...so my girlfriend just broke up with me

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Of course it'll go over your head if you're constantly bending over to get more Labatt out of the cooler...


Ka loo koo koo koo koo koo koo

[quote name='JSweeney']Ka loo koo koo koo koo koo koo[/QUOTE]
What does it say about me as a person if I thought of this instead?

[quote name='Mike23']Any Canada-bashing attempts are quite gay, by the way.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure I'd feel the same way if I was a lousy hockey playing Canuck too.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I didn't read any of this thread, not even the original post, but from the looks of the title and the fact you're asking on a cheap video game deals board, I can tell you that all you need to do is listen to Ben Folds - "Lovesong For The Dumped" and you'll feel better. Promise.[/QUOTE]

So you wanted to take a break
Slow it down some and have some space
Well fuck you too!

Give me my money back
Give me my money back, you bitch
I want my money back

Wish I hadn't bought you dinner
Right before you dumped me on your front porch

Give me my money back
Give me my money back, you bitch
I want my money back
... and don't forget my black T-shirt

What a thread, got people talking about doggy-teamin' this girl with some Lexington Steele type penis-heat, and good advice.

Let her do her thing, and get out there and see whats up around your town.

Either that or play weiner games with the boys downtown.
[quote name='fanskad']Did anyone else NOT read any of that? I sure as hell didn't.[/QUOTE]

I tried, but after the fifth 'u' I just wanted to smack the bitch. :lol:

OP, this should have been you.

Instead, you became...

If she really loved you and valued you she probably would have looked toward you for support. "You're great/it not you, its me" is one of the oldest, worn out, sorry ass of an excuse a woman can use. Ditch da bitch and move on.

If she calls you don't ignore her. That'll just make her think you're sad and crying like a little girl with a skinned knee. Answer the phone and sound bored/annoyed with her. If she askes if you want to be friends or hang out say 'not really' and hang up. If she asks if you're sad say 'not really, should I be?'. Just be as nochalant as you can be.

Barking at her heels is just going to make you look pussy whipped. If she wanted that, she wouldn't have dumped you. Not that you want her back... but you need to make that known too.

As for treating women like royalty, fuck that. Treat everyone decently, but don't be a doormat. If you wanna go on a date with a girl say you'll pay for dinner if she pays for the movie. Make things fair. Don't give the impression you can be milked. Women may look down on men for just dating to get sex, but they sure as hell aren't above dating a guy for free food. If the girl insists you pay for everything, ask her why. If she says, "You're the guy, you're supposed to," ask her if she's going to have sex with you like shes 'supposed to'. That, or reference my first picture.
i went through a very simialr situation. i wont go into detail here but if you need advice feel free to IM me on AIM: iLLz McNasty or Yahoo: illz_mcnasty. I probably got some tips you could use.
[quote name='madmage']i went through a very simialr situation. i wont go into detail here but if you need advice feel free to IM me on AIM: iLLz McNasty or Yahoo: illz_mcnasty. I probably got some tips you could use.[/QUOTE]

ohhh man. lmk if you take the advice of a guy named "Ills McNasty", I gotta know how that turns out.

Guys, my left hand wont work on me any more - its too tired. What should I do?!?
[quote name='camoor']ohhh man. lmk if you take the advice of a guy named "Ills McNasty", I gotta know how that turns out.

Guys, my left hand wont work on me any more - its too tired. What should I do?!?[/QUOTE]

They make synthetic vibrating vaginas now... :lol:
I have only a few words from all my years of experiece:

DON'T DATE JUST ONE GIRL IN COLLEGE! It's a mistake. One day, you'll regret sticking with the same stupid girl for 4 years when she dumps your butt again. fuck her, then go fuck a bunch of other women. The "sensitive " act isn't worth it when you are twenty. Save it for a decade or two. You will never be around so many hot and young women again. Take advantage! You'll be married some day, and it's won't be this biznatch.:cool:

BTW, she is cheating on you.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm sure I'd feel the same way if I was a lousy hockey playing Canuck too.[/QUOTE]

And I'm sure I'd feel the same way if I were a wisecracking American on a cheap videogames message board.
I had a similar situation happen to me in college. When she broke it off with me (out of the blue) it surprised me but I just let it go. I had my head clear and hers wasn't for whatever reason. I don't want to commit to someone like that for a long time or the rest of my life. Emotional stabililty is something I think is the most valuable thing in a relationship. If she recognizes the fact that you were the best thing to happen to her and she STILL wants to break it off, be polite and friendly and all that around her if you want but be careful if you decide to let her back into your life as more than a friend. That same sort of thing can happen years down the road when you have kids and it could be messy. Just my opinion.

I can be friendly and all with my ex but I would in no way accept her as anything more than a friend now. You don't just break up with someone for nothing and if a person thinks that highly of you they should be able to work things out regardless of what they are going through.
Oh yea... I forgot to add something. Doting on a girl is ok, but only do it after you've established shes not just there to suck your wallet dry.
response to the OP: sounds like you should learn an important lesson from this-- women don't always want to be treated so well. they are very courteous and thankful when you do treat them "perfectly" but they don't want that all the time. they wanna date a man, not a mirror, ya know?

so now that you've had a serious relationship, go out and have some fun for the next 10 years or so.
[quote name='Kayden']I tried, but after the fifth 'u' I just wanted to smack the bitch. :lol:

If she really loved you and valued you she probably would have looked toward you for support. "You're great/it not you, its me" is one of the oldest, worn out, sorry ass of an excuse a woman can use. Ditch da bitch and move on.[/QUOTE]

This happened to my ex Yan-Yan Hwang, from mainland China. After making love a month after the breakup (March of 2002, breakup not sex), she went on this rant that we need to part ways since she wanted something else in the relationship. I was the smartass and said, "You are absolutely right." That caught her off guard.

A few weeks after, she called me late at night and said she was evil and I said, 'don't worry about it and you should be able to move on." I had little regrets breaking up with her and besides the sex isn't that great since she wasn't into her side of protection like the pill (not morning after but the daily kind).

Now I am in a rock solid relationship for the time being. Shame it is long distance, but that would be a topic for another day.
Wow... so women are crazy bitches the world over... :lol:

I :applause: you for being a man. :mrgreen:

[quote name='Matarick']This happened to my ex Yan-Yan Hwang, from mainland China. After making love a month after the breakup (March of 2002, breakup not sex), she went on this rant that we need to part ways since she wanted something else in the relationship. I was the smartass and said, "You are absolutely right." That caught her off guard.

A few weeks after, she called me late at night and said she was evil and I said, 'don't worry about it and you should be able to move on." I had little regrets breaking up with her and besides the sex isn't that great since she wasn't into her side of protection like the pill (not morning after but the daily kind).

Now I am in a rock solid relationship for the time being. Shame it is long distance, but that would be a topic for another day.[/QUOTE]
Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

Seriously, you need to leave this guy. Now. He sounds like nothing but trouble.
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]
He sounds like a keeper :roll:.
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

Don't matter what the gender is. The Professor sez it's time to move on. Find someone that's more suited to your personality. Sounds like you don't like it that rough. If you're afraid of him eventually hitting you - that's a warning flag right there. The fact that he slept with his ex and keeps nude pics of her on his cell should've been motivation enough to leave. Move on. Don't even sweat the details. Break up now.
Referring to the original thread-

Bottom line- she's not in love with you. If she were, she wouldn't have broken up with you. There's nothing you can do to change that, but don't blame yourself. If you aren't really in love with someone, you're just wasting your time being in a commited relationship
Everyone is telling you to move on, and it's good advice. What you need to do right now is show her your independence. Show her that you don't need her and you have no problem moving on with your life. Show her confidence and indifference, and it'll drive her crazy. I know it's a sick game we play but they play it as well.

"Not to offend anyone, but," you're a fucking retard. I really don't think anything we tell you will matter as its aparent you don't have a lick of common sense to begin with. He got ex pregnant and you 'stuck with him'? You stick with someone when they have financial troubles. You stick with someone when a family member dies. When they get an ex pregnant and you stay, you're just showing you're an idiot. Asking for time and space is a rough translation for, "I'm going to fuck some other women and I don't want you to get in my way." And then you find nude pictures of his GF on his phone? I doubt he showed them to you. This brings up two points. One, you didn't trust him and two, you can't be trusted. If everything was just peachy you wouldn't have felt inclinded to snoop, unless you're just a nosy... not nice lady... that has to know everything. As for why you can't be trusted, you shouldn't just go through peoples stuff like that. If you think something is up, ask him about it. If he denies it and you think he's lying, leave him.

[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

This isn't healthy, you need to revaluate your life. Doesn't make you think how horrified we are at his behaivor? That isn't normal nor healthy. Talk to someone you respect and value and be honest with them about your situation. If they care about you they won't judge you, but tell you to get away from this monster you let into your life.

If you take no other advice then at least take this, get away from him. No one deserves to be treated as such, as an object he could care less about.

[quote name='r1s3n']This isn't healthy, you need to revaluate your life. Doesn't make you think how horrified we are at his behaivor? That isn't normal nor healthy. Talk to someone you respect and value and be honest with them about your situation. If they care about you they won't judge you, but tell you to get away from this monster you let into your life.

If you take no other advice then at least take this, get away from him. No one deserves to be treated as such, as an object he could care less about.


She probably won't leave him. Women are suckers for guys that are great in the sack. I'm not joking.
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

This is a joke right?

Because you're making Amber Frye look like Madam Curie.
You make amber frye look like a nobel prize winning scientist. Are you saying Amber frye is a dumbass? Or that Scott Peterson is really good in the sack?
As unoriginal as it sounds, THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON. Your life is taking its natural course for better or for worse. So don't fret, just forget the troubles and just be stronger for it. Grow, learn and live it up man.
[quote name='bmulligan']You make amber frye look like a nobel prize winning scientist. Are you saying Amber frye is a dumbass? Or that Scott Peterson is really good in the sack?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Amber Frye is a genius.

Obviously Amber never listened to any of Chris Rock:

"If you’ve been dating a man for four months and you haven’t met any of his friends, you are not his girlfriend".
[quote name='camoor']Yeah, Amber Frye is a genius.

Obviously Amber never listened to any of Chris Rock:

"If you’ve been dating a man for four months and you haven’t met any of his friends, you are not his girlfriend".[/QUOTE]

:rofl: i need to listen to that song now.
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

"Talk about me like that again and I'll give ya a taste of the back of my hand"
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

okay, I read this a couple times to make sure I didn't miss anything, two points stuck out, the main one was covered by kayden, seems to be a wise individual. My second point comes more from a question, you said "the sex got so rough..." Now the word 'so' seems to be a qualifying term here, which means to me that sex has been rough and has recently got rougher. So the question that begs to be asked is did you encourage it before and are just complaining now to the whole world rather than just chat it out with him? Cause I've had a girl draw blood from my shoulder before, I asked that not be done again, it wasn't. But you can be like "bite me harder.... bite me HARDER" then be gasping in shock when you see teeth marks.

Stop going through his stuff and maybe think about conversing with the person upholding the other end of the couple status instead of the world wide web.
no offense not to hurt your feelings but their is a probably a bigger problem , she just said that stuff to make you feel better =(
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

Take it from another girl, dump this fucking asshole. Now. This is nothing but trouble.
[quote name='onceWASlost']okay, I read this a couple times to make sure I didn't miss anything, two points stuck out, the main one was covered by kayden, seems to be a wise individual. My second point...[/QUOTE]


I think you just reliquished any chance you may have had for any minute amount of credibility.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Take it from another girl, dump this fucking asshole. Now. This is nothing but trouble.[/QUOTE]

I think between Dead of Knight and all the other posters points, your course of action should be clear. Once you've been beaten and brutalized once, it makes the next time so much easier for the person who inflicted it. You've crossed the threshold... if you don't leave now, you can't expect the situation to get better.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Why did you think that this site was the best place to break the news first? When I first saw your name I was thinking "Who the Eff is this cat?"

Plus you're a Canuck so nobody really cares about your feelings.

Stupid Canadian.[/QUOTE]

somewhat agreed.

turning to the americans again, huh? Yea, i know we are all powerful. But for real what did you canadians ever do for us other than STEAL OUR AIR AND WATER! YOU BASTARDS!
[quote name='Hot Donna']Since we're on topic...advise I don't know...advice I need.
I'm ready to break up with my boyfriend. We got together in October, for a few weeks it was magic....wonderful, I didn't want to be away from him. Then he slept with his ex a few more times....she was pregnant, had an abortion (what I'm told).....I stuck through this with him. Then January comes...he needs time,space......and 21 nude pictures of his ex I found on his cell phone (This was in March, when we got back together) So presently we've been dating, I don't know.....7 months total.
The sex got so rough the other night it scared me. I'm brused, have bite marks, "everywhere" is sore. This was Thursday....we're used to seeing each other every night or at the least every other. He's been unusually busy as of late.....haven't seen him in 2 days (that's unusal for us)
I'm worried....gamers I've dated in the past...usually not so violent[/QUOTE]

your kidding right? Either he is a satanic mother fucker or your a clingy hore. Either way stay away, unless he owes you money or something ;-)
[quote name='Kayden']:shock:!!!

I think you just reliquished any chance you may have had for any minute amount of credibility.[/QUOTE]

live and learn
:applause: Yep, it's done....didn't get my stuff back until this morning when I had to show up at his place to get it, but it's done. To be fair....he didn't hit me, just extremely rough sex. I like it a little rough, but when people at work asks how'd you get so banged up???? Anyway... enjoying single life until I find another lying loser to pass the time. Thanks for comments
[quote name='Hot Donna']:applause: Yep, it's done....didn't get my stuff back until this morning when I had to show up at his place to get it, but it's done. To be fair....he didn't hit me, just extremely rough sex. I like it a little rough, but when people at work asks how'd you get so banged up???? Anyway... enjoying single life until I find another lying loser to pass the time. Thanks for comments[/QUOTE]

THANK GOD. :applause: Now go find someone who deserves you!
bread's done