES stuff is a must too.
I wouldn't mind seeing Square Enix port PS3 games to the 360 for the US releases (while still releasing them for the PS3 in the US).
[quote name='richbastard']wii is to weak to handle games the caliber of KH3.[/QUOTE]
Do you have any details on KH3?
[quote name='6669']Do you have any details on KH3?[/QUOTE]
no, hes a trolling douchebag, why would he have or even require details?
[quote name='paz9x']no, hes a trolling douchebag, why would he have or even require details?[/QUOTE]


ES doesn't fucking care rich. If they made it exclusive to Wii I'd clap, partially because it would piss you off. The other reason it makes SENSE! For one peoplee would buy the Wii just to play it and I doubt in the least it would hinder sales, if anything with the decreased dev. cost I would NOT be surprised if they made more money on it on the Wii than on the PS3 even with the extra game cost.
[quote name='furyk']Yeah a Wii wouldn't be able to pull of PS2 level grafix -_-[/quote]

It'll be more than capable. The Gamecube is capable of better graphics than the PS2. Resident Evil 4 was the perfect example. The graphics were very similar on the two systems but the Cube's were better by a hair. So why would anyone say that the Wii couldn't do better? *smells the reek of a fanboy* Oh that's right. I forgot who I was dealing with.
Look the series isnt going anywhere we already know what happends when they try to change the PlayStation series to another systems (RE4). it doesnt work the series always comes back home RE5 for PS3. KH3 for wii makes zero sence!
I want to see a Kingdom Hearts style game, but with Nintendo worlds and characters instead of Disney worlds and characters. Throw in some FF characters and worlds and you've got a game that could sell millions of copies.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I want to see a Kingdom Hearts style game, but with Nintendo worlds and characters instead of Disney worlds and characters. Throw in some FF characters and worlds and you've got a game that could sell millions of copies.[/QUOTE]
Not a bad idea. Sort of a Super Mario RPG 2...expanded? Metroid worlds, Zelda worlds, etc.? This actually could be a very cool idea and finally give Nintendo fans the RPG they desire.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I want to see a Kingdom Hearts style game, but with Nintendo worlds and characters instead of Disney worlds and characters. Throw in some FF characters and worlds and you've got a game that could sell millions of copies.[/QUOTE]
That would be cool. I wouldn't mind seeing Mario and Mickey join forces though. That would sell millions as well.
[quote name='richbastard']Look the series isnt going anywhere we already know what happends when they try to change the PlayStation series to another systems (RE4). it doesnt work the series always comes back home RE5 for PS3. KH3 for wii makes zero sence![/quote]

It'll make perfect sense if Nintendo is the world wide leader this time next year. They'll put Kingdom Hearts where ever it'll make the most cash. If Sony is sitting in third place, those awesome graphics will go to waste because third parties won't want anything to do with it. You seem to be confusing your fanboy sense with business sense. If Square Enix followed your kind of logic, Final Fantasy X, X-2, and XII would've been Gamecube exclusives and Final Fantasy XI would've been a PC exclusive until the 360 came out.
[quote name='richbastard']Look the series isnt going anywhere we already know what happends when they try to change the PlayStation series to another systems (RE4). it doesnt work the series always comes back home RE5 for PS3. KH3 for wii makes zero sence![/QUOTE]

You really are an idiot. RE4 for GC sold quite well, good enough they didn't need to port it and as a result Shinji Mikami left Capcom. Nice move Capcom.
It is interesting. I always take rumors and stories like these with a grain of salt. Are they really thinking this, or is this a bargaining chip to get something else that they want.

Meaning, maybe Square has liittle intention of moving KH. But, they would like to see the PS3 sold for a lower price around the world (like it will in Japan). So, a rumor like this floats out, gets everyone excited, when it is truely meaningless.

We'll see, I haven't made any decisions about the next gen systems yet. I would like to own all 3 of them (I have them all this generation, and it's on the expensive side, but well worth it. Each system has must play games).

So, I'm going to wait for the dust to settle, and then make decisions on the games. My hunch (no basis) is that KH will be on the PS3 and it will be exclusive there.
I think it TOTALLY could be posturing/bargaining. Who knows what's going on behind the scenes. It's also highly possible Kingdom Hearts won't be the property to make the move or port....

I am just so excited about even the possibility :)

Still, it's just a longshot rumor at this point.

[quote name='lordxixor101']It is interesting. I always take rumors and stories like these with a grain of salt. Are they really thinking this, or is this a bargaining chip to get something else that they want.

Meaning, maybe Square has liittle intention of moving KH. But, they would like to see the PS3 sold for a lower price around the world (like it will in Japan). So, a rumor like this floats out, gets everyone excited, when it is truely meaningless.

We'll see, I haven't made any decisions about the next gen systems yet. I would like to own all 3 of them (I have them all this generation, and it's on the expensive side, but well worth it. Each system has must play games).

So, I'm going to wait for the dust to settle, and then make decisions on the games. My hunch (no basis) is that KH will be on the PS3 and it will be exclusive there.[/QUOTE]
I predict that Kingdom Hearts 3 (as in the main game following the PS2 series) will continue on to the PS3, but there will be a spin off on Wii.
bread's done